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Best of April & New Content Filters

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Expanded Content Filtering

Some updates went live yesterday but they came with feed bugs that are currently being cleaned up, sorry for the mess.

May 8th 1:33pm Update: The feed bugs should be fixed now. You should see your ratings filters at the top and they should correctly filter your results for any entry that contains a rating. Things like forum and blog posts currently don't have ratings data and will show up regardless - long term we hope to log more details for those, so people can appropriately rate any images they post in the blogs or forums.

If you go to your account settings page, you will now see a link to Edit Content Specific Settings.

This form lets you set global ratings filters, manage your blocked users list and cultivate a list of tags to avoid.

The blocked users list already existed but now applies to Art Portal browsing. Sick of seeing art by someone in particular? Block them! When you block a user, you can click the pencil button to edit which site systems you are blocking them from.

The Tags to Avoid list is new and only applies to the Art Portal at the moment. If there’s a particular type of content you want to avoid, give this a try! You can block tags like furry, anthro, and pony if they bother you; the choice is yours.

Custom Date Browsing

If you visit the Art Portal and click the “Range” dropdown, you will see a new option for “Custom.” Select this and two date range boxes will appear, allowing you to fine-tune your results for a specific period.

We’ll be bringing these options to Movies, Games and Audio as things progress.

Best of April

Your votes are in and the Best of April have been determined! We changed the nomination process this month due to a rising trend of people selecting short, sexy movies for monthly best. We welcome as much as possible on NG but in the case of monthly awards it needs to be a little more selective or else I’ll give up on all this and no one wants that, right?

Top Five Movies

The top ranked animation based on original material and winner of $250 is Savage Death Valley; congrats @W-P-S! It was debatable but we decided to treat Hitler as an existing character.

Top Five Games

Runner-up Movies

6. My Super Relatable Video!

7. DedmosRebuilt.fla

8. Seen Endgame yet?

9. Lights Out

10. Alter Egos

11. DIMENSION4L episode 2

12. Doctor Monster: The Eggsecutioner

13. Take it All Off Ya Slut

14. Sonic Heaven

15. Spermicide


17. Antisocial - Animated

18. Annoyed Yoshi

19. You're not alone

20. Magic Latex

Runner-up Games

6. A Deal with the Devil


8. Vampire Garden

9. Chibi Inu

10. Locked inside

11. Finn's Fantastic Food Machine

12. Link It Up!

13. NeedleQuest

14. I'll be waiting

15. Crypt Shyfter: Blood Island

16. Sneaky Rooftop Escape

17. Scrap Arms Demo

18. Retro Knight 4.3

19. i'll fall

20. Dot2Dot

The voter of the month and winner of honorary Supporter status is @dpasta11!

Thank you everyone who participated in April!

Musicians: Don’t miss the Art Inspired Music Contest, happening now!

This weekend is Pico Day so be sure to stop in and see what people make. The focus this year is fan art of anything people share here on NG. It's also a TRIPLE XP weekend so you can log 30XP on Saturday and 30XP on Sunday by voting on at least 15 items each day.


Working on Nightmare Cops!

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At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: Expanded Content Filtering

Love the ability to filter certain ratings on my feed. That's one thing I been waitin' for! Sometimes you just don't want the hardcore crazy shit right there for all to see, no matter if it's only there because you just really like the artist. lol

I'm just some dork who's loved NG since 2004, yet isn't very artistic himself. You should check out my massive favorites lists.

At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: We changed the nomination process this month due to a rising trend of people selecting short, sexy movies for monthly best. We welcome as much as possible on NG but in the case of monthly awards it needs to be a little more selective or else I’ll give up on all this and no one wants that, right?


I feared this day would come.

Congrats to the winners, well deserved.

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-07 17:35:42

I hope you get the glitch patched up soon! The content ratings in-feed are an okay update, but one I likely won't be using very much, seeing as how it's far simpler to simply go to the portal you want to visit at that time and change the filters there. Guess it works if you're feeling like perma-filtering and not visiting a portal in particular. Unfortunately I don't perma-filter.

Good job on the art date ranges. However, it still doesn't quite make up for pagination. It's a handy dandy thing, but I feel like if we had both that would be optimal. Couldn't you find a way to make it work? Also my regular reminder that I NEED MUH VOTE THRESHOLDS.

There's something I really need to thank you for. The monthly pick booby-filtering. Thank you so, so much for listening to us! Really shows you care about things other than boobies.

I will be in Italy for Pico Day, but I might catch a few entries. I'll be competing at something, too, so wish me luck!

Keep it up, guys!

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At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: Best of April

Your votes are in and the Best of April have been determined! We changed the nomination process this month due to a rising trend of people selecting short, sexy movies for monthly best. We welcome as much as possible on NG but in the case of monthly awards it needs to be a little more selective or else I’ll give up on all this and no one wants that, right?

Remember that one time a tiddie bounce loop won monthly 5th, and then the 10 second sequel won monthly 4thiu_24692_5520715.jpg

i still think about this every night before I sleep

And also content filters VERY welcome, really so that i can scroll through my feed at the library without seein naked women and whatnot and feeling like a weirdo

sicko mode

BBS Signature

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-07 17:52:12

At 5/7/19 05:35 PM, ninjamuffin99 wrote:
At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: Best of April

Your votes are in and the Best of April have been determined! We changed the nomination process this month due to a rising trend of people selecting short, sexy movies for monthly best. We welcome as much as possible on NG but in the case of monthly awards it needs to be a little more selective or else I’ll give up on all this and no one wants that, right?
Remember that one time a tiddie bounce loop won monthly 5th, and then the 10 second sequel won monthly 4th
i still think about this every night before I sleep

And also content filters VERY welcome, really so that i can scroll through my feed at the library without seein naked women and whatnot and feeling like a weirdo

That was like newgroundsageddon for me. I sure made some disliked comments on those animations. lol

I'm just some dork who's loved NG since 2004, yet isn't very artistic himself. You should check out my massive favorites lists.

At 5/7/19 05:35 PM, ninjamuffin99 wrote:
At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: Best of April

Your votes are in and the Best of April have been determined! We changed the nomination process this month due to a rising trend of people selecting short, sexy movies for monthly best. We welcome as much as possible on NG but in the case of monthly awards it needs to be a little more selective or else I’ll give up on all this and no one wants that, right?
Remember that one time a tiddie bounce loop won monthly 5th, and then the 10 second sequel won monthly 4th
i still think about this every night before I sleep

And also content filters VERY welcome, really so that i can scroll through my feed at the library without seein naked women and whatnot and feeling like a weirdo

Sometimes, it just best to forget... Also congrats to this month's winners! Lots of interesting and unique stuff that was submitted in April.

It's great that you can filter content in art submissions, too. Now we don't have to keep hearing people complain about seeing fetish art they don't like in the forums. Which I sure most of us are getting tired of by now. ;)

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-07 18:12:40

A lot of boobists in this topic. >:( Probably a bunch of cis-gendered Albino African American Jews! GET OUTTA HERE!

Congrats to all the winners! ^_^


I have my content setting set right, but I can't seem to view anything on my news feed page. Any help?

Slight edit: So adult only stuff doesn't show up when it's set to adult only but they do when anything else is enabled.

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-07 22:37:04

You've made a lot of the children happy with this update father Tomothy.

At 5/7/19 05:35 PM, ninjamuffin99 wrote:
At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: Best of April

Your votes are in and the Best of April have been determined! We changed the nomination process this month due to a rising trend of people selecting short, sexy movies for monthly best. We welcome as much as possible on NG but in the case of monthly awards it needs to be a little more selective or else I’ll give up on all this and no one wants that, right?
Remember that one time a tiddie bounce loop won monthly 5th, and then the 10 second sequel won monthly 4th
i still think about this every night before I sleep

Oh man, I just feel bad for any animators who worked hard on something and ended up getting overshadowed by 2 porn loops. Honestly, I'm not against adult content, but I feel that way too much of it can end up burying other types of animations that no one ends up seeing. Feels like a waste of hard work.

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Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-08 03:08:15

April had so many great submissions and plenty of quality flashes. Congrats to everybody who made the list. Very nice work.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Ooh neat updates! When you mentioned bugs over the website, I thought it had something to do with the monthly voting list suddenly getting so small haha. It's a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, the big list was a nice way to find content I hadn't seen before and some were actually pretty great. On the other, it always took me a few days to properly check everything and finally leave a vote. After the update I noticed a couple of movies I was initially planning to vote on had disappeared from the list. Then again, the monthly top 5 never did the underdog any favors. This change speeds up the process too, which makes getting selected for voting less of a burden. Maybe I just took the voting process too serious though haha.

BBS Signature

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-08 04:30:23

At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: Your votes are in and the Best of April have been determined! We changed the nomination process this month due to a rising trend of people selecting short, sexy movies for monthly best. We welcome as much as possible on NG but in the case of monthly awards it needs to be a little more selective or else I’ll give up on all this and no one wants that, right?

This is a step in the right direction, but monthly best still boils down to a popularity contest. Look at the #1 game and movie for April; both very clickbaity. And this is just my opinion, but every other movie in the top 5 was much more deserving of the number one spot.

It's clear that views correlate with votes. And it makes sense that users would only vote for content they personally experienced. But I don't know, just feels like the monthly best system isn't working as intended. Instead of highlighting the best NG has to offer, it's just a signal boost for the most viewed content. It feels very Youtube.

Not that I have a solution. I just like to bitch.

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-08 08:37:42

I mean cause why would anyone want to not see furry, anthro....

thank you for this update, gross furries!

Also first post.


BBS Signature

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-08 08:45:02

At 5/8/19 04:30 AM, Lambtaco wrote: It's clear that views correlate with votes. And it makes sense that users would only vote for content they personally experienced. But I don't know, just feels like the monthly best system isn't working as intended. Instead of highlighting the best NG has to offer, it's just a signal boost for the most viewed content. It feels very Youtube.

Not that I have a solution. I just like to bitch.

I think we're likely trending towards a smaller nominee pool and a more curated judging panel down the road.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Would like to suggest a 'You don't have any blocked tags right now.' default message below the tag part, for consistency, and maybe some official guide as to what the different ratings stand for/allow now that they have such a central role? It's been an ambiguous area for so long now. Threads like these two pop up occasionally; attempt to shed some light on this mystery.

One question regarding the global setting: I guess local settings override this? Temporarily, or saved the same way on a per-section basis...? Could go testing but...

Also: aren't the Latest, Featured and Greatest options on the art section duplicates of the 'Sort By:' alternatives? Maybe just need one or the other?

Curious about that nomination change too, though assuming details won't be so easily revealed due to abuse potential.... regarding all these changes I do appreciate them, and the added customizability with date ranges too, even if it still doesn't feel pagination-level-ideal. I envision a future where both filters and pages exist in parallel; bring great joy to all, both casual and more committed browsers...

Congrats to the winners!

At 5/7/19 05:35 PM, TheRoboTrickster wrote: so wish me luck!

Good luck!

The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-08 14:37:45

At 5/7/19 05:35 PM, ninjamuffin99 wrote:
At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: Best of April

Your votes are in and the Best of April have been determined! We changed the nomination process this month due to a rising trend of people selecting short, sexy movies for monthly best. We welcome as much as possible on NG but in the case of monthly awards it needs to be a little more selective or else I’ll give up on all this and no one wants that, right?
Remember that one time a tiddie bounce loop won monthly 5th, and then the 10 second sequel won monthly 4th
i still think about this every night before I sleep

And also content filters VERY welcome, really so that i can scroll through my feed at the library without seein naked women and whatnot and feeling like a weirdo

We're like prophets Cam, the second coming is upon us any month now

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-08 23:07:32

At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: Expanded Content Filtering

Some updates went live yesterday but they came with feed bugs that are currently being cleaned up, sorry for the mess.

May 8th 1:33pm Update: The feed bugs should be fixed now. You should see your ratings filters at the top and they should correctly filter your results for any entry that contains a rating. Things like forum and blog posts currently don't have ratings data and will show up regardless - long term we hope to log more details for those, so people can appropriately rate any images they post in the blogs or forums.

If you go to your account settings page, you will now see a link to Edit Content Specific Settings.

This form lets you set global ratings filters, manage your blocked users list and cultivate a list of tags to avoid.

The blocked users list already existed but now applies to Art Portal browsing. Sick of seeing art by someone in particular? Block them! When you block a user, you can click the pencil button to edit which site systems you are blocking them from.

Well that’s good to know on which system you can block some certain users from.


The Tags to Avoid list is new and only applies to the Art Portal at the moment. If there’s a particular type of content you want to avoid, give this a try! You can block tags like furry, anthro, and pony if they bother you; the choice is yours.

Well that’s sweet, we can use and block tags for the Art Portal. Now everyone can kind of move on with this. I think that we should thank the admins for their dedicated and hard work with this. I also think that some people complaining about some ‘certain’ artwork should’ve received the credit for this idea as well.

Custom Date Browsing

If you visit the Art Portal and click the “Range” dropdown, you will see a new option for “Custom.” Select this and two date range boxes will appear, allowing you to fine-tune your results for a specific period.

Well that’s great for having the custom option for dates.

We’ll be bringing these options to Movies, Games and Audio as things progress.

Will those tags apply to other forms of entertainment on this website or we have another list to fill for separate platforms?

Best of April

Your votes are in and the Best of April have been determined! We changed the nomination process this month due to a rising trend of people selecting short, sexy movies for monthly best. We welcome as much as possible on NG but in the case of monthly awards it needs to be a little more selective or else I’ll give up on all this and no one wants that, right?

Well even though NG was a private website and the adult site (it was since its debut), I think that is nice to know that you and the other admins are starting to notice this as well.

Top Five Movies


Wow I never expected Furry Apocalypse to win first place, unexpected from me.

The top ranked animation based on original material and winner of $250 is Savage Death Valley; congrats @W-P-S! It was debatable but we decided to treat Hitler as an existing character.

Top Five Games


Heh, I knew that all the game submissions, that I voted for (except for Parellel Space) would win the top five games.

The voter of the month and winner of honorary Supporter status is @dpasta11!

Congratulations @dpasta11 .  

Thank you everyone who participated in April!

Musicians: Don’t miss the Art Inspired Music Contest, happening now!

This weekend is Pico Day so be sure to stop in and see what people make. The focus this year is fan art of anything people share here on NG. It's also a TRIPLE XP weekend so you can log 30XP on Saturday and 30XP on Sunday by voting on at least 15 items each day.

Sweet another triple XP for this weekend! Well congrats to the winners for April and the users that complain about this stuff for a long time now.

SM/AMA/FAQs (Now both are ready, well sort of) My shortcuts

BBS Signature

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-08 23:30:47

At 5/7/19 05:52 PM, M0nk3m4n wrote:
At 5/7/19 05:35 PM, ninjamuffin99 wrote:
At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: Best of April

Your votes are in and the Best of April have been determined! We changed the nomination process this month due to a rising trend of people selecting short, sexy movies for monthly best. We welcome as much as possible on NG but in the case of monthly awards it needs to be a little more selective or else I’ll give up on all this and no one wants that, right?
Remember that one time a tiddie bounce loop won monthly 5th, and then the 10 second sequel won monthly 4th
i still think about this every night before I sleep

And also content filters VERY welcome, really so that i can scroll through my feed at the library without seein naked women and whatnot and feeling like a weirdo
That was like newgroundsageddon for me. I sure made some disliked comments on those animations. lol

Me too... It was disappointing, really.

As regards this month's best, quite good. A little unfair on "Literally Hitler", though. I mean... he's not a character from a franchise, but well... Better luck next time, I suppose. And Prowlies is in the Top 5, but probably deserved a little better. Anyways, I can't complain.

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-09 03:52:53

At 5/7/19 04:59 PM, M0nk3m4n wrote: Love the ability to filter certain ratings on my feed. That's one thing I been waitin' for! Sometimes you just don't want the hardcore crazy shit right there for all to see, no matter if it's only there because you just really like the artist. lol

That is an amazing ability. The more you can filter content the better.

At 5/7/19 05:08 PM, GoodL wrote: I feared this day would come.

We will still live to see another day.

Congrats to the winners, well deserved.

I totally agree with you.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-09 10:21:17

At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: The top ranked animation based on original material and winner of $250 is Savage Death Valley; congrats @W-P-S! It was debatable but we decided to treat Hitler as an existing character.

Awwwww shit, I just got back from my vacation just to hear this news!


Big thanks to everyone who voted for Savage Death Valley!


Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-09 14:25:42

Congratulations to the winners! Was a really great month!

And the the whole content rating / tagging system seems to take shape nicely! Not that I wish to block any tags but overall the picture of a well designed system for the whole site emerges.

BBS Signature

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-09 21:40:51

At 5/7/19 04:52 PM, TomFulp wrote: The blocked users list already existed but now applies to Art Portal browsing. Sick of seeing art by someone in particular? Block them! When you block a user, you can click the pencil button to edit which site systems you are blocking them from.

I'm aware there may still be bugs being worked on but I'd like to point out that for some reason while the tag filter worked just fine, it seems that I can only block users completely and not partially. Whenever I change the settings to only Feed and Portal, their content still shows up. Hopefully this will be resolved soon.


BBS Signature

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-10 02:53:10

At 5/7/19 05:35 PM, TheRoboTrickster wrote: The content ratings in-feed are an okay update, but one I likely won't be using very much, seeing as how it's far simpler to simply go to the portal you want to visit at that time and change the filters there.

That is an interesting point regarding the ease of using it.

Guess it works if you're feeling like perma-filtering and not visiting a portal in particular. Unfortunately I don't perma-filter.

Perma-filtering could become the next new wave.

It's a handy dandy thing, but I feel like if we had both that would be optimal. Couldn't you find a way to make it work? Also my regular reminder that I NEED MUH VOTE THRESHOLDS.

Vote thresholds could be addressed at a different time.

I will be in Italy for Pico Day, but I might catch a few entries. I'll be competing at something, too, so wish me luck!
Keep it up, guys!

Have fun in Italy. Will you be on vacation?

At 5/7/19 05:35 PM, ninjamuffin99 wrote: Remember that one time a tiddie bounce loop won monthly 5th, and then the 10 second sequel won monthly 4th
i still think about this every night before I sleep

In remember both of those events happening.

And also content filters VERY welcome, really so that i can scroll through my feed at the library without seein naked women and whatnot and feeling like a weirdo

If that makes usage easier for you than more power to you.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-10 05:05:10

At 5/9/19 10:21 AM, W-P-S wrote: Awwwww shit, I just got back from my vacation just to hear this news!
Big thanks to everyone who voted for Savage Death Valley!

They always do say you gotta eat your greens. :P

The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-10 09:30:27

At 5/9/19 09:40 PM, MarckEllo wrote: Whenever I change the settings to only Feed and Portal, their content still shows up.

Can I ask where this shows up? A URL would be handy.

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-10 09:46:54

At 5/10/19 09:30 AM, liljim wrote:
At 5/9/19 09:40 PM, MarckEllo wrote: Whenever I change the settings to only Feed and Portal, their content still shows up.
Can I ask where this shows up? A URL would be handy.

It shows up in the art portal. I did the setup in https://www.newgrounds.com/account/content-settings I only want to block them in the art portal but it turns out (as I checked just now), turning off any of the options in the popup from clicking the pencil button (e.g. I turned off just chat) immediately puts the posts back in the art portal. Only by having them blocked completely without editing anything removes the post as intended.


BBS Signature

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-10 10:42:06

At 5/10/19 09:46 AM, MarckEllo wrote: It shows up in the art portal. I did the setup in https://www.newgrounds.com/account/content-settings I only want to block them in the art portal but it turns out (as I checked just now), turning off any of the options in the popup from clicking the pencil button (e.g. I turned off just chat) immediately puts the posts back in the art portal. Only by having them blocked completely without editing anything removes the post as intended.

Ahhh, whoops - could have sworn this was working properly at some point. Thanks for the detail, should be good now!

Response to Best of April & New Content Filters 2019-05-10 10:44:19

At 5/10/19 10:42 AM, liljim wrote:
At 5/10/19 09:46 AM, MarckEllo wrote: It shows up in the art portal. I did the setup in https://www.newgrounds.com/account/content-settings I only want to block them in the art portal but it turns out (as I checked just now), turning off any of the options in the popup from clicking the pencil button (e.g. I turned off just chat) immediately puts the posts back in the art portal. Only by having them blocked completely without editing anything removes the post as intended.
Ahhh, whoops - could have sworn this was working properly at some point. Thanks for the detail, should be good now!

Yep, it's working perfectly now. Thanks!


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