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Best of August 2015

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Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 11:28:55

Xbox One owners: Castle Crashers Remastered and Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime are both coming out tomorrow, September 9th! Lovers will also be available on Steam and is the second game to be part of the Behemoth's Gold Egg Project.

Your votes are in and the Best of August have been determined!

Top Five Movies

The top-ranked movie based on original material and winner of $250 is -Bliss-!

Top Five Games

Runner-up Movies

7. The Anatomical Bust
8. Getting your first gym badge
9. Sonic Watches Some TV
10. Hey That's Offensive!
11. Big Things
12. Inaudible
13. Dreamt
14. Anime in a Nutshell
15. Hero of Rhyme - Starbomb Fanimation
16. Akame Ga Kill Parody
17. TD-The First Day
18. BEST FRIEND Music Video
20. DBZ: The Legendary Super Frost Demon

Runner-up Games

6. Dungeon Surge
7. The Devil's Daughter
8. Salad Fingers: Where's May Gone Act 1
9. Immense Army
10. Dead Detention #3.5
11. Dead Detention #4.5
13. Tainted Olive - Chapter 2
14. Iron Sunset
15. Lemmings HTML5
16. Popcorn Chef
17. I Am Death and Fire
18. Wizurd
19. The Search for the Dahu
20. Avoid

The voter of the month and winner of $100 is @firebot00!

Congrats to the winners and thank you everyone who participated in August!


I'm driving up to Ottawa next week for the NG screening at the Ottawa International Animation Festival! The screening is 9:15 pm Thursday the 17th at the Arts Court Theatre.


The new school year is kicking off. Whether you're interested in animation, game development, art or music, do you expect to be given the opportunity to put this interest into practice for a school project this year? For example, will you have an opportunity to make an animation or game for class? If not, would you like to have that opportunity?

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 11:54:35

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 14:20:32

At 9/8/15 11:54 AM, megacharlie159 wrote: Hi @TomFulp

Hi @megacharlie159

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 15:08:44

At 9/8/15 11:28 AM, TomFulp wrote: Xbox One owners: Castle Crashers Remastered and Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime are both coming out tomorrow, September 9th! Lovers will also be available on Steam

No Castle Crashers Remastered for us Steam folks? Any chance of us getting it eventually?

Lovers look like a fun game, but the Steam page implies that it's local co-op only so playing it would require me to make friends in real life.

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 15:12:36

At 9/8/15 03:08 PM, Bit wrote:
At 9/8/15 11:28 AM, TomFulp wrote: Xbox One owners: Castle Crashers Remastered and Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime are both coming out tomorrow, September 9th! Lovers will also be available on Steam
No Castle Crashers Remastered for us Steam folks? Any chance of us getting it eventually?

The Steam update will begin later this year!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 15:15:26

@TomFulp So uh you think we should have a premiere on Newgrounds or on the Stretchyman website or something?

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 15:20:02

woah, had no idea lovers was a gold egg game. looks awesome!

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 15:20:38

At 9/8/15 03:15 PM, megacharlie159 wrote: @TomFulp So uh you think we should have a premiere on Newgrounds or on the Stretchyman website or something?

Do you have a private preview you could link me to?

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 15:28:49

@tomFulp what do you mean?

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 15:55:18

At 9/8/15 11:28 AM, TomFulp wrote: Lovers will also be available on Steam and is the second game to be part of the Behemoth's Gold Egg Project.

I forgot Gold Egg was a thing.

The new school year is kicking off. Whether you're interested in animation, game development, art or music, do you expect to be given the opportunity to put this interest into practice for a school project this year? For example, will you have an opportunity to make an animation or game for class? If not, would you like to have that opportunity?

In previous years, sure. I made a flash app for one of my lib arts final projects, and I've made a few tiny games for some programming classes. But now, nope. Haxe might be useful for making apps to do this and that in my research, but no games.

I mean, you wouldn't expect to make games in grad school for non-CS majors

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 15:55:56

At 9/8/15 03:28 PM, megacharlie159 wrote: @tomFulp what do you mean?

You're premiering a new stretchy-man episode, right? Was wondering if I could check it out ahead of release.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 15:58:38

At 9/8/15 03:53 PM, Legodude2000 wrote:
The new school year is kicking off. Whether you're interested in animation, game development, art or music, do you expect to be given the opportunity to put this interest into practice for a school project this year? For example, will you have an opportunity to make an animation or game for class? If not, would you like to have that opportunity?
I actually did make a game once for a science project, but ended up getting like 7 F's for it since it had nothing to do with the topic lol. I remember getting so pissed off at them for feeling like they were oppressing my "genius"; I thought I had made a masterpiece! Hell, the preloader was just a motion tween to make me look as if I knew how to code omg. Anyway, as for an answer to your question, I'd love an opportunity as long as I have some sort of creative control, but do you mind elaborating a bit more on it though?

I was just curious how things like that may have changed since I went to school. When I was in school I liked making home movies and even Amiga animations for class projects whenever possible. It started when a few teachers actually gave the opportunity to make a video but eventually I would specifically ask if I could make a video / animation for a project. Nowadays it seems like it would be cool if teachers gave more opportunity to make things such as games for class projects, just not sure if many think to do that.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 16:04:08

@TomFulp Yeah, i can show you but it probably wont be done for a while. just wanted to have a premiere when it is.

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 16:18:13

At 9/8/15 04:04 PM, megacharlie159 wrote: @TomFulp Yeah, i can show you but it probably wont be done for a while. just wanted to have a premiere when it is.

Lol I love Stretchyman. We could do a premier here on NG when the time comes, if you want to announce a time and date I could pop it on the calendar in the days leading up to it!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 16:26:18

@TomFulp ok :D would we do a video feed like a live video or just have it publish at a time or something?

Also is it hard for you to change the background or would you just not want to do that?

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 16:29:23

At 9/8/15 04:10 PM, Legodude2000 wrote: Also quick question, would there happen to be any art contests in the works? And since Madness Day is coming up, will there be any prizes this year?

Madness Day prizes are uncertain, it will probably be Supporter status and maybe some other fun stuff vs money this year.

Did you want an art contest other than an Indie Game Art Challenge? Probably due for something that breaks away from games.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 16:42:22


Ok, well i'll give you a date when the episode is done and we can get it all ready i guess :D

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 16:49:15 (edited 2015-09-08 16:54:45)

At 9/8/15 04:05 PM, Legodude2000 wrote: I mean what happened to me took place like 6 years ago, but lately, the school system is having to catch up with this new technology and are actually being forced to embrace it. Textbooks are being replaced by tablets, smart boards are replacing regular boards, etc. So I imagine something like what your saying would actually be beneficial for schools as it would make them look good lol.

Most teachers are worried that all of these additional gimmicks will just distract students from the core of the material, and for good reason - if you learn the habit of needing your learning to be constantly entertaining, you won't be able to function in highly technical fields that are too abstract to put a game on top of. I might sound like an old fogie here, but you're trading a difficulty spike in highschool for another one in college, adapting to how dry and unforgiving fields like engineering or science can be. The difference, of course, is that you have a fallback in highschool - your parents are obligated to support you through the age of 18, and in some ways longer. Not so much in college, where failure can mean falling into the lower caste.

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 16:52:12

At 9/8/15 11:28 AM, TomFulp wrote: Xbox One owners: Castle Crashers Remastered and Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime are both coming out tomorrow, September 9th! Lovers will also be available on Steam and is the second game to be part of the Behemoth's Gold Egg Project.

Oh wow, didn't know that was even a thing. Had a quick search there and it's a really cool idea.

The game itself looks really fun and the visuals are very nice too. Two player co-op seems to be a really big trend at the minute or am I imagining it?

Tale of Enki: Pilgrimage, an RPG with a few twists. Available to buy it on Steam here!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 18:14:57

Sweet, those things that I voted for won.

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 18:36:26

Why no love for PlayStation from The Behemoth?

I need a sig.

PSN: gowow20

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 18:47:59

At 9/8/15 06:36 PM, RYNOL wrote: Why no love for PlayStation from The Behemoth?

I was about to ask that, but my guess is that a licence of some sort is needed in order to either port to or develop for the PS4 (or PS3, for that matter). Is it true?

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 19:22:36

At 9/8/15 06:36 PM, RYNOL wrote: Why no love for PlayStation from The Behemoth?

I would like to see everything available on PS4 but we prioritize Xbox because MS has been good to us. For example, Sony had rejected Castle when we first approached them about it for PS3 - but MS didn't reject us on Xbox 360 and we had HUGE HUGE success there. Then we made a PS3 version but Sony had a major store hack right after launch and the store was down for like a month - when the store came back up they just sorta blew off the fact that Castle had previously launched and we never saw the success we saw on Xbox on Steam (the PS3 store also wasn't very good). They've been doing a better job with PS4 so we'll see how things go in the future.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-08 20:36:43

I'm really happy with the top 5 games this month. They all deserved to win.

I voted for some movies that I wish made the list, but oh well.

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-09 01:03:23

OH WOW!!! Thanks so much for everyone who voted!!!!

"Hey I never said that" - Albert Einstein

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-09 01:20:34

omg I placed 19th, finally moving up in the world!!!

BBS Signature

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-09 02:44:39 (edited 2015-09-09 02:45:11)

At 9/8/15 11:28 AM, TomFulp wrote:
The new school year is kicking off. Whether you're interested in animation, game development, art or music, do you expect to be given the opportunity to put this interest into practice for a school project this year? For example, will you have an opportunity to make an animation or game for class? If not, would you like to have that opportunity?

Will absolutely have a chance to deal with more audio during this upcoming school year. Would love to interview more NG people on my show like I did with you, Tom. Would it be possible to have said interviews on the front page like how TheInterviewer's written interviews were done in the past?


Sig by BlueHippo - AMA

Formerly PuddinN64 - BBS, Icon, and Portal Mod

"Your friends love you anyway" - Check out Guinea Something Good!

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Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-09 06:10:41

good movies! congrats on the winners!

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-09 06:54:37

I love Specter Knight.

Response to Best of August 2015 2015-09-09 08:12:57

At 9/9/15 02:44 AM, ZJ wrote: Will absolutely have a chance to deal with more audio during this upcoming school year. Would love to interview more NG people on my show like I did with you, Tom. Would it be possible to have said interviews on the front page like how TheInterviewer's written interviews were done in the past?

At the least you could have access to make blog posts that embed your interviews. Would definitely like to highlight more interviews.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

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