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Into The Eclipse

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---Be Sure to check out my album "N" coming out in the next few months!---

Best listened to with lights off, headphones on, and eyes closed.

This is my most complicated song yet. It is an extremely emotional song and should be played with the best headphones you can get, lights off, eyes closed, and mind open. I started this track on an airplane flying over New Mexico heading towards Arkansas. I recorded some things going on and decided to add some fancy effects to them. After that, I sat down in my bed and began recording until 3:40AM. I wanted this track to be complex rather than the usual drone that I do. It has a lot of recordings of sounds, pads, and weird things that will really space you out. As always, I created it in Garageband. It really is an amazing program when you know how to use it without touching the pre-set loop library.

I put a lot of work into it, as well as a lot of heart. I hope you enjoy listening to the depths of my mind :)

Reviews always welcomed and responded.

224KBS - Thanks NG for the upload limit increase.

P.S. In case you are wondering, I am about to make an album with a lot of ambient music like this on it. I am working with an artist currently on the artwork. The album is basically suppose to take you on a trip inside your on mind, revealing your subconscious thoughts and feelings using buddhist meditation techniques through ambient music. It will be about 50 minutes long. Thanks NG for all the support you guys have given me over the past few years. It means a lot. For those of you who read my comments, heres a little gift for you: this song, in its literal sense, is suppose to be the recording of a dying man, or you dying. "Eclipse" is your eyes shutting, covering everything as if it were an eclipse. Also, if you notice, on some computers the time on the audio player glitches to "6:51", which is when the breathing starts, then goes to the actual time of 7 minutes. How did I do that you ask? No idea.


Created In Garageband with various VSTs and Plugins including Ambience and Kore Player.

SFXs created by recording my finger popping in and out of a bottle, breathing, typing on the keyboard, and various things going on inside of an airplane flying over New Mexico.

Everything played on my QWERTY keyboard.

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Good job! Brought it back from the dead...

Awesome job :D

Amazing piece, I really love the way everything is just calm. It's really relaxing.


..and it all went dark

but the good kind. Once again, i am amazed at this. cannot wait for your album!

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

Thanks a lot! I have about 40 minutes of music exclusive to the album so far... :)

Staring into a particular abyss...

I have a fondness for this particular sound after the beginning casm fades away, which I can tell is an authentic sample, because once the first pad starts kicking in, I had a flashback to 80s movies, where they have ambience like this post-character-trauma, the montages they show of a character's disbelief of an event, but moving ahead. Very good manipulations at work here. Haunting, eerie, but not overly so, there is a kind of reassurance in the background, like angels singing out notes.

John Cage would be pleased.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

I made everything from scratch actually. It isn't a sample, I recorded it on an airplane :D

John Cage wow

Not quite as enjoyable as Crowds, but still good.

I definitely enjoyed this one, but for some reason, I didn't like it as much. It seems like more of a nice song to relax to, and, although I hate to admit it, I wasn't really relaxing and not doing anything else while listening to it, haha. That might be why I didn't like it quite as much.

It was still rather good, and I can't wait to hear the rest.

FatKidWitAJetPak responds:

The main fault in this song is that it doesnt have as much harmony as crowds does.

Although, I still very much enjoy this one personally. My next one will be very similiar to this one, although it will have much more harmony in it when combining the pads and SFXs.

Credits & Info

4.31 / 5.00

Jan 5, 2011
5:55 AM EST
File Info
12.5 MB
7 min 49 sec

Licensing Terms

Please contact me if you would like to use this in a project. We can discuss the details.