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Newgrounds Wiki: Flash Portal History 2008

January - Winners | Front Paged

Brad Borne unleashed Fancy Pants Adventure: World 2 and continued to remind people how cool Flash games could be. I'm generally trying to avoid sequels in the history section, but some were big enough to continue making history.

February - Winners | Front Paged

The "Year of Awesome" began with the highly anticipated release of "Metal Gear Awesome 2." That wasn't the only big spoof this month, though! "Bambee" totally captured the spirit of the early days of NG; hating on mainstream culture instead of itself. It was an epic spoof of a Disney classic, and El-Cid has since landed a job at Dreamworks!

Waldemar Schuur, aka W-P-S, had made some waves in previous years, but his breakout year officially started with the release of "Anusboy." Moments like this make me glad NG has survived all these years.

Meanwhile, a long-time contributor and well known artist assumed an "anonymous" pseudonym and attacked the Church of Scientology, for the lulz.

March - Winners | Front Paged

Weebl was the first artist to put a "Fullscreen" button in his Flash, which now works on NG! He also proved that bears do shit in the woods.

April - Winners | Front Paged

Charlie the Unicorn made a triumphant return. Charlie made his web debut right here on NG in 2005, but YouTube made him even more famous a year later.

A harassing voicemail resulted in a rare appearance by Stamper on the site, and one of the best stick movies ever. SpikeVallentine unveiled his preview for a feature length film, "Snow Snow For Lucy", now available on DVD!

"You Have to Burn the Rope" is probably the best novelty game of the year, while "Shift" is a serious contender for game of the year, period.

We ended the month with our third annual Pico Day, a celebration of NG and Pico himself. Zombie-Pimp took the prize with House of 1000 Cats, but there were lots of other great submissions so be sure to check out the collection!

May - Winners | Front Paged

June - Winners | Front Paged

NG was overdue for some controversy and The Torture Game 2 delivered. I think that URL is actually banned in Germany, we received some very official paperwork about it but it was in German.

July - Winners | Front Paged

Once again we flew out to San Diego for Comic-Con! This year had the biggest turn-out of NG contributors EVER, as well as a rockin' Castle Crashers launch party. It was so great, even RTIL and EgoRaptor got along!

August - Winners | Front Paged

In August we launched the new NG Store, complete with shopping cart and a system that lets you show off what you bought! This replaced our Paypal-powered store, which had replaced our Cafepress store from years before. We later closed it in 2014.

We also celebrated another Clock Day.

September - Winners | Front Paged

The fall was a great time for the Art Games movement. BRAID had just been released on XBLA in August, and now the web was hit with Aether and I Wish I Were the Moon!

Before things could get too hoity toity, Madness Day stormed in with a barrage of blood and bullets!

October - Winners | Front Paged

We have another great Halloween!

November - Winners | Front Paged

December - Winners | Front Paged

We had a Merry Christmas.

Ready for 2009?