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Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions!

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This is the final thread for the first Video Game Music Challenge. I’m pleasantly surprised by how many people entered; I didn’t expect this challenge to be popular considering it’s a first time, non-competitive event. My primary goal was to get the community benefits that come with events such as NGADM and NGUAC but without the negativity associated with scores and elimination. I think I succeeded in that pursuit. I want to thank the challenge designers and Troisnyx for making this possible as well as @TomFulp for advertising the event on the front page and in many blog posts. 

To make this event even more successful, it’s imperative that participants listen to and comment on other participants’ submissions. It would be great if you can write as many reviews as you can for other participants in your group. Even if you’re new to composing music and can’t offer much valuable criticism, simply stating what you like about a song will still be appreciated.

This is a for-fun event, so there are no winners and losers. Those of you who have submitted exceptional tracks will likely be rewarded by the moderators with a front page feature, if you haven’t already.

The challenge designers will do their best to review your song by the end of February. 

If you submit your song late, please contact the challenge designer of your group to ask for a review. Challenge designers are not obligated to review late submissions; they agreed to review songs submitted by a certain date, and I want to respect that. You can ask a moderator such as @Troisnyx to add your late submission to this post -this applies only to people who signed up in the original thread-.

@Lunacyecho created this graph to showcase the popularity of each challenge.


Feel free to share your thoughts about the event in this thread and offer suggestions for improvement. I’m seeking to pass the torch for hosting future vgm challenges; to avoid complications, it would be best to DM me if you’re interested.

Here are the groups and submissions:

@Stardew - “8-Bit Wandering”

@9VoltBaby - Dream Zone [Final Sector]

@OliRO - Twilight Jungle

@Chepaki - Further Suns Inc.

@Cebster - Holding on dearly

@Teckmo-X - Underwater Bitz

@ian-booms - Creepy Crystal Cavern

@Tebyricat - Ocean Tides

@FateModified - Dreamland Wanderer

@EverReverb - “Destroyer Encounter”

@Riy0 - Reflected Violin

@F0XtheFUZZ - Space Jet Maniac

@Lashmush - Prototype X9

@ArcaneMusic - Red Skies 

@ctr34 - Class-S Debris

@baryiscool - RUSH

@kadepow11 - Your Time Has Come

@Everratic - “Northpeaks Spy”

@CryNN - Cold Surge

@papkee - The Rebels to the North

@WakerLink - Northpeaks' Shadow

@Rafdows - Journey accross weather and informations

@ClockbeatAdelony87 - Bard of North peaks

@vermeen - Northpeaks Summit

@Mutty99 - “Virtual Bond”

@Enderman3092 - Field of Roses

@splitprune - Waltz of the electric primates

@GatorTots - Dimensional Escape

@Troisnyx - longing (or, wedding song to a broken soul)

@radicaldawg - magical girls ~ vs. the unthinkable!

@MetalRenard - No Further Shore

@LunacyEcho - “Final Push”

@TrandafirTeodora - Farewell And Goodbye

@PulsaTio - The World is your Circus

@AZo-A-La-Carte - End Credits

@Codefreq - OTG: Lonnie Vs. Draco

@Jernemies - Rebirth, Revelation, Retribution

@Anonymous-Frog - Mad as a Flounder

@TheVodouQueen - The Human Condition, Parts I-IV

@SeanAlexi - Final Push

@vidu3k333 - Final Push WIP

@EverReverb - “XRL Hangar”

@MoundsofMayhem - XLR competition: Cyber Hanger

@Hyenaedon - Null Gravity

@ivelischpfuli - Tuner Groove

@BlueCheeseCult - Plasmic Bloodflow

@JimPellos - Galaxy knag

@Ectibot - “The Forgotten Journey”

@LwRichard - God Asherah To Dog

@RealGDJK - A Hero's Purpose

@Mabelma - Forgotten Journey

@virrecool - The forgotten journey.

@AyeRansom - Static In Time

@nyxl - The Forgotten Journey

@valdamaer - The Forgotten Journey

@Avrik - Crest

@LD-W - “Pseudonatural / Outer Planes”

@EODTC - Random Outcome

@FederalRepublicOBlap - Disorder

@gnatmuse - Transforming Landscape

@Kassich - Archway to the Unknown

@Verdusk - Disposed Minds

@wobwobrob - Breath of the Outer Planes

@DawMii - Abyss of Mackerel Scad

@EldritchAutopsy - Primordial Beckoning

@PandaThePanda - Unfathomable Situation

All submissions playlist

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-01 00:56:24

Thanks for the mention, but my track is a WIP thing that never got finished. I wanted to formally resign from the challenge - life threw me a couple of curve balls last month, so I couldn't find the time nor the inspiration to finish it - but I even forgot to do that. I'll take the track offline and maybe return to it at a later date, when I can actually chew what I've bitten off.

Sorry for wasting anyone's time, and best of luck to the other contestants.

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-01 01:03:38

This was a great experience and a joy to participate in! Thanks for the challenge 🙌

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-01 03:03:23

Definitely glad I jumped into this. It was very interesting seeing everyone interpret the same idea in such different ways and come to different conclusions. I'll definitely have to join the next challenge, if or whenever that happens.

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-01 03:31:15

I'll be looking at doing 1-2 reviews a day starting from today, as long as my schedule remains decent. I don't mind also going through late submissions for my category, as long as its not something uploaded on the very last day of Feb etc.

As this is of course a challenge-for-fun and the category that I'm overseeing tends to follow off into more experiment territories, I won't be giving out any public scores, but instead will be going for an extra lengthy review size for each track when possible and also my general thoughts of said piece(s).

| Multi-Genre Composer, Main Preferences Are Atmosphere Crafting & Technical Detailing/Palettes | Audio Portal Moderator |

| FREE Audio Resources List For Composers | NG Audio Pub Discord | Follow These Legends! |

BBS Signature

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-01 03:53:31

It's finally time ^^

Virtual Bond reviews will come out within the first 10 days of February.

Stay tuned!

This was a very interesting challenge. A VGM challenge that wasn't really confined to a specific genre meant we could do as we pleased as long as we stuck to the theme. It was a nice change of pace for a lot of people here, including me. Overall, I would love to do this again. I look forward to the second VGM Challenge, if it ever becomes official.

BBS Signature

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-01 09:19:44

At 2/1/21 12:56 AM, LuckyDee wrote: Thanks for the mention, but my track is a WIP thing that never got finished. I wanted to formally resign from the challenge - life threw me a couple of curve balls last month, so I couldn't find the time nor the inspiration to finish it - but I even forgot to do that. I'll take the track offline and maybe return to it at a later date, when I can actually chew what I've bitten off.

Sorry for wasting anyone's time, and best of luck to the other contestants.

Alright, no worries. I can't edit the post since I'm not a mod. Maybe @brokendeck can?

In hindsight, it would have been better to list the submissions in a google doc so I could edit it freely and not have to bother the mods.

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-01 12:42:38

Thanks for organizing this! Looking forward to listening to everyone's stuff!!

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-01 13:48:07

thanks for the great event @everratic! super excited to check out the entries :)

to everyone who submitted under 8-bit Wandering - i'll probably get all my reviews out within the first two weeks of february.

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-01 14:39:47

ahhh i forgot to submit mine. it would've just been the WIP i posted in the original conversation thread. would it be okay to put it into the submissions playlist, or is it too late?

At 2/1/21 02:39 PM, Holokin wrote: ahhh i forgot to submit mine. it would've just been the WIP i posted in the original conversation thread. would it be okay to put it into the submissions playlist, or is it too late?

I will ask a moderator to do it later this week.

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-01 15:59:36

At 2/1/21 03:31 PM, Everratic wrote:
At 2/1/21 02:39 PM, Holokin wrote: ahhh i forgot to submit mine. it would've just been the WIP i posted in the original conversation thread. would it be okay to put it into the submissions playlist, or is it too late?
I will ask a moderator to do it later this week.

thank you so much!!

This was incredibly fun to participate in! :D

This exercise actually helped me practice and figure out some ways to approach writing a bunch of themes for a story in a way where they all fit together smoothly. Thank you @everratic for hosting this challenge and to everyone who helped out.

I'd love to participate in this again! I hope everyone else who participated found it helpful and enjoyable as well.

Cheers! :)

This was indeed a very enlightening challenge, and I think anyone who managed to finish in the end, regardless if it was a finished end product or still a kind of WIP should give themselves a pat on the back. :)

I found it a half n' half experience of frustration with composer's block and a relief in succeeding in creating something so long and quite different, but also completely finished. I thought the challenge and the theme I picked was narrow enough to hone in my skills into doing it, but free and wide enough in spectrum to play around with the concepts therein--so that was great. :D

I'll try to think of ways to maybe improve on this if the challenge becomes something permanent we can do. I would not mind having another go with perhaps a different theme to work on. I'll also endeavour to listen to everyone's work, comment and score--not just my own group's work.

...I haven't had much luck with exposure and getting comments on my work (any of my work, not just this challenge song)--but they're welcome. I do want to at least get better at these artistry and music making gigs...or try to, haha.

Music. Art. Writing. Love.

BBS Signature

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-02 16:27:56

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to engage in such a challenge.

lmms is the best daw on earth and no one can tell me otherwise

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-03 04:01:17

I just noticed my submission isn't up, kind of wondering If I misread and forgot to include something or didn't make the cut?

At 2/3/21 04:01 AM, EldritchAutopsy wrote: I just noticed my submission isn't up, kind of wondering If I misread and forgot to include something or didn't make the cut?

I'm very sorry about that. I simply forgot to include it because it was one of the earliest submissions. I sent updates to a moderator who can add it.

I'll tag the others in your group so they know to check it out.

Added submissions for Psuedonatural / Outer Planes

@EldritchAutopsy - Primordial Beckoning

@PandaThePanda - Unfathomable Situation








There's also another submission for Destroyer Encounter

@kadepow11 - Your Time Has Come







Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-03 11:52:06

At 2/3/21 07:26 AM, Everratic wrote:
At 2/3/21 04:01 AM, EldritchAutopsy wrote: I just noticed my submission isn't up, kind of wondering If I misread and forgot to include something or didn't make the cut?
I'm very sorry about that. I simply forgot to include it because it was one of the earliest submissions. I sent updates to a moderator who can add it.

I'll tag the others in your group so they know to check it out.

Added submissions for Psuedonatural / Outer Planes
@EldritchAutopsy - Primordial Beckoning
@PandaThePanda - Unfathomable Situation


There's also another submission for Destroyer Encounter
@kadepow11 - Your Time Has Come


I enjoyed everyone's compositions in my group.


Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-04 04:35:51

At 2/3/21 07:26 AM, Everratic wrote:
At 2/3/21 04:01 AM, EldritchAutopsy wrote: I just noticed my submission isn't up, kind of wondering If I misread and forgot to include something or didn't make the cut?
I'm very sorry about that. I simply forgot to include it because it was one of the earliest submissions. I sent updates to a moderator who can add it.

I'll tag the others in your group so they know to check it out.

Added submissions for Psuedonatural / Outer Planes
@EldritchAutopsy - Primordial Beckoning
@PandaThePanda - Unfathomable Situation


There's also another submission for Destroyer Encounter
@kadepow11 - Your Time Has Come


Ah ok. Don't worry its fine, was worried for a sec but glad I noticed and said something lol

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-26 12:54:13

I plan to finish writing the reviews over the next few days.

If your group designer does not review your song by the end of the month, please contact them directly and not me.

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-28 20:27:07

Been a bit overworked lately, so I'm going to be pushing back my reviews by about a week. Sorry for the delay, @ members of the Final Push group, but I'll have those reviews out for you by Sunday, March 7 latest!

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-02-28 23:09:02

Alright, I have posted my reviews for everyone in my groups.

If you have any questions or remarks about my review, or just want to ask about, well, anything regarding your submission, shoot me a PM.














I'm travelling today so I can't release reviews right at this second, but I will be able to get them all released as the day goes on (they're all on gdrive right now, I've been adding/changing opinions on things over the last 2 weeks!) . Everyone in my category should have a review within the next 24 hours

@EODTC - Random Outcome

@FederalRepublicOBlap - Disorder

@gnatmuse - Transforming Landscape

@Kassich - Archway to the Unknown

@Verdusk - Disposed Minds

@wobwobrob - Breath of the Outer Planes

@DawMii - Abyss of Mackerel Scad

@EldritchAutopsy - Primordial Beckoning

@PandaThePanda - Unfathomable Situation

| Multi-Genre Composer, Main Preferences Are Atmosphere Crafting & Technical Detailing/Palettes | Audio Portal Moderator |

| FREE Audio Resources List For Composers | NG Audio Pub Discord | Follow These Legends! |

BBS Signature

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-03-01 05:08:40

Virtual Bond's reviews have all been given. Overall, you guys did great with the prompt I gave you; keep up the good stuff!

@Enderman3092 - Field of Roses

@splitprune - Waltz of the electric primates

@GatorTots - Dimensional Escape

@Troisnyx - longing (or, wedding song to a broken soul)

@radicaldawg - magical girls ~ vs. the unthinkable!

@MetalRenard - No Further Shore

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-03-01 16:01:35









Been a lot of stuff happening lately so I haven't been able to review your submission yet, but things are starting to calm down so I'll have 'em all done by the end of this week

Just a random idiot

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-03-01 16:09:23

At 3/1/21 04:01 PM, EctiBot wrote: @LwRichard 

Been a lot of stuff happening lately so I haven't been able to review your submission yet, but things are starting to calm down so I'll have 'em all done by the end of this week

Thanks for the update! I appreciate your feedback when it comes 😁💚🙏

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-03-02 16:25:21

hello, 8-bit Wandering VGMC entrants! i've just deployed my reviews for your tracks. apologies for my slight tardiness - i've been busy with classes and art endeavors outside of school, and i forgot to publish my reviews until today. regardless, i hope you find them useful! thanks for all the wonderful music. :)

@9VoltBaby - Dream Zone [Final Sector]

@OliRO - Twilight Jungle

@Chepaki - Further Suns Inc.

@Cebster - Holding on dearly

@Teckmo-X - Underwater Bitz

@ian-booms - Creepy Crystal Cavern

@Tebyricat - Ocean Tides

@FateModified - Dreamland Wanderer

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-03-02 19:09:12

At 3/2/21 04:25 PM, stardew wrote: hello, 8-bit Wandering VGMC entrants! i've just deployed my reviews for your tracks. apologies for my slight tardiness - i've been busy with classes and art endeavors outside of school, and i forgot to publish my reviews until today. regardless, i hope you find them useful! thanks for all the wonderful music. :)

@9VoltBaby - Dream Zone [Final Sector]
@OliRO - Twilight Jungle
@Chepaki - Further Suns Inc.
@Cebster - Holding on dearly
@Teckmo-X - Underwater Bitz
@ian-booms - Creepy Crystal Cavern
@Tebyricat - Ocean Tides
@FateModified - Dreamland Wanderer

I appreciate the review. Absolutely sheds a lot of light on things that need improvement but still makes me proud of myself for coming this far. When do results come in btw?

"People say my music tells a story, that it transports them into a new plain of reality. I'd like to tell that story and perhaps show you something wonderful" - Teckmo-X

Response to Video Game Music Challenge - All Submissions! 2021-03-02 19:55:43

At 3/2/21 07:09 PM, Teckmo-X wrote:
At 3/2/21 04:25 PM, stardew wrote: hello, 8-bit Wandering VGMC entrants! i've just deployed my reviews for your tracks. apologies for my slight tardiness - i've been busy with classes and art endeavors outside of school, and i forgot to publish my reviews until today. regardless, i hope you find them useful! thanks for all the wonderful music. :)

@9VoltBaby - Dream Zone [Final Sector]
@OliRO - Twilight Jungle
@Chepaki - Further Suns Inc.
@Cebster - Holding on dearly
@Teckmo-X - Underwater Bitz
@ian-booms - Creepy Crystal Cavern
@Tebyricat - Ocean Tides
@FateModified - Dreamland Wanderer
I appreciate the review. Absolutely sheds a lot of light on things that need improvement but still makes me proud of myself for coming this far. When do results come in btw?

seeing as this is a non-competitive event, the reviews themselves are kind of the results! there are no final rankings or anything, to my knowledge.