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Reviews for "Smokin'"

i blow my smoke in the faces of people like you

or at least try and get my cloud to hover around your face
but still a very well written and animated short kudos

vakavadesigns responds:

Haha - In everyday life though, I'm not vocal about it, I don't have to be since I usually steer clear :D

Thanks for your review and for not having a hissy cow like some people do... You are one easy-going smoker.


its great and all, but why is this flash generating so much hate.

vakavadesigns responds:

I don't hate smokerz, sorry if you find the sarcasm offensive

Love the song

I support choosing the way you want to die :3

I personally don't like when people blow the smoke RIGHT in someone's face,
but in a bar? You're probably beating the shit out of your liver anyway xD what's a little rat-poison in the air?

:P and in open areas, where you're free to move away from it, that's fine.

But yeah D: restaurants don't make sense, because how can you eat food with a cig hanging out of your mouth? Must take skill, huh? But it's still rude >:(
So I agree with banning it in restaurants.

:D I gave you a 9 for the humor, how well the song fit and how well you animated. Using a crocodile was a great idea :3

vakavadesigns responds:

Thanks for the review, Katzy! :D

nearly $10 a pack

where i live.
and all the taxes go to treating those with emphizima (sp), hospital visits, and other health related issues.
the irony is: they are paying for their treatment, with each pack that they buy. but if they don't buy, they won't get get as sick.
go figure?
i have family members who smoke. they "try to quit". but it's more psychological then a physical addiction. that and stress...

Nice vid.

The best part of it are non-smokers raging how they hate smoker who smoke beside of them, lol.

I have never ever smoked and hate every smoker alive!
*chomps on the burger*
They are killing me with second-hand smoking
*Drinks diet coke ( because you can eat everything with diet coke, because it is DIET!)*
I am going street and they are breathing with smoke all MY air!
*sniffs on his farts*

I imagine it like that! :))
I am smoker and I like it!
It is just funny watching peaople rant about something as simple as flash! )))))