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Best of September 2020!

11,516 Views | 25 Replies
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We’re hosting a Halloween Spooktacular this month, with over $1,500 in prizes for the best Animation, Games, Art, Music, Writing and Voice Acting

We’d love to increase the prizes. If you have the means and love Halloween, donate on our Supporter page and PM me a heads up you donated towards the Spooktacular. You’ll get listed as an event sponsor and will receive an event sponsor badge when the badge system is complete.

Site Updates

If you noticed missing icons next to external links on user pages, it was because we were using a Google service to retrieve favicons and the service was rate-limiting requests. We are now storing our own copies of favicons so this won’t be a problem. We’re also pleased that if Google was using that service to harvest data, they can no longer do that.

We also fixed something in tag search related to tag aliases. We use tag aliases to group items under different names; for example “AmongUs” and “Among-Us” should both return the same results. There was a quirk where entries tagged with multiple aliases got a relevancy boost in tag search - this has been resolved.

Today is the deadline for our Among Us Jam! You will be seeing a lot of Among Us movies on the front page.

The SNES Music Contest deadline is October 9th.

Best of September

Your votes are in and the Best of September have been determined!

Top Five Movies

The top ranked animation based on original material and winner of $250 is ENA- Extinction Party. Congrats, @JoelG!

Top Five Games

@MKMaffo, @gamemakertim and @Franuka will each receive $100 for the top three games!

The three best games for October will also receive $100 each. If you would like to contribute to our prize fund, use the donation option on the Supporter page and PM me a heads up you donated towards game prizes.

Thank you to our game prize sponsors!

We’ve received ongoing support from @AnonymousAlchemist, @Manderby and @53xy83457, with generous contributions from @Rarykos, @BoMToons, @SrPelo, @Squidly@GoodL, @Squidly, @FuturecopLGF, @TheGhostOfSevenSeize, @squeakytoad, @Butzbo and @Fro.

Runner-up Movies

6. Resident Evil REANIMATED

7. 64 Bits - Shovel Knight Dimensions

8. The Zelda CDi Reanimated Collab!

9. What's the Matter, Martha?

10. Magical Blast!

11. Dusk of the Madness: OVERTIME

12. Link Awekening The Secret Ending

13. Among Us Struggles

14. Every Among Us game EVER!

15. What is The Plan

16. CaramelDansen Collab 2020

17. Chaotic Heart: By the Fire (Episode 2)

18. Orange Knight

19. You picked the wrong house fool!

20. 18 de Septiembre 2020

21. Bandit!

22. Duality

23. The Purple Impostor - Among Us

24. Cup of Coffee (MD2020)

25. Sleepycast Animated: The Weather Outside is Frightful

26. Deimos is Dead

27. Madness Redeemer 2: Revenger

28. Unbound: Worlds Apart - Cinematic Short

29. TD-Head Down Thumbs Up

30. Interface | Episode 21

Runner-up Games

6. 'Llama vs. Llamas'

7. A Viking's Tale

8. The Year After


10. Monster Manor

11. Wrath of Nightmare

12. Plasma Fist

13. Madness: Zombie Horde

14. Dots: Revamped! Expansion

15. Sludge and Sorcery

16. Magirune

17. Ranata the Frog and the Broken Forest

18. arachnowopunk

19. Le Chat Fonce: Dreams

20. Medieval Cop 9 - Song and Silence (Part 3)

The voter of the month and winner of honorary Supporter status is @Reafer!

Congrats to the winners and thank you everyone who participated in September!

Be sure to check out the Madness Day 2020 collection if you missed it on September 22nd.

Check out the Top Featured Art and Top Featured Music from September!

You can also vibe out to my September Music Playlist Part 1 and Part 2.

If you consumed everything there was to consume in September, play these new Ludum Dare 47 games, where the theme is “Stuck in a Loop.” Or watch some Among Us movies!

Or read this Interview with Jabun and the latest Tank Tribune!

And make sure I front page these when the Among Us dust settles:


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-07 13:31:37

At 10/7/20 01:17 PM, TomFulp wrote:

If you consumed everything there was to consume in September, play these new Ludum Dare 47 games, where the theme is “Stuck in a Loop.” Or watch some Among Us movies!

that winning animation is TOO wierd. first post


BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-07 13:35:57

At 10/7/20 01:31 PM, Luis wrote:
At 10/7/20 01:17 PM, TomFulp wrote:
If you consumed everything there was to consume in September, play these new Ludum Dare 47 games, where the theme is “Stuck in a Loop.” Or watch some Among Us movies!
that winning animation is TOO wierd. first post

A good kinda weird at least. Also has cute girl in it so it deserves the win hehe

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-07 13:36:45

At 10/7/20 01:17 PM, TomFulp wrote: If you noticed missing icons next to external links on user pages, it was because we were using a Google service to retrieve favicons and the service was rate-limiting requests. We are now storing our own copies of favicons so this won’t be a problem. We’re also pleased that if Google was using that service to harvest data, they can no longer do that.

Man, it sounds like Google is a constantly causing trouble for you. I remember reading about how they wouldn't let you run ads with their service or something.

Banner by @MigMoog

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-07 14:02:01

At 10/7/20 01:31 PM, Luis wrote:
At 10/7/20 01:17 PM, TomFulp wrote:
If you consumed everything there was to consume in September, play these new Ludum Dare 47 games, where the theme is “Stuck in a Loop.” Or watch some Among Us movies!
that winning animation is TOO wierd. first post

Joel is making some very unique stuff! Also first

A journey of a thousand miles begins with complaining

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-07 14:04:24 (edited 2020-10-07 14:06:52)

Congrats to the winners! September was oozing with cool nutrients!

Some great animated stuff but I also sat down to play more Ng games, a few of my highlights:

Erebos, a pretty cool claustrophobic byte sized suspense/horror game

Monster Manor had an awesome aesthetic

Tom Fulp Dress up was a super timely throwback to the oldschool dress-up games

And Renata the Frog is a super friendly arcade frog jumping game.

Here's my attempt at Tom:


BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-07 15:11:09

At 10/7/20 02:02 PM, Saminat wrote:
At 10/7/20 01:31 PM, Luis wrote:
At 10/7/20 01:17 PM, TomFulp wrote:
If you consumed everything there was to consume in September, play these new Ludum Dare 47 games, where the theme is “Stuck in a Loop.” Or watch some Among Us movies!
that winning animation is TOO wierd. first post
Joel is making some very unique stuff! Also first

i prefer ultra conservative cartoons!


BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-07 15:22:50

Man i have no words for this, thank you all so much!

Im glad people enjoyed my lil homage to the dressup genre, really made my childhood teaming up with parking games too! ....guess thats next on the line to try making ahahaha!

Havent played a lot for this month but Llama vs Llamas was def one I enjoyed!

and really love the concept and game + music choices of Newgrounds arcade!

Thanks everyone and thank u Tom


hi :)

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-07 15:25:18

At 10/7/20 02:04 PM, Butzbo wrote: Congrats to the winners! September was oozing with cool nutrients!
Some great animated stuff but I also sat down to play more Ng games, a few of my highlights:

Erebos, a pretty cool claustrophobic byte sized suspense/horror game
Monster Manor had an awesome aesthetic
Tom Fulp Dress up was a super timely throwback to the oldschool dress-up games
And Renata the Frog is a super friendly arcade frog jumping game.

Here's my attempt at Tom:

Pretty good iu_177409_6884537.gif

hi :)

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-07 15:30:05

Another good round of games this month: not as many usual, but hey, it gives me a break to play them more deeply, and there were still some really surprising hits for me like


as well as another dream team entry from

Congratulations to all the winners!

As usual, the video above is more for feedback to game devs, but hey, everyone can still watch me struggle as I decide whether or not it's ina-pro-pro to remove Tom's pants, haha!

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-07 16:46:02

11th place for Games this month? Not bad!

Tale of Enki: Pilgrimage, an RPG with a few twists. Available to buy it on Steam here!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-07 18:27:55

Absolutely love ENA, great character design.

My cat is in Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-08 00:28:38

Heeey! Thanks so much to those who voted and played my game :)

I didn't really expect much, so it makes me happy to know you enjoyed it.

Congratulations to all the other entries, there's so much good stuff here.

I'll be starting work on my next release (a bigger game based on Elementalist: 0) soon.


Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-08 05:48:10


signature by jackho

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-08 05:48:41 (edited 2020-10-08 05:49:50)

Oooh Event Sponsor Badges... curious how that'll work. Is it a one-time thing? Can you earn a new one each time you contribute to a particular event? Will it be like a counter, or more like the yearly supporter badge grid kind of thing with a unique one each time? Also will donation amount be mentioned in any way in conjunction to that badge... (hope not)?

Interesting note on the favicons! Maybe our last lasting traces with the giant have finally been severed...

And finally Congrats to the winners! @MKMaffo and @larrynachos especially! :D So cool to see the greatest picks starting to get all NG themed here.

The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-08 07:00:39

At 10/8/20 05:48 AM, Cyberdevil wrote: Oooh Event Sponsor Badges... curious how that'll work. Is it a one-time thing? Can you earn a new one each time you contribute to a particular event? Will it be like a counter, or more like the yearly supporter badge grid kind of thing with a unique one each time? Also will donation amount be mentioned in any way in conjunction to that badge... (hope not)?

You'll get a single badge for each event, so for example there will be people with a Pet Jam Sponsor badge, a Musk Jam Sponsor badge, Neo Geo Jam Sponsor badge and an Among US Sponsor badge. The Game Prize Fund will likely be an annual badge, so people this year will get the Game Prize Fund 2020 badge.

The amount won't be shown on the badge but if you click the badge it will likely show a ranked list of who sponsored the event, since we've been showing the sponsor amounts already (to show how the prize total was arrived at).

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-08 07:13:06


signature by jackho

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-08 08:41:12

At 10/8/20 07:00 AM, TomFulp wrote: You'll get a single badge for each event, so for example there will be people with a Pet Jam Sponsor badge, a Musk Jam Sponsor badge, Neo Geo Jam Sponsor badge and an Among US Sponsor badge. The Game Prize Fund will likely be an annual badge, so people this year will get the Game Prize Fund 2020 badge.

Sounds awesome.

The amount won't be shown on the badge but if you click the badge it will likely show a ranked list of who sponsored the event, since we've been showing the sponsor amounts already (to show how the prize total was arrived at).

Can't be too much of a cheapskate then hmm. Seems both good and bad the amounts are all on display though, good to discourage people from just donating a bare minimum to get a badge, but of course it also makes it all the more about the money, so whomever has more to spare instantly gets more recognition and self-worth...

Still not so different from things like the sticker rankings back in the day though. You do earn your spots. Exciting addition this thing...

The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-08 10:41:31

That tag update is absolutely beautiful

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-08 14:56:46

Congrats to all the winners!!!

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-08 21:05:26


Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-09 00:59:11

Congrats to all of the winners. September 2020 had some great content.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-09 13:39:55 (edited 2020-10-09 13:40:28)

@SirKaotik dude galaxy brain for the expression

hi :)

BBS Signature

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-10 09:08:52

Madness Redeemer 2: Revenge was the best Madness animation, and i think everyone here agree with me.

And Deimos Is Dead is just the most hilarious shit I've ever seen in my entire fucking life.

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-11 23:06:46

I dont envy the Judges.. theres some serious awesome Among Us videos.... also the videpo player is tops

Response to Best of September 2020! 2020-10-12 01:48:17

The Final Fantasy 7 colab was my top pick. Glad it won second place. Congrats.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature