Well, I know what I'm doing for the rest of the week.
This week, we start part 1 of the epic saga that is our own Human History. This story has been told to us from many ancient sources, such as the Sumerian Records, Thoth has also provided this story to us through Drunvalo Melchizidek, and many other channelings including Adamus on Crimson Circle has also provided information about our history to us. I'm not going to tell you this is fact, i am simply saying - Decide for Yourself.
No seriously, decide for yourself. This story is so outrageous on so many levels that its hard to accept because of our certainty of what we now know is true. Just know that i didn't make any of this up, i am merely reporting on what the collective of these sources are telling us.
Links and Sources - Remove the spaces
Twitter - @itsjordand
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/p ages/Spirit-Science/21023 8862349944?ref=ts
Flower of Life books - http://www.2shared.com/fi le/iWmQem1a/Flower_of_Lif e_PDFs.html
See page 78 Volume 1 for the Human History Story!
NOVA - Magnetic Storm
http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=NJUTUFAWfEY
The 12th Planet
http://www.amazon.com/12t h-Planet-Earth-Chronicles -Book/dp/038039362X
Well, I know what I'm doing for the rest of the week.
Very interesting, but is it true... i dont know.
Actually we now know how the Egyptians moved the blocks; they simply used the water and mud from the Nile which allowed easy transportation. Also with the line-up with the stars, you should consider how religious these people were, what the stars meant to them and all that.
How you describe early humans as being able to communicate psychically "Like animals", you're not totally off the mark there. We humans have a special (and very common) organ in our nose, it's purpose was (past tense cause with the development of complex communication we no longer used this organ) to detect different chemical reactions caused by themselves or others. The application of this highly useful organic tool was in finding mates, detecting predators (picked up the adrenaline), and basic territorial signs. Sooo, yeah. Nice video though. And although this might not be your belief, you should check and double check multiple sources. :)
its easy to know how the pyramids were made actualy!
they knew what they were doing there were a civilsation project whit city folks and architect!
they dident youse sleed but a alf circles attach to the block so then can roll the blocks up! (H)
way.i got an opened mind but most of it whas bull shit!Its the greatest lie i ever seen!
exept seperate reality like good evil and combat.
beside the races of humans spreaded becose at one time the world whas just one continent and water! and after it whas the ice age allowing movement true some parts of the ocean.
FINALY your idea of peaple from different places of space is probable just not close to here and whit small chances. and even if those chance are to be considered its almost imposible that they would be 100% like us in a genetical patern.
I understoos lots of things. btw anyone heard the annoying ticking sound in the background.