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Altered Reality Colab

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Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-03 10:42:27

No we are not done :/

Fixed your part dusty, looks better than before because it doesn't lag and the name in the lower right doesnt change color too. Everything you had before is still there and can be replaced if needed, so don't worry.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-03 22:00:32


Or else this will be our menu.


the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-03 23:01:21


Or else this will be our menu.


Wow, it's so straightforward and effective, lol. I gave dusty my animation for the extras section, so it should be done soon.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-04 16:21:29


Or else this will be our menu.


I say, we should stick with that one.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-04 16:32:12

At 7/4/06 04:21 PM, Shifty55 wrote:

Or else this will be our menu.

I say, we should stick with that one.

It's ten o clock here, so I guess it's now in use :D.

Seriously though, a simple one would do FINE


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-04 17:05:14

I was joking, but lol...we are using dusty's no matter what. I just want him to send it tonight (tuesday night). I just need it by tonight so I can get everything I need to do with the menu done in time.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 00:08:47

12:09.....whats up? I hope the next post I see is a menu.

Just Kiddin....Not really.

If you're not reading Twisted Comix what is your life about?

I'm published on NG! Buy "One Shot"!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 08:29:59

So I got up this morning, to finish the collab and get an early start on it to have enough time to betatest before I submit. So I open my email and it says I have 1 new message! And guess what it was! FAN MAIL. Nope. No menu. Dusty, I'm disappointed.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 09:05:28


and then starogre to put the menu in.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 14:35:26

so...yea..thats prtty messed up..

If you're not reading Twisted Comix what is your life about?

I'm published on NG! Buy "One Shot"!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 14:43:46

I had it finished last night. I met my deadline. But my internet went out, and I couldn't email it. But I got on this morning a little after starogre posted the above message and sent him the file, and he is currently working on getting it linked up with the movie file. The final movie with menu and everything combined - should be uploaded to starogre's website later today for beta testing. And if all is well with everyone, tomorrow around 8 o'clock, Altered Reality will hit the portal!

Holy shit it feels good to say that.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 15:50:44

Did you remove the Flash 8 effects? I opened up what you had before on my laptop, and it was going at like 1 frame per every 2 seconds.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 17:44:45

Which flash 8 effects? I can remove any blurs or anything to get rid of lag. Right now I just need to put more sounds in the menu, put the menu in and link one of rawr's animatics then its beta testing time. I want to get it submitted TONIGHT. Dusty was a bit wrong on that one :P. Alright. Back to work. IM me if you have any questions and be on AIM within the next 2 hours to beta test when I'm finished. I don't think I wanna post the swf here on the thread.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 17:58:47

Don't submit tonight, it's to late now.

Not forgetting the only people IN the collab to know will be the ones checking here regularly, even after a year.

We also need to sort out co-author's and author comments, plus any other shit that has been kept a little quiet.

I say Star email everyone in this collab and tell them it's on, tell them the time and date.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 19:56:02

What has been kept quiet? I'm not going to post every little error and bug on the forums that I come across while doing the rest of the menu and putting it into the movie, but I will say I AM submitting tomorrow because I there are too many errors with scene select. Plus, the back to menu button doesn't work inside cameras so we can't have that. I tried and the buttons don't work inside the camera movie clip which is trying to capture color at the same time.

Dusty, like he said and wasn't quiet about it, sent me the menu this morning and we worked on it for awhile. Aaaand then I worked on it after he fell asleep....theeen I ran into too much trouble to be able to get done in ten minutes.

Hmmmmm so basically what I'm trying to say is that working on the menu integration all day did not help what day we are submitting on, but one thing is for sure. We HAVE to submit tomorrow.

What else, oh ya, coauthors are still being decided (i hate deciding things because not everyone in the world agrees with the same choices someone makes). Aaaaand I didn't know author comments were that big of a deal to you but I will try and make them as good as possible in the shortest amount of words as possible.

And ok, I will email everyone when I submit so they know their part is released to the public.

Does that clear everything up for you?

Nope, I guess I still have to say that I need to recode part of the scene selection because it's not working right, and then I have to code the last frame of the movie to replay at a certain point in the menu to fade back in as described by dusty awhile back. I think that covers most of the errors because the bios and extras all work fine (extras, not including scene selection). I also added a few sound effects to dusty's portion of the menu he animated (because he said he was too lazy to do it). Hmmmm what else was there...I think that's it.

Aaaaand it should be submitted tomorrow at 8 pm US eastern time if I don't post tomorrow (but I most likely will + email too :P )!

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 21:25:00

At 7/5/06 05:44 PM, Starogre wrote: Which flash 8 effects? I can remove any blurs or anything to get rid of lag.

The Movie Clip Filter effects, blur and adjust color. Removing them from the background will help the most, as the bigger the area that uses the movie clip effects, the more impact it has on your CPU. If the color must be changed to keep it apart from the menu, just use the normal non-Flash-8-exclusive color tint to make it darker.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 21:40:14

At 7/5/06 07:56 PM, Starogre wrote: annnd I'm just doing ALOT

Aww man, ur the saviour of this collab. Brought it back from inactivity and now doing overtime on it.
Applause For Starogre! or sumtin like that...

If you're not reading Twisted Comix what is your life about?

I'm published on NG! Buy "One Shot"!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 22:00:22

Anyone have a solution for flash freezing every 2-3 clicks in the program? I can't do crap without it freezing for two minutes and then unfreezing for another 2-3 clicks.

Help would be appreciated...

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-05 23:44:08

The only things I can think of... is close out all system processes that are not necessary, to increase system memory space. I would reccomend splitting the files apart, but for the final linking up, it all needs to be combined, doesn't it? Hmm... a last thing you could try (you probably can't do this though) is send the .fla to a different computer that doesn't have anything on it and would be capable of giving it's full attention to the program. So if you have an old computer sitting around.. hmm.. nah I doubt you do. I do though. I guess you could send me the .fla file and I could send it to my old computer (which is completely cleared off) and maybe it would work then. Buuut.. no, you probably have to edit all the shit yourself unless you can tell me what to do. Other than those shitty ideas, I can't really reccomend anything other than just having to bear with the 2 minute freeze every click... or, you can go out and buy some parts to make your computer the fastest thing on the planet ;).

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 09:07:27

Ya, I sound stupid for asking this, but what is the code for a button for gotoAndPlay a certain frame in a certain scene. I have tried everything with and without quotes, with and without _root. and _global. and _parent. and nothing is working AT ALL. The closest I can do is

on (release) {
gotoAndPlay("Scene 1", 15);

That doesnt work on the buttons in the scene select. Help would be appreciated. again...

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 09:17:51

Nevermind, I got it to work.

on (release) {
_root.gotoAndPlay("frame label");

Don't need a scene name if you have a label and _root.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 09:48:23

While I'm waiting for flash to unfreeze I may as well tell you the only things I have to do as of now before the beta is released is to take out the back to menu button in the cameras and relabel frame names for all the parts.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 10:15:28


Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 10:18:21


Two more things and we are done.

First: Have to sync the music up also, with the scene selection. Isn't hard and easy to do.

Second: Huge error in the menu. Everything blinks and stuff, no idea why, and it's all glitchy. I don't think it's lag, but maybe some animation was cut out. (It's only in the background animation and rawr's foreground animation.) Still researching it.

For future reference, the URL for the beta will end up being www.starogre.com/alt..y/AlteredReality.swf

, so if you want, just check that every few hours.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 13:23:45

At 7/6/06 10:18 AM, Starogre wrote:
For future reference, the URL for the beta will end up being www.starogre.com/alt..y/AlteredReality.swf

, so if you want, just check that every few hours.

That might be a mistake to post up the link for the beta. People who keep up with this collab will see it before its released. But thats just my mean opinion.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 13:25:49

At 7/6/06 01:23 PM, RAWRoutLOWD wrote: That might be a mistake to post up the link for the beta. People who keep up with this collab will see it before its released. But thats just my mean opinion.

Thats the idea.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 14:37:49

Well not everyone is gonna be on AIM, and this thread IS pretty private.

Just got back from getting a new ID.

Two more problems... >_>

1. Just gotta fix a movie quality bug.

2. Dusty's part is reeeealllllyyyyy screwed. The part no longer has actionscript in it, however, I think it may be his camera. Whenever the movie gets to dusty's part, the portion where the guy is shadowed by the robot freezes, and flash shuts completely down. I screenshot the error. Here it is.


This is the last error I can find in the movie so a beta should be released soon.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 16:29:13

I knew all these problems would occur...

This is NOT getting submitted tonight. There is no way. The menu is too laggy even in flashplayer and should have been done in vector format. Sorry dusty, but the slow, laggy jpg's all over the place, with the slow, tweened animations in the background and foreground and animation everywhere is not gonna cut it. The menu is not even online yet and lags in flashplayer, on my computer, and the computer is a lot faster than internet.

Plus, dusty's part has a portion in it where it just locks up flash and exits out. I have no idea how to fix it, i've tried copying his part back in, taking out and putting back in the camera (the part doesnt even happen where there is a camera). I even tried taking out the alpha'd jpg's he tweened over the whole screen. It was laggy so i decided to try it but it still didn't work. I said I was leaving tomorrow and I was busy today, so I don't have time to fix a huge, unkown error like this.

Maybe some of you can take it upon yourselves to help out by researching it somewhere while i'm gone, or at least posting in the flash forums and/or asking people on AIM.

It's a good collab and we just can't afford to let it die because of a laggy menu and a frozen spot.

Again, it's only one part in dusty's animation that it does this, so you can use scene select to skip over other parts. It takes about 15 minutes just to export the 9.33 mb file which is being drowned in jpg's all over the place, so it's nearly impossible for me to test it in a timely manner. As I said before, I will upload the animation to the link above as soon as it's done exporting, so you can check out the file yourself. I don't really care if other people can see it, it's the easiest and fastest way I can get the file link to you. The movie will freeze (or it should, it does for me) at the part in dusty's animation where the shadow overlays the character the first time. It's like the fourth to last part, so if you want to see the ending and credits you'll just have to use scene select.

When I took over and helped get the collab up and moving again, I knew that we would have these errors, but not wierd ones like this, so HELP IS NEEDED. I have fixed the previous errors like this one but this has no logical reason it is occuring. There is no actionscript around anywhere.

Hmm what else to say, what else to say...Uhh...Oh ya...Although this thread is public, it's also pretty private so far, so just because the link is posted a few posts above, don't go around showing people the collab so far. If you are helping by posting in the forums, just use the image above or any others you get. That should be good enough.

Although we have to wait a week for me to get back, I think you guys can all decide on what to do about the lag/filesize/flash error.

Thanks for the help. It is needed and appreciated.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 16:47:13

Sorry. The above link is not correct.

This is the correct link you can now view the beta of the screwed up swf.


the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-07-06 16:55:55

Oh and by the way, beta testing the rest of the movie, such as scene selection (test to see if all the links work properly) and that the extras links all work, would be wonderful while I'm gone. (Same with the bios links and stuff.)

Thanks, hopefully we can finish this soon after I return.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature