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Reviews for "Fred the Notable Monkey"

Its okay

Its okay

JKR responds:

Well hey, okay is better than bad right? Thanks for leaving a review.

Note to Wikipedia admin below

The main reason I go on the Wiki is because it has articles on more things than a regular encyclopedia. Regular encyclopedias take up physical space, which is why they cannot contain too many things (that, and because they don't have as many writers working for them). However, what the hell would be the problem with having a gajillion wikipedia articles? It's not like they take up any physical space. People will only find them if they SEARCH for them, and I actually LIKE seeing that there's a Wikipedia article on some obscure thing that I didn't think anyone else knew about. The problem with deciding that only things that you deem worthy will be in wikipedia begs the question: who decides what is worthy? And why does it matter, since the people who don't search for it will never see it anyway?

But anyway, on to my review of the flash:

Nice character design, nice colour scheme, and fairly good animation (a bit too static, but I understand that you're trying to save time). The monkey's voice could've been worse, but it was still far too high-pitched for my liking. Nice idea overall, although you could've taken it a bit further I think.

JKR responds:

Thanks for the review! I agree with you in that I think it is not hurting anyone to have more obscure things also in Wikipedia. Perhaps a system could be set up where the most popular items are held within a certain place so they are quick to access, but the less popular things might take a bit longer to load. That way you wouldn't be affecting the people who get searched out more often. Just a thought.
Anyway, glad you liked the cartoon okay. Yes, doing one a week all by myself (voices, animation, everything) does put a limit on what I can do without not sleeping and going crazy. =)
I hope you enjoy the next Fred cartoon more, and I'll try and add even more animation to it.

It was good

This was a good flash with great lip synching and animation but there were problems with it. For one, it may only be me, but I am not much of a nintendo fan and for some reason, I get really pissed off when I see nintendo fanboys, so seeing the DS there got me a little pissed off. Also, I usually like short flashes but this one was short but it didn't have a funny ending like short flashes should have. Than comes the part about wikipedia, it can't have much over 15,000 articles, so if "thousands" of articles got deleted everyday, there won't be much of a wikipedia to talk about. That's a little too big of an exageration in my opinion. Still, keep up the good work.


JKR responds:

Hey, thanks for the review and feedback! Sorry you don't like the Nintendo DS, it is a great system (especially with Metroid Hunters now out), but everyone likes something different when it comes to games. I know the cartoon was short, but I did it in only a few days, even though that is no real excuse. =)
As for the Wikipedia part, I was not exagerating at all. I got the "We delete thousands of entries everyday" right from their website. No fooling.
Anywho, thanks again for taking the time to leave a review, and I'm glad you liked the cartoon okay.

Ha ha ha!!! It seems the Wiki has angered you!

Well, it was pretty funny until the end, where you made it into a smarmy attack against Wikipedia. Being a prominent Wikipedia editor myself (under the name of Flameviper), I can attest to your misinterpretation of Wikipedia. They have to deal with thousands of crappy "vanity" articles (that's what they're called) about "Mark Powell is a 17 year old high school student and he is the gayest person ever!" and nonsense articles; did you even look at the AfD or your website, or better yet, participate in it? I am proud of my Wiki, I will not allow you to desecrate it.


Really cool i men it is it true that they deleted you. that is messed up. please respond to these Questions: