wow man
Grab some popcorn and watch what happens when gel comes to help Dustball work on a movie!
(Yes, we KNOW that we are not the first people in the universe to make a movie like this.)
Anybody notice there are 128 eggs?
wow man
Oh wow so this came up when I hit random movie and I remember this from many years ago. So are you guys still doing work or you left years ago?
It seems like every popular Newgrounds submission has an Easter Egg in it, and this definitley has the record for the most! I love this because you can simply watch it over and over and always find new things. I would lose count of all the hidden things before I could ever find them all. The story itself is great with how you guys just fight over silly things. I can learn to appreciate things on Newgrounds that are not animated. For starters, click Dustball's white paper and the photo on his computer.
i love the movie. it was extremely funny; and the wink was awesome.
Still frames at its best
The picture quility was great and so was the story