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Altered Reality Colab

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Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:11:35


That has the correct stage size rather than viewing the .swf// so it shows lag etc as it is.



BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:14:31

This has really come together very nicely. I do have a few comments, however. First of all, it would be a lot easier to judge the movie for testing and the flow and all of that if the movie was formatted in the link, when it is put as just the file, it fills the screen. The larger the screen, the more the lag, and it also makes the graphics look not as smooth. I would just suggest embedding it in a web page. Also, I love the menu, the robot in the background looks killer, the machine displaying all of the info is also really cool. I'm not a huge fan of the red glow on it, but that's just me. One thing I'm not so huge on is the preloader. It's just too bland compared to the rest of the flash.
Overall this is a wonderful collaboration, congratulations and good luck.
My two cents :D

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:17:51

Mogly just posted a webpage with the file so it's easier to view.

Also, everyone should watch the portal in case some idiot fag decides to submit it. Just check the portal once a day or so. If you see someone has submitted it, PM and email all the admins with the subject as 'Newgrounds Help' and they will respond. But I think more than one person will have to do it. Or you could just flag it while it's under judgement...I doubt that will happen anyways...

Ok, enjoy the beta.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:23:06

Just so it's at the top of a new page..


And also look out for stealers mmk?


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:26:00

Hey, the collab looks great!! I'm also glad to see that you kept everyones sketches and unused parts in, I saw my part and was pleased =p
The menu is fricken FANTASTIC, really really great. The movie is awesome and I also loved the credits, how everything synced so well. Great job and congrats, good luck with it.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:29:38

Two ideas i've just had..

One: To reduce the tediousness of moving around the menu, have it so when you've clicked to enter a section(extras/play or whatever) if you click again it skips the little interlude.

Two: Change the font on the scene chooser bit, and also the scroll bar is a bit weird, I think (goes back to top when reached bottom)


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:29:44


I think the error only happens to me. I have no idea why but it does. Everyone i've shown has seemed to not get the dusty's part bug. I think I can submit tonight at 8 if that's fine with everyone. It's done other than the bug, and since i'm the only one getting it, we can really submit!

wooooohoooooo people keep beta testing!

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:31:38

Dustys part crashed firefox for me

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:33:42

At 7/6/06 05:31 PM, Shifty55 wrote: Dustys part crashed firefox for me

and explorer

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:34:33


It is crashing for some and not crashing for others. I have no idea why...Just keep this thread private and only ask about it with trusting friends on AIM.

Thanks... :(

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:35:50

At 7/6/06 05:29 PM, Starogre wrote: I think I can submit tonight at 8

No, whenever we submit, it can't be that late, as that's good for you, but not for me (and other non-americans) plus people who haven't been as active over the last few weeks.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 17:48:28

ok, so starogre doesn't forget:
label each frame on a seperate layer around the part where it crashes. Test it several times and see if it's the same frame everytime. If it is, just delete those frames and copy the ones before it.
Have a nice trip

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 18:06:15

You know what would be the most awesome thing? Well besides debugging Dusty's part, of course. If we could connect all the animatics to actually make the collab in its animatic form. I think that would be pretty sexy, and since we have another week since Star will be out, why not? Oh wait... I just realized that it would screw up the whole animatics section. But is it possible to take out the animatics section and just link the animatic button to an external link? Because I'm pretty sure all the buttons are tied up with 'frame labels' so it wouldn't be that much of a hassle, would it? I'll volunteer my webspace to put the animatic collab on. Any comments? Or am I just dumb, and think that putting a collab together is a lot easier than it actually is.

Because if its possible, I would definitely do it. But then again, would people actually bother to watch a 5 minute animatic of our collab? Hmm..lots a pondering going on in my head. Well just tell me what you think. And good luck with isolating the Dusty issue.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 18:12:10

damn it, just realized that all the animatics arent up or some people didn't have animatics. Oh well, I can still dream...

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 18:33:21

At 7/6/06 06:12 PM, RAWRoutLOWD wrote: damn it, just realized that all the animatics arent up or some people didn't have animatics. Oh well, I can still dream...

I dont like the idea tbh, it's a nice idea.. NICE-wise but only we would enjoy it.

What the hell I mean by dont like the idea, but a nice idea... whatever :P


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 19:05:02

At 7/6/06 06:33 PM, -Mogly- wrote:
At 7/6/06 06:12 PM, RAWRoutLOWD wrote: damn it, just realized that all the animatics arent up or some people didn't have animatics. Oh well, I can still dream...
I dont like the idea tbh, it's a nice idea.. NICE-wise but only we would enjoy it.

What the hell I mean by dont like the idea, but a nice idea... whatever :P

lol its alright, i get it.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 19:34:49

The collab looks great! Dusty's part crashed my browser but it looks great so far.
I really like the animatic idea Rawr but like it was previously stated..not every1 made an animatic.

If you're not reading Twisted Comix what is your life about?

I'm published on NG! Buy "One Shot"!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 20:30:36

Hey guys, I made you all a little present!

Open The Box!

Its just for your viewing pleasure. And since I was bored and wasn't very hard to make, I was like "why the hell not". For all the empty spots, I put in little countdowns for you impatient people. And for MC_Booga's first part, I was too lazy to decompile your swf so I just put another countdown thing there too.

Happy almost 1 year anniversay!

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 20:45:12

At 7/6/06 08:30 PM, RAWRoutLOWD wrote: Hey guys, I made you all a little present!

Awww thanks! lol, that was pretty cool and u did that so fast. Good Job.

If you're not reading Twisted Comix what is your life about?

I'm published on NG! Buy "One Shot"!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 21:00:35

Aw shucks. It just had to be my part, didn't it? :(
Yeah, it crashed my windows explorer for me too when it gets to my part. I really hope it can be fixed.. it just makes no sense that it JUST started doing that.

Anyway, you mentioned something about taking out all the background animations and jpegs out because of an extreme lag. I think frostedmuffins was right when he said it's only because you had the file at such a large size. When I viewed the menu on Mogly's site, everything ran smoothly and clean, and I don't even have that great of a computer compared to most people. So... as far as I'm concerned, the menu is perfect, other than the dumb scroll button error where you need to click the arrow twice to scroll up... dunno wtf is up with that. It didn't do that when I made it either.

And rawr, I thought about doing that animatic idea to, and it's too bad it wouldn't work. Many reasons: not everyone included the music in their animatic; not everyone made their animatic at the specified dimensions; and most of all, not everyone made an animatic. Otherwise it would be pretty cool, and I think people (other than just us) actually might have been interested to watch it, if they are interested in the whole animation process/behind the scenes stuff. Same thing with all of the extra's content. That's why I spent so much time going through every page of the thread to find everything everyone had posted so I could include it. I always think the more, the better.

Anyway I finally get to see the whole complete movie (except for my damn part..) and I think it looks awesome. Now that I look back on the parts that were actually finished almost a year ago, alot of people have improved since then (especially me... yikes). There was only one thing that sorta threw it all off, and that was when parts didn't sync together very nicely. I know they weren't really supposed to, but if they had it would have looked much cooler. Anyway am personally glad to have worked with everyone in this collab, even if you hated working with me. You're all extremely talented, so let's make this a success for everyone.

..We'll make the best of it at least. Sorry this has become such a pain in the ass for some people.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 21:05:31

I just have one question for you, Dusty. When you look at your part on your computer, do you get any errors? Because it really would be strange, if the problem just appears when everything is assembled.

And if you wanna see the animatic put together, you can just look 2-3 posts above yours.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 21:08:41

Oops, I didn't see your last post rawr. That's pretty awesome, thanks! Maybe we can link that in the animatics section err something... or just put it at the top of the list? Hmmm. Anyway read my previous post please... it's a long'un.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 21:11:40

Haha sorry I didn't see that post either.. wow I'm so behind. Anyway, yeah when I view my part all by itself, it works just fine. And it worked fine originally during assembly for starogre. But then, "all of the sudden", it just... makes this error. It's pretty much unexplainable.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 22:07:19

This is probably my last post till next (not this coming sunday, but the next...) sunday or so.

Soooooo if you want to do the animatic movie go ahead. It's just that I didn't really think that most people would want to watch 5 minutes of sketches, but oh well, if you made it, it's ok to put up!

Also, to make dusty incorrect ;P the problem actually occured earlier during the assembly process also, but went away all of a sudden, and I'm not sure why. Then I added the credits and menu, and it was working fine...again. Then all of a sudden it started doing this. Donno why, it just does. SOOOOOOO YA! We can fix it after I come back. In the mean time you guys can brainstorm the problem or new ideas. (Just as long as the new ideas are not relevant to the collaboration itself, it's a pain working in a glitchy fla).

Seeya in a week! Or a day or two more i donno.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-07 08:44:53

Well, since we all have two weeks, lets do whatever we can to improve this, little by little.

For example, Dusty if you feel up to it, go through your part and vectorize stuff, get rid of filters etc to make it hopefully work right.
- Btw, it doesn't stop for me, i'm using Opera, and running it in Flash player 9, do you think that could be it? Try getting opera for whoever it doesn't work for.

Menu stuff that could be done :
- Font on extras stuff, I really dont like it as it looks messy.
- Have it so when clicked, it skips the transition from menu to extra bit, so for example if the user clicked the wrong thing it would skip the transition making it feel a little faster and user friendly.

There prob some more I could notice over the next two weeks, I wouldn't mind improving mine since we have this time now.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-07 10:17:11

THe menu does not lag for me, it plays perfectly fine.

And in dusty's part, the only odd thing I could find was a movie film with clouds in the background(like .avi film). To whoever has an .fla, try taking that out and exporting it. Otherwise I can't find anything out of place to cause errors.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-07 10:23:08

Dusty's part works for me now.... I'm doing an investigation.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-07 10:42:45

Is the animated moving cloud embedded video even suppose to be playing in dusty's part? Because the movie now works fine for me, but dusty's background is white and empty where the embedded video should be.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-07 13:01:20

the whole collab works for me. great job guys

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-07 23:12:11

Wow, this is so weird. Anyway yeah, I put the embedded video there, it was never really a problem, and it isn't playing at the part where the error occurs, so it's fine I think.

Mogly, I didn't know there was a flash player 9? Umm.. yeah I guess that could possibly be part of the problem. I watched one of my favorite Livecorpse movies the other day, and there is a new error that occurs in it that never did before (a sound error). I think there might just be something wrong with the flash player itself.. I have no idea.

Anyway, I looked through the menu last night and I found quite a few errors in the extra's menu/bios menu (button errors mostly), so Star, I'll help you fix those when you get back (I would do it myself but I don't have the .fla)