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Review Request Club

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Hello! Before you do anything else, remember to follow the regular Bbs rules and read the C&C Advice Thread before posting if you are new to the Bbs.
Ps. this topic post was updated 02.02.2016 by the current leader of the club, Ectisity


Again, let me welcome you to the Review Request Club (RRC for short). This is a club dedicated to give constructive feedback to all kinds of artists on Newgrounds.

Doesn't matter if it's musicians, painters, game makers, flash artists, movie makers etc. As long as your creation exist on this site, you can request a review from us. The leaders and rules have changed throughout the years, but our motives are still the same.

If you wish to join the club, check out the "to the reviewers" headline further down this post, and if you wish to know more about how to request a review, check out the "to the requesters" headline.


To the requesters:

This club is all about reviewing really. If you need feedback on any of your creations, this is the place to go.
As long as it's on this site you can request a review on anything you have made. Every two week the members of the club will receive a list of all the requests that have been made during a two week period, and they will have two weeks to review whatever items they want until the next update.

If that got a little bit confusing, this basically means that it will take a maximum of 28 days after you've placed a request until I can guarantee that you will have received a review. Usually doesn't take that long though

Every two weeks, the members of the club will vote on their favourite item of the round, and the winner might or might not receive a little prize.

To request a review, simply respond to this topic with a link to your creation, and it would be cool if you could add a little bit about what kind of feedback you are looking for.

The guidelines for the requesters can be summarized to this:

1. Respond to this topic with what you wish to receive feedback on.
2. You may only request one item of each type each round(one audio request, one movie request, etc.) We are a bit flexible with this rule though, so if we have a few amount of request it could be bent.
2. Add a little text explaining what kind of feedback you wish for.
3. Please don't nag us if you don't receive a review immediately. We have alot of requests, but a few amount of members.
4. Please respect the reviewers, even though you might not agree to their opinions. You asked for feedback.
5. Please respond with at least something to our reviews. It's a lot more motivating knowing that the requester actually read the review.
6. Your creation HAS to be uploaded on Newgrounds.


To the reviewers:

If you enjoy giving constructive feedback to others and you wish to join the club, simply respond to this topic with something like "I want to join".

The leader of the club will accept you into the club after a short while(everyone are allowed to join, but the leader needs to know who is a part of the club).

Basically, if people want to get their creations reviewed, they will respond to this topic with a link to their creation. Only rules are that we do not accept sexual movies or games, or non-original content.

Every 2 weeks the club leader will make an update post that includes all the requests of that "round", meaning all requests made within 2 weeks prior to the update post.

Towards the end of each "round", the club leader will tag all members into a post that consists of a poll to vote for the best request of that round. The winner will receive a shoutout in the update post, and
maybe even a little prize.

The post will include:

- All the requests spilt into games requests, audio requests, and art requests
- A shoutout to the item and the maker of the RRC Pick of the Round
- An introduction to any new members we might have gotten
- A short update as to how the club is doing and how many of the requests received a review from one of our members.

When it comes to rules for our members, there are really none. Only thing I ask is that you try to review at least one item(hopefully moore) each round, and that you try to make it helpfull. There is really no need to be doing long and detailed reviews like I do sometimes, but try to make simple comments on something you enjoyed, and something you thought could have been done better. If you think that a track is terrible, say so, but remember to also mention what you didn't like about it. If you loved a track, say so and mention at least one thing you loved about the track.

A good review can be anywhere from two sentences to 4 A4 pages long, it just depends on how you write them.

Also, you do not have to wait until the update posts before you review something. They are really only made to keep track of all the requests and give small updates on the club.

As a member perk, you will be allowed to submit two requests each round instead of the standard one. You can also use the RRC forum signature that I use(bottom of this post) in order to advertise the club, but it's all up to you :).

That's really all there is.

Now, you're probably wondering if you actually get anything from being a reviewer, apart from the joy of helping others out ;). Each month (meaning every second round), the leader of the club will pick out the Reviewer of the Month.
The one who gets picked will be the most dedicated and best reviewer in the club. The winner will receive a little prize provided by the club leader. The prizes will change from month to month, some months it will be big, other months it
will be small. Only the leader knows :D.

The guidelines for the reviewers can be summarized to this:

1. Try to review at least one or two items each two week period.
2. There are no requirement to how long the reviews must be, but try to give decent feedback.
3. Vote on your favourite item of the round in the poll I will post towards the end of each two week period.
4. Don't make reviewing a chore that you HAVE to do. This will only lead to you hating it in the end.
5. Give as many items as possible a little peek even if you can't review them(for the Pick of the Round).
6. Leave something in each review so that the requester knows you are from the Review Request Club. It really helps advertising the club, and it shows the requesters that we actually do answer their requests.
7. Have fun.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What happend to the old point system?
- A couple of years ago it was decided that the points system had become unmotivational for most members.
A lot of people felt forced to make reviews just to stay on the list, and a lot of the feedback thus became shallow
In addition to this a lot of our members got sick of reviewing, not only for the club, but in general as well. This lead to the site loosing some of their best reviewers, and we decided to completely abolish the system.

Who is the current leader/ who should I ask questions?
- If you have any questions whatsoever, send a PM to @Ectisity, or post in this thread.

Can I join the club?
- We are ALWAYS looking for new reviewers and EVERYONE can join the club, so the answer is yes :).

Is there really a point to this FAQ when you already answered all the questions earlier in the post?
- Not really, but it always looks fancy to have an FAQ section.


That's all about the club, though I couldn't open this new version of the club without talking about the old thread regulars who've made it a great place to spend time. Kudos to Freelance-Magician for creating the original club and a huge shoutout to all the members who have helped maintaining the club since like @NekoMika, @milinko959 and @Sonofkirk.

Have fun!


Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 05:19:50

Yeah, and let us hope that this thread keeps this structure for the time to come.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 06:10:54

At 6/18/09 05:19 AM, Officer wrote: Yeah, and let us hope that this thread keeps this structure for the time to come.

I'll do my best to keep this club at the best level and maintain it as long as I can.

Important note: Since the Art and Literature portals will be launched soon, the club will be expanded to art and lit requests. As you should know, the Art portal is technically on, but request from this portal will be enabled when it's fully available. The same goes for the lit portal but the launch shouldn't occur that soon.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 06:11:04

I'll go back through the old thread and will make a requests list from the reviews for the past week, to get the ball rolling. Expect that at about 1300 - 1330 BST

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 07:13:13

Right, I've gone back a while for requests. If you guys and girls want some reviews, post a request and I'll add them to next week's list for reviewing.

Flash Requests (8)
Paper Flow by Zyphonee
Madness Assassination: KT by C-Doodlez-Man
Superb Mario Bros.trailer by fiveoclock
Tendril by ScelesticFish
Yu-Gi-Oh DUB Style by ForNoReason
Generic Sprite Flash 2 by Corky52
Resident Hall Evil by Corky52
The Pretenders by Corky52

Audio Requests (9)
Pending Explanation by Silent-G
extrallusionist by Silent-G
The Keyword WIP by Reservist
The Last Pilgrimage by LightKeeper
On to the Show! (short theme) by ImperfectDisciple
Skela - Groovin' to by Skela
Alex:Co - Earlybird [NG Cut] by AlexCo
[S:C] White Hot Colonic by SymbolCymbal
Zapp Brannigan Montage by Coop83

Art Requests (1)
First Flight by EchoRun

Yes, we are now taking requests for art critique.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 08:38:43

At 6/18/09 07:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: Right, I've gone back a while for requests.

Thanks a lot for the list man, you save me a lot of time taking care of it. Also thanks for the first Art request ever in the history of the club :D.

Review Request Club Roll Call:

The goal of this roll call is to take a census of the members who will still be active in the club even though we went through a long period of inactivity in the old thread. That way, the future updates will be more accurate. Please post here if you were a member in the old thread and wish to continue your commitment toward the RRC.

This is only for returning members. Those wishing to join as new members must still post their points at the end of the first week, before the update that should come on Sunday, 21st at about 8:30 AM GTM+2.

On a side note, returning members who have a link to the RRC might want to update their signatures ;).

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 10:07:47

At 6/18/09 05:11 AM, sonofkirk wrote: Hello! Welcome to the new Review Request Club thread.

YAY! It's back on! This should finally get me back into reviewing! :)

At 6/18/09 07:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: Right, I've gone back a while for requests. If you guys and girls want some reviews, post a request and I'll add them to next week's list for reviewing.

Thanks for the list. This gives me something to do over the weekend.

Art Requests (1)
First Flight by EchoRun

Yes, we are now taking requests for art critique.

Ah, I reviewed a submission from the art portal yesterday, so I at least had one review to practice. ^^

At 6/18/09 08:38 AM, sonofkirk wrote: Review Request Club Roll Call:

The goal of this roll call is to take a census of the members who will still be active in the club even though we went through a long period of inactivity in the old thread. That way, the future updates will be more accurate. Please post here if you were a member in the old thread and wish to continue your commitment toward the RRC.

I have been a member of the old club and I wish to continue staying active in the club. So count me in. :)

On a side note, returning members who have a link to the RRC might want to update their signatures ;).

This will be done in a minute. :)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 13:18:01

Good luck with the new thread. It looks like it's had a good start so far. Great first post.

At 6/18/09 07:13 AM, Coop83 wrote: Right, I've gone back a while for requests. If you guys and girls want some reviews, post a request and I'll add them to next week's list for reviewing.

My brother would like one of his tunes reviewed, and since it was completely lost in with the other requests in the old thread (enough for it to not have received a single review), I felt that I should rerequest it if that's possible. Cheers.

In a Daze - Johnnyk158:

Formerly known as mwmike | I'm moderately active on last.fm | Before you post, read these. Please.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 15:35:09

Hey everyone! Hope this club thrives like it did before. I'll slowly get to work on some flash reviews, but probably not audio because, well I really don't know what to say about most audio.

S&Box, the game Facepunch Studio have been working on.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 17:29:09

Umm, I'll join this club. Now that high school be over, time is aplenty. And I get bored. Pretty sure it didn't say this in the first post, so I'll ask. Do I just join and review things as people ask, or does someone look through my previous reviews and determine me worthy to be a part of this club?

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 17:38:07

At 6/18/09 05:29 PM, jew193 wrote: Do I just join and review things as people ask, or does someone look through my previous reviews and determine me worthy to be a part of this club?

I guess that's another job for me, as I'm clearly the most qualified member for that one :P

I've looked over the reviews that you've done and they look decent. Perhaps use a few more paragraphs, rather than just the one block of text - go easy on our eyes, you'll miss them when they're gone ;)

I'd also recommend that you try Gemcraft 0 - it's the new release from Game In A Bottle, after you reviewed his last submission.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 17:51:52

At 6/18/09 05:38 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 6/18/09 05:29 PM, jew193 wrote: Do I just join and review things as people ask, or does someone look through my previous reviews and determine me worthy to be a part of this club?
I guess that's another job for me, as I'm clearly the most qualified member for that one :P

I've looked over the reviews that you've done and they look decent. Perhaps use a few more paragraphs, rather than just the one block of text - go easy on our eyes, you'll miss them when they're gone ;)

Can do. It's usually cuz I'm too lazy to try and figure out where it would be a good place to start a new paragraph. But I'll make the effort.

I'd also recommend that you try Gemcraft 0 - it's the new release from Game In A Bottle, after you reviewed his last submission.

Yeah, I remember that coming out, but I don't think I ever played it.

Also, does the person who has the most points at the time of an update win anything other than the pride in knowing that he's better at reviewing than people on the internet who he'll never meet?

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 17:58:24

Sorry guys about the not updating thing. But sonofkirk's done a great job and I'd like to rejoin if I'm let back

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 18:05:47

At 6/18/09 05:58 PM, Shanus wrote: Sorry guys about the not updating thing. But sonofkirk's done a great job and I'd like to rejoin if I'm let back

Well, you've already put the new club in your sig, so I think they're legally required to keep you. Don't quote me though.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 18:23:07

May I join this club? I want to get back into reviewing.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 21:02:36

I'll join...if I still can.

Comic page

Heres an art thing to request, I can still review other things too.

I'm awesome.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 22:20:13

Sweet, I think this is just what this club needs to get a kick in the right direction.

You can expect me to do reviews.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-18 22:52:37

Hey i saw that you are going to review art now as well and would like you to review some of my pieces of art and tell me what you think and what i can improve on. And don't forget to vote on it @;-}>

Save us 222
Hank MC 6
Good ol' hank
Two dudes in a car
Hanks got a gun
Jesbus watching over hank
madness combat 9
Ticky the clown
Jesbus MC8

Thank you for your time.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-19 04:25:38

At 6/18/09 05:58 PM, Shanus wrote: Sorry guys about the not updating thing. But sonofkirk's done a great job and I'd like to rejoin if I'm let back

We perfectly understand that you couldn't keep updating the list, real life is more important than the internet. Also you are more than welcome in that club :).

At 6/18/09 06:23 PM, MultiCanimefan wrote: May I join this club? I want to get back into reviewing.

I checked your reviews and they seem fine and constructive, though as Coop pointed out for Jew193 try to divide your reviews in paragraphs, your reviews will instantly look better. Good luck with the requests!

At 6/18/09 10:52 PM, idiot-buster wrote:

So the first post of this thread was that unclear? ;).To avoid abuse, you are not allowed to request more than 3 reviews within one week, so choose 3 of your art submissions you really want us to review. Though nothing forbids you to come back with more requests next week.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-19 07:29:16

At 6/18/09 05:51 PM, jew193 wrote: Also, does the person who has the most points at the time of an update win anything other than the pride in knowing that he's better at reviewing than people on the internet who he'll never meet?

I don't believe that I'll win anything for this, it's just that I'm top of the charts :P

At 6/18/09 05:58 PM, Shanus wrote: Sorry guys about the not updating thing. But sonofkirk's done a great job and I'd like to rejoin if I'm let back

No, your reviews suck :P

Of course you can come back, Shanus. We'd never kick you out.

Not unless you were a real retard, that is.

At 6/18/09 06:23 PM, MultiCanimefan wrote: May I join this club? I want to get back into reviewing.

Not a bad selection of reviews. Try to avoid reviewing the Spam submissions, as it's seen as feeding the troll. Best not to say anything at all.

At 6/18/09 07:01 PM, darknessdweller wrote: P.S. This is NOT meant to be a pathetic attempt to be accepted by you, or helped with improving of my posts.

No, it's more like a pathetic attempt for post +1.

At 6/18/09 09:02 PM, Aleks55 wrote: I'll join...if I still can.

Well, your reviews are a little short and not very detailed. Try to improve the overall level of detail and the amount of substance in your reviews

Comic page

Heres an art thing to request, I can still review other things too.

Yeah, you can still request, I will add them to the next list in order for sonofkirk to update on Sunday Morning.

At 6/18/09 10:20 PM, Imacow wrote: Sweet, I think this is just what this club needs to get a kick in the right direction.

You can expect me to do reviews.

Welcome back

At 6/18/09 10:52 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Hey i saw that you are going to review art now as well and would like you to review some of my pieces of art and tell me what you think and what i can improve on. And don't forget to vote on it @;-}>

Save us 222
Hank MC 6
Good ol' hank

I'll add the first three to the list for next week, buster. We'll try to keep the level of requests down to a reasonable level, in order not to discourage new members as well.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-19 07:44:33

At 6/18/09 05:58 PM, Shanus wrote: Sorry guys about the not updating thing. But sonofkirk's done a great job and I'd like to rejoin if I'm let back

No. Go away.


We all understand that you had better things to do. For the same reasons as you I dropped out of doing updates, because I had to concentrate on university.
Welcome back and may you never be MIA again! ;)

At 6/18/09 07:01 PM, darknessdweller wrote: Aw crap.

Now that the RRC requires a check of what your reviews are like, how helpful and long they are, and other important review requirements.

No change from the old RRC. We always asked our members to write helpful reviews.

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-19 08:28:16

My most well received flash yet. I'd appreciate a review. Yes yes, I'll start on some REAL animation soon.

We had some good times, Newgrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-19 11:55:55

Can you review my newest audio piece? It's hardstyle/nustyle, just to let you know:P

Thanks in advance!


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-19 12:28:14

At 6/19/09 04:25 AM, sonofkirk wrote: So the first post of this thread was that unclear? ;).To avoid abuse, you are not allowed to request more than 3 reviews within one week, so choose 3 of your art submissions you really want us to review. Though nothing forbids you to come back with more requests next week.

Oh sorry about that....just pic the first 3 then. And then i will post the next 3 next week.... Are you guys looking for new members still because i would like to join. Though my older reviews are pure garbage i would like to have a reason to make them :::besides the stat:::

And the Wi/Ht fourm misses you @;-}>

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-19 13:32:24

At 6/19/09 12:28 PM, idiot-buster wrote: Oh sorry about that....just pic the first 3 then. And then i will post the next 3 next week.... Are you guys looking for new members still because i would like to join. Though my older reviews are pure garbage i would like to have a reason to make them :::besides the stat:::

Don't worry, Coop will add the first three requests you made to the list. Your recent reviews look fine even if you could work on the way to lay them out, and we don't have any members limit so yes, it would be cool to have you as a member. Don't forget to post the points you've earned before Sunday morning.

And the Wi/Ht fourm misses you @;-}>

That's cute ;). I haven't been active at all in the Wi/Ht - except from the two audio lists - because I was focused on the RRC but I'll be back at some point.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-19 21:03:13

So guys, I noticed that new Art Portal reviews aren't shown on profiles yet.

I hope they don't end up like the old Audio Portal reviews :P

unless I'm blind and missed them.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-19 21:57:54

Sorry it took me so long guys.

I'm very busy as of now with work and college at the same time. Just to add on to it I can't get the internet to work on my computer. Probably won't get it to work until Monday, but hopefully that is the latest because I need it for my school work.

I'll get to these reviews as soon as I can. Hopefully I don't miss any. :P

Once I get the internet working on my computer I'll be able to do them as soon as they are posted like I use to. For now I'm just stealing my girlfriend's computer for awhile.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-19 22:20:58

At 6/19/09 09:03 PM, Imacow wrote: So guys, I noticed that new Art Portal reviews aren't shown on profiles yet.

I hope they don't end up like the old Audio Portal reviews :P

What happened to the old Audio Portal reviews?

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-20 01:18:55

At 6/19/09 10:20 PM, jew193 wrote:
At 6/19/09 09:03 PM, Imacow wrote: So guys, I noticed that new Art Portal reviews aren't shown on profiles yet.

I hope they don't end up like the old Audio Portal reviews :P
What happened to the old Audio Portal reviews?

They used to not be viewable on profiles for a long time.

Unless I remember wrong.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-06-20 01:27:17

At 6/20/09 01:18 AM, Imacow wrote:
At 6/19/09 10:20 PM, jew193 wrote: What happened to the old Audio Portal reviews?
They used to not be viewable on profiles for a long time.

Unless I remember wrong.

So if you had forgotten which submissions you had written reviews for, you had no way of seeing the ones you'd forgotten about?