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Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners!

12,308 Views | 48 Replies
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List Jam

Two weekends ago, the team behind O donated their $50 July Game Jam prize money towards a low-pressure List Jam, where devs were invited to make games using a list of concepts. @DefaultLabs is now tossing in additional money along with NG and we’re awarding $10 to EVERY SINGLE GAME that entered! That’s right, every game is a winner in this jam!

If you published a game for the List Jam, please fill out the address form for payment. If you are under 18, only do so with permission from a parent or guardian. If you won’t be accepting payment, PM me with the heads up and I’ll award you one year of Supporter status instead. I’ll give everyone some time to fill out that form before I start chasing people down individually.

Thank you everyone who participated!

Best of August

Your votes are in and the best of August have been determined!

Top Five Animation

The top-ranked animation based on original material and winner of $250 is first runner-up, Lord Of Mirrors. Congrats @Diives! For anyone curious about movies that were bypassed based on the original content clause, "lucia is thicc" was based on an existing AI-generated script originally used in a Portal animation and the Never Ending Dance Party was a compilation of Dance Jam entries and volunteered to have the prize passed down to the next in line.

Thanks to our new Monthly Animation Prize, 2nd and 3rd will receive $100 each. These prizes are going to Mugen Bucket and Read The Description.

Thank you to our sponsors, @SrPelo, @summerskoo, @53xy83457, @Zombie-Pimp and @AnonymousAlchemist! We’ll continue the same prize tiers for the Best of September.

If you would like to contribute to our animation prize fund, use the donation option on the Supporter page and PM me a heads up you donated towards animation prizes.

Top Five Games

The top game based on original material and winner of $200 is Ann! However, the Ann Demo won $100 in May so to be fair, Ann will only receive $100 for first place and the remaining $100 will go to a new 5th place tier. The 2nd-5th place winners of $100 each are Roller Riot, ULTRA FORCE, Blockade Runner and Punch It.

The top-ranked game of September based on original material will win $200, with $100 each for 2nd, 3rd and 4th, thanks to our ongoing game prize sponsors, @AnonymousAlchemist, @Manderby, @53xy83457, @summerskoo and @SrPelo!

If you would like to contribute to our game prize fund, use the donation option on the Supporter page and PM me a heads up you donated towards game prizes. We’ll need more support to avoid scaling back the prize tiers over time!

Runner-up Animation

6. Lord Of Mirrors

7. Mugen Bucket

8. Friday night hunkin': Tankman

9. Bike Slide Collab


11. Read The Description

12. Jupiter Hell - Cinematic

13. The Mask

14. No More Heroes in a Nutshell

15. Are Ya Winning, Son? except it's a HORROR GAME.

16. Youtubes Copyright System


18. DIMENSION4L Episode 1



21. Fig short

22. Solace: Prelude

23. Bridge Kids: Smokin' Butts

24. Crazy Japanese Man Screaming Sex while Running in Tunnel

25. Mayor Jason Stillbirth

26. Travis HENSHIN (GIF)

27. Sleep Well Buho

28. The Opening of Every Animated Film

29. Beyond the Fog: Episode 5 - Seasoned Folks


Runner-up Games

6. Clocks of the BBS 2021


8. Teleport Jumper

9. Radiance Hearts

10. Flip Palace

11. I Wanna B The Clock

12. Ghaster Blaster

13. Gyro Gear Tournament

14. Isometric Room Collab

15. Sinister Rites

16. Pewt 'em Up!

17. Archery Run

18. Moomoo's Maple Mishap

19. GuraQuest(Tako Takeover Update)

20. Machine Gun Gardener

21. [;=] Game

22. Toonio

23. Put Out the Fires

24. Peeing Strawberry Clock

25. Doktor Panic!

26. Louie Loudmouth

27. PIPIKO (just updated!)

28. Wheelbot & Clyde

29. lineoff

30. Satellite Dreamer

Be sure to check out the Top Featured Art and Top Feature Audio of August, as well.

The voter of the month and winner of honorary Supporter status is @Nijsse!

Thank you everyone for a great August!


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 13:21:32

Other News

Round 5 of our Summer Animation Jams is in progress.

Winners of our Never Ending Dance Jam (Round 4) were announced.

Winners of Robot Day were announced.

Winners of the Toodee and Topdee Art Contest were announced.

Winners of the Fancy Pants Art Contest were announced.

Madness Day is September 22nd.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 13:39:50

Congrats to all the winners.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 13:48:51

I knew InfestedPear is in the top

Hi Nice To Meet You I'm Yosos and I do Pixel art.

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 13:50:50

At 9/8/21 01:48 PM, Yosos wrote: I knew InfestedPear is in the top

You were correct. Nice job guessing.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 14:07:53

Congrats to all the winners, and to all the game devs who submitted this month! Nice to be back to a normal, healthy amount of games after that absolute flood last month, but devs ain't resting since we still got a big batch of quality games nonetheless! Always amazed to see so many game devs popping up regularly every month or so, heck, sometimes we've got devs popping up multiple times in a single month: just goes to show the powers of jams and collabs nowadays.

I've got my own personal top 10 for all these months in my news postsand it's fun to see how it differs. I definitely wanna give a shout out to these games among others, don't miss 'em!

Yooo I'm on the 22nd place!!!

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 14:26:46

At 9/8/21 01:21 PM, TomFulp wrote: List Jam

Two weekends ago, the team behind O donated their $50 July Game Jam prize money towards a low-pressure List Jam, where devs were invited to make games using a list of concepts. @DefaultLabs is now tossing in additional money along with NG and we’re awarding $10 to EVERY SINGLE GAME that entered! That’s right, every game is a winner in this jam!

If you published a game for the List Jam, please fill out the address form for payment. If you are under 18, only do so with permission from a parent or guardian. If you won’t be accepting payment, PM me with the heads up and I’ll award you one year of Supporter status instead. I’ll give everyone some time to fill out that form before I start chasing people down individually.

Thank you everyone who participated!

Oh wow, thank you, that's very generous! Congrats everyone, I will get around to finishing writing reviews for all the List Jam games, I thought it was a cool concept!

And congrats to all the winners, me and the BBS gang came close to the top 5 with Clocks of the BBS! Shame no Clock Day animations seemed to make it close to the top! Oh well, congrats everyone!

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 16:25:55



Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 17:02:37

"Read the Description" was pretty tight, kind of funny how the top placing original content this month was left to the runner-ups xD

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 17:23:44

This is my first time winning an NG prize, how exciting! Thank you very much and congrats to everyone!!

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 17:29:34

thanks for the prize but no thanks, i dont want to give my real name to anyone on internet

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 17:49:53

At 9/8/21 02:08 PM, kr0tyara wrote: Yooo I'm on the 22nd place!!!

Very nice. Is that your highest rank ever in a Jam?

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 17:55:40

At 9/8/21 01:21 PM, TomFulp wrote: List Jam

Two weekends ago, the team behind O donated their $50 July Game Jam prize money towards a low-pressure List Jam, where devs were invited to make games using a list of concepts. @DefaultLabs is now tossing in additional money along with NG and we’re awarding $10 to EVERY SINGLE GAME that entered! That’s right, every game is a winner in this jam!

If you published a game for the List Jam, please fill out the address form for payment. If you are under 18, only do so with permission from a parent or guardian. If you won’t be accepting payment, PM me with the heads up and I’ll award you one year of Supporter status instead. I’ll give everyone some time to fill out that form before I start chasing people down individually.

So wait does it mean we get 10$ to divide to each other or everyone who worked on the game gets $10?

Didn't place anywhere myself but I'm more than happy to participate in my first ever game jam! Congrats to everyone else as well!

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 18:03:10

At 9/8/21 05:02 PM, BrandyBuizel wrote: "Read the Description" was pretty tight, kind of funny how the top placing original content this month was left to the runner-ups xD

That was a little strange, but no worries at all.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 21:24:14

Bridge Kids is quickly becoming my new favorite internet cartoon. I hope the next one comes out soon.

[1] - [2]

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 22:04:55



Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 22:42:57

is the runner-up list everything else that was nominated? i could've sworn something i put in my ballot is not on this list. i probably should've taken a screenshot.

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-08 22:45:04

At 9/8/21 01:21 PM, TomFulp wrote: List Jam

Two weekends ago, the team behind O donated their $50 July Game Jam prize money towards a low-pressure List Jam, where devs were invited to make games using a list of concepts. @DefaultLabs is now tossing in additional money along with NG and we’re awarding $10 to EVERY SINGLE GAME that entered! That’s right, every game is a winner in this jam!

If you published a game for the List Jam, please fill out the address form for payment. If you are under 18, only do so with permission from a parent or guardian. If you won’t be accepting payment, PM me with the heads up and I’ll award you one year of Supporter status instead. I’ll give everyone some time to fill out that form before I start chasing people down individually.

Thank you everyone who participated!

Best of August

Your votes are in and the best of August have been determined!

Top Five Animation


The top-ranked animation based on original material and winner of $250 is first runner-up, Lord Of Mirrors. Congrats @Diives! For anyone curious about movies that were bypassed based on the original content clause, "lucia is thicc" was based on an existing AI-generated script originally used in a Portal animation and the Never Ending Dance Party was a compilation of Dance Jam entries and volunteered to have the prize passed down to the next in line.

Thanks to our new Monthly Animation Prize, 2nd and 3rd will receive $100 each. These prizes are going to Mugen Bucket and Read The Description.

Thank you to our sponsors, @SrPelo, @summerskoo, @53xy83457, @Zombie-Pimp and @AnonymousAlchemist! We’ll continue the same prize tiers for the Best of September.

If you would like to contribute to our animation prize fund, use the donation option on the Supporter page and PM me a heads up you donated towards animation prizes.

Top Five Games


The top game based on original material and winner of $200 is Ann! However, the Ann Demo won $100 in May so to be fair, Ann will only receive $100 for first place and the remaining $100 will go to a new 5th place tier. The 2nd-5th place winners of $100 each are Roller Riot, ULTRA FORCE, Blockade Runner and Punch It.

The top-ranked game of September based on original material will win $200, with $100 each for 2nd, 3rd and 4th, thanks to our ongoing game prize sponsors, @AnonymousAlchemist, @Manderby, @53xy83457, @summerskoo and @SrPelo!

If you would like to contribute to our game prize fund, use the donation option on the Supporter page and PM me a heads up you donated towards game prizes. We’ll need more support to avoid scaling back the prize tiers over time!

Runner-up Animation

6. Lord Of Mirrors
7. Mugen Bucket
8. Friday night hunkin': Tankman
9. Bike Slide Collab
11. Read The Description
12. Jupiter Hell - Cinematic
13. The Mask
14. No More Heroes in a Nutshell
15. Are Ya Winning, Son? except it's a HORROR GAME.
16. Youtubes Copyright System
18. DIMENSION4L Episode 1
21. Fig short
22. Solace: Prelude
23. Bridge Kids: Smokin' Butts
24. Crazy Japanese Man Screaming Sex while Running in Tunnel
25. Mayor Jason Stillbirth
26. Travis HENSHIN (GIF)
27. Sleep Well Buho
28. The Opening of Every Animated Film
29. Beyond the Fog: Episode 5 - Seasoned Folks

Runner-up Games

6. Clocks of the BBS 2021
8. Teleport Jumper
9. Radiance Hearts
10. Flip Palace
11. I Wanna B The Clock
12. Ghaster Blaster
13. Gyro Gear Tournament
14. Isometric Room Collab
15. Sinister Rites
16. Pewt 'em Up!
17. Archery Run
18. Moomoo's Maple Mishap
19. GuraQuest(Tako Takeover Update)
20. Machine Gun Gardener
21. [;=] Game
22. Toonio
23. Put Out the Fires
24. Peeing Strawberry Clock
25. Doktor Panic!
26. Louie Loudmouth
27. PIPIKO (just updated!)
28. Wheelbot & Clyde
29. lineoff
30. Satellite Dreamer

Be sure to check out the Top Featured Art and Top Feature Audio of August, as well.

The voter of the month and winner of honorary Supporter status is @Nijsse!

Thank you everyone for a great August!

Awesome Job guys! :D

Pink Sparkles PonyGirl201642

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-09 00:24:27

At 9/8/21 09:24 PM, Nabella wrote: Bridge Kids is quickly becoming my new favorite internet cartoon. I hope the next one comes out soon.

What is your favorite part so far?

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-09 00:30:08

At 9/8/21 05:49 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
At 9/8/21 02:08 PM, kr0tyara wrote: Yooo I'm on the 22nd place!!!
Very nice. Is that your highest rank ever in a Jam?

That's not a jam, I meant the place in runner-ups section.

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-09 01:33:36

At 9/9/21 12:30 AM, kr0tyara wrote:
At 9/8/21 05:49 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
At 9/8/21 02:08 PM, kr0tyara wrote: Yooo I'm on the 22nd place!!!
Very nice. Is that your highest rank ever in a Jam?
That's not a jam, I meant the place in runner-ups section.

You earned that rank. So sit and back and enjoy it.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-09 08:55:03

At 9/8/21 10:42 PM, rtil wrote: is the runner-up list everything else that was nominated? i could've sworn something i put in my ballot is not on this list. i probably should've taken a screenshot.

The full list is longer, here's the rest of it:


32. LIV - The Funny One

33. Dawn Eternal


35. Amongus Suspense Thriller Animation

36. Highschool Bathroom Speedrun

37. Amigo

38. Frosting With No Cake

39. Ping Pong Collab 2

40. Bunny Business 2016

41. Fatman! Episode 1

42. They Say You’re a Wiseguy



45. Yes B Can


47. F•R•E•N•D•S

48. Corvid Kid: Bloodmoon

49. Chopper Boy

50. Piconjo Afk Jk <333

51. How to Hang a Shelf


53. StrawberryClock Chugs A Quart Of Laundry Detergent

54. Hotel Sporio - a Sporelunk Parody

55. Clock Crew Clock Day Clock Day Collab

56. Sporotrichosis

57. Blueberry Skies - Loser Company (Official Music Video)

58. KIMBERLEY !!!!!!!!

59. Clockgret

60. FFFFFF: Final F

61. Ostrich Heaven

62. Money Man Commits Tax Fraud

63. The Village Menace

64. Piezo The Robot - Dance Loop

65. House Cat Sez...Don't Take the Sauce Path!

66. Falling Short [Deepest Sword Parody]

67. Mysha

68. Villains

69. Somewhere In Space (probably)

70. incredible drums

71. A Nervous Poo

72. Buff Birds

73. OTB - 2001

74. The U1D70B U03BD U03BA Room

75. The Pond Of Phantasmagoria

76. The Cloud Bashing Experience

77. Make Way for RobotDay2021

78. Robbery

79. Shopping : Foamy The Squirrel

80. Charlie's Little Dance

81. Boba's all nighter

82. Sonic Legacy: Spirit of Mobius Scene 14 (WIP)

83. Reimu doesn't likes communism

84. sleepy af 💤

85. Goobee's Lament

86. Talk about an appetizer?! - GOOD GUYS FOR HIRE

87. nightmare co- [Never-Ending Dance Jam]

88. Slow It Down

89. Boppin' [Never-Ending Dance Jam]

90. Tiny Tricky animation (UNFINISH)


92. Organized Bedroom - Comic Dub

93. Friendly Never-Ending Dance

94. What's A Solar!?

95. Monster Rancher Mochi is the best

96. Dance Corvid Kid, Dance!

97. The Hype Brigade

98. The coffeest break

99. Skitzo -"The Present"

100. Do The Mario

101. Daruma and Hannya: Lunch

102. Tankmen: Mirage

103. Heavy insults America

104. Oney Plays Animated - Interview with Miyamoto

105. Steve Orders a Starbucks Burger

106. Sierra Reflection

107. F3 Eyecatcher

108. When the Author Doesn't Rate the Submission Properly

109. Blue Lad [Never-Ending Dance Jam]

110. s q u e a k

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-09 08:55:17

At 9/8/21 10:42 PM, rtil wrote: is the runner-up list everything else that was nominated? i could've sworn something i put in my ballot is not on this list. i probably should've taken a screenshot.

Part 2 of list:

111. Game Grumps Animated: The Fastest Tongue

112. R E V E N G E

113. Eggheads - Tom meets Marina

114. The Sheriff Bean Kickstarter FAIL video!

115. Yoyo's Quest

116. If Panty had Huge Tiddies

117. Nintendo High (Ep 2) - The Quest

118. Popple Battle (Loop)


120. A Couple of Robot Boys

121. Doo. Doo.

122. Welcome to Meph Mart!

123. Milky Bop [Never-Ending Dance Jam]

124. The Office - Animated

125. hamburger

126. I'm great fighter! However, it has one weakness.

127. Sports Class. Skarpworld chap. 3 clip

128. EVANGELION 3.003

129. Retarded Animal Babies 16

130. 'Wolf Creek' guy goes on 'Blind Date'

131. Pokemon Unite is free to play!

132. Happy Triothy Day

133. PIKACHU'S UNDEAD! - Pokemon Fan Animation

134. Buffy Sugo Teaser

135. Donatello

136. Toy Story 2 Redialed | Teaser Trailer | Dial-Up Studios

137. JohnnyUtah's Twitter Space (REMASTERED)

138. Dotty - Here, have a sip of swamp water

139. Sonic Squarepants 2

140. That's Not My Geodude

141. Stellapie Short 3

142. Rick And Morty (Ancient African Variant)

143. The Last Straw - (The Last Of Us Parody) - Zaaztoons

144. You As A Puppet Vs Kiana

145. RITZ 64

146. Sonichu Heaven's Gate

147. I fell in love with a human (Storytime animation)

148. Bike Slide Guy

149. Super Saiyan Mordecai

150. Interlopers final ep - clip

151. Pirate Queen [Never-Ending Dance Jam]

152. The best Mario girl?

153. "Together" She Said... [Never-Ending Dance Jam]

154. A Pleasant Surprise

155. Madness Duel: DanilIvanov11 VS Shlifovich (Round 2)

156. Spares Christmas

157. Gaming in the Caveman Years

158. Board Games

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-09 08:58:07

At 9/8/21 05:55 PM, Redead-ITA wrote: So wait does it mean we get 10$ to divide to each other or everyone who worked on the game gets $10?

$10 per game so people may need to decide how to divvy it up.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-09 13:39:31

At 9/9/21 08:58 AM, TomFulp wrote:
$10 per game so people may need to decide how to divvy it up.

Ok but say one of us wants to have the yearly supporter role and the other wants cash?

what happens then?

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-09 13:58:07

At 9/9/21 01:39 PM, Redead-ITA wrote:
At 9/9/21 08:58 AM, TomFulp wrote:
$10 per game so people may need to decide how to divvy it up.
Ok but say one of us wants to have the yearly supporter role and the other wants cash?
what happens then?

I'm ok giving one person the full $10 and giving the other Supporter for the year.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-09 14:23:17

At 9/8/21 01:21 PM, TomFulp wrote: List Jam

Two weekends ago, the team behind O donated their $50 July Game Jam prize money towards a low-pressure List Jam, where devs were invited to make games using a list of concepts. @DefaultLabs is now tossing in additional money along with NG and we’re awarding $10 to EVERY SINGLE GAME that entered! That’s right, every game is a winner in this jam!

If you published a game for the List Jam, please fill out the address form for payment. If you are under 18, only do so with permission from a parent or guardian. If you won’t be accepting payment, PM me with the heads up and I’ll award you one year of Supporter status instead. I’ll give everyone some time to fill out that form before I start chasing people down individually.

Thank you everyone who participated!

Best of August


Your votes are in and the best of August have been determined!

Top Five Animation


The top-ranked animation based on original material and winner of $250 is first runner-up, Lord Of Mirrors. Congrats @Diives! For anyone curious about movies that were bypassed based on the original content clause, "lucia is thicc" was based on an existing AI-generated script originally used in a Portal animation and the Never Ending Dance Party was a compilation of Dance Jam entries and volunteered to have the prize passed down to the next in line.

Thanks to our new Monthly Animation Prize, 2nd and 3rd will receive $100 each. These prizes are going to Mugen Bucket and Read The Description.

Thank you to our sponsors, @SrPelo, @summerskoo, @53xy83457, @Zombie-Pimp and @AnonymousAlchemist! We’ll continue the same prize tiers for the Best of September.

If you would like to contribute to our animation prize fund, use the donation option on the Supporter page and PM me a heads up you donated towards animation prizes.

Top Five Games


The top game based on original material and winner of $200 is Ann! However, the Ann Demo won $100 in May so to be fair, Ann will only receive $100 for first place and the remaining $100 will go to a new 5th place tier. The 2nd-5th place winners of $100 each are Roller Riot, ULTRA FORCE, Blockade Runner and Punch It.

The top-ranked game of September based on original material will win $200, with $100 each for 2nd, 3rd and 4th, thanks to our ongoing game prize sponsors, @AnonymousAlchemist, @Manderby, @53xy83457, @summerskoo and @SrPelo!

If you would like to contribute to our game prize fund, use the donation option on the Supporter page and PM me a heads up you donated towards game prizes. We’ll need more support to avoid scaling back the prize tiers over time!

Runner-up Animation

6. Lord Of Mirrors
7. Mugen Bucket
8. Friday night hunkin': Tankman
9. Bike Slide Collab
11. Read The Description
12. Jupiter Hell - Cinematic
13. The Mask
14. No More Heroes in a Nutshell
15. Are Ya Winning, Son? except it's a HORROR GAME.
16. Youtubes Copyright System
18. DIMENSION4L Episode 1
21. Fig short
22. Solace: Prelude
23. Bridge Kids: Smokin' Butts
24. Crazy Japanese Man Screaming Sex while Running in Tunnel
25. Mayor Jason Stillbirth
26. Travis HENSHIN (GIF)
27. Sleep Well Buho
28. The Opening of Every Animated Film
29. Beyond the Fog: Episode 5 - Seasoned Folks

Runner-up Games

6. Clocks of the BBS 2021
8. Teleport Jumper
9. Radiance Hearts
10. Flip Palace
11. I Wanna B The Clock
12. Ghaster Blaster
13. Gyro Gear Tournament
14. Isometric Room Collab
15. Sinister Rites
16. Pewt 'em Up!
17. Archery Run
18. Moomoo's Maple Mishap
19. GuraQuest(Tako Takeover Update)
20. Machine Gun Gardener
21. [;=] Game
22. Toonio
23. Put Out the Fires
24. Peeing Strawberry Clock
25. Doktor Panic!
26. Louie Loudmouth
27. PIPIKO (just updated!)
28. Wheelbot & Clyde
29. lineoff
30. Satellite Dreamer

Be sure to check out the Top Featured Art and Top Feature Audio of August, as well.

The voter of the month and winner of honorary Supporter status is @Nijsse!

Thank you everyone for a great August!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2021 & List Jam Winners! 2021-09-09 14:39:59

At 9/9/21 08:55 AM, TomFulp wrote:
At 9/8/21 10:42 PM, rtil wrote: is the runner-up list everything else that was nominated? i could've sworn something i put in my ballot is not on this list. i probably should've taken a screenshot.
The full list is longer, here's the rest of it:

32. LIV - The Funny One
33. Dawn Eternal
35. Amongus Suspense Thriller Animation
36. Highschool Bathroom Speedrun
37. Amigo
38. Frosting With No Cake
39. Ping Pong Collab 2
40. Bunny Business 2016
41. Fatman! Episode 1
42. They Say You’re a Wiseguy
45. Yes B Can
47. F•R•E•N•D•S
48. Corvid Kid: Bloodmoon
49. Chopper Boy
50. Piconjo Afk Jk <333
51. How to Hang a Shelf
53. StrawberryClock Chugs A Quart Of Laundry Detergent
54. Hotel Sporio - a Sporelunk Parody
55. Clock Crew Clock Day Clock Day Collab
56. Sporotrichosis
57. Blueberry Skies - Loser Company (Official Music Video)
58. KIMBERLEY !!!!!!!!
59. Clockgret
60. FFFFFF: Final F
61. Ostrich Heaven
62. Money Man Commits Tax Fraud
63. The Village Menace
64. Piezo The Robot - Dance Loop
65. House Cat Sez...Don't Take the Sauce Path!
66. Falling Short [Deepest Sword Parody]
67. Mysha
68. Villains
69. Somewhere In Space (probably)
70. incredible drums
71. A Nervous Poo
72. Buff Birds
73. OTB - 2001
74. The U1D70B U03BD U03BA Room
75. The Pond Of Phantasmagoria
76. The Cloud Bashing Experience
77. Make Way for RobotDay2021
78. Robbery
79. Shopping : Foamy The Squirrel
80. Charlie's Little Dance
81. Boba's all nighter
82. Sonic Legacy: Spirit of Mobius Scene 14 (WIP)
83. Reimu doesn't likes communism
84. sleepy af 💤
85. Goobee's Lament
86. Talk about an appetizer?! - GOOD GUYS FOR HIRE
87. nightmare co- [Never-Ending Dance Jam]
88. Slow It Down
89. Boppin' [Never-Ending Dance Jam]
90. Tiny Tricky animation (UNFINISH)
92. Organized Bedroom - Comic Dub
93. Friendly Never-Ending Dance
94. What's A Solar!?
95. Monster Rancher Mochi is the best
96. Dance Corvid Kid, Dance!
97. The Hype Brigade
98. The coffeest break
99. Skitzo -"The Present"
100. Do The Mario
101. Daruma and Hannya: Lunch
102. Tankmen: Mirage
103. Heavy insults America
104. Oney Plays Animated - Interview with Miyamoto
105. Steve Orders a Starbucks Burger
106. Sierra Reflection
107. F3 Eyecatcher
108. When the Author Doesn't Rate the Submission Properly
109. Blue Lad [Never-Ending Dance Jam]
110. s q u e a k

oh wow. it was a lot longer than i thought. thanks, i found what i was looking for, it was "Amigo"! I wanted to give it a shout-out.