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Killzone 2 Clan Barracks

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Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-03-31 09:51:43

At 3/30/09 11:10 PM, DarkSoldier wrote: Yes, Commander is lower than General. But Commander-in-Chief would be equivalent to the president.

Pay no attention to the noob. I'm the boss and that's that.


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

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Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-03-31 22:47:46

At 3/30/09 03:57 PM, DocSprite wrote:
At 3/30/09 11:45 AM, ZpLiNtEh wrote: Argh the reviews were right, Rico is a massive cunt, I don't think I've hated a videogame character so much >:(
Rico is badass, he pretty much runs around cursing and blowing things up.

No, he just fucks things up. I don't want to spoil the ending, but he causes the death of 2 people, 2 people that shouldn't have died. He also sucks when it's just him and you in the fight with Radec. I mean, I've died trying to save his ass, and died because he didn't know there was a trigger on the gun.

Although, he is nowhere hear the level of badass of Natko and Radec. God I love them.

Natko is alright, but he's a douche bag. Radec is a man though; anyone besides you that runs at your enemies with a knife has some fucking balls.

And anyone know how to get that Frag Merchant Trophy? I can't seem to find 5 guys willing to stand in tight formation long enough to get a grenade to kill all of them.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-02 15:43:26

At 3/31/09 10:47 PM, TheThing wrote:
Radec is a man though; anyone besides you that runs at your enemies with a knife has some fucking balls.

And common sense, if the game was realistic then the Helghast would realize that they have you outnumbered 10 to 1 and could murder you in melee combat.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-02 17:42:08

At 4/2/09 03:43 PM, DocSprite wrote:
At 3/31/09 10:47 PM, TheThing wrote:
Radec is a man though; anyone besides you that runs at your enemies with a knife has some fucking balls.
And common sense, if the game was realistic then the Helghast would realize that they have you outnumbered 10 to 1 and could murder you in melee combat.

I always subscribe to this theory of why slaves never rebelled very often:

Even though there is one group that outnumbers the other, no man would be willing to join the group charging because no one wants to die. Since they are charging with probably no guns against a person or group with a gun, they do not want to be the one who dies, even to see their compatriots succeed.

So, everyone is scared to be the only one to die from the charge, so they don't charge.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-03 08:00:07

Roster will be up later. Can't do it now as I'm on a uni computer and the roster is on my laptop. Peace :)


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

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Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-04 08:32:19

Yet again I'm late with the roster. Unfortunately I couldn't get 5 minutes alone due to my cousins running rampant about the house yesterday so here it is now.

Officers: BlueFlameSkulls, jtm17, Darksoldier, Jack, TheUnknownVoice.

Appointments: N/A

Promotions: TheThing is promoted to Sergeant. Good going!

Killzone 2 Barracks Roster #5


BobbaQ - KillSwitch_Bob






Sergeant Major

jtm17 - jtm17
DarkSoldier - TheDark360


Jack - JackSawyer
TheThing - TheThingNG


BlueFlameSkulls - BlueFlameSkulls
ZpLiNtEH - urbanzombehsl4y4
Ninja-Without-Sight - Gamermandan
Final2Legion - Unseen_Fury
TheUnknownVoice - theunknownvoice


Jerkapotamus - Jerkapotamus
DocSprite - DocSprite
Torkelson - Tork14
zazombehslaya - zazombehslaya
TheAbysuss - TheAbysuss


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-04 12:27:36

I see what you guys mean about Rico. He's a useless piece of shit in the Radec battle.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-05 18:20:32

Got the Engineer Badge. I like using bots, but it sucks that I can't use my favored weapon, the ISA LMG.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-05 21:26:07

At 4/4/09 08:32 AM, BobbaQ wrote: Promotions: TheThing is promoted to Sergeant. Good going!

2 Ranks in 1 update? Thank you sir! Although this week my time is limited, since my mom is being a bitch and cutting me off since I can't finish my Eagle Project based on things out of my control. I'll be on, just maybe a game a day.

At 4/5/09 06:20 PM, DocSprite wrote: Got the Engineer Badge. I like using bots, but it sucks that I can't use my favored weapon, the ISA LMG.

Engineer is a decent badge; bots are good to piss people off in any of the modes where you have to defend something or someone, and the shotgun is great in small maps. Otherwise, just keep chugging until you reach a better badge.

Speaking of which, I was punching walls last night; I was having a great match, set up to get the Search and Destroy Badge and the Master of Disguise badge, along with various others. But halfway through the match, my PS3 explodes, causing the game to freeze. I turned it off and on, but when I went back to get them, I couldn't get either in the 2 games I played.

Luckily, I was able to get the Disguise badge today. But fuck, I don't know when I'll be able to get that S and D badge.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-06 11:24:41

Just persevere if you're having trouble getting certain ribbons. You'll get them eventually if you keep trying. Anyway, got the bodyguard mission (the all white one) and melee medals this weekend. I dropped to the top 10% because of having to entertain my cousins so I didn't get much time on my PS3.

I finish uni for 2 and bit weeks this Thursday so I'll have plently of time then. I'm hoping to get up to 40,000 points which would put me well inside the top 500. And then there's all the Easter eggs I'll be devouring :P


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-07 09:42:30

At 4/6/09 11:24 AM, BobbaQ wrote: Just persevere if you're having trouble getting certain ribbons.

Yeah, but it just sucks that I got 2 medals a couple of ribbons, just to have them disappear and not be able to get them back for a bit.

Anyway, got the bodyguard mission (the all white one) and melee medals this weekend.

I'm focusing on the Cloak and Sniper medals, then maybe go for the pistol medal, or possible a few of the mission specific medals.

I finish uni for 2 and bit weeks this Thursday so I'll have plently of time then.

I get about a week, but hopefully I'll be able to get top 1% and get the Trophies for the other Valor ranks. Of course, everyone and their mom is doing the same, so I don't know if I'll be able to. But you never know

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-07 14:26:48

At 4/7/09 09:42 AM, TheThing wrote: I'm focusing on the Cloak and Sniper medals, then maybe go for the pistol medal, or possible a few of the mission specific medals.

They're fairly easy to get. Make sure you get round to doing the Saboteur and Engineer medals as well as the repair and C4 abilities are very useful.

I get about a week, but hopefully I'll be able to get top 1% and get the Trophies for the other Valor ranks. Of course, everyone and their mom is doing the same, so I don't know if I'll be able to. But you never know


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-07 14:29:44

At 4/7/09 09:42 AM, TheThing wrote: I get about a week, but hopefully I'll be able to get top 1% and get the Trophies for the other Valor ranks. Of course, everyone and their mom is doing the same, so I don't know if I'll be able to. But you never know

Top 1% isn't as hard to get as you think it is. If you want to make sure that you defintely get it then it's to get as many kills as you can manage. About 1500 should do it easily ;)


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-09 09:51:51

If anyone fancies playing tonight then just give me a shout as I finish uni for Easter today. A whole 18 days to chill out, woop woop woop ^^


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-09 11:40:53

Hey Wazzup I totally wanna join u guyyz so.....hit meh!
i have the game and in the rank where u get rocket launcher!!!!

Liiks like someone needs a hug!!!! *if you read this you just got the biggets hug of your life!*

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Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-09 12:24:53

At 4/7/09 02:26 PM, BobbaQ wrote:
At 4/7/09 09:42 AM, TheThing wrote: I'm focusing on the Cloak and Sniper medals, then maybe go for the pistol medal, or possible a few of the mission specific medals.
They're fairly easy to get. Make sure you get round to doing the Saboteur and Engineer medals as well as the repair and C4 abilities are very useful.

Already got the C4 ability, but I can't seem to get kills with them. Usually they explode before anyone comes near it, or I lose the oppurtunity because the C4 "wasn't ready"

I get about a week, but hopefully I'll be able to get top 1% and get the Trophies for the other Valor ranks. Of course, everyone and their mom is doing the same, so I don't know if I'll be able to. But you never know

Actually it isn't that hard. I've only been playing moderately since Monday, and as of my last check, I'm still in the top 7% or 8% and I didn't even play yesterday

At 4/9/09 09:51 AM, BobbaQ wrote: If anyone fancies playing tonight then just give me a shout as I finish uni for Easter today. A whole 18 days to chill out, woop woop woop ^^

Still got 2 hours left on my sentence. But I'll definately be playing tonight, since I'm going to be busting my balls all week with my Eagle Project and other homework. And, of course, preparing for Easter

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-09 15:25:08

At 4/9/09 09:51 AM, BobbaQ wrote: If anyone fancies playing tonight then just give me a shout as I finish uni for Easter today. A whole 18 days to chill out, woop woop woop ^^

Yeah, all be on all next week. Luv spring break.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-10 08:43:33

I won't be online for a while (I havent anyway lol..) because I have some irritating fuckin coursework to do, and I feel like staggering my way for a collection of PS1/2/3 games I found laying around my room.

Crash Bandicoot 2, Dead Space, FFX, FFXII, Burnout Paradise, MGS4, Resident Evil CVX, GTA VC, etc...

I love metal like crackheads love anal. and crack.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-10 17:16:53

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-10 20:29:59

Maps from the New Sun level? Sign me the fuck up!

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-10 23:07:39

At 4/10/09 08:29 PM, DocSprite wrote: Maps from the New Sun level? Sign me the fuck up!

I don't know; the New Sun seems like it will be a bitch of a level, especially with all that close quarters vertical gameplay. Unless I see a decent layout, I'm thinking the strategy will be considered the "dog-pile stragety": last one on top lives to see another day.

Although that train level seems pretty cool, but I can see some cheap shit going down with the the level killing you off if you happen to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time. Talk about fucking over your KDR.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-10 23:51:03

Here's the roster. If I'm not here Sunday then Happy Easter! Also, hello to our newest recruit Trystlions!

Officers: BlueFlameSkulls, jtm17, Darksoldier, Jack, TheUnknownVoice, TheThing.

Appointments: TheThing is now a clan officer. Congrats!

Promotions: N/A

Killzone 2 Barracks Roster #6


BobbaQ - KillSwitch_Bob






Sergeant Major

jtm17 - jtm17
DarkSoldier - TheDark360


Jack - JackSawyer
TheThing - TheThingNG


BlueFlameSkulls - BlueFlameSkulls
ZpLiNtEH - urbanzombehsl4y4
Ninja-Without-Sight - Gamermandan
Final2Legion - Unseen_Fury
TheUnknownVoice - theunknownvoice


Jerkapotamus - Jerkapotamus
DocSprite - DocSprite
Torkelson - Tork14
zazombehslaya - zazombehslaya
TheAbysuss - TheAbysuss
Trystlions - Trystlions


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-12 02:44:11

At 4/10/09 11:51 PM, BobbaQ wrote: Appointments: TheThing is now a clan officer. Congrats!

Well that makes an otherwise less-than fun Easter much more enjoyable.

So today I got a record 386 points. Of course, that was with the 1.5x multiplier, but still, that was about 260 points otherwise. All from a 45-60 minute game.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-12 11:08:04

At 4/10/09 05:16 PM, jtm17 wrote: New Possibly "Free Maps"

http://www.joystiq.com/2009/04/10/gametr ailers-gives-sneak-peek-at-killzone-2-dl c/

And Retro Maps coming soon

Sony confirmed it is going to be free.

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-12 13:31:13

At 4/10/09 11:51 PM, BobbaQ wrote: hello to our newest recruit Trystlions!

Thanks for that Bobba, the Revolver is pretty useful to. Spent all morning trying to beat the last level. Kept geting killed by the 2 rocket lancher guys

Proud Scotsman | PSN: Trystlions | Typing Useless Posts Since 2008

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Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-12 13:31:17

Had some fun last night. I got 163 points in one game which is a new best ever for me. Sorry for shooting you in the head TheThing. And the other 5 or 6 times :P Also, I've gotten more medals and I'm one away from having all the badge specific ones ^^. I need to get past 2000 points by the end of tonight because I want to get top 3% this week.

Happy Easter by the way!


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-13 13:28:32

mind if i join?
i aint got a ps3 online account yet should have one soon.


Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-14 01:59:24

At 4/12/09 01:31 PM, BobbaQ wrote: Sorry for shooting you in the head TheThing. And the other 5 or 6 times :P

It's cool. You were just doing your thing. And if I helped get you to 163, than that's cool.

But to be fair, I just got my Sniper Medal, so I was at a disadvantage. But now that I got it, I really don't know how I could make those long distance kills with it before. Also got the Spot and Mark Medal, which is by far the most useful Medal for the sniper.

Also, I've gotten more medals and I'm one away from having all the badge specific ones ^^. I need to get past 2000 points by the end of tonight because I want to get top 3% this week.

Meh, I got top 6%. Better than last week though, and I'm hoping for top 3%, or even top 1%. And I just need 5 more Melee Ribbons to get all of the combat specific Medals.

Up for a 1 on 1 to see if I can get it?

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-14 05:57:08

At 4/14/09 01:59 AM, TheThing wrote: It's cool. You were just doing your thing. And if I helped get you to 163, than that's cool.

I got 253 points the other day in this epic hour ish long match. We won 5-2 but it was so awesome. I got over 100 kills but the top player got nearly 200. It might still be on my battle replay so find the most recent one I played on the Industries map and grab some popcorn :P

But to be fair, I just got my Sniper Medal, so I was at a disadvantage. But now that I got it, I really don't know how I could make those long distance kills with it before. Also got the Spot and Mark Medal, which is by far the most useful Medal for the sniper.

Sniping is a hell of a lot easier when you get the X5 scope. And Spot & Mark is a life saver. Plus your team mates can see them as well which is handy.

Meh, I got top 6%. Better than last week though, and I'm hoping for top 3%, or even top 1%. And I just need 5 more Melee Ribbons to get all of the combat specific Medals.

I got 6% as well. Thought I might've just got 3% but nevermind. If you're on tonight then you'll get your ribbons ;)


English Gents Club | 5th on PS3 Trophy Leaderboard | PSN: KillSwitch_Bob | Sig by Ryan

BBS Signature

Response to Killzone 2 Clan Barracks 2009-04-14 12:17:17

Going to try for Honor Ranking this week. Anybody know about how many kills I'll need for top 10%?

Also, any clan matches this week?