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The New Moderator Thread

26,647 Views | 504 Replies

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 19:51:04

At 11/6/05 07:46 PM, -Gooch- wrote: *Sighs*

You bunch of monkeys, flinging shit at each other like you're fighting over a giant banana.

Then why don't you lock it big guy?

Anyways, I suppose it's fun to at least have something to have a good arguement about.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 19:54:40

You're all being a bunch of fucking idiots.

Stop bitching just to get your point across, because obviously, it isn't going to fucking work. Just lock this, nothing good will come out of this.

This is one of the most pathetic topics I've ever had the displeasure of coming across.

Fucking babies.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 19:59:47

I honestly think that there all well deserved mods and should definetly take advantage of their mod powers!

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:02:08

At 11/6/05 07:54 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: You're all being a bunch of fucking idiots.

Mature people prove points by insulting others.

Stop bitching just to get your point across, because obviously, it isn't going to fucking work. :

Hypocrites like to bitch about people who bitch, it makes them feel big in their pants.

Just lock this, nothing good will come out of this.


this is the most fun thread today, I don't want it to go! Its either this of 12312 pages of "blala I did something vaguely relating to sex today" or "hey, anyone heard of "video games" here".


This is one of the most pathetic topics I've ever had the displeasure of coming across.

and yet here you are, flaunting your holy persona around like you're hot shit, above all petty BBS nonsense.
I bet you have a club somewhere.

Fucking babies.

that is SICK

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:02:09

At 11/6/05 07:56 PM, -LazyDrunk- wrote: And you're who to judge? Just because we've got new mods doesn't mean you're going to see Nazi-style facist lock/bannage going on. The same people who were pissed when the last batch of mods were inducted are the same people who've still got sand in their crotches this time around.

We don't even need Nazi style locking. It's just the differences in opinion that'll make it bad.

Every mod has their opinions on what is lockable or bannable. Most of the opinions may overlap, but there's always going to be something that one mod will lock that the others wouldn't. My point is that the more mods there get to be, the more outside of the overlapping there will be, which means a greater range of threads will be locked.

We don't really need to have any more mods at the moment. The responce time is fast enough and there's usually at least 3 mods on at any one time. There was really only a need for more mods when it was common for there to be times where no mods were on at all.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:09:35

At 11/6/05 07:49 PM, -poxpower- wrote:
wow, you should be in politics

I know I'm very articulate.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:11:08

Ever think that maybe your tendencies get you banned? Or that you're annoying?


Seriously you guys crack me up. I hope NG stays like that forever.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:11:20

At 11/6/05 07:51 PM, Seizure_Dog wrote:
At 11/6/05 07:46 PM, -Gooch- wrote: *Sighs*

You bunch of monkeys, flinging shit at each other like you're fighting over a giant banana.
Then why don't you lock it big guy?

Anyways, I suppose it's fun to at least have something to have a good arguement about.

On the contrary , the arguement is nothing above trite, with its participants hiding behind their veil of misdirected angst and fustration. Disregard statistics, all. Don't be so quick to point your greasy little fingers and shovel judgemental comment upon comment to those who are, evidently, undeserving of such mockery and heckling.

Come now, you jests.

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:14:23

At 11/6/05 08:02 PM, Seizure_Dog wrote:
Every mod has their opinions on what is lockable or bannable. Most of the opinions may overlap, but there's always going to be something that one mod will lock that the others wouldn't. My point is that the more mods there get to be, the more outside of the overlapping there will be, which means a greater range of threads will be locked.

this, I do agree with.
I didn't want anyone else moded, but WHATEVER. This is one of the things that bother me, sadly the other thing that bothers me is that I would be ok with 90% of the topics in general being locked out of the principle that they suck.
but ya rly I just like having more people to talk to in the mod lounge.

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:19:03

At 11/6/05 08:13 PM, -LazyDrunk- wrote: I see your point, and I know what you mean. But I disagree about how dramatic this impact is going to be. Personally, I think it will be fairly minimal. Mary locking the thread about her child wasn't uncalled for, was it? And really, do you think the new mods are so petty as to lock things that personally provoke them?

I got a 30 day ban from that thread >:( Not the best example. Even though it was later shortened due to complaints, that fiasco really pissed me off.

You recognize the opportunity is there for a lesser range of threads, but I see that as a positive. As long as threads are intelligent and/or funny, they'll stay here. Other garbage I want to see gone.

I like having garbage threads though. They make the other threads seem better by comparison. Besides, they usually don't last long even without the mods butting in.

Like in the Politics forum? Most of those modded spend their time in General, but they aren't bound to it. -Canas- and -Gooch- are both active in Wi/Ht? and I'm sure at least one of the other four are active in C&C.

Is there much abuse in the politics forum though?

I just can't see this being utterly detrimental to the NG community. The certain benefits outweigh the possibly downfalls.

This alone, no. But it's a trend that I just haven't liked.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:20:11

At 11/6/05 08:14 PM, -poxpower- wrote:
I just like having more people to talk to in the mod lounge.

If there's anything a moderator actually needs. It's a friend.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:21:35

At 11/6/05 08:20 PM, JackPhantasm wrote:
At 11/6/05 08:14 PM, -poxpower- wrote:
I just like having more people to talk to in the mod lounge.
If there's anything a moderator actually needs. It's a friend.

uh oh, Jack is turning to the Macdeth side of the post

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:29:52

At 11/6/05 08:28 PM, Placebo wrote:
At 11/6/05 08:26 PM, -Canas- wrote: link?
not safe for work. sorry :-/

Yeah, I viewed it in computer class and I got suspended :/

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:31:32


The New Moderator Thread

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:35:04

At 11/6/05 08:33 PM, -LazyDrunk- wrote:
At 11/6/05 08:19 PM, Seizure_Dog wrote:
Is there much abuse in the politics forum though?
Nothing that really annoys the piss out of the regulars, but abuse nonetheless. Maus, Shrike, Andrea, Steve, Ted and pox have all but vacated. JoS and Proteas are almost always around, and are (coincidently) on opposite sides of the political spectrum.

I was about to mention that the Politics board has been needing some new blood.

Think you're pretty clever...

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:39:39

At 11/6/05 08:21 PM, -poxpower- wrote:
uh oh, Jack is turning to the Macdeth side of the post

I'll try to be more like Biteme.

In retrospect, this thread is priceless.

Imagine some of the newgrounds users' parents reading this shit. They'd lol so bad.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:40:37

I think the real reason people are so upset is that non mods cant go to those kool hotel parties Wade throws. The reason most mods are older than 20 is because there is alot of beer involved!

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:40:49

At 11/6/05 08:31 PM, kreten wrote:
Hey guys, notice how we're not even talking about specific mods anymore?

Yeah...that seems to happen every now and again.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:42:06

Congratulations to all the new mods. Sadly, I couldn't have been here earlier, so I missed the big news up until recently. Once again, congratulations.


Don't talk back.<3

sig by Marsupial, copyright 2008 all rights reserved

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:46:03

At 11/6/05 08:14 PM, -poxpower- wrote: this, I do agree with.
I didn't want anyone else moded, but WHATEVER. This is one of the things that bother me, sadly the other thing that bothers me is that I would be ok with 90% of the topics in general being locked out of the principle that they suck.

Which would just leave threads created by mods and admins. I think things get a little too opinionated from time to time. Really mods should just focus on the people that try to be annoying and not so much the ones that are just bad at conversation.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 20:48:15

At 11/6/05 08:02 PM, -poxpower- wrote: Mature people prove points by insulting others.

I just stated a fact, is all.

Hypocrites like to bitch about people who bitch, it makes them feel big in their pants.

I'm pretty sure almost everyone on Newgrounds has made a hypocritical statement before, even me. I honestly don't see you as anything different. =/



this is the most fun thread today, I don't want it to go! Its either this of 12312 pages of "blala I did something vaguely relating to sex today" or "hey, anyone heard of "video games" here".

Not really, it's just a bunch people bitching at each other, for the past 17 pages or so. If you think that's fun, well ok.

and yet here you are, flaunting your holy persona around like you're hot shit, above all petty BBS nonsense.

Haha, it's funny how you told ME I think I'm "hot shit".

But yeah, I do think this is petty. I don't think it takes a "holy persona" to think a topic like this is petty.

that is SICK


Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 21:06:21

At 11/6/05 08:46 PM, Seizure_Dog wrote:
Which would just leave threads created by mods and admins.

even then...
I should just stick to reading the SA updates.

At 11/6/05 08:48 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: wah

look, just leave the thread if it bothers you that much instead of poping in with that stupid "I am so mature" attitude and tell everyone how they are stupid for arguing about something you personaly don't care for.

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 21:19:41

Give up on the whole Sarai thing... You're not going to change anything and even if you did do you think they'll mod you instead?

Mods elect other mods (Apparently) so obviously someone elected her and thought she was good mod material even though her post count is low and her account is young. Accept it.

The only thing that I think needs to be changed is maybe demod unactive mods (but send them an e-mail warning them about it just incase they plan on returning)

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 21:32:30

At 11/6/05 09:06 PM, -poxpower- wrote: look, just leave the thread if it bothers you that much instead of poping in with that stupid "I am so mature" attitude and tell everyone how they are stupid for arguing about something you personaly don't care for.

I'm not mature, I can admit that.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 21:37:57

At 11/6/05 09:32 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: I'm not mature, I can admit that.

OMG! Teh Scandal! *writes a letter to the editor*

You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the senate. --Mark Pryor, Senator

The Endless Crew: Comics and general wackiness. Join us or die.

PM me about forum abuse.

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 21:42:07


Stuff and shit.

And so many things.

Sheesh guys.

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 21:59:44

why did the chicken cross the road?

fuck if i know heh

\/ stache factor \/

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 22:00:54

sarai's awsome,i think newgrounds needs more ethnic mods and seeing a fellow asian makes me feel all queer inside.^-^

It's a non-stop disco. | Blawg. | Bookface.

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 22:03:10

So Nephthys was demodded... That's too bad. I guess she wasn't kidding about leaving after all.

So would this would make her the first mod to be permanentally demodded?

BBS Signature

Response to The New Moderator Thread 2005-11-06 22:04:59

Congratulations to all the new mods, I won't bother complaining about any of them being borderline spammers or being too new because quite frankly I've never seen how moderating is a job that really demands the attention of anyone with above-average intelligence. Besides the hassle of dealing with e-mails and e-drama how hard is it to decide if a post is spam and occasionally act like a user worthy of emulation? Although I don't want to cheapen any of the new mods' accomplishment because its definetly a cool position to have.

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

BBS Signature