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5 Kings ( A Bbs Story )

46,341 Views | 809 Replies

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-05 19:54:21

Great work, i love the story so far and i am still waiting and hoping for a lot of Blood to come.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-05 22:45:28

Ha Ha!! I bitchslapped her like the badass that I am. Then I wiped the blood and tears away like the softy that I am.

Good Chapter. I want some more please!

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-06 07:59:42

Good chapter, I won't be on as much due to my mom being a bitch.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-06 16:18:45

At 12/6/06 07:59 AM, Some-Stupid-Idiot wrote: Good chapter, I won't be on as much due to my mom being a bitch.

What happened? She saw you posting here and got upset?


NEW CHAPTER = TOMORROW........ Before 4pm.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-07 15:52:47

Chapter 24: Pathetic Little Thing.

satan had more than one spy. She promised immortality to one of the Hunters in the Boston organization.... and he took the offer! Demeaning decided to give progress reports to the Boston organization. News of Donnie's plan soon reached satan. Once again, she was less-than-happy......

"What the fuck kinda retarded plan is that?!" She screamed into her pre-paid cellphone.

"Hey, it's not my plan." Said the voice on the other end.

"So....... He plans to bankrupt them...... how pathetic!! Money?! He's going after their fucking money?! 'Hi, I'm a vampire. You're a middle-aged millionare. How much of your fortune will you give me if I make you immortal?' Absolutely fucking retarded!! Do I have to do fucking everything?! Do I have to come up with the plan?!" satan ranted.

"Pretty much, Yeah. I think you'll have to." Said the voice on the other end.

"You know something....... You're right. Okay, I will." satan said with a grin.


Revenant stood in front of the other guys. Tigerkitty told him that she wanted to make sure that he had the best chance of surviving against the other Kings. Turns out, she had several Martial Arts Instructors kidnapped. She then convinced them to teach her King all that they knew. In exchange for the usual things. Money, immortality, the fact that as vampires they would be physically stronger and faster; thus instantly making them better martial artists. But they would not be turned until after Revenant returned from his Fight to the Death...... The Kenpo Instructor stood among the others who had vanished from the known world.

"Is this all of them?" Asked Revenant.

"No, there's one more. I had planned on bringing him here at the same time as them, but it didn't work out that way. I still need to talk to him. Don't worry, he'll come around." Replied Tigerkitty.

"Yeah, you ARE very charming." Said Revenant with a smile.

"Why don't you get to know them while I have a talk with the last one." Said tigerkitty as she stepped out of the room.

Monocrom sat at a long table, flanked by two of tigerkitty's guards. She walked into the dimly-lit room and smiled. She sat down across from him and told him why he was brought there. She also mentioned the rewards he'd get for agreeing to help. It didn't take long for him to realize that she had no clue that he was the newest member of Demeaning's team. When he relaxed a bit, Tigerkitty thought he was considering her offer.

"You know, you weren't easy to catch. We had hoped you'd go to Mr. Jerald's apartment when we caused the first Black Out." She said with a smile.

Monocrom realized that the old man had set him up, twice! He also realized that had he gone up the first time, he wouldn't have this opportunity. Demeaning hadn't brought him into the fold until AFTER the first Black Out. It was an opportunity, he couldn't pass up.

"So, you want me to teach your King Reality-Based Self-Defense. R.B.S.D. can be quite intense. But I'd enjoy having, literally, all the time in the world to perfect every ounce of my Art....... And the money sounds good too. Won't lie to you about that." Replied Monocrom.

"There's just one thing. There's no ranking system in your Art, and I need to know that you really are THAT good. I've arranged alittle test for you. Basically, since my King has to fight to the Death........ So do you! She replied with a sinister grin.

"Silly me, and I thought this was going to be easy." He replied.

"Sorry. Oh but don't worry, you'll be fighting another human. One of our Day-Time Guards. He fucked up recently, and if he doesn't kill you, I'm going to kill him...... slowly...... painfully....... lots of screaming and blood involved. He has to kill you inorder to prevent that." Explained Tigerkitty.

"I thought I heard from one of your Followers when they brought me in here that you're one of the nicer vampire Queens." Said Monocrom.

"Oh I am, Sweetie. I'll get you something to eat before your big fight."

"Ah.... Thank You?" that was all he was able to say.

When the meal was over, the fight was on! Several of Tigerkitty's higher-ranked Followers, members of her inner-circle, filtered into the room with the long table in it. They sat up against the walls. She was the last one to enter. The other human was escorted inside by two of her guards. Monocrom was ready. During the meal, they gave him a cloth napkin with a thick, stainless steel, napkin-ring around it. He had palmed the ring and now manipulated it in his hand, placing his index and middle finger through the ring; creating a sort of half-Brass Knuckles.

One of Tigerkitty's Generals stood up to speak.
"This battle shall begin as soon as......"

That was all he had time to say, as Monocrom viciously attacked the other human with his improvised brass knuckles!

--- END OF PART I ---

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-07 15:55:07


--- PART II ---

Monocrom understood how real violence works. That Hollywood nonsense of one guy getting pounded, then returning the favor was just that..... Nonsense! Usually, the guy who strikes fast, hard and often is the one who wins! In this case, Monocrom won the opportunity to keep his Life. The fight was over rather quickly. Violent, brutal, and far from glamorous; repeated punches to the other human's throat was all it took. If you blinked, you missed most of it.

"You interrupted my speech." Said the General.

"Oh I'm sorry, was I supposed to stand by and politely pretend that this was some sort of noble, speech-worthy event? I guess I cheated, by using a weapon. Fuck yeah, I cheated! My Life is on the line and you expect me to play fair?! Fuck that! I'm going to do whatever I have to to win! Does this look like a fucking tournament...... despite the fact that we have an audience?! Fuck no! What I do, it's not fun, this business. It's not supposed to be! It's supposed to help you get home at the end of the night. You don't square-off with an attacker, you don't wait for the bell! And you sure as Hell don't do it for a crappy speech."

Tigerkitty stood up, turned to her Followers, and politely asked them to return to leave the room. When they were gone, she turned to him.

"Could I have that, please." She said, holding out her hand for the napkin-ring that dangled from his middle finger.

"Sure." He said as he handed it over to her.

"You must be good, considering you won by using this pathetic little thing." She said.

"You don't get it, do you?" He replied.

"I had no idea you could be so intense."

"I had to be. My Art emphasizes being aware of your surroundings and avoiding trouble every chance you get. But you created an artificial condition where I had no choice. Then you brought in your friends to enjoy the show. Did you like it? Saw what you wanted? Had your 'fun' at my expense?...... Or at that poor bastards expense over there?...... You know, this whole thing could have been handled in a much better way."

"Perhaps you're right. Anyway, Welcome aboard." She said.


When the deaths of the police informants hit the Papers, Dobio knew he had gone as far as he could. He was no step closer to finding out who had turned his club into an All-You-Can-Eat buffet. It was time to re-build his Den. He moved quickly. And with his usual charm and handsome good looks, he soon had all the new girls he needed on Stand-By.


The Omnipresence finished informing the other Queens about the discovery of the 5th King..... and the fact that he would not participate in the battle. The remaining Kings would soon be introduced to their Queens. They would have time to teach the Kings all that they needed to know, before turning them into vampires; just before their battle to the death. SOAS was the only one with no reason to celebrate.

One by one, the Queens arrived at his compound to claim their prize. Arraigned marriages in the vampire world tend to work out very well. But The Omnipresence knew that the strongest Kings would be Tigerkitty's, and Carmilla's. Revenant hadn't made friends with the other Kings. And Carmilla could take any pathetic example of humanity, and turn him into something great.

The Omnipresence then set about collecting the ancient items needed to take care of SOAS' problem. He knew exactly what he was dealing with. He had seen it the day he died, all those thousands of years ago; back when he was just a simple farmer who wanted to share a meal with friends....... right before the monsters came. Back when the known world was first conquered by a man named Nimrod, back when The Omnipresence actually had a name, instead of a title. Back when he could actually remember when his Birthday was. The ancient Evil returned. But this time, The Omnipresence was ready for it. This time, things would end much differently.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-07 19:32:41

Dammnation! That was one fast as hell fight!

Just how its supposed to be!

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-07 19:54:42

That guy got the shit beaten out of him. Throat punches FTW.


BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-07 20:28:13

Awesome Blood great job.

I want more!!

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-07 21:23:29

Angry rants by satan and a figh to the death. Definitely a great chapter. Glad to see we're finally seeing how you're character is playing out.

Nice job, bro!

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-09 11:20:31

Regarding chapter 24:

Thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it. :)

Just wondering what happened to all the other Regulars to this thread....

Maybe this will get them excited...... NEXT CHAPTER = MONDAY before 5pm! W00t!

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-09 12:51:24

Great chapter Mono :D

I see you took the opportunity to promote R.B.S.D. a bit. Serious though that part was, I couldn't help but smile. You're so predictable sometimes :P

At 12/9/06 11:20 AM, Monocrom wrote: Just wondering what happened to all the other Regulars to this thread....

I was wondering that myself, usually it's a chore even to skim through the comments left, but don't worry, I'll become more of a regular in this thread :)

Maybe this will get them excited...... NEXT CHAPTER = MONDAY before 5pm! W00t!


I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-09 13:33:10

I am excited by that :)

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-09 14:04:31

At 12/9/06 11:20 AM, Monocrom wrote:
Maybe this will get them excited...... NEXT CHAPTER = MONDAY before 5pm! W00t!


I need it now!!!!!

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-09 17:40:11

To: The Omnipresence-

I am not a Crack Dealer. You'll have to wait. Be happy I'm nice enough to post on Mondays, the 2nd worst day for me to post since I stay up for most of Sunday and have to work most of the night. Even exhausted, I still post chapters. :)
To: Thunder-

Thanks Bro. I'll PM you from now on when I post new chapters...... something I don't do just for anyone.
To: Sarai-

Glad to see you enjoyed it. :)
We'll chat a bit Monday before I post chapter 25.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 14:29:34

Chapter 25: Blood Sisters.

She knew it would only be a matter of time before she was asked for another favor. Inuma's guilt continued. Her vampire lover was indirectly the reason why her sister was turned...... and then became the greatest, most violent, most feared Sumjack in the history of the vampire race. satan had done an excellent job of keeping her looks a secret from the 5 clans. She was the nightmare that haunted all their dreams. The Boogie Man that was very much real. She was beyond just a Sumjack. Beyond just a Queen in her own right...... She was a vampire, and a vampire Hunter. She was an abomination to them. But to Inuma, she wasn't satan at all. She was the loving sister who never showed affection to those who hadn't earned her trust.

Inuma still remembered her sister's real name. She remembered that satan actually looked cute, during those rare moments when she smiled. Inuma sat on her bed, starring at the only photo she had of her sister; a smiling photo. She knew that her sister, and everything she ever was, was gone. There was now only satan. Still, Inuma wished she could save her; somehow.

The pre-paid cellphone that satan had given her rang. satan made it very clear what she wanted. It was time to feel guilty, again......

"Are you insane? I can't do that! You're plan is absolutely insane! Do you realize what will happen to everyone if I help you with this?" Asked lnuma.

"Oh yes, It's going to be glorious!" Replied satan.

"It's going to be a gore-filled, fucking disaster!"

satan began to sing...... "Gory, gory, what a helluva way to die. Gory, gory, what a helluva way to die...... Cause none of us are Saints."

"Be serious! You're going to get everyone killed!" Shouted Inuma.

"Ha Ha....... We're vampires. We're all already dead." Replied satan.

"For a corpse, you're awfully demanding. I hate it when you call me up."

"Yeah well, I hate the fact that your personal Fuck-Toy's best friend is the reason why everyone calls me 'satan,' instead of....... But that was a Lifetime ago, wasn't it?" Replied satan.

"Are you ever going to stop making me feel guilty, sis?"

"Yes! ........ Just as soon as you do this one last thing for me." Said satan.

"Okay, one more time....... but no matter what happens, NEVER call me again."

satan smiled on the other end of the phone. "About time you stood up to me," thought satan.


A few days later, Inuma performed the first half of satan's plan. She made contact with Monocrom in a private room at Tigerkitty's mansion. (Inuma still had Ambassador status and could freely travel among the 5 clans).

"Demeaning sent me." She lied.

"How did he know I was here?"

"He keeps very close tabs on everyone on his team." She lied again.

"Cool, what's the plan?"

"We have a shot to nail them all, all at once. Interested?" Asked Inuma.

"Hell yeah. What do I have to do?" Asked Monocrom.

"Be ready to move, soon. I'll contact you again when it's time."

"Okay........ But aren't you a vampire?" Asked Monocrom with a suspicious look in his eye.

"Right........ A vampire helping out a vampire Hunter. Don't be retarded. Here, take this...." Said Inuma as she handed him a pre-paid cellphone.

"When do I call you?"

"Once a day. Keep me posted on what's happening. That's all. Just observe and report. Then I'll let you know when Demeaning will put his plan into action." Said Inuma.

"Could you actually tell me the plan?"

"No." Said Inuma as she slowly turned and left.

"Great..... Observe and Report...... I'm still working as a fucking Security Guard."


Fyndir sat in front of Jade on her bed.

"Come on, talk to me Bro. Penny for your thoughts?" Asked Jade.

"You know this isn't going to end well."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Something just isn't right." He replied.

"You mean besides the fact that I'm talking to a Teddy Bear, and you're actually answering back?" She said with a happy smile on her face.

"No besides that." He said with all honesty.

"Fyndir? Are you really just in my head, or are you real?" Asked Jade.

"Oh, don't be silly Jade. You know the answer to that question already." Replied Fyndir.

"Yeah...... Just being silly." She lied.

Jade felt a bit sad that she still wasn't 100% sure. She loved Fyndir, and didn't want to make him feel bad by admitting she honestly wasn't sure.

"I just don't like it." Said Fyndir.

"Oh Fyndir, you worry too much."

"You know I love you, Jade. But sometimes, you're a bit too trusting." Said Fyndir.

"I can afford to be....... just as long as I have you looking out for me, Bro." She said with a smile.

She picked him up and hugged him close to her chest.

"Hug Monster strikes again!" She said with an even bigger smile.
--- END OF PART I ---

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 14:34:01


--- PART II ---

Waiting at Demeaning's front door was a large, brown envelope. Inside was a notebook that contained satan's entire plan to literally destroy the 5 clans! Demeaning looked at the name on the envelope. Once again, it just said, "From a friend."

"Thank You, my friend...... who ever the fuck you are! Hey Donnie! We're going with a better plan!"

satan's spies did an excellent job of keeping an eye on Demeaning and the members of his team. Shortly after being captured by Tigerkitty's Followers, satan knew what had happened to Monocrom. And now, Demeaning knew what had happened to him as well. Demeaning couldn't help but smile when he realized he had someone on the inside.


When positively-negative hit the floor, he felt something he hadn't felt for awhile....... namely, pain!

"Stop fucking around and get up." Said Carmilla.

"You got lucky, that's all." He said.

"No, you're sloppy. You're fortunate that your powers developed early on. But you're relying on them far too much. Power means nothing if you move slower than Frankenstein's monster."

"Okay, I'll try to move faster." He said.

"You don't increase speed by trying to do the same thing faster. You increase it through economy-of-motion. If you can do the same thing in three motions instead of seven, you'll naturally move faster."

"Is there an easier way to do this?" He asked.

With a crocked frown on her face, Carmilla slowly shook her head, "No."
She knew that this was not going to be easy....... for either of them.


Money can buy you anything....... including Contracters who are actually willing to work. Dobio had plenty of money. Half his Den was re-built. His office was one of the first things to be re-built. It still bothered him that he never found out who had slaughtered the people in his club. What he didn't know was that he would soon find out WHAT had slaughtered his girls and his visitors.


Revenant's training was going well. He was getting better each day. Monocrom was surprised when Inuma told him to teach Revenant properly. After a particularly intense lesson, Tigerkitty arrived with Mr. Jerald at her side.

"Oh Hello Mr. Jerald. How are you, you worthless son-of-a-bitch." Said Monocrom.

Silence filled the room.

"I don't like it when people treat me like shit. Especially people I'm nice to. People I try to help out, whenever they have a problem. You know, I really never asked you for much. Just a bit of respect. I thought we were friends. Then you pull this crap. I tried to be your friend. I thought I was a friend. But I guess you didn't really care."

"I ....." Mr. Jerald began to speak.

"Shut up. I know what you were promised. You're not getting it. See, part of my deal with Tigerkitty is that I get one request that WILL be granted. And you know what? Fuck money. I want you NOT to have immortality. You get to go back to growing old, and slowly dying. Please make sure that Mr. Jerald safely gets home....... at least for tonight."

Tigerkitty had her guards drag the old man out of the room.

"Don't you think that was a bit harsh?"

"Says the lovely lady who forced me to fight a total stranger to the death." Replied Monocrom with a wink and a smile.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 14:50:36

At 12/11/06 02:39 PM, Fyndir wrote: IN BEFORE THE PM

Also, good chapter. =)

I really do enjoy your writing, you're a sexy sexy man. ;)

Wanna help me cheat on Jade, big boy? ;)

Well...... I've seen your pic. You ARE one sexy beast. ~_^

But I care about Jade too much to help you cheat on her. GO TO HELL ........ You sexy beast.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 14:59:04

Good chapters as normal, it's a pity we didn't have time today to DISCUSS things about it! :p

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 15:01:47

At 12/11/06 02:59 PM, Sarai wrote: Good chapters as normal, it's a pity we didn't have time today to DISCUSS things about it! :p

Don't you hate it when Reality keeps us apart. :P

See you Thursday for that DISCUSSION. ;)

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 15:02:13

Wow, i took the whole day off of work for nothing!

Nah, just kidding man. This story is getting more intense by the second. You should really put this all into a book and publish it. I would lend you the money if you could pay me back when your rich and famous. Oh yeah, do you think you could maybe put me in the next chapter? But at the end make me die and a horrible and gruesome way? It would be great if you could because your story needs me more than Oprah Winfrey needs to get off television.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 15:03:30

At 12/11/06 03:01 PM, Monocrom wrote:
At 12/11/06 02:59 PM, Sarai wrote: Good chapters as normal, it's a pity we didn't have time today to DISCUSS things about it! :p
Don't you hate it when Reality keeps us apart. :P

See you Thursday for that DISCUSSION. ;)

Don't you ALSO hate it when there's a lack of AZN in stories

*not subtle at all*


the suspense is killing me softly with each chapter

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

BBS Signature

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 15:11:15

At 12/11/06 03:03 PM, Sarai wrote:
the suspense is killing me softly with each chapter

It's one of the reasons why I post chapters...... even when exhausted. ;)

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 15:12:00

Getting more and more complicated by the chapter yet also coming closer and closer to the big fight.

Well written, exciting, and interesting. Can't wait to see more.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 15:13:55

At 12/11/06 03:12 PM, tigerkitty wrote: Getting more and more complicated by the chapter yet also coming closer and closer to the big fight.

Well written, exciting, and interesting. Can't wait to see more.

Oh yeah, the ladies begging me for more...... another reason why I post chapters.

5 Kings ( A Bbs Story )

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 15:17:26

At 12/11/06 03:13 PM, Monocrom wrote:
Oh yeah, the ladies begging me for more...... another reason why I post chapters.

Wait.. wait... OMG there's no room in this thread anymore you EGO has just gotten so HUGE that nothing fits


Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 15:22:02

It has been a while since I have seen this post. Great continuation on the story, I really enjoyed it.

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 15:46:26

The highlight of my day, this was great mono :)

Thanks for the PM, without it I probably wouldn't have read this until tomorrow :P

I kinda feel a connection the The Kenpo Master, it he going to have any more of a part in this? Of course he is, you wouldn't have talked about his character if he wasn't... Right???

I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I just thought you all should know :)

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 16:01:14

To: tigerkitty-

Plenty of room in this thread for hugs. :)

*Hugs tigerkitty*

Mmmm...... soft, warm, and furry. ;)

Part of the reason why I post is to satisfy the ladies. :D

To: BloodyRose-

You should post more often, here. :)

To: Thunder-

Glad you liked the chapter, Bro.

I make no promises about any character...... Anything can happen in my stories! >:D

Response to 5 Kings ( A Bbs Story ) 2006-12-11 18:16:22

My turn to talk! I would like to start by telling myself to shut up and ignoring myself.

Monocrom Thanks much for the new chapter. Enjoyed it much becuase it was quick moving with no charicter or other set up. just a build up to the impending blood bath. I Do regonize that fun as violnce and action are plot and plot development are necisary to make the violence/action/whatever MEAN somthing.

I think my favorate line was the "economy-of-motion" one. I am curious to know the origens (if any) of this idea.

oh to Fyndir:
visited your link I don't mind the nutral blue backrond. I wonce visited one with a red backrond and man oh man was it hard on the eyes. one issue thogh links once clicked turn purple and are very hard to see against the blue backround. See example below.

5 Kings ( A Bbs Story )