This was part of a game pack that microsoft kicked out in the 90s. Good job. Takes me back.
Use the Mouse to move the wallbuilder. Click to start building a wall. Press Space to change between vertical and horizontal wallbuilding position.
The rules are simple:
Trap the J-atoms into smaller spaces in order to make at least 75
percent of the camber disappear. You can check on your progress by
looking at the area cleared at the bottom of the screen.
The wallbuilder can sustain only a limited number of atomic hits. Each
time it is hit, it loses one chamber life. The number of lives left is
displayed in the upper-left corner of the screen. If two atoms are free
in chamber, a wall in progress can be hit once. A second hit by a
J-atoms ends the game. You are allowed an additional hit for each atom in the chamber. For example, at level 7, the wallbuilder can sustain six hits, with the game ending on the seventh.
A game ends when the wallbuilder is destroyed by atoms or when you run out of time.
This was part of a game pack that microsoft kicked out in the 90s. Good job. Takes me back.
I love this game! I remember the first version, and it was one of my favorite games. This is an excellent remake! Thank you!
I've always liked this game. It's great that you brought it back to life!
I've noticed that the balls have a slight tendancy to wriggle out of a box or past a bit of wall sometimes, but that's not too annoying or frequent. One thing that never seems to change about this game is that you can't save your progress; an endearing annoyance. Thank you so much for remaking this game.
I used to love this game when I was kid, playing this brought back so many memories! Thanks for the reminiscence!
brings me back
i love this game brings me back to the 90's