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Killzone 2 Clan Barracks

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Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-14 12:52:23

At 4/14/09 12:17 PM, DocSprite wrote: Going to try for Honor Ranking this week. Anybody know about how many kills I'll need for top 10%?

Not sure any specific amount, but as long as you're sitting at about 20,000 in the weekly rankings, you'll make it. And off the top of my head, I don't know what level you are or how many medals, but as you get more medals and more badges, you'll be able to get higher the rankings much quicker.

Also, any clan matches this week?

Not to my knowledge. But I wouldn't mind someone setting one up

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-15 14:07:00

jtm17 is back on the scene!


Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-15 22:33:33

At 4/15/09 02:07 PM, jtm17 wrote:

Good. We need moar Valor.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-15 22:53:15

At 4/15/09 10:33 PM, DocSprite wrote:
At 4/15/09 02:07 PM, jtm17 wrote:
Good. We need moar Valor.

Yeah, and hopefully we'll, you know, actually have a clan match.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-16 06:24:20

You need to be well inside the top 20,000 for the week to get top 10%. It's not that difficult. Just get as many points as you can manage. I'm looking to get top 3% again and I'm just outside the top 12,000 right now. I'll probably have to get another 2000 points which is more than doable, because I'm awesome :P

Also, the top player now has over 200,000 points and 40,000 more than the next player. The guy hasn't got a life :P And I'll find some teams for us to beat so we can get on the ladder and get ourselves noticed.

Oh yeah, I've now spotted and marked 10,000 enemies and have 5,000 kills. Woopah.


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

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Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-16 20:50:14

I just got Killzone: Liberation from the PSN store. It follows off from the first one, with you playing as Templar and usually teaming up with Rico. And Rico's voice acting is the worst I've ever heard. It sounds kinda like Barack Obama trying to imitate an angry Mexican.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-17 02:09:56

At 4/16/09 06:24 AM, BobbaQ wrote: Also, the top player now has over 200,000 points and 40,000 more than the next player. The guy hasn't got a life :P

I've checked my stats during school to see where I'm sitting or if I made the top 10% or whatever, and I've seen people have a couple thousands points on Monday morning.

And I'll find some teams for us to beat so we can get on the ladder and get ourselves noticed.

Nice. I'd love to get a Klan match going.

Oh yeah, I've now spotted and marked 10,000 enemies and have 5,000 kills. Woopah.

My Ability graph is completely messed up; it says that I haven't deployed any spawn points or called for any air support. Whatever, it doesn't really matter.

But I am 3 ribbons away from 3 different medals, One more turret specialist, one more Capture and Hold, and one more Assassination kill. Then I can focus on my Melee to close out Combat, and try to get the other 3 Badge specific medals.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-17 07:34:50

At 4/16/09 08:50 PM, DocSprite wrote: I just got Killzone: Liberation from the PSN store. It follows off from the first one, with you playing as Templar and usually teaming up with Rico. And Rico's voice acting is the worst I've ever heard. It sounds kinda like Barack Obama trying to imitate an angry Mexican.

I got it when it came out last year or whenever. It was a great game and the multiplayer was a lot of fun. The free extra content was a nice bonus as well. Rico is a 'tard :P


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-17 23:35:56

Anyone else experiencing a lot of problems with the network this week? I've been kicked from games for no reason; the games had very people in them, and very little action. The game just felt like kicking me. And of course, it's always whenever I'm rocking out with my cock out.

But I was able to play enough to get my Turret and Assassination kill medals. I just need 1 more ribbon for Capture and Hold for the medal. Then I'm probably going to focus on my Melee and Badge specific medals.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-22 16:39:16

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-22 22:53:12

At 4/22/09 04:39 PM, DocSprite wrote: WAIT WUT

I'm going to hate that new "faction switching" feature, especially with the 50 wins trophy. People are just going to switch over to the winning side at the last moment so they can get the win. Or they're going to go to the better side and make it 14 on 3.

But I like the party system, the "join friend's faction" thing, and the "17-24" search. I don't really care about the new ranks.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-25 08:25:24

Here's the roster. It seems I somehow forgot to post the roster last week so sorry for that. The new patch came out this week and for now only about 30 people have the Commander rank. It's going to take me forever to get 100,000 but it's a good incentive for me to keep playing regularly. And I'm looking foward to the map pack as there's 12 easy trophies up for grabs. I'll probably been on later so see you tonight.

Officers: BlueFlameSkulls, jtm17, Darksoldier, Jack, TheUnknownVoice, TheThing.

Appointments: N/A

Promotions: N/A

Killzone 2 Barracks Roster #8


BobbaQ - KillSwitch_Bob






Sergeant Major

jtm17 - jtm17
DarkSoldier - TheDark360


Jack - JackSawyer
TheThing - TheThingNG


BlueFlameSkulls - BlueFlameSkulls
ZpLiNtEH - urbanzombehsl4y4
Ninja-Without-Sight - Gamermandan
Final2Legion - Unseen_Fury
TheUnknownVoice - theunknownvoice


Jerkapotamus - Jerkapotamus
DocSprite - DocSprite
Torkelson - Tork14
zazombehslaya - zazombehslaya
TheAbysuss - TheAbysuss


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-27 20:06:00

So, anyone heard any news about the map pack at all? I'm kind of hoping that the Hig train one is as big as the campaign one as that would make matches intresting (or just end up with all 32 people slugging it out on one carriage). Also, BlackOps has PM'd me asking to join so hello to him.


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-28 11:35:22

Hello...SONS AND DAUGHTERS OF HELGHAN! Lieutenant Black-Ops here. (in game)

I think I could be a major help to the clan, although I might not be online as much as some of you.

Let me tell you of my most recent achievements during one 3 to 4 hour session last Sunday:

I went from Corporal to Lieutenant. (that's up by a whole 5 ranks)

8/8 Body Count ribbons. Obtained Corpse Counters medal. (Reward: More points per kill)
8/8 Good Conduct ribbons. Obtained Example Soldier medal. (Reward: More ammo when you spawn)
8/8 Killing Specialist ribbons. Obtained Natural Born Killer medal. (Reward: More grenades when you spawn)

Note: The Natural Born Killer medal may not appear as Killzone failed to register it properly. I did receive a notification though, and should easily get the 8th Killing Specialist ribbon again by tomorrow when I am next online.

Other stuff:

Let's see, I took out at least 4 enemy soldiers on Body Count with one grenade.
My weapon of choice is the Helghast Sta-52 assault rifle.
I reckon I average about 30 points on a Body Count game. (before winner bonus)
I'm inexperienced in other modes though, I'm going to try and get into Assassination games next.
Currently playing games as a medic, although I'll probably change when I get more options.

Not much else to say...I'm usually active on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. No keyboard or headset, will invest in one soon. If you want to talk to me about the game some more, then PM me for my contact details.

Finally and most importantly, if you own the game then add me on PSN.
PSN ID: NGBlackOps

Good luck, and Godspeed.

"The time for diplomacy has passed; the Helghast do not reason. They started this war when they invaded Vekta, and it's up to us to conclude it."

Killzone 2 Clan Barracks


The Chemical Brothers Vs. The Beastie Boys - Intergalactic Dust We Trust

Sig of win courtesy of InsertFunnyUserName.

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Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-28 13:31:41

At 4/28/09 11:35 AM, Black-Ops wrote: A big list of stuff

Well, that's all very cute my friend but I'm way better than you I'm afraid :P The best thing to do would be to carry on playing just bodycount until you hit General (I managed it in 12 hours).

Once you've done that then you need experience with other game types so I would sift through the rooms until you find one that has all the game types and and the max amount of players.

More often than not the room will be called something like "long game" so go for them. Providing you're half decent you can easily get 100 points every game. My record so far is 253 (plus win bonus).

You'll get plenty of opportunities to do what you need for certain ribbons because the game types like search & destroy can be up to half and hour long. Good luck!

Also, how exactly can you be of use to me?


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-28 13:59:15

At 4/28/09 01:31 PM, BobbaQ wrote:
At 4/28/09 11:35 AM, Black-Ops wrote: A big list of stuff
Well, that's all very cute my friend but I'm way better than you I'm afraid :P The best thing to do would be to carry on playing just bodycount until you hit General (I managed it in 12 hours).

Not all of us have the privilege of wireless Internet access 24/7, you know. I bought a PS3 a week ago with Killzone 2, and I've been online twice in that time: one 15-30 minute session from Private to Corporal, and the big session I described there.

And I think I have some trophies that you don't have... ;)

Once you've done that then you need experience with other game types so I would sift through the rooms until you find one that has all the game types and and the max amount of players.

I go for the large rooms which hold 24 to 32 people. I'm going to go for Assassination games next, maybe Capture and Hold.

More often than not the room will be called something like "long game" so go for them. Providing you're half decent you can easily get 100 points every game. My record so far is 253 (plus win bonus).

I've only been in servers with 5 minute rounds each, but I'll bear that in mind. It doesn't seem long after you've played one that you're at another loading screen. :(

Also, how exactly can you be of use to me?

I can kill a man real good.


The Chemical Brothers Vs. The Beastie Boys - Intergalactic Dust We Trust

Sig of win courtesy of InsertFunnyUserName.

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Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-28 15:50:21

At 4/27/09 08:06 PM, BobbaQ wrote:
I'm kind of hoping that the Hig train

You know you've played a lot of Killzone when you start to call them Higs...

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-29 09:22:09

At 4/28/09 01:59 PM, Black-Ops wrote: Not all of us have the privilege of wireless Internet access 24/7, you know. I bought a PS3 a week ago with Killzone 2, and I've been online twice in that time: one 15-30 minute session from Private to Corporal, and the big session I described there.

Meh, try to get a move on and get General as killing others is much easier when you have access to all the weapons.

And I think I have some trophies that you don't have... ;)

Arsed much? :P

I can kill a man real good.


At 4/28/09 03:50 PM, DocSprite wrote: You know you've played a lot of Killzone when you start to call them Higs...

Guilty as charged. 100 hours (campaign + warzone) and counting :P


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-29 10:14:53

At 4/29/09 09:22 AM, BobbaQ wrote: Meh, try to get a move on and get General as killing others is much easier when you have access to all the weapons.

Will do sir.

And I think I have some trophies that you don't have... ;)
Arsed much? :P

There's a few easy ones there. I'll be online tonight, so I'll check your trophies again and I'll message the easy ones to you.

I can kill a man real good.

YA RLY. I'll be on about 7, if you're on then you can see me play.

At 4/28/09 03:50 PM, DocSprite wrote: You know you've played a lot of Killzone when you start to call them Higs...
Guilty as charged. 100 hours (campaign + warzone) and counting :P

Why are they called Higs? Is it because it rhymes with pigs?


The Chemical Brothers Vs. The Beastie Boys - Intergalactic Dust We Trust

Sig of win courtesy of InsertFunnyUserName.

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-29 15:40:33

Because I'm back at uni, you'll have to wait until the weekend before you can witness some of my awesomeness. It'll be worth it though ;) And the Helghast get called Higs because that the nickname that Rico, amongst others uses for them.


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-29 16:39:43

At 4/29/09 03:40 PM, BobbaQ wrote: Because I'm back at uni, you'll have to wait until the weekend before you can witness some of my awesomeness.

Ah well, I didn't make it anyway. Weekend is fine. :3

It'll be worth it though ;) And the Helghast get called Higs because that the nickname that Rico, amongst others uses for them.

I know that, I've played through the campaign. I'm just wondering how the name came to be.

I'm really quite curious to see how you perform. I mean, I think I'm pretty good, but will we have similar skill? Maybe I'll be worse, maybe better? Looking forward to playing you anyway. I'd like to hear from some of the other clan members too, where are you all?


The Chemical Brothers Vs. The Beastie Boys - Intergalactic Dust We Trust

Sig of win courtesy of InsertFunnyUserName.

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-29 21:17:44

My god, I haven't played Killzone 2 in about a week and a half, and it probably will turn into 2 weeks. I've got a shitload of work that I should be doing now, and I'm doing a Bioshock Trophy run. But Bioshock isn't overly long; 8-10 hours, give or take.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-30 16:33:09

At 4/29/09 10:14 AM, Black-Ops wrote:
Why are they called Higs? Is it because it rhymes with pigs?

It's a derrogatory term, like calling the Japanese Japs.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-30 17:53:20

Is it just me or can nobody seem to find the Steel and Titanium Map Pack in the PS Store?!

America. Ghettos. Walmart. NFL. Internet. Slavery. Starbucks. Disney World. Porno. Fake tits. Sushi. Taco Bell. Rodeo. Christmas. Pop-Eye. Books. Sportsmanship. Fuck yeah.

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-05-02 10:03:44

Got the map pack last night. I have to say that both the maps are a lot of fun. The train can a death trap if you're not careful though. I also got all the trophies for them in one go :P

So I take it you're intrested in joining mooguy? Or not.

Here's the roster:

Officers: BlueFlameSkulls, jtm17, Darksoldier, Jack, TheUnknownVoice, TheThing.

Appointments: N/A

Promotions: N/A

Killzone 2 Barracks Roster #9


BobbaQ - KillSwitch_Bob






Sergeant Major

jtm17 - jtm17
DarkSoldier - TheDark360


Jack - JackSawyer
TheThing - TheThingNG


BlueFlameSkulls - BlueFlameSkulls
ZpLiNtEH - urbanzombehsl4y4
Ninja-Without-Sight - Gamermandan
Final2Legion - Unseen_Fury
TheUnknownVoice - theunknownvoice


Jerkapotamus - Jerkapotamus
DocSprite - DocSprite
Torkelson - Tork14
zazombehslaya - zazombehslaya
TheAbysuss - TheAbysuss
BlackOps - NGBlackOps


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-05-08 11:49:25

Erk, we've gone a bit quiet. Anyone up for a few games tonight then?


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-05-08 23:44:33

Oh wow. It's getting a bit creepy in the clubs n' crews section overall. And sure, I'll join. I'm mooguyNG and usually a sniper due to my terrible lag. I can't even be a spy or sabature or what ever it's called because people can point me out by running through a wall apparently.

I can never feel lag untill I kill someone which takes 2 seconds for them to die. Odd.

America. Ghettos. Walmart. NFL. Internet. Slavery. Starbucks. Disney World. Porno. Fake tits. Sushi. Taco Bell. Rodeo. Christmas. Pop-Eye. Books. Sportsmanship. Fuck yeah.

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-05-10 23:08:32

Hey! Super official KZ2 Tourney going on!

KZ2's news page

Have to sign up at MLG GameBattles (currently having trouble with that). It's only open to US residents.

Prizes top out at a replica Helgast Suit totaling $8,000.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-05-11 14:23:50

At 5/8/09 11:44 PM, mooguy wrote: Oh wow. It's getting a bit creepy in the clubs n' crews section overall. And sure, I'll join. I'm mooguyNG and usually a sniper due to my terrible lag. I can't even be a spy or sabature or what ever it's called because people can point me out by running through a wall apparently.

I can never feel lag untill I kill someone which takes 2 seconds for them to die. Odd.

Welcome comrade!

At 5/10/09 11:08 PM, TheThing wrote: Hey! Super official KZ2 Tourney going on!

KZ2's news page

Have to sign up at MLG GameBattles (currently having trouble with that). It's only open to US residents.

Prizes top out at a replica Helgast Suit totaling $8,000.

I was going to mention this but then I remembered that I'm British :( Feel free to sign up 3 other willing Yanks though and get some practice in together. Send me something if you win :P

Also, I'll post the roster laster, even though I should've done it on Friday and it's now Monday.


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-05-15 13:25:20

Bah, haven't been on it much these days, let's see:

* I got my Healing Specialist ribbons so I can use health packs now.
* Unlocked the Tactician Badge.
* Been playing a lot more of the modes too, now I'll normally play a game that includes all mission types.
* Bought a new headset with Socom: Confrontation so I'll be using that in battle.

Dunno if Bobba or anyone with the game will see this but if you do, I'll probably be on this weekend. I'm in the [NewG] clan, so look me up, or add me on the PSN ID below.



The Chemical Brothers Vs. The Beastie Boys - Intergalactic Dust We Trust

Sig of win courtesy of InsertFunnyUserName.

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