this a drawing game?
drurywalker has brought to my attention that I have misused the term bourgeoisie.
What I meant to say was something along the lines of upper class society, but I ended up saying middle class society. Bourgeoisie refers to those who are the middle class. I am sorry for this mistake and hope that it does not cause any serious problems. I can't rerecord, so this is the best I can think of to do to remedy this horrendous mistake.
I am truly sorry for any issues this has caused.
"The Creation of High Art" is an education animation that I created as the final project in my Animation II class in college. Because of the sociological concepts, history, and word choice, I intended this piece to be for adult audiences even though I believe that it is accessible to most people. While the conclusion of this piece represents a more modern attitude towards art, and what is defined as art, I do not fully agree with the narrator's argument. He is intended to be an unreliable narrator masquerading as a reliable narrator. While this is based on history, my intended conclusion is up to interpretation.
If you're more interested in the subject, I recommend reading "Cultural Entrepreneurship in Nineteenth Century Boston" by Paul DiMaggio because it served as a basis for this piece. this a drawing game?
Sounds like a commie bastard wrote this!!!
lol. I'm kidding. I enjoyed this quite a bit, and it was very insightful. Your grasp of the sociological reasoning behind this subject can be related to more than the art museums. For example, look at the "are video games art?" debate, and you'll see that this has had a strong effect on an aspect that a lot of us can relate to much more directly.
Great job
It was educational
I had no idea this was something that you submitted for a class, as it seemed to be more on the joke side at first, but that's just some assumption I have. I think you make some really good points about the standard ways we deal with art. Flash cartoons themselves could be considered forms of art with subjectable variety. The animation was pretty funny, especially the political jokes and the White House running. As a prolific reviewer, this is something I think about when I review so many things. There are high ranking people who deem it great, but what we think of it is a matter of opinion.
right to the point....
Actually, you are correct. Bourgeoisie are considered upper class. They were wealthy as well as held the power to influence art. You can look it up.
Regardless, this was an insightful and well done piece.