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Arrows or WASD to move, space bar to lift crates and use your time pod. Each level contains a puzzle that must be solved by interacting with past versions of yourself. The game records your movements. When you use the Time Pod to travel back to the beginning of the level, you see a past version of yourself doing exactly what you did before entering the pod. You can create as many copies of yourself as you need to solve the puzzle, but be careful not to change the past too much. If you interfere with a past self's ability to return to the Time Pod, you cause a PARADOX!

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Action platformer flash. Graphics are colorful and have a cute vibe. The gameplay has okay controls as you make your way through time to reach the end. Adding unlockables could increase the replay factor.


So this was a fun game and a nice style here I really like how this game gets a bit more intense as the robots start exploding and such that's always pretty cool and congrats on the awards for this game but anyways you should make more like this it was a blast

Make more games like this


Good old days of NewGrounds. What happened to the people who created all these wonderful programs? How come now we are stuck with MSPAINT wonders that look worse than games from 2000?

I admit that I was a tad skeptical about this, but it really got better. I especially loved being able to slowly figure everything out. I’m not usually into games that don’t have enemies. This turned out to be a very fun puzzle game. The music was awesome too. I guess the animation could have been better, but it’s still nice.

It’s just a quaint little game. Well, until the robot starts blowing up, that is. We obviously need that. I love all the sounds. It’s just so cute when he jumps.

i passed the game

Credits & Info

4.57 / 5.00

May 15, 2008
12:07 AM EDT
  • Frontpaged May 16, 2008
  • Weekly Users' Choice May 21, 2008
  • Daily Feature May 16, 2008