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5 Kings ( A Bbs Story )

46,339 Views | 809 Replies

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-28 19:11:18

You didn't comment me :,(

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-28 19:13:22

Jade does not have a tattoo on her back, nor anywhere on her body.
She is also not the person featured in Fyndir's squid picture.


Tsukino Usagi of the NG /a/ {Sig by cast}

A ninja may be fast, but my dick is faster.

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-29 22:48:59

At 11/28/06 05:15 AM, Sarai wrote: You know when you sent me that picture of you in the shower, I like your tattoo on your butt....

picsplz kthxbai.


BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-29 23:30:33

New chapter, yay!!!

I just finnished reading it, very nice.

So I was wondering if that "The Kenpo Master" from chapter 19 has a name or is it just "The Kenpo Master"??? Just curious for absolutely no reason what-so-ever :P

Can't wait for the next chapter :)

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-30 12:22:34

To: satan-

Glad you liked it. Once again, the arguement was lifted from Real Life.

To: Sarai-

Damn! You are picky. For a guy, that was romance. But I'm not exactly done, yet.

To: SSI-

I thought your last post was good enough to stand on its own. But..... feel better now? ;)

To: Jade-

You are doing something with your Life..... You're Modding New Grounds. :P

To: Fyndir-

Okay....... But what did you think of the chapter?

To: Demeaning-

Jade already posted bobs, that should be good enough.

To: Thunder-

The Kenpo Master has no name. He represents the various things we talked about over at the NG MAC regarding the problems that instructors have when trying to turn a profit...... He's also in the story for another reason. Keep reading future chapters to find out.


P.S. - I'm working on the new chapter now. Please be patient folks.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-30 12:38:27

At 11/30/06 12:22 PM, Monocrom wrote:
To: Jade-

You are doing something with your Life..... You're Modding New Grounds. :P

Getting abusive PMs is like getting a paycheque. XD

To: Demeaning-

Jade already posted bobs, that should be good enough.


Tsukino Usagi of the NG /a/ {Sig by cast}

A ninja may be fast, but my dick is faster.

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-30 15:51:49

Chapter 22: The Death of JadeTheAssassin.

Monocrom sat on his coutch while Demeaning told him a tale of vampires, Kings, and a Back-Alley whore in Europe that he killed. Being a naturally skeptical person, Monocrom at first thought it was all a joke. But Demeaning made sure to bring along plenty of proof. When Alice left, it meant one less person on the team. Despite offering their help, the Boston organization wanted to know that Demeaning could get REAL results..... on his own. They'd help, but he first had to prove himself. Needing all the help he could get, he decided to ask his only friend if he would join the team. Demeaning presented the clans as blood-thirsty demons who were responsible for countless unsolved missing persons and murder cases.

Demeaning could be very charming when he wanted to be. It didn't take too long before Monocrom agreed to help. Before leaving, Demeaning presented him with a Silver letter-opener, and told him to always keep it close by. He'd be in touch....... once he actually came up with a plan.

Jade spent very little time outside of her room. Fyndir told her it was for the best. Made everyone else around her less uncomfortable if they knew exactly where she was at all times. But she refused to listen to his other piece of advice. Jade refused to sneak out and run away after the Sun came up. This was her home, and she wasn't leaving...... no matter who thought she was insane. Even if it was Sarai. She was being stubborn. She knew Fyndir was right. All it took was for one vampire to become paranoid that JadeTheAssassin would come after them, and her life would be snuffed out. Still, it's not like she had anywhere else to go...... Or so she thought.

Sarai was surprised at Jade's reaction to the news that she was going to be sent over to tigerkitty's clan in exchange for one of her followers. Jade quietly stood in front of Sarai, and simply said, "Why?"

The calm reaction was unnerving for Sarai. She expected Jade to get upset, to cry, to scream "No!"....... But none of that happened. Sarai explained why the exchange was taking place. How it would unify the 2 clans, how Sarai needed this to take place in order to have support should SOAS ever decide to break the truce that existed between them. Sarai spoke of how this was a sacrifice that was necessary. Once done, Sarai prepared to spend several hours convincing Jade to go through with the exchange. Once again, Jade surprised her.

Fyndir had Jade's ear for several days. She remembered his words. She recalled them. He had been right about everything. Despite the fact that she loved Sarai, Jade knew it was over. She knew Sarai no longer felt the same way about her. Not anymore. No matter how sweet, warm, soft, and loving Jade was towards her; Sarai just could not love a lunatic. Jade realized that she now had a place to go. She didn't have to stay there and wonder when one of Sarai's followers would kill her, just because she was a lunatic. Jade heard of tigerkitty. An unlikely vampire Queen who was very affectionate with her followers, and who prized loyalty above all else...... even mental stability. Jade quickly agreed to the exchange. But she pretended she was doing it for Sarai's sake. And not because she knew that there was nothing left for her in Sarai's home.

When the exchange took place a few days later, Jade took the clothes on her back and Fyndir. She didn't need anything else. She didn't bother to tell Sarai about one of her missing followers. The one who had torn Fyndir to pieces and took his eyes. The one she tied up while she was still asleep. The one who ended up in the middle of a wheat field. The one who's eyes Jade cut out with a hook-bladed pruning knife...... a few minutes before sunrise. Jade told her it was only fair, since she took Fyndir's eyes. Jade loosened the ropes, and stepped back several feet. With a straight-face she watched the vampire scream in pain. She cursed at Jade, as she stumbled around trying to get her hands on her.

"Too bad...... You won't even get to see the sunrise before you die." Said Jade.

Hearing those words, the vampire desperately began to run away...... she didn't get very far. Jade climbed into her rental car and drove off before the entire field went up in flames.

As Jade slowly walked towards Tigerkitty, she kissed Fyndir on top of the head.
"See Bro, I told you that bitch would pay."
"I love you sis." Said Fyndir, as Jade stood in front of Tigerkitty and smiled like an Angel.

Sarai got a skilled, vampire bodyguard in exchange. It was time to introduce Jade to Revenant.

Jade adjusted to her new clan extremely well. Tigerkitty now fed her, the same way Sarai used to. Like the vast majority of those who met her, Jade fell in love with Tigerkitty in not time flat. She was introduced to Revenant. He told her the truth. And when he did, she cried in his arms. He enjoyed comforting her. The three of them became inseperable. They would all go out during the day, and enjoy themselves! It wasn't too long before Jade wanted to make love with Tigerkitty. And she got her wish! Tigerkitty genuinely liked Jade.

One night Revenant wanted both of them in bed. He surprised Tigerkitty by saying he wanted Jade to be dressed. When they got into bed, Jade was in between a naked Tigerkitty, and a fully dressed Revenant. She held Jade with one arm while Revenant smiled at her. He kept asking her if she was happy with her new clan....... and with him as her new Guardian. That's when Tigerkitty realized that Revenant wanted Jade as a daughter, and not as a play-thing.

--- END OF PART I ---

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-30 15:54:14


--- PART II ---

The next night, Revenant had a frank talk with Tigerkitty. He liked Jade the way she was, namely human. He wanted her to stay that way. Tigerkitty had no choice but to agree. He wasn't officially her King, not yet. But for all practical reasons, he was. After they ate, they decided to go out; just the two of them. Jade understood. They went down to the beach, took their shoes off and sat in the sand.

"Want to watch the sun come up?" He asked.
"Sure, it's not like I'm going to burst into flames." She replied with a smile.

He took off his shirt, and gently placed the side of her head against his heart; holding it there.

"It's strange. Instead of a vampire, it feels like there's an Angel leaning on me." He said.

She smiled and began to relax in his arms. She began to think about the other Queens, the ones who hadn't gotten their Kings yet.

"Those poor bitches." She thought to herself, as she began to cuddle with her King.

Revenant was now truly happy. He decided to take his two favorite ladies on a walk through Central Park, on a very warm Winter's day. He decided to avoid the large fountain since he knew that spot was covered with video cameras. Cops in NYC tried to keep it a secret, but they did a miserable job of that. Revenant actually stumbled onto that secret one day while having lunch by the fountain. He got a weird feeling, so he decided to try something. He sat by the fountain, eyeing everyone who walked by...... the way a mugger or rapist would look for potential victims. See who's unaware of their surroundings, who's walking around with their head down, who's on auto-pilot, who's not paying attention at all. Just sit there and look like a predator. Sure enough, twenty minutes later, a police van drove up close to the fountain. When the driver hit the brakes, Revenant got up and just casually walked away. The van's driver then did something completely stupid, he tipped his hand! When Revenant left, the driver slowly did too!

"Fucking police cameras by the fountain, Jade. Trust me on that. Let's head over towards Columbus Circle. I'm in the mood for ridiculously over-priced coffee. There's a Starbucks near there." He said with a smile.

As they made their way there, none of them saw the Sniper hidden almost half a mile away. He checked the .308 caliber Silver bullet that was seated in the brass case, and carefully loaded it into his Remington bolt-action rifle. He quickly zeroed in on his target, and fired!

The bullet struck Jade in the stomach, just a bit off center. Being a rifle round, it exited out her back. The tiny hole in the front of Jade's shirt was nothing compared to the Manhole-sized exit wound in her back. She fell to the floor instantly. Revenant grabbed her and dragged her over to a large rock wall. Tigerkitty was close behind. He had managed to drag most of Jade to safety. Some of her intestines were over by the spot where she had been shot. She was barely alive!

"She's dying." Said Tigerkitty.

"Please..... please help her! I can't lose her again! PLEASE!" He begged.

Tigerkitty bit into the side of Jade's neck. Then she used one of her claws to make a small cut in between her breasts. She pushed Jade's face into her chest, and told her to drink. And that's just what Jade did. It took several minutes for the new holes in her body to close up. Tigerkitty took out her cellphone and called the police. When they arrived, there was no sign of the sniper. The fact that Jade was covered in her own blood was explained away as just an overly heavy "period." The cops had to take his word for it....... considering that Jade was alive. Her "humanity" for lack of a better word was dead. She wasn't.

Tigerkitty walked through her mansion two nights later. She went to the Study, and sat down next to one of her Bodyguards.

"Why did you use a Silver bullet?" She asked him.
"I'm sorry my Queen, but we have no rifle ammunition. That round was from the last vampire hunter that your Majesty killed. It was either that or nothing." He replied.
"You are quite fortunate that you didn't miss." She replied.
"One question your Majesty?" He said as she began to get up from the table.
"Why did you want Jade to be shot through the stomach?" He asked.
"As a vampire, I can cointrol her a bit better. As one, she'll never age. She'll be a cute teenager..... forever."
"Why is that important my Queen?"

Tigerkitty still had not told her clan that the young man she spent so much time with lately, was their King.

"Never you mind. Your Queen will reward you for this. You may tell the young human whom you have your eye on, about us. I'm sure she'll make a fine addition to my clan." She said with a grin.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-30 16:05:54

Another stunning chapter, Great work.

Keep it up!

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-30 16:16:25

Um, Mono? Could you maybe not turn these stories into some cheap erotic literature?

Besides that, the stories are good. But really, cool it a little.

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-30 17:13:09

Lol, intestines.


BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-30 18:10:08

Good story, good action. I agree with Alice, though.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-30 19:24:57

Another great chapter filled with sex and violence. Loved it!

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-11-30 20:01:26

Vampires, bullets, and sex, three things that go together well.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-01 20:51:14



Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-02 11:00:48

A verry lame programer's joke.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-02 11:04:09

I forgot the picture aren't I brilliant?

5 Kings ( A Bbs Story )

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-02 11:05:01

I hate this thread for some reason.

/ Accomplishments: first 1000 comment news post.

/ عثكغ ʘⒺⒸⓀⒺʘ

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-02 16:46:46

Sorry for not responding sooner, I got less than 20 hours of sleep..... for the entire week. Please find individual comments below:
To: Alice-

I was afraid you were never coming back. I tried to go for a bit of romance. Even got PMs from other NGers saying I succeeded.

I'm genuinely sorry that you believe I failed. :(

Will do my best to keep in mind that the entertainment-value is what draws NGers to my stories.

To: tigerkitty-

I suppose there are already a lot of NGers who are too pre-occupied with you.
9 posts, 941 views.
No need for me to add to the mix. Sorry.

To: DPM-

Even sleep-deprived, I can still crank out chapters.

To: Demeaning-

Yeah, large-caliber rifle bullets can do a lot of damage. You always see the tiny hole in the front, but never the giant exit-wound in the back, on T.V. shows.

To: satan-

Thanks little sis. Sex and violence go together as well as PB & J (Just kidding).

Still, I'm reminded of all the guys you've beaten up who tried to hit on you. :D

To: SSI-

You're a real fan. Thank you.

To: The-Omnipresence-

Oh there's going to be alot more..... later on.

To: lock-of-fear -

I don't think that's lame at all. :D

To: Tod-

Not to worry, all the Regulars on NG love my story topics. All the Users I've never heard of, hate them.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-03 15:13:42

I'm tired of being what you want me to be, feeling so faithless while under the surface.....

Miami Vice Soundtrack is great, pity about the film!

So, encore please. Next chapter!

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-04 15:02:29

Woah, I have been gone for about 4 days and there isn't an update. Wow?

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-04 15:28:04

Monocrom, please, moremoremoremoremore.


Tsukino Usagi of the NG /a/ {Sig by cast}

A ninja may be fast, but my dick is faster.

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-04 15:43:57

At 12/4/06 03:28 PM, JadeTheAssassin wrote: Monocrom, please, moremoremoremoremore.


Oh crap! I've been so exhausted from work last week that I forget to post when the next chapter would be.

So sorry, Jade. Please don't cry. I promise you and everyone else will get a new chapter tomorrow, before 4pm...... at the latest.

(I've been up now for 26 hours straight, can't post it today). Definitely tomorrow. Okay? :)


To: SSI-

You deserve an explanation....... (See Above).

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-04 16:32:45

You have spent that time playing CPO games!

Write now :p

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-05 10:07:15

Before 4pm huh? It's 3pm here now :P

WRITE dear, write for your hair, otherwise wax time.

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-05 15:59:46

Chapter 23: The 5th King.

Monocrom sat on his couch, trying to find something to watch on television. Something to distract him from the miserable mood he had been in for the past few days. The behavior of his co-workers had gotten beyond ridiculous. He knew it was a waste of time, but he decided to bring it to his Supervisor's attention. He got the typical, "As long as things go smoothly, I don't care" speech. Every Security Guard hears it at least once. He also got the usual, "Don't bother me with this again" speech; along with the usual poorly veiled threat of being transfered to a site that would be worse than this one.

"Why do I fucking bother with any of this bullshit?" He thought to himself.

The weekend was still a few days away. As he began to flip through all the channels a 4th time, his phone rang. It was his elderly neighbor, Mr. Jerald. He was having trouble with one of the flashlights Monocrom had given him. The 2AAA River Rock model wasn't working, and Mr. Jerald had already tried replacing the batteries.

"That's odd." Thought Monocrom "That's one of the most reliable lights on the Market."

Still, he felt bad about the way he had spoken to him the last time on the phone. Monocrom looked out the window. He would have to leave soon for work, otherwise he'd be late for the Midnight shift.

"Don't worry Mr. Jerald, yes I'm on my way up right now."

He grabbed his Leatherman multi-tool, and his Brinkmann Maxfire LX flashlight; and headed to the old man's apartment. On his way there, the lights went out in the entire building, again! Monocrom stood in the pitch black hallway.

"Perfect..... Now if the sprinkler system goes off......" Said Monocrom as he hit the tailcap switch on the Maxfire. The 65 Lumens of light from the Xenon bulb instantly lit up the hallway in front of him. He heard something move swiftly behind him! He turned, and shined his light down the other half of the hallway! But there was nothing there. He walked a bit further, and knocked on the old man's door. The lights suddenly came on. As the door opened, he turned off his flashlight.

"Oh come in my boy, come in." Mr. Jerald greeted him with a smile.
"Hello Mr. Jerald. I'm sorry, but I can't stay long. You know I work the night-shift, right?"
"Oh yes. This will just take a moment. That little flashlight is on the dresser, in my room. I'll go get it for you."

As the old man entered his bedroom, the door behind him slammed shut! Monocrom walked to the door, and tried the door knob.

"Mr. Jerald? Are you alright in there? Mr. Jerald?"

All the lights went out again.

Monocrom heard something behind him. He turned, and realized there were about a dozen red eyes looking back at him. He felt someone or something grab the flashlight out of his hands. He stood there in the darkness with a scowl on his face.

"I guess this is the part where I pull out my other flashlight." He said.
"This is the part where you come with us." Said a polite voice from the darkness.
"Yeah, right."
"We're not going to hurt you. We just want to talk." Said the voice.
"Yeah, right. And if you get pregnant, I promise to take care of you and the baby. Do I look like a dumb-ass teenager to you?!" Replied Monocrom.
"It would be best if you cooperated."
"Fuck you, and the whore you rode in on." Was the last thing he said before they grabbed him.


Jade spent most of her time asleep in Tigerkitty's bed. The massive blood-lose, just before she was turned, was the reason for her drowsiness. Tigerkitty checked on her often.

"Oh Jade. I'm sorry Sweetie. But you're no good to me as a human. I need you to stay young so that Revenant will have something young and adorable to protect. Sorry it had to be this way." She thought to herself. She went to Jade's room, and retrieved her Teddy Bear. She then placed it next to Jade's chest.

Revenant waited outside. Tigerkitty approached him.

"How is she?" He asked.

"She'll be okay..... I know you didn't want her like this. But you had no choice."

"I know....." He replied.

"There's something else we need to discuss. One of my spies has told me that the 5th King has been discovered. You're not going to have long to prepare for the battle."

"You make it sound so noble....... Call it what it is! A fight to the death with 4 other guys! Fun for the whole family! Don't miss it, or all of your co-workers will laugh at you and call you gay." He said with sarcasm.

"Alright. Yes, that's exactly what it is. And you need to prepare. I can help with that."

"Not now, not yet. I'd like to keep what little humanity I have left for awile longer." He replied.

"No, that's not what I meant. I meant...... Actually, come with me; I'll show you."

He followed her back inside. She took him to a large room, filled with several men wearing casual clothes.

--- END OF PART I ---

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-05 16:02:13

Chapter 23:

--- PART II ---

It was the day that SOAS knew would come. The day she was dreading. The living Blood-God commanded her to arrive at his compound. SOAS knew the consequences if she didn't comply. She stood before him. He came down off his throne, and stood in front of her. He back-handed her, instantly breaking her nose, and knocking her to the floor. She got up slowly, and stood in front of him.

"Why?!" He shouted at her.
"I had to." Replied SOAS.
"Do you know what you've done! All this time, wasted! Because of you!"
"It wasn't my fault." She said.
"Really?! Then who's fault is it?!"
"His....... You have no idea what he's like...... None at all." She told him.
"Are you really THAT power-hungry that you just didn't care?" He asked in a calmer voice.
"I'm not as bad as everyone thinks I am...... I was looking forward to being able to relax a bit. To being pampered, to not having to do SO much. But it didn't work out that way for me."

The Omnipresence saw a tear slowly roll down SOAS' cheek. He took a monogramed handkerchief from his pocket. He wiped away her tear, and the blood from around her nose. The nose would heal itself soon enough.

"SOAS, what did you do afterwards?" He asked.
"I can show you." She replied.

She took the living Blood God to her mansion. She took him down to the cellar, next to the cell where she had held Bobby Jenkins.

"Don't get too close. He'll rip your head off...... That's what he did to thirty of my followers before we stopped him." Said SOAS.

She opened the thick door. Against the far wall was the 5th King, SOAS' king, the Destroyer King! He stood drooling, screaming at the top of his lungs, straining against the silver chains that held him in place. The Omnipresence took one look at him, and was filled with something he hadn't felt in thousands of years. He felt fear! The 5th King was a reminder of something very old, something horrifying, something the Blood God was very familiar with.

"I turned him, months ago. He passed the Alley Test. He was so noble. I felt so happy at having found my King long before the others did. When he opened his eyes, I could feel that something was wrong. He attacked my guards and devoured them. Then he went after my chamber-maids. The more he drank, the angrier and more violent he got. He wouldn't stop. No matter what we did, he wouldn't stop...... finally, we stopped him." Said SOAS.

"Why did you keep him alive?"

"He won't die. No matter what we do, he won't die. Why the fuck won't he die?" She asked.

"Because he's an abomination." He lied.

"He'll die. Just a matter of finding out what will work." The Omnipresence told SOAS another lie. He knew exactly how to kill this creature!

They went upstairs.

"I'll contact the other Queens, I'll say you recently found your King; and he turned out to be the Destroyer King. I'll tell them that you stopped him before he was able to do too much damage. I'll give them their Kings and tell them to get ready for the battle. Don't be sad. You just guaranteed that the Destroyer king is not going to be the last one standing." He said.

SOAS just starred at the floor.
"I was just hoping to finally relax. That's not going to happen now, is it?"

The Omnipresence held her in his arms, as she cried on his chest.


Donnie climbed into the passenger seat of Demeaning's car.

"Good news! I've got a plan." Said Donnie.
"Looks like I should have put you in charge of the organization." Said Demeaning, with a smile.
"You damn right you should have." Said Donnie.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-05 16:09:31

Trust Sam to get the King who's fucking crazy.

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-05 16:11:37

At 12/5/06 04:09 PM, BobbyJenkins wrote: Trust Sam to get the King who's fucking crazy.

Well that's one PM I don't have to send out.

Glad you enjoyed it, Alice. :)

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-05 17:34:41

Good chapter :)

Needs a touch of salt :)

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

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