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Reviews for "Motorjoust"

Wow, really good production for just two weeks! It really captures the NES style, even the way each character is introduced.

The only gripes I have are those floating bridges on some levels obscuring your view too many times. Overall it is a pretty fun game.

WingDemon responds:

Haha, well on some of those levels the floating platforms are meant to obscure your vision ;) (most notably Igor's level) but glad you liked it!


Should be called motojoust.

WingDemon responds:

Well Motorjoust was just the project name originally, but towards the middle we were like, fuck it lets make it our working title and we did! Thanks for playing!


This was pretty enjoyable. I love the old arcade feel of the game, everything from the music to the graphics brought back some good memories.

Nice job, can't wait to see what you do next.

WingDemon responds:

Glad you enjoyed it man! Hope you had as much fun playing it as we did making it :D


So it caught my eyes on the frontpage and when I read the title, I thought to myself : "OH WOW ! WHY DIDN'T ANY MOTORBIKE JOUSTING GAME EVER EXISTED BEFORE ?". And then, started the game and got a very simplistic story (yup ... a classical one). So, a good first impression. (+0.5 bonus !)
Now to the gameplay, it's not difficult at all to feel at ease with the controls (so ... a plus I guess) but I think it's a little difficult to understand how to win at the final clash between you and the opponent and same with the HUD (bottom of the screen) : I understood that the orange bar at the most bottom (how to say it ? duh T.T) of the screen is your progress in the actual stage, that the other orange bar in the "Speed" HUD is your actual speed (understood it at 4th stage so ... derp) but then, what's that red bar filling over time ? (Opponent's speed ? Engine overheat ? Fuel ? ...)
But the big issue is, for me, the fact that you MUST collect those power-ups and avoid the spikes or falling on the head (to avoid losing those hard-earned power-ups) in order to beat your opponent in 2 fields. To do so, you must roll rather slowly for a motorbike ... it doesn't catch the feeling of speed everybody have of a speedy machine. Btw, look at the yellow knight's stage ... See what I mean ? Speed won't be enough.
But dooon't worry ! It's not a failed game at all ! The graphics, despite being simple, are enjoyable, as is the gameplay when one got it. The music is varied, there's a stage editor to extend the game and plus, the opponents are charismatic : when you see them in the select screen (dat Megaman select screen background btw ; but those mugshots remind me more of Mortal Kombat because rectangles and voice acting when selecting a character) they look so serious (except the 2nd one, derp, glasses knight) and when you encounter them, look at the 2nd knight, he's a nerd (lol) ; look at the first one ! That's a child who runs in the tournament to go to restaurant with mom XD. Yep, a little touch of humour does good, especially at the ending, that is surely an unexpected one (I laughed :D) : your victorious knight after all the efforts done removes the heavy armor (nice Metroid reference) and so, much lighter, marries that princess that we might have seen ... Yep, that's a Peachy short game.
With a 0,5 Bonus for a good first impression of the game and easy 1st level => You got 3,5 Stars. Good job during those 2 weeks. (BTW, voted 'cause it was under judgement and told me to vote so ...)

WingDemon responds:

Thanks for playing man, glad you liked it! Yeah, 2 weeks wasn't alot, but we were able to stuff as much as we could in there! Maybe if we do another we can address several of those key issues people keep bringing up!


nice first levels suck but it gets better

WingDemon responds:

Haha we had like 2 days for level design but we all tried our best! I personally designed Larry's, Igor's and Bones level. I wanted my levels to be chill and smooth sailing basically! hope you liked them! ;)
