Great Collab! 10,000 buckets of Win!
On June 28th, 10:17 PM, a challenge was put forth in the NG forums. Animators were told to create any animations they liked, and to do it within 24 hours.
Exactly one day later, 13 animators had answered the challenge. You can see their finished products here. Enjoy!
Great Collab! 10,000 buckets of Win!
I Cant click on aniythig -_-
Good but for one part.
Go tell Ham Slice to fuck himself. DS rules and PSP sucks balls.
holy shit video game preferences fuck
oso polar
i likes mypuddle
It was good...
Where do you find this music?
Ummm... I'm honestly not sure! I think I found it during a random search waaaay back when I was still using kazaa. Ah, those were the days.