Very challenging! But good!
Edit*** Woaah frontpage, how nice! :D Can't believe the score is sooo low, but I guess it resembles the few bugs and frustration people have.
Update 1.1
Smaller hitboxes
Fixed the bug with the second boss.
Tick Tock Train contains of 3 bosses, 1 hero, and a train as environment. There is a boss in each of the train compartments, and each boss has different attacks and special moves. You as the hero, then have to work your way, through the train, defeat all the "bad guys" and escape safely. You progress through the game by getting stronger weapons and better abilities.
We have really spent a lot of time on this game, and we hope you all enjoy it. We started this project back in 09, so we've put a lot of hard work in this. The last couple of months we spend on finding a sponsor, and negotiating with them. We're really happy that Gamezhero, wanted to sponsor our game, as we have never tried a sponsorship before.
a - Shoot
s - Jump
m - Mute music
q - Quality
w - Hide Walkthrough
For the hardcore gamer:
You get an extra reward by completing the game without using continues.
Very challenging! But good!
Haha ez
I kinda liked it
kinda good but little confusing also kinda stuipid wierd game
UGh i liked it but its more like not play all the time game at the same time its hard but anoiing and retarded
Epic boss fights, but too damn glitchy!!
I liked the idea of no minions, only bosses. Good work with their different forms and attack patterns! Also awesome train environment!
-The difficulty was just right! It wasn't too easy and also wasn't too hard.
-The bosses' attack pattern are easily predictable(usually after getting hit once =.=").
-After beating the game once, PERFECT(the "award"...) should be easily obtainable the next time.
-I don't know if its only me, but the bosses seem to get easier as the game progresses, especially the last one. He was a real pushover...
-The puzzles were okay. Though its rare to see these "connect start to end" puzzles utilize every tile, since most throw in dummies. The time limit was probably way to long, but at least because of that I still managed to finish it in the 3rd stage when it suddenly lagged.
I gave a -3 becos of the bugs n glitches. It really ruins the fun when you have to refresh the page & restart after getting so far:
-Unresponsive/sluggish keys(killed me a few times)
-1st Stage: Everytime I beat the 1st boss(with the afro) without taking a single hit(10/10 life), after picking up the shield, the flying boss didn't saw thru the ground. Basically nothing happened...didn't expect anyone to dodge the bullet right after the cutscreen?? -.-
-2nd Stage: Defeated boss during transformation, his health bar disappeared, but robot didn't explode, continued attacking, basically he became invulnerable
-3rd Stage: Once when I lost a life, my hero disappeared(dead) but could still attack while remaining invisible and invincible for that short period until he revived. After defeating the final boss, I experienced major lag when diffusing the bomb(weird thing is this only happened once. When I replayed it was fine). Had to press 'A' almost 10 times before the selected tile rotated. Luckily I managed to finish it at the 9th second :) If I lost then I would have given you a 0 xP
-I noticed that when losing a life the camera would still follow your arrow keys as if the hero were alive. The 2nd boss will also seem to chase after the hero as if he were there. It seems that you disabled his attack and made him invisible and invincible for a short duration, then teleported him back to where he died. As I mentioned above it seems I managed to trigger a bug where the hero's attack wasn't disabled when he was dead.
Suggestions(for a sequel or any future projects):
-The "collect the stars" minigame after 2nd stage should totally have a time limit! Then grant bonus lives depending on no. of stars collected, instead of giving a fixed +3 bonus lives.
-Maybe change jump button from 's' to up key? Since you can't jump even with your feet on the ground while equipping the jetpack anyway(or change that and allow hero to jump while on the ground when the jetpack is equipped). Would've preferred arrow keys to move/jump/fly and spacebar to shoot. Or maybe even mouse targeting(just a suggestion)?
-Maybe add a crouch ability(down arrow key)? Allows more varied boss attack patterns and more ways to dodge attacks. Or maybe even allow the hero to walk sideways(adding depth to the game, but that would totally change the gameplay. Anyways these are just suggestions).
-Add difficulty settings, since I'm seeing lots of people finding it hard in the comments, and some, like myself, finding it abit too easy. Maybe make bosses's attack patterns more varied and less predictable in hard mode.
-Maybe for increased difficulty, don't allow the hero to hover with the jetpack. Eg. when you hold down the jetpack button, hero flies up, then release the button to drop. You can even limit the jetpack fuel(maybe in hard mode).
-Allow hero to turn in midair(unless of course, its to increase the difficulty). Hated how you jump over an enemy and can't turn around to shoot him until you've landed.
-Maybe add medals? Or an extra cutscene/cheat/weapon/hidden boss instead of just "Perfect" for the "reward"?
-Fix all the bugs & glitches!!! It would've been an awesome game(10) without them! For now at it is I'll only say its a good game(7).