I don't know any of the buttons. I just keep walking aimlessly into the same room over and over again!
Game about a girl locked inside her mind
I don't know any of the buttons. I just keep walking aimlessly into the same room over and over again!
cant seem to get through the music room.... and i went through a tutorial :(
Really nice!
Not bad; got some real PT vibes from this. Good oppressive sound design and clever jump scares. Was also surprised at the piano puzzle and how intricate it was! I bet a lot of people got stuck on that. Only bad part was that it ended too soon and so abruptly! I want more!
it was a nice game but in the last room after i entered i got stuck :(
Edit: after i wrote that i tried one last time and the door was unlocked!
Now i reached the red ghost room and keeps killing me. It seems that i have to press the F continously?? :S