Its, more or less.. kinda... um...
The robot asked me and I said I'm a boy and then he said "you didn't look like a boy for me" and gived me a female character.ยด
So I was like "ok, then I'm a female I guess?", but then the game said "shoot the false pronoums" and I was like "what the hell I am?".
Player can't represent me on the game and I can't reincarnate the player cause I don't event know that it is. I'm an alien, a teddy bear or something?
Then I go back to menu and the robot asked me agand, so I said this time girl.
It apeared the same player character and now the words are "gay", "homo", "maggot"...
So, now I'm not only a guy, I'm also gay?
I advance futher but the gameplay is the same and still didn't get what backstory means :\