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Reviews for "Fred the Notable Monkey"


Never even heard of you. Sorry :(

JKR responds:

That's okay. You don't have to have heard of me, as long as you got the message of the cartoon. =)
The Fred animations bring a little happiness to thousands of people every month, so if I'm not famous I don't care at all. Those people will be happier, and that's all I could ask for.
Thanks for leaving a review!


Funny XD *fave*

JKR responds:

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! I appriciate you taking the time to leave a review as well.

Let the cartoon do the talking.

If rejection from Wikipedia is enough to make 90% of artists give up their dreams, maybe it just wasn't meant to be. The art world (whether we're talking web media, fine art, music, etc.) is mostly rejection. I understand why it might be upsetting, but it seems unreasonable to blame their specific rejection for the destruction of someone's career. I'm not sure exactly what their guidelines are for being "note-worthy", but I'm also sure that not everyone with a website is going to make it on.

That being said, I think your style of animation is very crisp and clean looking. I think the cartoon as a whole is drawn very well, but might benefit from being longer, so you can prove your point with the cartoon itself and not a page long summary of your feelings at the end.

JKR responds:

Thanks for the comments! I understand what you mean about the cartoon proving the point over text. I agree, that would be a better choice. Two things though are 1) I didn't have time to make the cartoon longer since I do one a week for FredtheMonkey.com and 2) people seem to respond more seriously to text than an animated monkey saying stuff. =)
Anyway, I know what you mean about rejection being a big part of this field, but I also know that there comes a point when you can handle rejection and move on and when you cannot. Some of the people may not even ask to be put on Wikipedia, but be placed there by friends or something. And they might not be ready for that type of rejection. So a little more research would be helpful so that the people know who they are deleting. It would be like a 10 year old getting his school drawing (which he personally is proud of) put into an art show and have to stand there while people say it is crap. He didn't ask for that. Someone else just did it.
Anyway, thanks for the review, and I'm glad you thought the animation was well done. I'll keep improving. =)

Fred the Notable Monkey

I'm sorry you feel that way about them.


It was kinda funny, but overall it was bad. Why can't you use any creativity instead of centering all your cartoons around your site? Nobody cares about this kind of stuff! I'm sorry, but it was just unentertaining.