At 10/3/06 10:54 AM, TomFulp wrote:
How much would it piss you off if you had to make a new sig, with expanded width but less height and no animation?
Very much.
Just give mods tools to deal with people with flashing, obnoxious sigs. Sure, we can delete them, but they'll just put it back up. Maybe make it so we can ban them from having a sig pic if they abuse it in that way. Taking away the ability to have them entirely would just be pointless. And anyway, you can still have annoying sigs that aren't animated.
That would be like removing television, movies, computers, and anything else with a screen that can transmit moving images because there's a possibility someone could make something flash on them and just stick with printed ways of communication and entertainment.
If you're going to get rid of animated gifs because they have the potential to have obnoxious, flashing images.. Then just get rid of sigs altogether. You can have a jpg that just says the N word in white text on a yellow background. That's more annoying and offensive than Stephen Colbert smiling/frowning.