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The New Moderator Thread

26,658 Views | 504 Replies

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:45:46

Again, Earfetish does not win :(

his day will come, it will come.

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:48:00

SCD was de-modded, but not Ozcar, correct?


Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:49:02

SCD Demodded ? Fuck that.

So let me get this straight, guys. You let Ozcar, make spam thread after spam thread. You let him abuse his powers like mad and ban people for completely unjustified and asinine reasons. You allow him to fuck around to no end, and all you do is praise him for it.

Yet, SCD, a fucking good mod, makes one JOKE thread and you throw him to the fucking hounds.

Nah, that's bullshit.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:49:52

At 11/6/05 09:49 AM, Homophobe wrote: SCD Demodded ? Fuck that.


I'm shocked Ozcar is STILL a mod.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:51:18

At 11/6/05 09:45 AM, DancingTurkeyGod wrote: Dobio's abuse of powers isn't the same as that sexist thread. I think SCD stepped over the line (WAY over the line).

Your definition of 'the line' is vastly different to what a lot of people define as it. Appreciate that there's a sizable amount of people here who find stuff like that funny, and for whom it's the reason they come to NG. It's all audience and purpose.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:51:56

Ok, you can de-mod Ozcar now.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:52:03

At 11/6/05 09:44 AM, -Ubermensch- wrote: Oh, and seriously; does the aroma of a mod's ass appeal to you THAT much? You might want to take your nose out of there and get a breath of fresh air. You sound delirious.

You fail to see what I'm trying to say. What's the point in whining? It's not going to change anything. You might as well congratulate them, and see WHY they were modded, instead why they shouldn't be.

I asked you who you thought would be a better candidate, but you failed to answer that and decided just to call me a suck up. Bravo! I think that just shows your bitterness even more.

At 11/6/05 09:49 AM, Homophobe wrote:

Spam isn't the same as being sexist. Did you REALLY think that was a funny thread? If you did, I think you better get your head checked.

At 11/6/05 09:49 AM, Pink_Beer wrote: Congrats to Gooch, but i seriously think Wade has overlooked some good users once again.

With so many users, many are bound to be overlooked. Their time will come.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:52:11

At 11/6/05 09:49 AM, Homophobe wrote: Nah, that's bullshit.

I agree, completely, same goes for Ron, he's been nothing but a spamming mod nazi, and he's still here, why? Because obviously he sucks a lot of admin cock or something

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Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:55:42

At 11/6/05 09:52 AM, DancingTurkeyGod wrote: Spam isn't the same as being sexist.

He wasn't being sexist, you cock-wrap. Unless you're a witless pit of cum, you can quite clearly see that the thread was satirical, intended to be that way. He didn't mean any of it. He isn't a sexist, and it's rather obvious, even to the untrained eye.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:56:16

At 11/6/05 09:52 AM, DancingTurkeyGod wrote: Spam isn't the same as being sexist. Did you REALLY think that was a funny thread? If you did, I think you better get your head checked.

SCD isn't sexist, you fucking idiot. It was a JOKE, that retards like you take seriously and take it as a personal attack.

SCD, de-modded over that shit? You have to be kidding me.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:57:07

At 11/6/05 09:52 AM, DancingTurkeyGod wrote: You fail to see what I'm trying to say. What's the point in whining? It's not going to change anything. You might as well congratulate them, and see WHY they were modded, instead why they shouldn't be.

You're just one of many in the ranks of " Newgrounds Tools". Congratulations, your medal is in the mail.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 09:59:08

At 11/6/05 09:42 AM, Earfetish wrote: Since this has been brought up by someone other than me, I completely agree. Please, please, please, moderators of NG, allow for offensive content. Please. This place is supposed to be for entertainment puposes - don't fucking forget it. Especially if it's in good humour. Fucking Hell. I'm with SCD all the way, even if the admins demodded him. He was a good mod, and Republicans offend homosexuals anyway.

I agree wholeheartedly. There's nothing I like more than reading a gratuitously offensive story by Earfetish or writing one myself about how I raped some cat in the street. And there's little I hate more than seeing the topics deleted or locked and the user who made them banned.

Surely the BBS is about entertainment?

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:00:02

At 11/6/05 09:45 AM, DancingTurkeyGod wrote: Maybe he had got a warning in the past. Who knows?

Possible but if it was something serious he was warned about the whole of the Forum would have known about it, and people would now be saying " We knew he was a bad mod. Just look at how he acted in X thread" people aren't so I can only assume that he hasn't recieved a warning in the past.

Dobio's abuse of powers isn't the same as that sexist thread. I think SCD stepped over the line (WAY over the line)

Even if he did step over the line why didn't they give him a second chance? I seriously doubt that the thread was in anyway serious, and if it was then I can understand him being demodded but I highly doubt that it was serious.

I was pretty shocked when I saw that thread. Even if it was a joke, it wasn't funny and served no purpose. Mods can have fun, but they have to know their limits. SCD should have known better.

The fact is that other mods who broke the rules recieved a warning and were allowed to continue being mods. Dobio should have known better than to absue his powers in that thread he made and he was given a second chance, so why wasn't SCD given one?

SCD was a good Mod, why punish him for one mistake?

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:00:12

At 11/6/05 09:51 AM, Earfetish wrote: Your definition of 'the line' is vastly different to what a lot of people define as it. Appreciate that there's a sizable amount of people here who find stuff like that funny, and for whom it's the reason they come to NG. It's all audience and purpose.

As a women, I was offended. I'm even more offended/worried now that you tell me you think it's funny and completely acceptable. You can't post pictures, photoshopped or not, of women being beaten up then writing: I wish I would have listened. I think that's what pushed it "over the line".

You guys can insult me all you want, but I still think the right decision was made. Maybe he's only demodded for a defined period as a "pusnihment", then will be re-modded. I have nothing against SCD, but I do think he was in the wrong for that thread.

Just because you guys joke around like that a lot doesn't mean it's right.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:04:50

At 11/6/05 10:00 AM, DancingTurkeyGod wrote: As a women, I was offended. I'm even more offended/worried now that you tell me you think it's funny and completely acceptable. You can't post pictures, photoshopped or not, of women being beaten up then writing: I wish I would have listened. I think that's what pushed it "over the line".

If you honestly, get offended over the internet, throw your fucking computer out of the window. You're on the INTERNET, and you have to expect these things. Hell, SCD wasn't even serious, it was a fucking joke that idiots like you take seriously.

You guys can insult me all you want, but I still think the right decision was made. Maybe he's only demodded for a defined period as a "pusnihment", then will be re-modded. I have nothing against SCD, but I do think he was in the wrong for that thread.

He made ONE. FUCKING. JOKE, and he got de-modded for it. ONE. He didn't give out 30 day bans to random people, he made a fucking joke. Remember when Dobio made a thread "Post here and get banned", and he banned everyone that posted? Well, he was serious about that, and he's still a mod. SCD was fucking JOKING.

Overall, it isn't fair, and you really need to fuck off.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:06:40

Yeah I was offered to become a mod but I declined as I felt I needed to concenstrate on my studies.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:07:46

At 11/6/05 10:00 AM, DancingTurkeyGod wrote:
Just because you guys joke around like that a lot doesn't mean it's right.

It really is people like you who ruined the BBS for the rest of us. Newgrounds was intended to be something representing free speech and non-conformity. Now that Tom is raking in the dough through advertisement and game development, Newgrounds.com has just become yet another marketing tool.

It doesn't help that goody-two-shoes like you come here to spit in our faces and try to shove your naive, politically glorified, assinine morals down our throats.

In all honesty, to hell with you.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:11:06

At 11/6/05 10:07 AM, -Ubermensch- wrote:

No offence, but in my first few hours I've already nearly had enough of your posts. I understand you're unhappy with a choice / choices, but please, no attacks on other users, and I have to say, photoshop pictures of violence against women would get me to ban whoever posted it. Consider the wider audience here, not just the few of you who like to see that stuff.

Anyway, perhaps you need to take a time out from insulting people? Your comments about SCD are fine, but keep them to that.

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

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Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:13:43

At 11/6/05 10:11 AM, Sarai wrote:
At 11/6/05 10:07 AM, -Ubermensch- wrote:
Anyway, perhaps you need to take a time out from insulting people? Your comments about SCD are fine, but keep them to that.

Wow.. not even a day on the job and you pull out that virgin ban stick of yours? Nice.. It just goes to show that the sting of a little truth is more than you can handle.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:14:31

Wow its amazing to see some users being such fucktards when it comes to modship and even some new mods acting like newmod fucktards. What happened to respecting the descisions that were made? And why does everytime a female user gets modded does her post history have to come into question? Serious calm down about this mod shit it really doesn't mean anything and if your all pissing and moaning because someone you like didn't get modded then you can do one thing if your a user nothing and if your a mod vote for a person in the next little round of moddship candidates. Until then stop with the accusations of whos fit for what job because in the end a retarded monkey can mod this site its not a difficult job.

Condragulations Canas, Gooch, Evark & Sarai.

"The worst kind of coward is one that is only brave enough to show his face in the dark...."

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:15:28

At 11/6/05 10:13 AM, -Ubermensch- wrote:
At 11/6/05 10:11 AM, Sarai wrote:
At 11/6/05 10:07 AM, -Ubermensch- wrote:
Anyway, perhaps you need to take a time out from insulting people? Your comments about SCD are fine, but keep them to that.
Wow.. not even a day on the job and you pull out that virgin ban stick of yours? Nice.. It just goes to show that the sting of a little truth is more than you can handle.

I'm not talking about me, I've already said that I agree with some of the views here and I'll try to do my best. What I was asking you was not to insult other users. Feel free to insult me if it makes you happy, but I'm going to go on the fact that other people don't like to be attacked, so unless they say it's 'fine', don't do it.

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

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Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:16:35

At 11/6/05 10:11 AM, Sarai wrote: blrgh

Wow, I can see already that you're going to be a barrel of laughs.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:21:27

At 11/6/05 10:15 AM, Sarai wrote:
I'm not talking about me, I've already said that I agree with some of the views here and I'll try to do my best. What I was asking you was not to insult other users. Feel free to insult me if it makes you happy, but I'm going to go on the fact that other people don't like to be attacked, so unless they say it's 'fine', don't do it.

You would ban me for telling someone to go to hell, or calling them a "goody two-shoes"? I made NOT A SINGLE seriously disparaging remark, but merely pointed out a point of view shared by the TRUE users of the Newgrounds BBS.

This perfectly illustrates my point: you havn't a clue as to the nature of this BBS, or in any case, a feel for the vibe that permeates it.

I have nothing against you personally, quite obviously. Perhaps I'm just venting my dissatisfaction through you, unfairly, maybe. In any case, I stand by my opinions and views. The bbs is not what it used to be.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:21:38

Wow, that was unexpected. I hope I meet eevryones expectations.

Bellum omnium contra omnes

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:25:41

At 11/6/05 02:59 AM, Gunter45 wrote: -Canas-

Good choice.


Also good.


While she has only been around here since May, I trust the admins' judgement, and I don't think she'll be bad in the long run. Congrats to her.


Best choice yet; I've been wanting to see him modded for a while and I knew it would happen eventually.

And as for JusticeofSarcasm and Proteas, I know they're Politics forum regulars. I hope they do a good job as mods.

Too bad we lost SCD though. :(

Former iron fist mod of the NG Featureless Chat from May 23, 2012 to May 4, 2014.

NYC Meet 2010 | NYC Meet 2011 | NYC Meet 2013

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Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:28:04

At 11/6/05 10:16 AM, Homophobe wrote:
At 11/6/05 10:11 AM, Sarai wrote: blrgh
Wow, I can see already that you're going to be a barrel of laughs.

Let me patiently explain this, I am not going to be a person on here who posts links to porn, enjoys posting "I fucked my sister", or is able to design amazing flash games. What I will do is try my best to make your time here fun, byt hopefully not very often locking threads filled with spam, so that you don't have to wade through links of Lemonparty or other crap.

At 11/6/05 10:16 AM, Pink_Beer wrote: Oh, here comes saryia? (whatever) already banning people for expressing their opinion, woo-hoo.

Let me patiently explain this to you as well, no one has been banned, nor would I do that. I was asking him not to insult another user who was making a serious point. It's in the context to be honest, the only thing that NG lacks, the ability of people to see something as fun, and treat it that way, or serious and treat it that way.


Now we've got that out of the way, and I hasten to add I don't mind explaining this to people. Your NG won't change, I am not important, I am a green line on a forum who is a 'weapon' against idiot spammers, harrassment and bad links. I am not powerful, nor going to change your life on here.

Hold on, I think I better make that even clearer:

I have no 'power' here to make your life worse. I like Newgrounds, I am glad to be here. I will make your time here better if I can through taking actions that SHOULD NEVER concern you. If they do involve you, it'll be because you don't follow the rules.

I am the green five letters, I am nothing.

Thank you.

The Newgrounds O-Ren-Ishii but with a nicer smile and still alive

Got Rice?

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Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:30:29

I find it wholly amusing that the entirity of this ever-so whirl-wind thread has erupted in copious amounts of drama and/or internet trappings. Newgrounds politics, ever the pit-fall.

As well as re-iterating my congrats towards all new mods, that view now encompassing JOS and Proteas, whose presence I was not aware of previously, I'd like to vent my frustration at the whole SCD event. It was nice having a kinsman, of sort, inhabbiting the list, and I'm deeply sorry to see him go. Perhaps, like with FUNK, redemption could come within in his grasp, and I hope for my sanity, it does. However, I realise nothing can be done by complaining, and it would be best to let the matter lie, and be resolved internally.

I mourn the loss of past BBSings, it seems that this new breed of user has truly shunned the old, and the forum is not what it used to be. Adapt of leave, I suppose. Whether to choose the former or latter, I'll admit I'm torn.


BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:32:33

fucking fags

you guys need to lurk more if you think sexism is outrageous. but hey, this is ng you cant even say n*gger without the mods complaining and bitching about it

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:33:44

Yay, Evark and Gooch are finally mods.

oh yeah, and congrats to Sarai and -Canas-

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 10:36:04

At 11/6/05 10:32 AM, BLUEleaf wrote: fucking fags

you guys need to lurk more if you think sexism is outrageous. but hey, this is ng you cant even say n*gger without the mods complaining and bitching about it

Oh yes because saying something for pure shock value is the way to go. I seriously don't understand whats up with this whole let me be racially or sexualy biased because its funny. And if someone gets offened "Oh I wasn't being serious I was only joking" theres a way to do it and not be a dickhead but obviously most of you have not found this out.

"The worst kind of coward is one that is only brave enough to show his face in the dark...."

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