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Final Fantasy Club

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-22 17:49:13

At 7/22/07 05:42 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Hey look, an accomplishment i fulfilled in about 5 weeks lol.

Shit, I wish I had that much free time back then. Back then, I didn't have my own computer. I had to use the family computer and I would only get around 5 to 10 posts per day. It wasn't bad but I wanted more. As you can see, my post per day is increasing dramatically. :/

Lindblum was certainly a big city.

I loved all the stores and especially the synthesis place in the corner.

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-22 17:50:51

I only post about 4 or 5 times on a normal day, maybe it bit more on weekends. But like Seamonkey said, i did go long periods of time without even logging in to newgrounds.

Anyway. i personally like the FF7 towns and citys just for how they are - they had alot of cool towns there, i especially liked Junon, probably the best city SE have designed. But as for size and detail - it has to be in FF12. most towns and cities in that game are huge! Especially Rabanastre - it´s so big it has the moogle teleporter.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-22 18:12:42

At 7/22/07 04:48 AM, The-Redangleprince wrote: Wow....you're still here Pure? Whoa, this is pretty damned nostalgic.

I'll say. Back with the redesign, I am, and good to se you too, man. :)

Who else is around? And did you ever do all those quizes :^}O
I can't believe I remember that....

I think I copped out on those half-way through, all that time back. Had to double-take and think what quizzes they were. :P

Seems Wonko's still around, so ya know, mankind is doomed. Recon is in the Wi/Ht. Hoping he'll pop in here a bit, maybe. I miss Ghaleon and Mojimbo, though. Cool guys. :'(

At 7/22/07 08:02 AM, Xtesh wrote: I was one of the last non-noob joiners before this thread died for about three months. if that counts.

Sort of, but we're here from years back. :P

Also, when does FF2 come out for psp? Because I finally worked enough to get one last night.

July 24th. Two more days. :)

At 7/22/07 08:08 AM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: It doesn't. If you haven't been here long enough to have a number, you still suck :-P

Bah. Actually, are you the only one still around with a number Wonko?

Dear Satan, I've been here long enough to remember when this was the thread that bumped down every other thread on General. We had more than a hundred pages when they created Clubs & Crews and moved us over.

You are a GOD!

At 7/22/07 08:29 AM, Paradox wrote: Yeah, I'll say. If I can get through the game just fine without it, and have the chance to enjoy it, then I wouldn't bother trying to get it. It's not like it can do more than 9999 anyway, and if I wanted to see that much, I could just get Steiner into trance.

The only real appeal, other than the accomplishment, is that by going through to get it, it becomes useful to beat the save file.

Might be cool just to have in your possession though, but still not worth it.


At 7/22/07 10:13 AM, Kisuke wrote: Shoo >:^(

Meanie fo-feanie.

At 7/22/07 11:33 AM, Life-Stream wrote: I just checked my posts for about 20 minutes, and i've been a member here in the FF club since page 174, in may 2003, so i guess I'm a oldie here , but i did stop posting here for a few years due to many house movings and such. And even before posting here i made my own Final Fantasy thread in general and got about 40 pages or so i think.

Wow, must have left before I came in here. I honestly don't remember you at all. I think I came after page 200, though I'm quite honestly too lazy to check right now.

At 7/22/07 03:49 PM, Life-Stream wrote: Ok Señor Presidente. I havn´t played that cos i don´t have a DS, is it any good? I´ve seen a few screen shots and it looks pretty cool.

With my new DS, I'm looking all over for the game. Can't wait to get a hold of it.

At 7/22/07 05:34 PM, Seamonky wrote: -Anyways, which game had the best looking cities in Final Fantasy. I would have to say Final Fantasy 9 since I remember one of the cities were so huge that I got lost. XD

Oh, I'd definitely say FFXII. Scale of Rabanastre alone is pretty sweet, and they ran the gammet from hi-tech to "primitive" man. Not just that, but their cities had the most atmosphere thanks to the NPCs all over.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-22 18:37:22

At 7/22/07 05:34 PM, Seamonky wrote: -Anyways, which game had the best looking cities in Final Fantasy. I would have to say Final Fantasy 9 since I remember one of the cities were so huge that I got lost. XD

I would have to say that the best looking city was in Final Fantasy 8, I forget its name but it had awesome visuals, for the time, and quite some detail put into it. :)

I bet everyone thought I was going to say somethign about Tactics, huh? XD


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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-22 18:46:16

Lol, yeah i was expecting somethin about FFT there DLJ, but you dont´really get to see towns or anything in FFT. And you must be talking about Esther in FF8, that was the biggest city in FF8.

Also PureLionHeart back then i went by another name. I was Balamb_Zell. I had a number too. I used to have it in my sig but i took it out cos i stopped posting here for a long time. I think i was number 122. I only change my name to Life-Stream last year and another alias i had MajorHaron i changed to my old name Balamb_zell, just to not loose the name. o_o

So yeah, right now i think we´re the oldest here with Wonko. I know he was here before me, i saw him while i was searching for my first post here. He´s been here since about page 150 i think.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-22 18:54:32

At 7/22/07 06:46 PM, Life-Stream wrote: Lol, yeah i was expecting somethin about FFT there DLJ, but you dont´really get to see towns or anything in FFT. And you must be talking about Esther in FF8, that was the biggest city in FF8.

Thats the one, you do see towns in Tactics but thats only in cutscenes. :/

So yeah, right now i think we´re the oldest here with Wonko. I know he was here before me, i saw him while i was searching for my first post here. He´s been here since about page 150 i think.

I know I'm not the oldest person here, I've been around for a while but no where close to how long some people have been here. XD


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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-22 22:14:18

Holy Zombie Jesus on a Pogo Stick, your here too Sir Lotus!

I have to go, for my favorite towns in FFH, I'll go with Besaid Village from FFX. I have lots of memories there :P. It was there where Tidus finally got through his sphere grid and my left hand was stuck in the cup.

He who takes that sexually, is he who is dead.

Final Fantasy Tactics is one of the best games eva, and I do have an over devoloped black mage in chapter 1 (Level 35, mastered squire and Black Magic)

I do use the gameshark for all the equipment, mainly to beat the sh*t out of chocobos though :S

Speaking of cuddly creatures that want to kill you, what is your favorite monster in Final Fantasy Tactics? I like Red Chocobo's the most.

A proud member of the SSBC.

My Gamespot home forum.

People are capable of kindness beyond angels, yet we also commit sins that put demons to shame.

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-22 23:20:24

At 7/22/07 06:46 PM, Life-Stream wrote: So yeah, right now i think we´re the oldest here with Wonko. I know he was here before me, i saw him while i was searching for my first post here. He´s been here since about page 150 i think.

Page 150? Like fucking hell. Try around pages 4-6, I can't remember exactly where, but since I'm #16, I don't think I'm page 150. I'm pretty damn sure I was a single digit page.

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-22 23:25:06

At 7/22/07 11:20 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Page 150? Like fucking hell. Try around pages 4-6, I can't remember exactly where, but since I'm #16, I don't think I'm page 150. I'm pretty damn sure I was a single digit page.

Wonko, you liar. You're #17! All the years of lies!
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/4595 2/3

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-23 00:13:34

I just found out my final fantasy x game file got deleted :(

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-23 04:12:44

At 7/22/07 11:25 PM, PureLionHeart wrote:
At 7/22/07 11:20 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Page 150? Like fucking hell. Try around pages 4-6, I can't remember exactly where, but since I'm #16, I don't think I'm page 150. I'm pretty damn sure I was a single digit page.
Wonko, you liar. You're #17! All the years of lies!
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/4595 2/3

Keep on going. Mojimbo decided to remove inactive members from the list, and I got bumped up to #16.

BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-23 14:37:55

At 7/23/07 02:10 AM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Oh man........you guys remember that vocal track from FF8 called eyes on me? Man such a great song...

Yeah, that song was really cool. It was the first vocal track in a FF (if you exclude one winged angel from FF7). I actually memorized the words when i was playing through FF8 XD

I really like this song aswell. It´s the vocal track from FF9 called melodies of life. (nice chorus)

FF10 took a different route on the vocal music and thats when we heard otherworld, lol. A cool track but not the calm love song like we just heard from FF8 and 9.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-23 15:20:44

At 7/23/07 03:17 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
Yeah, most Final boss music is really epic and great.

They should be, they´re the final bosses. ;P

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-23 15:27:09

It may be cliche as fuck.
But One Winged Angel > all.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-23 15:33:31

One winged angel was good. But i kinda liked Bizarro Sephiroth tune a bit more.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-23 16:22:49

My favorite music pieces are as follows:

Zanarkind theme (the sad one)
Jenova's FIRST theme (Shinra boat.)
Laguana's battle theme.

Arguably the best battle themes in gaming history.

A proud member of the SSBC.

My Gamespot home forum.

People are capable of kindness beyond angels, yet we also commit sins that put demons to shame.

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-23 22:32:17

At 7/22/07 06:46 PM, Life-Stream wrote: Also PureLionHeart back then i went by another name. I was Balamb_Zell.

Sounds vaguely familiar.
Either way, it's fun to be old. :)

At 7/23/07 12:13 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: I just found out my final fantasy x game file got deleted :(

My condolences. Deleted file of best game ever = BAD.

At 7/23/07 02:16 AM, Xtesh wrote: Do you have a link to where we(who don't have FF8) can listen?

For future reference.

At 7/23/07 04:12 AM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: Keep on going. Mojimbo decided to remove inactive members from the list, and I got bumped up to #16.

Technicality goodness. :P

At 7/23/07 02:37 PM, Life-Stream wrote: Yeah, that song was really cool. It was the first vocal track in a FF (if you exclude one winged angel from FF7). I actually memorized the words when i was playing through FF8 XD

There was also "Liberi Fatali" (Plays during intro) and "Filthos Lusec Wecos Vinosec" (Plays during Sorceress Parade). I think "Eyes On Me" was the first English vocal, though.

At 7/23/07 04:22 PM, Cenetaurman wrote: Zanarkind theme (the sad one)

YES! Best FF song ever! Called "To Zanarkand" and plays during the intro and a few other points, I believe.

Everyone listen to it and try not to cry.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-23 23:57:26

At 7/22/07 10:14 PM, Cenetaurman wrote: Holy Zombie Jesus on a Pogo Stick, your here too Sir Lotus!

Of course I'm here! Good to see you found us as well! :)

Final Fantasy Tactics is one of the best games eva, and I do have an over devoloped black mage in chapter 1 (Level 35, mastered squire and Black Magic)

Thats awesome, I would suggest for you to train in Summoner arts as well and once you reach the Deep Dungeon keep going to the end and you'll get the Zodiac summon if you get hit with it and survive, trust me though, its well worth the trouble! :)

I do use the gameshark for all the equipment, mainly to beat the sh*t out of chocobos though :S

Thats understandable, I got all my items without one though but then again I've been playing that game since it was released years ago.

Speaking of cuddly creatures that want to kill you, what is your favorite monster in Final Fantasy Tactics? I like Red Chocobo's the most.

My favorite monster would have to be the Hydra, no one in particular since I think they're all awesome! :)


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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-24 07:34:23

At 7/22/07 05:34 PM, Seamonky wrote: -Anyways, which game had the best looking cities in Final Fantasy. I would have to say Final Fantasy 9 since I remember one of the cities were so huge that I got lost. XD

Yeah, it's IX for me. Most of the cities in there were awesome. Lindblum was my favorite I'd say. It and Tactics are always shifting spots between my favorites in the series. Maybe I'll play the rest of them some day seeing how I have them all now aside from XI.

At 7/22/07 10:31 PM, The-Redangleprince wrote:
At 7/22/07 10:14 PM, Cenetaurman wrote: Speaking of cuddly creatures that want to kill you, what is your favorite monster in Final Fantasy Tactics? I like Red Chocobo's the most.
Dragons and Chocobos. The others are there just for the status effects and most of them are worhtless/easily replaced with Yin and Black magic. I prefer the Dark Chocobos, but I hardly ever used them....I remember having a Dragon in my party once and he was in the middle in terms of overall strength.

Bah. Go and fight a Sacred, Dark Behemoth or Tiamat. Yeah.. You'll guess twice on chocobos and dragons being the strongest of monsters to take down. Worker 8 has a hard time taking out two of the lot with out dieing. And that is AT level 99.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-24 12:50:24

At 7/23/07 10:32 PM, PureLionHeart wrote: YES! Best FF song ever! Called "To Zanarkand" and plays during the intro and a few other points, I believe.

Ah, yes, I remember that one, very, very good song. Almost enough reason to want to play X again, in my opinion, hearing that in the game was so moving.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-24 14:14:59

At 7/24/07 02:03 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: I like the song that plays when your actually in Zanarkand and going to that big place where the final aeon is, not the music that is playing when they reach Zanarkand and sit around the fire.

They're both good, I think To Zanarkand is probably better, but the actual Zanarkand music was pretty good too, yeah.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-24 15:20:13

I really liked that ´To Zanarkand´ song too, lovely tune.

This is the Black mages version of it. Listen to all of it, as it starts of the same but changes about a minute and a half into it. Good one, with a guy called Mr.Goo singing Lyrics.

Other songs i really liked on FFX were;

Hopeless desire
Daughter of the great summoner

I´ll post a few more soon when i find some.

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-24 15:37:19

Time for a new FF game, methinks. I think I'll go for VIII this time. I've seen practically half the game, so I may as well assume I'll get into it easily.


Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-24 16:53:10

I will when i have a bit more time.

I have the whole FFX OST on disc, aswell as the FF7 one and 8.....look.

Sorry about poor image quality, i´ll try and get some better pics, and some of some FF models i have.

Final Fantasy Club

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-24 17:39:04

At 7/24/07 03:20 PM, Life-Stream wrote: I really liked that ´To Zanarkand´ song too, lovely tune.

This is the Black mages version of it. Listen to all of it, as it starts of the same but changes about a minute and a half into it. Good one, with a guy called Mr.Goo singing Lyrics.

I think I need a new pair of Tighty Whiteys.

Although, that wasn't the one I was talking about....

A proud member of the SSBC.

My Gamespot home forum.

People are capable of kindness beyond angels, yet we also commit sins that put demons to shame.

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-25 04:19:45

At 7/24/07 03:37 PM, Paradox wrote: Time for a new FF game, methinks. I think I'll go for VIII this time. I've seen practically half the game, so I may as well assume I'll get into it easily.


It's more tuned towards the feminine side of the FF spectrum. It's more romantic and lovey dovey IMO than the rest of them. But it's very good none the less. A wise choice.

As far as songs go I'd say some of the best are:

Because it's hard to narrow them down.

Final Fantasy Tactics:
- Treasure
- Brave Story
- The Rest of the OST

- Crazy Motorcycle
- Holding My Thoughts In My Heart
- Farm Boy
- J-E-N-O-V-A
- Cosmo Canyon
- Great Warrior
- Cid's Theme
- You Can Hear The Cry Of The Planet
- Aeris' Theme[I cried]
- Buried In The Snow
- One Winged Angel

- Liberi Fatali
- Blue Fields
- Maybe I'm a Lion
- Man with the Machine Gun

- The Place I'll Return to Someday
- Feel My Blade
- Loss of Me
- Oelivert
- Ispen's Heritage
- Terra
- You Are Not Alone
- Evil Messenger
- Assualt of the White Dragons

- Silence Before The Storm
- People Of The North Pole
- Someday The Dream Will End[This is the one you were thinking about Akatsuki]
- Challenge
- Battle With Seymour
- Summoned Beast Battle
- Song of Prayer
- To Zanakand

X-2:[Yes, now shut up]
- Kuon Hikari No Nami no Kioku
- Shitoo
- Hametsu
- Shuen
- Shookanjuu

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-25 15:41:07

Nice tunes there Kisuke - now link them all xD

Just kidding

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-25 17:54:06

Yeah, i was looking at that site just yesterday and it looks really good, alot of stuff on it. Very good find!

Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-25 23:31:28

Some other cool tracks:
FFVIII: The Landing
FFVIII: The Legendary Beast
FFVIII: Maybe I'm A Lion

At 7/24/07 12:50 PM, Paradox wrote: Ah, yes, I remember that one, very, very good song. Almost enough reason to want to play X again, in my opinion, hearing that in the game was so moving.

Still my favorite of any video game song, and indeed any piano piece I've heard. I can't get enough of it.

At 7/24/07 02:03 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: I like the song that plays when your actually in Zanarkand and going to that big place where the final aeon is, not the music that is playing when they reach Zanarkand and sit around the fire.

Good song as well. My second favorite of the FFX soundtrack. Called "Someday The Dream Will End."
20-%20Someday%20the%20Dream%20Will%20End .mp3

At 7/24/07 03:20 PM, Life-Stream wrote: This is the Black mages version of it. Listen to all of it, as it starts of the same but changes about a minute and a half into it. Good one, with a guy called Mr.Goo singing Lyrics.

Pretty cool, actually. I was worried they'd butcher the song, personally. I liked it though. Still prefer the original. :P

Other songs i really liked on FFX were;
Hopeless desire

Didn't care for that one at all, honestly. Seemed too...I dunno, really. Just didn't care for it.

Daughter of the great summoner

That was another good one.

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

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Response to Final Fantasy Club 2007-07-25 23:44:57

Hey! Hiya! Maybe you guys could help me out with FFX? I completely messed up last time, I was in the final battles and I didnt even have Anima or the Magus Sisters.....How do I get those aeons? And how do I get my sphere grid all maxed? XD.....I'm such a n00bette.

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