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5 Kings ( A Bbs Story )

46,342 Views | 809 Replies

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-17 15:19:03

Meh back from my break. Looking forward to the next chapter, but am missing something.

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-17 15:47:50

At 12/17/06 03:19 PM, Sarai wrote: Meh back from my break. Looking forward to the next chapter, but am missing something.

Okay, far too curious. What exactly are you missing?

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-17 15:50:20

At 12/17/06 03:47 PM, Monocrom wrote:
At 12/17/06 03:19 PM, Sarai wrote: Meh back from my break. Looking forward to the next chapter, but am missing something.
Okay, far too curious. What exactly are you missing?

How long do you have >:<

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-17 16:47:39

Mmmmmm, infant killing.


BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-17 17:55:51

At 12/17/06 04:47 PM, PicklesTheDrummer wrote: Mmmmmm, infant killing.

Stop changing your name! You came up with a great one the 1st time around. I say change it back to Demeaning. I'm not changing it in the story! No!

To: Sarai -

Sadly, not enough time tonight.

NEXT CHAPTER = TUESDAY before 4pm. (Sorry, best I can do).

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-17 17:59:05

At 12/17/06 05:55 PM, Monocrom wrote:
At 12/17/06 04:47 PM, PicklesTheDrummer wrote: Mmmmmm, infant killing.
Stop changing your name! You came up with a great one the 1st time around. I say change it back to Demeaning. I'm not changing it in the story! No!

I can't. Someone took it.



BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-19 15:11:37

Chapter 27: "Aviator" Man.

Monocrom could hear her, coming up behind him. She was smart enough not to try and sneak up on him. She giggled a bit as she came closer. He smiled..... knowing not to put up a struggle.

"Gotcha!" She said, hugging him from behind.

"Oh no. Another victim of the Hug Monster. Somehow, I just don't seem to mind when you attack me, Jade." He said with a smile.

"That's what Fyndir says all the time!" She said with a laugh.

She had told him about Fyndir. She even told him that Fyndir considered him to be an okay guy. Monocrom didn't mind her insanity. But he knew he probably should....... Jade went off to grab a "snack." Monocrom reached for his pre-paid cellphone, and called up Demeaning.

"Yeah it's me...... No, they don't suspect a thing...... Well, if they did; I don't think I'd be talking to you right now....... Yeah, three weeks will be the perfect time to do it. They'll all be too busy with the ceramony. Think of it like jumping out of the closet and shooting a guy while he's busy fucking a whore. Can you think of a better time when someone's guard is down?....... No, these vampires; all they're talking about is who's King will survive and lead them to Greatness. Blah, blah, like I give a fuck...... No, not before it begins....... Well, what's more important?! You really want to be penny-wise and dollar-foolish?....... Sure, I understand what you're saying, but let's remember what's most important. After this, the guys up in Boston will give us whatever support we want. Remember, focus....... Yeah, I definitely have access to it. Just make sure that 'Aviator' Man is ready on his end...... Okay, cool! I'll call you back tomorrow."

As he hung up the phone, he decided to stop lying to himself about his chances of Survival. Monocrom knew he wasn't going to make it out alive. But at least he'd go out with a BANG!


No one knew it, but satan held all the cards. (Even with his powers, The Omnipresence could only predict the future. He didn't know exactly how it would unfold. But he wasn't worried. Not at all). Thanks to lnuma's status in the vampire world, satan knew EVERYTHING. She even knew about the Destroyer King who had recently been transported to The Omnipresence's compound. All satan cared about was revenge, and she didn't care who she used in order to get it. Her magnificently fiendish plan grew like a Cancer that had yet to be detected. She would burst out into fits of uncontrollable laughter.

"Ooooo..... Hey! Why don't I send Dobio an invitation to the party?! What's a party without a pimp, anyway?!" She laughed out loud.

satan even knew which Queen had caused the bloodbath at Dobio's Den. She knew he wanted revenge. satan was in a rare generous, and playful mood. When she smiled, one of her Followers thought about how "cute" she looked. She sent him with a note to slip under Dobio's door. It was in fact, made up to look like an invitation to a party...... complete with directions on how to get there!

satan knew when Demeaning planned to strike. And, she approved whole-heartedly! ....... She especially approved of HOW he planned to pull it off. satan was as giddy as a child locked in a candy store!

Dobio's reaction when he read the "invitation," was far from giddy. He began to tear apart his own office! The invite read:

"I slaughtered your bitches and your pervs! They tasted like old leather and vomit. I'm bored and want to fight! Want to take me on?! Just follow the directions and show up in 3 weeks. Bring whoever you want, it's not going to matter! Your charm and sexy eyebrows won't help! You can lick my hairy, wolf ass!!!"

When he was done, Dobio called a cleaning service. Then, he made one more phone call......

satan wasn't done yet. She decided she wasn't going to just sit back and watch the whole, big, beautiful show unfold. She didn't want a ring-side seat...... she wanted to be beating the shit out of the other Fighters! Her revenge would also take on a more personal note. lnuma had learned that her Lover's friend actually belonged to a different clan than he did. satan had planned on introducing herself to "Grandma." She wanted to say hello to the Queen who let one of her Followers create the ultimate Sumjack.

"Oh Grandma...... we're going to have such a lovely reunion. I wonder if you smell like cookies?" Said satan to no one in particular.


"Aviator" Man showed up at Demeaning's apartment. Julie and Donnie were there too.

"Good to see you!" Said Demeaning with a smile.

"You're far too enthusiastic." He replied expressionless.

"Fair enough! Donnie mentioned you're all business." Said Demeaning.

"Damn right! Got my money?"

"Yes I do. And, a nice quiet place where you can work on some of the more 'complicated' stuff." Replied Demeaning, with a giant grin.

--- END OF PART I ---

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-19 15:16:07

--- PART II ---

Demeaning wanted to check out the area around the place where it would happen. He took Donnie with him. Parking his sedan close by, Demeaning went to the trunk of his car to make sure all of his other gear was up to task. He took out his new aquisition, a Night-ops Gladius. Touted by many as the ultimate in LED flashlights. It had several lighting modes, including a strobe feature. The entire light was bullet-proof..... except for the tailcap switch which seemed to be made of flimsy plastic. This was done, according to the company that makes it, intentionally.

As Donnie called out to him, Demeaning turned...... and promptly hit the tailcap on the side of the opening to the trunk. The entire tailcap assembly popped off!

"Oh What the Hell!" Said Demeaning.

Donnie walked over to him.

"Oh, you probably bought one of the early models. The tailcap is prone to breaking off if you bump it while having the switch in the lock-out position. They fixed that problem. Just send it back and...."

"And what? Wait a few weeks for them to fix it?! It's bad enough you have to be a Brain Surgeon to change the batteries without breaking it, but THIS?! ....... Yeah, flimsy plastic equals durable? Yeah, I know; the light is SUPPOSED to keep working if you break the tailcap off." Replied Demeaning.

He tossed the light and the switch back into the trunk.

"Where's my Inova?!" He shouted.


Sarai's king insisted on changing his name to Cosmy. She thought it was such a minor thing to concern himself with.

"King Cosmy sounds better!" He said.

"You really should be training and meditating. Not deciding on which name sounds better next to 'King.'" Said Sarai.

"There's plenty of time for that. I'm more interested in something else....." He said, starring at Sarai's breasts.

"Oh, I see...... Try it, and you'll be fighting me to the death." She replied.

"Wait, why so hostile? We're supposed to be made for each other, remember?"

"Not quite how it works, Dear. I'm your Queen, not your whore. If you want this..... you're going to have to EARN it." She said.

"I was hoping you'd make it easy on me." He replied.

"Be the last King standing, and you can have everything you want...... including me." She said with a sinister smile.

"Well, I guess now I've got some REAL motivation." He said with a wink and a smile.


Carmilla still had trouble accepting what the Blood God had told her. She had spent so long as a Queen...... only to learn that there really wasn't any real noble blood in the vampire Kingdom. The Kings themselves were merely Chosen Ones who would lead. Not really Kings who would rule. It angered her. The line between a Queen and a Sumjack was narrower than any of them had imagined.

"one generation, and a lack of Guidence....." She thought to herself.

She was right. Those were the only things that prevented her from being a Sumjack. Ironically, it was something that Carmilla could deal with. In the past, her Followers had captured Sumjacks who were intelligent, and capable of being productive members of her clan. She tasted them, made them her's, gave them guidence and purpose. Yet, it was something done in secret. As a Queen, there were just some things she could not do openly..... besides eating in front of her Followers.

She could handle the truth..... but her Followers could not. Queens are in tune to the minds of ALL of their Followers. At a moment's notice, each Queen could mentally send out simple orders for them to follow. (Just as Sarai did when satan's Sumjacks attacked her mansion). Unable to read minds, each Queen can instantly recognize one of her "offspring." Each Queen is aware of the general emotional state of her Followers. Carmilla could sense that the truth would devastate them!

The Blood God was right...... Everyone else was an infant or an embryo, compared to Carmilla. She STILL received requests from Followers who desperately wished to just fall asleep at her feet. Followers who desperately wished to be close to her. Far easier to tell a child that Santa doesn't exist, than to tell her Followers the truth about THEIR existence. After all, they trusted her so.......


Revenant walked into Jade's room. He found her and Monocrom playing cards. A few days ago, tigerkitty had turned him. The other, remaining Queens had done the same thing to their Kings. None of them were human anymore. The martial arts instructors had done their job well. If Revenant won, they would all be turned. But now the time came for the ceramony.

"Mono, get ready for the ceramony. It'll take place in a few hours." He said.

"Has it been 3 weeks, already?" Asked Monocrom.

"Yes it has." Replied Revenant.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-19 16:42:15

This Chapter helped me forget about my horrible diarrhea, but now that im done reading I have the sudden urge to run back into the bathroom.

Yep here it comes.....

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-19 17:02:56

I have stopped making my story due to it being empty to me but I am glad you keep up with your story. Great chapter.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-19 17:36:03




BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-19 21:51:00

Finally, a new chapter, I was wondering when you'd get around to it. Thanks for the PM :)

It would seem that you'll be wrapping things up in the next few chapters (though I hope it'll last a little longer than that). I can't wait to see this story finally finnished but at the same time I want it to last forever, oh well, I guess you'll just have to write more stories after this for my own personal entertainment :P

I wish more people were posting in here, it just seems so empty without them. I hope that's not discouraging you from finnishing...

Anyway, great chapter Mono, keep them coming!!!

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-19 23:01:58

Wonderful work, its all coming together soon there has to be blood.

Keep it coming.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-20 01:28:03

This thread is perhaps the final reason for me still being here, you have your vampire claws in me and they dig deep so I have to keep coming back and reading here even though I am a pathetic sulker at the moment.

It was a good chapter, I liked the detail with Carmilla (Mary) and I note that you restrained your torch perversion in chapter 27.

I am looking forward to how this goes and as I mentioned to you a few days ago, one thing that will be good for me is if you'll let me write with you. I'm often sad about the time I think I waste here, but writing isn't a waste, ever, (unless it's an accounting essay).

Regarding this story, before you post towards your final chapters, re-read all your previous chapters and look for any loose ends. You've done very well really, but I've spotted two, :p See if you can close them for me.

Anyway, take care... It's 6am here, will be back around 11pm, I decided I was too lonely to stay in hotel at clients, so I come home every evening. One reason I am probably a tired sulker.

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-20 12:12:23

At 12/20/06 01:28 AM, Sarai wrote: This thread is perhaps the final reason for me still being here, you have your vampire claws in me and they dig deep so I have to keep coming back and reading here even though I am a pathetic sulker at the moment.

Wow! That's an even better compliment than being nominated for Best BBS Story Writer. (Seriously).

It was a good chapter, I liked the detail with Carmilla (Mary) and I note that you restrained your torch perversion in chapter 27.

Collecting hobby, not perversion. What do you think I do with my tactical torches?? O_o

I am looking forward to how this goes and as I mentioned to you a few days ago, one thing that will be good for me is if you'll let me write with you. I'm often sad about the time I think I waste here, but writing isn't a waste, ever, (unless it's an accounting essay).

I would love to collab. But my next novel is already playing out in my head. If you have an idea for a possible story collab, please; PM me. :)

Regarding this story, before you post towards your final chapters, re-read all your previous chapters and look for any loose ends. You've done very well really, but I've spotted two, :p See if you can close them for me.

All loose ends will be cleared up before or at the end of the story.

Anyway, take care... It's 6am here, will be back around 11pm, I decided I was too lonely to stay in hotel at clients, so I come home every evening. One reason I am probably a tired sulker.

I'm glad we'll have a chance to talk, this week. :)

More individual comments below:

To: Lord-Macer -

Glad you liked it. Love the new name. Wonder why you changed it. ;)

To: Thunder-

Sadly, all good things must come to an end....... But yeah, I got more stories floating around in my brain! :)

To: Demean-

I agree. Excellent choice on the new, permanent name!

To: SSI-

I can tell you from experience that not all story ideas pan out. Some are so good, they take on a Life of their own! ....... Others crash and burn. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll come up with a new and better story idea down the road. And when you do, I want in!

To: The-Omnipresence -

I've got the flu. Had it when I posted the last chapter too. Ch.27 = 3 hours of work! I'm still sick as a dog. But I post because you all look forward to it. :)

BTW, seems the Mods are avoiding this thread all of a sudden. Wonder if there's any truth to the rumor that Wade deletes topics over 30 pages long. Hmmm.......

Nah! Just my paranoid side talking.

*Next chapter = Fri. before Midnight. (Sorry, best I can do).

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-20 12:52:28

At 12/20/06 12:12 PM, Monocrom wrote:

Wade deletes topics over 30 pages long. Hmmm.......

That would be a sin. Wade does not sin.

I have nothing to say that is at all relevant.

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-21 13:49:31

Great chapter, Mono! Love the way you make me out to be the crazy, giddy one! With the holidays coming up that sounds exactly like me!

Inuma sends her praises. She left off in the early 20s. I sent her the link to the site that Fyndir has up with all the chapters in it so she wouldnt have to look very hard. But shes been short on time and she should be back soon.

Nice job! I want more! =P

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-21 14:43:54

At 12/20/06 12:12 PM, Monocrom wrote:
At 12/20/06 01:28 AM, Sarai wrote:
BTW, seems the Mods are avoiding this thread all of a sudden. Wonder if there's any truth to the rumor that Wade deletes topics over 30 pages long. Hmmm.......

Nope, I've been reading. Just the circumstances of when I look at the story doesn't coincide with when the thread is on the front page. :P


Tsukino Usagi of the NG /a/ {Sig by cast}

A ninja may be fast, but my dick is faster.

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-21 19:34:42

Oh no monocrome is going to get killed by grammer natzi's. (well he's somwhere on the list but a looong way down after people who wright "u" and "r" instead of you and are and ofcorse im somwhere high above him)
special thanks to microsoft word without which I would never have noticed any spelling errors and ofcorse Monocrom without who there would be no great story to poke fun at.

monocrome never uses the right number of .'s only 3 times in this story has he acutally said "..."
he used the following amounts the following number of times so far.
.........(9 .'s) = 2 times
........ (8 .'s) = 22 times
....... (7 .'s) = 84 times
...... (6.'s) = 166 times
..... (5.'s) = 83 times
.... (4.'s) = 21 times
... (3.'s the "right" amount) = 3 times
.. (2.'s) = 0 times (thank god)
. (1.'s the "other right amount") = 3102 times

monocrome used the " 1327 mostly remembering to put people's quotes in quotes If I recall but how come its an odd number... this wreeks of wtf-ness looks like somone has an unclosed quote.

The "word" "beome" appears once.
The "word" "independentally" appears once.
The "word" "swering" appears three times!
The "word" "grey" appears once.
The "word" "spontaniously" appears once.
The "word" "surrouding" appears once.
The "word" "Unshattered" appears once.
The "word" "twiching" appears once.
The "word" "poped" appears once.
The "word" "bathrooom" appears once.
The "word" "throughly" appears once.
The "word" "practioners" appears once.
The "word" "guantlets" appears once.
The "word" "streched" appears twice!
The "word" "outstreched" appears once.
The "word" "interogate" appears once.
The "word" "theigh" appears once.
The "word" "possesed" appears once.
The "word" "couse" appears once.
The "word" "clent" appears once.
The "word" "clien" appears once.
The "word" "curtious" appears once.
The "word" "prefered" appears twice!
The "word" "occured" appears once.
The "word" "unmistakeabl" appears once.
The "word" "seperated" appears once.
The "word" "miniture" appears once.
The "word" "cemetary" appears once.
The "word" "preperations" appears once.
The "word" "aquaintences" appears once.
The "word" "creatues " appears once.
The "word" "Patriarcal" appears once.
The "word" "preferencial" appears once.
The "word" "ened" appears 34 times!!!!!!!
The "word' "underaged" appears once.
The "word" "survivior(s) " appears twice!
The "word" "manged" appears once.
The "word" "massacered" appears once.
The "word" "passanger" appears once.
The "word" "consistantly" appears once.
The "word" "seperate" appears twice!
The "word" "shreads" appears once.
The "word" "eveil" appears once.
The "word" "transefer" appears once.
The "word" "injuried" appears once.
The "word" "occassions" appears once.
The "word" "embarassed" appears once.
The "word" "ouside" appears once.
The "word" "coutch" appears once.
The "word" "inseperable" appears once.
The "word" "cointrol" appears once.
The "word" "transfered" appears once.
The "word" "awile" appears once.
The "word" "Contracters" appears once.
The "word" "masquarades" appears once.
The "word" "unbelieveable" appears once.
The "word" "ceramony" appears three times!
The "word" "aquisition" appears once.
The "word' "Guidence" appears twice!
The "word" "alittle" appears twice!

Wow I just wasted a stupid amount of time doing that.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-21 22:46:04

At 12/21/06 07:34 PM, lock-of-fear wrote: Oh no monocrome is going to get killed...

I just wanted to point out that you spelled Monocrom wrong, for there is no "E" in it.

Just pointing it out because I love you and I don't want you to be killed by these mysterious "grammar nazis".

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-22 21:24:22

Chapter 28: Queen Of Swords.

She stood near the floor-to-ceiling window of the large empty room. Her Followers had cleared out, taking most of the furniture in the mansion. The Move had gone smoothly..... too smoothly. She had been a Queen for quite awhile. The large double-doors behind her flew open. Three attackers, dressed all in black with black ski masks, ran into the room. She didn't even have to turn around!

The Queen crouched a bit then jumped into the air. She turned around in mid air, drew the sword she was holding in her left hand, and flew at the attacker on her left....... chopping his head off as she landed! Now she faced them. Two attackers left. One in front of the other. She smiled at the one directly in front of her, only to have that attacker pushed to the floor by the other one who then lifted a Smith & Wesson model 686, and pointed it at her. With a blindlingly fast flick of her wrist, she cut his arm off. The large, stainless steel, 6-inch barreled revolver fell to the floor...... along with the arm and fist that was still holding it.

He screamed in pain! With her other hand, the Queen slammed her middle and index fingers into his eyes! No longer a real threat to her, she shoved him down to the floor, and turned her attention to the last attacker.

"Only three? Is that all? What a joke! Actually, I feel insulted! To think that ANY three hunters would be sufficient....... pure foolishness. One of you got a quick death. Your friend, if he ever stops screaming, will be dead soon. But you...... Oh, I'm going to make an example out of you. You have no clue what real torture is. But you're going to find out."

The last attacker kept backing up as the Queen spoke. She slowly moved forward.

"Stop backing up! You're pathetic! You should at least TRY. Maybe you'll get lucky. Who knows? But at least try. Come one....... come on, try. Afraid I'll cut you to ribbons? You seem to have lost your primary weapon. Aww..... no back-up. Weapons or friends? How sad. Perhaps if you get down on your knees, I'll be merciful."

Suddenly the third attacker stepped forward and hit her in the throat with a small dagger concealed up the forearm....... a silver dagger! The vampire Queen staggered backwards, falling over the 2nd attacker. He wrapped his legs around her waist, and held her down with the one good arm he had left. He then started reaching in the general direction of where he thought his revolver had landed. He reached for it, with his bloody stump. In the heat of the moment, he forgot that he no longer had an arm or a hand attached to THAT side of his body.

The third attacker reached into the waist-band of his headless friend, pulled out his revolver, walked up to the Queen, put the barrel up against her head, and fired one shot. But it wasn't quite over. The blind hunter made it clear that he had no intentions of living Life as "an accomplished cripple." One last shot rang out in the Mansion that, except for one Soul, was now empty.

Walking towards the door, the last of the three hunters found a small pencil-drawing of Sullaza; the vampire Queen that was now dead. Bobby Jenkins took off her mask to get a good look at the drawing. She put it in her back pocket, where it would stay until several days after her death. (That's how long it would take them to find Alice's body). She drove back to the Safe-house. She told SSI what had happened. As far as he was concerned, Bobby Jenkins had single-handedly killed a Queen! It was the wrong type of praise. Soon, Alice would develop a cocky attitude that would one day lead to her death at the hands of a lunatic.

A vampire named disingenuous felt the death of her Queen. Having no other Potentials to take over, The Omnipresence injected her with some of his own blood. He always completed the final process needed to turn one into not just a vampire, but into a Queen.

The death of the former Queen is what went through the mind of disingenuous. She couldn't shake the feeling that Sullaza was the one who should be attending the ceramony, instead of her. Only a handful of years had passed since that incident.


Revenant asked Jade to leave the room. After she did, he spoke with Monocrom.

"Listen. I love her like a daughter, but the poor thing is insane. She ever tell you about Fyndir? Her Teddy Bear and brother?"

"Yeah, she did." Replied Monocrom.

"Do me a favor, humor her. She's harmless..... mostly. No need for others to know about her split-personality problem. You know?"

"Yeah, I understand." Said Monocrom.

"That's good...... It's just stuffing, but she loves that darn thing......"

By the time Tigerkitty, her King, and their core group of Followers left for The Blood God's compound, Monocrom was ready.

--- END OF PART I ---

5 Kings ( A Bbs Story )

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-22 21:28:15

--- PART II ---

The other clans got ready as well, and headed for the Blood God's compound...... They weren't the only ones. Demeaning had decided he'd prefer to be called Demean. He, Donnie, Julie, and the "Aviator" Man climbed into the Honda Accord Sedan and headed out. satan gathered her troops. Grinning like a chesher cat, she had them march through the sewers in order to get to the Show.

But Dobio, and three full car loads of his associates arrived before everyone else did. They went on foot through the woods, headed to the main gate of The Omnipresence's compound. They looked like a small army of well-dressed men in suits & ties; with the various sub-machine guns they carried with them. When the representatives from one of the clans arrived first from a side gate, Dobio and his associates opened up on them from behind the trees. The carnage was spectacular! ......... Until the ammunition ran out, and all the bullet wounds slowly healed themselves. Poor Dobio, he actually believed that a massive amount of REGULAR, Full Metal Jacketed, ammunition would actually work!

What followed next was true carnage, as several expensive suits became stained with blood. The ceramony was far more important. The dead bodies were left there to rot. Other clans began to arrive. The ones who came in through the main gate, they just stepped over the well-dressed, fresh bodies. Inuma was there before any of them showed up. She made the necessary preperations. Monocrom had already handed her the large suitcase that the "Aviator" Man had prepared, several days ago. He opened the case to take a quick look inside. It was then that he understood why Demean referred to him as "Aviator" Man.

All the pieces were now in place. satan would soon arrive, and Death would follow. The only question was, who would survive? One of the large rooms in the Blood God's compound was transformed into a large arena, with plenty of seats for the spectators. As was tradition, the Queens and a handful of their Followers would not witness the battle. They would be segregated to other rooms in the compound. (satan knew this. Her plan took it into account).

Monocrom decided to stay with Tigerkitty and some of her Followers in a seperate room.

"I'm surprised. I thought you'd want to watch." She said.

"Nothing pretty about violence. Nothing gorgious about it. This isn't Hollywood. No glamour to be found here. Stark terror and fear. That's real violence. It's messy and it's brutal. For some, it's easy. Others freeze up. The rest of us do our best. Just how it is....... Besides, I just ate; I'd like to keep my dinner down." Replied Monocrom with a smile.

When the lights slowly came up, each King entered from one corner of the room. They slowly walked to the outer ring of the arena. A small, red handkerchief hung above the center of the arena; nearly touching the tall ceiling. All eyes were glued on it. Everyone in the room knew what would happen next...... It slowly floated down. All eyes tracked it as it did so.

It hit the floor, and the battle was on!

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-22 22:16:15

I didn't understand the first part but I think it was supposed to summarize how Alice (dead) got the name Queen Killer. Am I right?

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-22 22:44:14

Another Great Wonderful chapter.

The carnage is about to begin i can't wait.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-22 23:08:17

At 12/22/06 10:16 PM, Some-Stupid-Idiot wrote: I didn't understand the first part but I think it was supposed to summarize how Alice (dead) got the name Queen Killer. Am I right?

I kept referencing the fact that she killed a Queen.
I figured you'd all want to know how she pulled it off. :)

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-22 23:22:02

Hey, another chapter, and so soon, thanks :)

I liked the first part with that little bit of history and all, it had me confused for a minute though :P

Did you draw that picture? And I'm actually a little confused, does it have any relavence or is it just a cool picture? Or are we not to know? O_o

Anyway, as always great chapter Mono and thanks for the PM :D

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-22 23:23:39

At 12/22/06 11:08 PM, Monocrom wrote:
I kept referencing the fact that she killed a Queen.
I figured you'd all want to know how she pulled it off. :)

I always thought see had help from a certain belmont....

5 Kings ( A Bbs Story )

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-23 02:11:29

Awww shiiett. Brawl goin' awun.


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Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-23 13:40:08

At 12/22/06 11:22 PM, ThunderboltLegion wrote: Hey, another chapter, and so soon, thanks :)

I liked the first part with that little bit of history and all, it had me confused for a minute though :P

Yup, the confusion was made to be intentional. :)

Did you draw that picture? And I'm actually a little confused, does it have any relavence or is it just a cool picture? Or are we not to know? O_o

Nope, didn't draw the pic. But I've got the right to use it. A bit confused? That's a drawing of the Queen of Swords that Alice found in the chapter.

Anyway, as always great chapter Mono and thanks for the PM :D

No problem Bro. :)
To: The-Omnipresence -

LOL ....... I doubt if Alice would ask for help from any man. :P

To: Demean -

Yeah, guess you'll just have to come back to see what happens next. ;)

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-26 11:58:48

Somewhat confused, but that's only natural.


Good chapters, I don't think you PMed me this time! Hah, failure!

Anyway, when's the next one? I'm getting excited to reach the end. Note that if worse comes to worse I am going to kick all those guys asses myself, because you've lumped me with some sex obsessed male... Wait, Monocrom, is this self-projection of yourself? ;-)


being naughty

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

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