If you can't compete with people and machines that are worth more than you then you should go extinct. We already know you retards spend all your taxpayer money on increasing crime.
Evidence for Basic Income:
Math for a Basic Income in Canada:
Automation in depth:
Regarding inflation:
Poverty in Canada stats:
The animation is foam cutouts shot in stop-motion over a green background, and then put together in After Effects.
The music is "Violins and Tea" by Loch Lomond, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0.
If you can't compete with people and machines that are worth more than you then you should go extinct. We already know you retards spend all your taxpayer money on increasing crime.
"rObOtS aRe TaKeInG oVeR" I fucking doubt that
First off, nice animation as usual. Thumbs up to you there.
Did you do any real research (or is this not your talk? A bit confused here) on this topic? Did you just cherry pick from sources (linked in the description) that were obviously in favor of this absolute propaganda/talking points? This is the same as the "90% some of percent of all scientist agree that climate change... bla bla bla" what about the scientists that weren't polled? what about the evidence that is not in favor of your argument? I get it, you're (and so are a lot of the pro-UBI people) compassionate and obviously poverty is bad. Everyone can literally agree here. How do we solve the potential automation problem? Where should these affected people move to (career wise). These are fair questions. Raising taxes and printing more "funny money" is rarely ever the answer (besides "well... country X does it so... we good bois". Something to think about. Research all areas of your topic. Don't just produce propaganda videos that only validate your position (confirmation bias). This will help you fortify your argument and not seem like you're coming off as some government PSA drone. Debate is good and the pursuit of truth/reason will get us to where we need to be one day (hopefully). Again, nice animation. Obviously this topic/position is left leaning which I'm sure a lot of NewGrounds is by demographic (age) and interest (animation/games). Keep up the great work/talent!
Animation: Awesome.
Message: I'm not sure. I am not sure how I feel about a basic income. I feel that it would be better to have the government pay for basic needs directly like Healthcare, Education, Food, Water, etc. Maybe this is what you mean by a basic income, I wasn't entirely sure. Either way, I agree with you on wanting to help people and have the same goals in mind, I am just not sure if basic income is as efficient as government paying directly for these essential services.