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Reviews for "Tree House Quest"

Well done, especially for the time frame! Lots of fun, great humor, nice, consistent visual style. Brought me back to my childhood a bit (cynthia, indian burns, pogs).

I also liked the sphynxter, thought that was pretty funny.

The art itself was really great (the sphynxter appearing was awesome, so was brioche's attack). However, some of the pixels seemed to jitter. Did you guys play around with tweaking Unity for pixel perfection? I know I've experienced a bit of difficulty myself with this in the past.

Also, I'm curious, were the battles done completely using the canvas (or UI elements in world space)? I ask because of the masking effect when defeating enemies and when the health bar (haha, I'm just realizing the brilliance of having the health bar be an actual bar :D) reduces.

Anyhow, great job. Keep it up!

Tomobodo responds:

Thanks for your feedback !

We did not try to reach pixel perfection , we didn't had time for that. The pixel size is not even constant over all the assets.

The battle were made using both sprite and canvas. Sprites for the fighters, attacks and backgrounds and canvas for the text and health bar.

We used rect mask to show the bar when full and hiding the part behind the packaging. That way we only had to translate the bar tu reduce it.

I really like what you did here, the combat and enemies are just great, I did have one problem, it glitched out and I got stuck, other than that your game was great, keep up the good work!

It has potential to be something much greater, but the peaces are defensively there.
while I did have some problems like the almost pathetically simplistic battle system and the second area, the game was still enjoyable to play. music was catchy, graphics were nice and the cutscene-like pictures were a pleasure to look at and the cild-like feeling the game gives you, makes it a charming experience. and although the previously mentioned second area was tedious (and sometimes even unfair) it still managed to keep it's charm.

and it was only made in 72 h....
0_0 wow

Felt akward and weird to meet some of the type of things I had to fight such as an evil tomato but overall this was quite entertaining. Thank you for that hard work you put into this game!

Great game overall. Only flaw I could find is the text could use some proofreading, but other than that, great job guys!