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Altered Reality Colab

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Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 14:23:20

Send me a .fla of someone elses cam, with the exact library names the same, so that my part can just be copy 'n pasted back in.

Also send me the clips

Whoever sent me the credits (sorry whoever) are you kidding? Theres like 100 people on that list. I was thinking to just credit the actual animators. You also came across VERY controlling. I'm making the credits, i know what i'm doing, and you're not in control of this collab.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 14:54:41

A WHOPPING 11 MB! YES THAT IS ALOT! Don't know what to do yet, but it's because of all the masked texturing and imported images used in the flash movies. The filesize can be decreased a bit by decreasing the quality of the song a bit, but I'm not going to do that yet. First I need to do filler, fix mogly's camera, and fix mc booga's part.

Anyone got any ideas? (For all those problems :P )

i m not sure if you need it but do you need 2 seconds of filler if so i got you!

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 14:58:01

sry for the double post but heres my origional filler, it looks alot better with the actual
framing, also the fist turns green for some reason, its not suppost to do that,.


Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 15:50:55

Mogly - just got back from lunch. I'll try and replace the camera with the exact MC of someone else's camera. (Haven't tried fixing it yet). If that doesn't work, I'll send the .fla and u can do it. Also, the clips aren't done yet, I am working on the assembly first, trying to get that all straightened out.

Rantish - I already put your filler in, and I can do the last two seconds of filler.

I still need to also fix MCBooga's part somehow, don't know how I'm gonna do it though...

I'm not sure who I can side with on the credits. So you two can duke it out on AIM ;P mogly8 vs dusty skater09.

Also, if RAWR is not doing the names for the different people, I think that it is a lot easier for me to do them anyways, since I don't need to copy and paste tons of names from someone else's fla, then resize them and make them fit in right. I can do them pretty quickly enough.

Last, we just need the preloader, menu, including extras and bios, then I need to upload the extras to my website and link them from the menu. THEN dusty and mogly need to agree on the credits and I need to make clips for it.

Remember, this file is already 11 mb and doesn't need MUCH more to be done with it. In fact, not to be lazy, but I think making clips for the credits will be even more of a file size increase. We should think about it before you do the credits.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 17:21:07


Should names be at the bottom of the screen while the movie is playing? or have no credit till the end.

My opinion:
- Most people don't watch the credits in movies, some do, but most probably don't. know one will know
- And if they DO watch the credits as potential fans, how will they know which bit is yours?

- I want people to know my part, when my part is on.

I want names at the bottom. Make points, post your opinions.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 17:38:33

I know I want my name on my clips. Names do not neccesarily need to be at the bottom, it should be where it looks the best and doesn't obstuct the view of the viewer.

If you're not reading Twisted Comix what is your life about?

I'm published on NG! Buy "One Shot"!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 17:42:53

Bigarmybug argues however, that everyone would be whoring their part, going LOOK AT ME THIS IS MY PART, and that everyone should be treated equally when dealing with credit of a collaboration. Also, watching the first two seconds of credits (if someone actually cared that much to research who did what part) is not that hard to see the list of authors, in order, from first to last.

Also, by equally he means that if a part really sucks, no one will go, 'that guy sucks', they will say, 'that part sucks'. Same thing with one part being really good. No one will stand out from each other. Plus, he sees putting names in, solely for advertisement to show off yourself. And another point is that the movie should be watched for the art, not for who made the art.

I dont really care about which way is done, no names, or names (in the bottom corner of the screen during the movie), but it's something to think about while you wait for all of us to assemble the files together. Also, a collab with no names has not been done before and it's a risk that could make it better.

THINK ABOUT IT! But don't think too hard! >_<

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 17:49:23

Names on our clips doesn't mean shameless self advertisement, it helps the viewer know who did what w/o having to match it up with the credits. I know when I watch collabs I like to see who did what parts so I can look at their other work. It also helps identify when an artist's clip is changed.

If you're not reading Twisted Comix what is your life about?

I'm published on NG! Buy "One Shot"!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 18:15:32

Well that's exactly the point. He doesn't think one artist deserves more views over any other artist. (That's what I basically said above, is that everyone should be treated equally)

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 18:55:02

At 6/27/06 06:15 PM, Starogre wrote: Well that's exactly the point. He doesn't think one artist deserves more views over any other artist. (That's what I basically said above, is that everyone should be treated equally)

As I said on AIM thats pretty besides the point. Thats like saying every Flash should make front page, or atleast the way you worded it.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 19:11:44

really we should do like any other collab and put our names at the bottom.

shut up bigarmybug

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 19:24:26

At 6/27/06 06:55 PM, -Mogly- wrote:
At 6/27/06 06:15 PM, Starogre wrote: Well that's exactly the point. He doesn't think one artist deserves more views over any other artist. (That's what I basically said above, is that everyone should be treated equally)
As I said on AIM thats pretty besides the point. Thats like saying every Flash should make front page, or atleast the way you worded it.

Basically it means that since its a collaboration, (just like any disney animated film), all the authors should get the same amount of credit, and they dont get that if someone gets their name on a better part. You can argue with him...IM him lol I'm tired of arguing both points. I don't care what we do ^_^

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 19:29:10

Tell him to post here so everyone can see :D

Difference being, this isn;t a disney film, and we're not pro's. This is NG and people dont watch credits at the end, as there is no payoff afterwards.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 20:16:04

>_> The point was, that if they really wanted to know they could look in the credits instead of watching small details and thinking about a good author's name and their other submissions while you're watching the movie.

And mogly your camera is being a #$%&$%^*.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 20:24:00

I find that names look annoying, especially if they are animated. If the names were consistent with the same type and font, then it would be okay.

If you wanted names in the credits, and still be able to force people to watch them, then you could just reshow animated parts of people as their name passes by. Or just do that stuff in the "BIO" section. If people really wanted to know who did which part they can just browse a bit.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 20:36:19

At 6/27/06 08:29 PM, BigArmyBug wrote: also they can be listed in the authors comments in order of appearance.

Anything regarding 'in order of appearance', the users going to have to count out what part's position is from the start, meaning watching it again.

relativly unknow//want name on FP

Of course, I think we all want people to know which parts we did right?


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 20:40:54

I, myself, would prefer to have the names on the frame, since it identifies the animator, like Tystarr said before. But i think there's another problem of actually putting the tags on there. Since there's a lot of flashcam work, its not like you can just paste some movieclip on the stage.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 21:12:20

At 6/27/06 08:24 PM, Astropuff wrote: I find that names look annoying, especially if they are animated. If the names were consistent with the same type and font, then it would be okay.

Thats a good idea, eliminating the names altogether isn't a good idea.
Theres a reason why collabs have the name under people's parts.
Its convenient and also shows whos Altered Reality it is.

If you're not reading Twisted Comix what is your life about?

I'm published on NG! Buy "One Shot"!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 21:13:05

At 6/27/06 08:40 PM, RAWRoutLOWD wrote: I, myself, would prefer to have the names on the frame, since it identifies the animator, like Tystarr said before. But i think there's another problem of actually putting the tags on there. Since there's a lot of flashcam work, its not like you can just paste some movieclip on the stage.

woow the cam i compleatly for got about that, but if you make the entire video an MC cany you jusytt put it right over it and the cam wont affect it?

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-27 21:14:50

Ok, ya, just put a camera inside a MC, that will work! I will hire you to recode all the cameras to work with the root instead of the parent then.

you can't put a camera inside a movie clip! sigh....

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-28 09:11:47

Id like our names( your talking about the NG user names right? not our real names which would be too long) on the clips. When they used to do those 10 sec collabs, it helpd tell me who did which and allowed me to go search for the users on NG. It could even be in the right hand lower corner in the black bar section out of the way.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-28 11:43:08

At 6/27/06 09:14 PM, Starogre wrote: Ok, ya, just put a camera inside a MC, that will work! I will hire you to recode all the cameras to work with the root instead of the parent then.

you can't put a camera inside a movie clip! sigh....

oopse fofgot that , ran into problems with that in my collab to.

shit i feel stupid.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-28 11:46:06

THE COLLAB IS COMPLETE! The movie part anyways...We still needed two more seconds of animation so I just whipped this up http://img400.images..illerstarogre8xx.swf

And. Neeko. We can't do names. First of all, we can't put black bars OR names because of all the cameras used. The bars and names would move all over the place and it would look retarded.

Third, all we need now is for dusty to send the menu, and mogly to send the credits.

Fourth, in the bios, or w/e, we can just put small pictures or screenshots of each part or something, so the person can find the part>author and look at their other work.

Fifth, mogly get on AIM so I can send my logo fla. I dont think I ever did.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-28 12:54:15

In the menu, there is a scene selection, and I listed the scenes by names of authors. So they can go to that list and see, for example, "Starogre" on the list, click the button, and watch his part. Or, they can go to the bio section, which links to both the authors website and NG profile, and find out all the information they need. I currently have "bio pics" there, which some of you submitted to me, but since everyone will have their own little logo in the credits anyway, I can just replace the bio pics with a snapshot of a scene from your part. So there you go, now there are 3 ways for people to know who did what, and the movie won't be interrupted by people's names. Sound good? It's the best option anyways, considering we can't put people's names in corners and stuff because of cameras.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-28 13:59:51

No problem, now just finish it.

If you're not reading Twisted Comix what is your life about?

I'm published on NG! Buy "One Shot"!

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-28 19:45:48

At 6/28/06 12:54 PM, dusty_h wrote: Sound good?

No. It really doesn't... Come off it, I doubt most the people on NG give a shit about sitting through credits, looking at a 'bio's' section and so on. I want my name on my piece, else it appears that the four lucky people set as co-author, ARE the people in this collab. I want my peice to have my name on it.


BLOG ~ Dont fuck around with my dog. All that I can see I steal. ~

NG FFR ~ Automatic for the people.

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-28 20:31:42

If you go into the camera clip, take out all the scripting and put a new, different camera clip in there, you can add black bars to the top and bottom or names in a corner.

Has the gradient problem in my peice been fixed yet? You might need to copy those frames over from the origional. I don't know what's going on with that.

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-28 20:39:54

Yep, the errors and bugs are out. The problem was wierd. Flash defaulted to export to flash player 6, no idea why. So I changed to 8, and everything worked fine.

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-29 04:08:45

i liked the mechanics of this collab

Response to Altered Reality Colab 2006-06-29 11:10:52

Got all the names into the collab! There were a few errors, such as dusty's camera code changing to all action script comments. No idea why that happened, but the names are in and look as identical as possible, considering the cameras were of all different sizes.

So. I've probably set it enough, but just to clear things up. All i need now, is the menu, and credits! And this thing is done!

the events are merely fictional, written, directed, and acted out by all who create them

BBS Signature