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Virgin Club

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Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 01:11:35

At 8/12/06 12:54 AM, Sarah_Rawr wrote: Darling. You have a lot to learn. *Hands you a cookie*


All guys want to do is have fun. Women and men do different things. Women want to know what color the furniture should be. Men wonder "DOES SHE LIKE ME?! DID I EMBARASS MYSELF?!? SHOULD I CALL HER? OH SHE'S LOOKING AT ME!!! DO I LEAN IN FOR A KISS OR NOT!?!? WHERE'S A FANCY RESTAURAUNT I CAN AFFORD?!?!"

Also, men can't win. If she asks 'Does this make me look fat?" everything we say is automatically wrong.

Women have high hopes for the perfect guy. Thinking, cute, sweet, intelligent, funny (aka ME), and think they can change any man. YOU CAN'T! Men think they can hook up with any chick. Like Carmen Electra, Pamela Anderson, Angelina Jolie, etc. We think we could. We can't.

So overall, rant. >:(

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

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Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 01:13:47

At 8/12/06 12:21 AM, NeoSoviet wrote:
Oh My God. That is exactly why man are afraid of woman... you ALWAYS want awesome shit like that. You know what ? You wonder throught life searching for the perfect man, and it can go two ways, either you stop the search and settle down to the first guy that you find or you keep searching until you are forty and nobody talks to you at partis.

...sure sure, life is all about compromise...nothing wrong with someone who knows what they want. if anything it says, "hey, Im done fooling around with you boys, I want a man..." a person who is of that quality those things come pretty easy...sure you dont have to be a rocket scientist when it comes to brains, but a sense of direction in life and the determination to work towards it. financial security is something you both could work towards together, sure it's nice to have money, but when you earn it and get that 1st house together it is far more rewarding and sharing the duties is more enjoyable than a one sided income and a distant relationship...

if you have love, you'll do, or not do is some cases, what is necessary to make it work...

well, like, you couldn't, like, find it because, like, you're dumb, god

Follow me on twitter :3

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Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 01:26:34

At 8/12/06 01:11 AM, -MetalDart- wrote:
At 8/12/06 12:54 AM, Sarah_Rawr wrote: Darling. You have a lot to learn. *Hands you a cookie*

Share with the class! It's Snickerdoodle day!

All guys want to do is have fun.

HELLO! Chicks want to have fun too! "Girls just want to have fun", ring any bells?

Women and men do different things. Women want to know what color the furniture should be. Men wonder "DOES SHE LIKE ME?! DID I EMBARASS MYSELF?!? SHOULD I CALL HER? OH SHE'S LOOKING AT ME!!! DO I LEAN IN FOR A KISS OR NOT!?!? WHERE'S A FANCY RESTAURAUNT I CAN AFFORD?!?!"

Lol. Trust me, the female worries go deeper than picking out furniture color. Although interior decoration is important in it's own respect, we too worry about the impression that we make on that certain someone that we're interested in. Just like what you listed, except reversed.

"Does he like me? Is he going to call me? Is he looking at me? Is he going to kiss me?" Etc.

Also, men can't win. If she asks 'Does this make me look fat?" everything we say is automatically wrong.

"You look gorgeous" never fails. And, it's unisex. Works on both parties!

Women have high hopes for the perfect guy. Thinking, cute, sweet, intelligent, funny (aka ME),

Oh yeah, -MetalDart- is where the sweet lovin' is at. Oh, hold on, what color should the wallpaper be?

and think they can change any man.

Depends on the kind of change you're referring to.

YOU CAN'T! Men think they can hook up with any chick. Like Carmen Electra, Pamela Anderson, Angelina Jolie, etc. We think we could. We can't.

Pamela Anderson? She's been looking like a man herself lately. You ever see photos with her make up off?

So overall, rant. >:(


Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 01:36:41

At 8/12/06 01:26 AM, Sarah_Rawr wrote: Share with the class! It's Snickerdoodle day!

I love that word. Just the sound of it. "Snickerdoddle." :D

Lol. Trust me, the female worries go deeper than picking out furniture color. Although interior decoration is important in it's own respect, we too worry about the impression that we make on that certain someone that we're interested in. Just like what you listed, except reversed.

Yeah, but you can flirt it off.

"You look gorgeous" never fails. And, it's unisex. Works on both parties!

Yeah. I got some cheesy pick up lines myself. :)

Oh yeah, -MetalDart- is where the sweet lovin' is at. Oh, hold on, what color should the wallpaper be?

Whatever you want it to be baby? :)

Depends on the kind of change you're referring to.

ANy change at all. Rebel to sweet guy, gay to straight, etc. You want to change us.

Pamela Anderson? She's been looking like a man herself lately. You ever see photos with her make up off?

I was just listing people. Every model today is thin as paper. >:(


That oughtta shut me up.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 01:50:04

At 8/12/06 01:13 AM, R3dF0x wrote: ...sure sure, life is all about compromise...nothing wrong with someone who knows what they want. if anything it says, "hey, Im done fooling around with you boys, I want a man..."

Hai! One sure step in the right direction is when a person will sit down and really think about what they want in their partner, in order to make the relationship survive and be as enjoyable as possible. Settling will never bring true happiness, so why not bypass all of that bullshit ahead of time?

a person who is of that quality those things come pretty easy...sure you dont have to be a rocket scientist when it comes to brains, but a sense of direction in life and the determination to work towards it.

Hai! It's not too much to ask!

financial security is something you both could work towards together, sure it's nice to have money, but when you earn it and get that 1st house together it is far more rewarding and sharing the duties is more enjoyable than a one sided income and a distant relationship...

Hai! Team effort! A relationship should be more than just attraction, but rather a unit where both parties work toward a better and brighter goal. It's much more fulfilling.

if you have love, you'll do, or not do is some cases, what is necessary to make it work...

HAI! Love is key. *Thumbs up*

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 02:05:04

Ok lets clear a few things up.

#1 you can get Fox in the UK, i had it when i lived there....

#2 The choking thing has been around a long long time, it was first noticed back when they used to hang people from trees, when a man was hung, generally that man would ejaculate, just efore dyeing (he would also lose control of bowel functions and defficate), usually a plant would grow were the ejaculate fell to the ground, the plant being a Mandrake, the Mandrake looked like a small man (the roots of the plant) this led to the writing of many stories and whatnot. This is also kind of foolish to do during sex, as it quite often goes wrong and people end up "Accidently" killing their partners, it is even stupider to do it alone when there isnt even anyone to help you, alot of people that use it as a masterbation tool either get over it or die......
Nuff said.

#3 At 8/12/06 12:06 AM, Sarah_Rawr wrote:

Hm. A guy with intelligence, charm, and humor. Someone who has an assertive personality, :but isn't cocky. Someone who is an inspiration to me, who shares the same interests as :me, and who is going somewhere with his life. Someone I can talk to seriously one moment, :but then be able to joke around with the next. And blah blah blah, the list could go on.

I do believe she is talking about me......

#4 I fear no woman, i get along with women real well (much better than with most guys infact) Women = Rockzor ;-)
(Tuition starts at $35/hour, average teaching time is usually my entire lifetime (or 3 weeks if you dont have that much money))

#5 Cavemen (asshole guys (A.K.A 97% of guys)) only get the imiture women, which is all good if your after some nooky, but not if your looking for a partner.

#6 At 8/12/06 01:11 AM, -MetalDart- wrote:

Also, men can't win. If she asks 'Does this make me look fat?" everything we say is automatically wrong.

The correct answer would be.... "I'm biased, as to me you always look beautiful"

#7 this is just for---> -MetalDart- <--- you need to learn women.... stop being a boy, become a man (admitedly most males keep the boy mentality, instead of embrasing the man in them, which is why most stay assholes their entire life).

#8 I'm bored of typing, ill get here in a few mins after i drink my tea.....

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 02:11:12

At 8/12/06 02:05 AM, Naked_Beercan wrote: #8 I'm bored of typing, ill get here in a few mins after i drink my tea.....

You're so English.

Rawk stah.

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 09:22:29

I would join, but I recently lost my virginity this month. Go opposite gender BFFs!

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 11:24:54

Hahahaha, I haven`t been this excited since... the last time I got laid :D

At 8/12/06 12:54 AM, Sarah_Rawr wrote:
Awesome shit like a guy who has brains, and I can laugh with, and also be able to carry a meaningful conversation with! Who also isn't a jerk, and actually motivates me instead of bringing me down! Oh my GOODNESS! You're right! What am I thinking? I should settle down with some idiot who treats me like nothing because I don't want to be in my 40's ALONE AND AT PARTIES LOOKING FOR HOOK-UPS! Since that's where you find all the keepers, RIGHT?

Exactly, you should settly down with a nasty motorcycle guy. Seriously, the have huge cocks.

Or maybe. The invisible option 3, I could meet a guy who has decent qualities to him, settle down with him, and be happy. DEAR LORD! The possibilities.

O no, you are telling me there is something else than the abusive motorcycle guy with a huge cock ?

That list is not the "perfect guy", it is the general guideline. I don't want perfection, everyone has their flaws. Plus, once you expect perfection, it's only downhill from there.

Pshhh, who needs perfection when you have Buba. The abusice male prostitute.

Yes I do, and yes it is. I've been through my share of relationships, darling. Being a virgin doesn't make me naiive toward people, if that is what you are thinking.

O darling, o darling, I love that word.


Penis + Vagina = TH3 FUNSORZ

Well, i'm also into movies and video games. I'm rather an addict. Do you understand how much more enjoyable the relationship would be if my partner shared the same enthusiasm, instead of us being complete opposites? Kthnx.

See above.

What the? Who said anything about fighting!? MAN ARE ANGRY STONE? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN, YOU CAVEMAN?

Man = stones, Woman = jello



Again, let me explain. I want a guy who can carry an in depth conversation, with substantial meaning and intrigue -- but I also want him to have the ability to relax and goof off with me in a light hearted way. I didn't literally mean for it to happen right after one another, just for the guy to have the ABILITY to.

See above.

Darling. You have a lot to learn. *Hands you a cookie*

Yep, cookies are fun.


BBS Signature

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 11:39:08

is this like world war 3 or what?

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 11:53:58

And now, the fantastic culmination to my post.

Woman and man are completely different. It`s not just the biological and obvious reasons, but the way we live are completely different.

Man don`t usually care about things like taking out the garbage, as an example, but woman do, and will castrate us to get us to do it. Now, this may be a very rough and stupid example, but it aplies to everything. We just think differently.

Now, my objective with my previous posts was to see how you react to them, to analize what kind of person you are. A good one, so I wont go into more details.

Man need woman for one thing only, and that is sex. You may think im a shallow and narrow minded bastard, and I am one... but hear this. When a man comes and talks to a chick for the first time, you know whats on his mind ? Getting you to like him, to fuck you later.

When a man finally gets to fuck a woman, he wants to fuck some more, so he continues the play. Until he fucks that woman enough to get sick of it. You see, thats the point where everything you do starts annoying him, now there is nothing he wants from you, and he only sees the bad side.

Man are from Mars, and woman from Venus. And you should also embrace that man are horny creatures, when you get to know that, you can work us like you want to.

I also don`t understand how you dated without having sex, maybe it was when you were younger... with younger boys.

Hey, I appreciate woman, I don`t think we can live without them, but I can say that everything I do, is focused on getting laid. I can seriously like something a girl does, whatever it is, but you also should think this.

Do you care about what a man does ? Do you really care ? Is it comparable to when you accomplish something ? Basic human emotions are:

Caring more for you than anybody else. You may think you are not like this, but you are, unless you are not a human.

Well, My point is something so fucking large and time consuming, that I actually wrote a paper of 5000 words on it. Its called: "human emotions and relations between gender"

Yes, I did, and after series of researches, man and woman ARE different. Also, there is no soul mate. Im going to put it in regular terms, a person who seeks for her soul mate should be destroyed, you obviously should look for somebody who isnt a total scum bag, but you wont get a great man.

A beautiful guy will cheat on you, an ugly guy wont, but you will cheat on him. Any stuff in between is irrelevant. Freud said it better, all relations are based on sex. YAY FRAUD !

And now, the only way I can redime myself. Even thought I said all those mean things, I seriously want to marry a girl, have kids and die with her. And have lots and lots of happy sexings with her :)


BBS Signature

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 12:26:02

are you a guy or a girl...didnt really get that one

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 13:12:34

At 8/12/06 11:53 AM, NeoSoviet wrote: We just think differently.

Everyone thinks differently. You'll get some men who think like woman, some woman who think like men.. some who think like neither. You're being way to general in your arguments. You can't say men = this and woman = that because frankly its bullshit.

Man need woman for one thing only, and that is sex. You may think im a shallow and narrow minded bastard, and I am one... but hear this. When a man comes and talks to a chick for the first time, you know whats on his mind ? Getting you to like him, to fuck you later.

My mothers a woman and I don't talk to her so I can get sex from her. Freud just had a really hot mum, thats why he theorised it. Psychology's a farce anyway, theres no way we will be able to understand the human brain 100%.

I also don`t understand how you dated without having sex, maybe it was when you were younger... with younger boys.

For company? Theres more to a relationship than sex. Someone to be intimate with - without having sex.

I can't be bothered quoting every thing you wrote and answering seperately. But you (like you said) really do appear shallow and you're generalising far too much. Your theories are probably right for some and possbily the majority, but there will always be anomolies.
Different people will have different views on things. Like Asexuals for example. They don't desire sex but I'm sure plently of them are in relationships.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 13:18:24

At 8/12/06 11:53 AM, NeoSoviet wrote: And now, the fantastic culmination to my post.

TLDR. >:(

Let's just say, "Women. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!"
Now who's up for donuts? :)

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 14:06:35

What do you think of the 50 year old virgins that still live with their parents?

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 14:21:21

At 8/12/06 02:06 PM, Athlas wrote: What do you think of the 50 year old virgins that still live with their parents?

What? The virgin part or the stay at home with their parents part?

The stay at home part is actually expanding these days. More people are staying at their parent's home so the parents still pay the bills, they can all stay together, and they don't have to buy a house. I don't think they're 50 though, but some are old. You know that movie "Failure to Launch?" Yeah, that guy lives with his parents and I think he's like 30 or something in the movie. I haven't seen that movie, so it may be a bad example.

The virgin part, well that just reminds me of the movie "The 40 Year Old Virgin." THey need more confidence, and I think they can do it. It may be creepy, but they can.

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 14:50:10

At 8/12/06 11:24 AM, NeoSoviet wrote: Hahahaha, I haven`t been this excited since... the last time I got laid :D

I'm so glad that I can inspire such phenomenal EXCITEMENT from you.

Exactly, you should settly down with a nasty motorcycle guy. Seriously, the have huge cocks.

And how would you know they're packing? HMM? STOP HANGING AROUND THE MEN'S RESTROOM!

O no, you are telling me there is something else than the abusive motorcycle guy with a huge cock ?

Maybe not for you.

Pshhh, who needs perfection when you have Buba. The abusice male prostitute.

Buba? What the fuck? Is he one of your regulars?

O darling, o darling, I love that word.

O darling, o darling, shut the hell up.

Penis + Vagina = TH3 FUNSORZ

Sounds so exciting when you put it that way. Truly.

Man = stones, Woman = jello

Where'd you read that? A caveman painting on a boulder with a big picture of Bill Cosby next to it?

Yep, cookies are fun.

I know, it's Shortbread Day today!

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 15:39:29

And it continues, apparently.

At 8/12/06 11:53 AM, NeoSoviet wrote: And now, the fantastic culmination to my post. Blah blah blah, I believe in what Freud says, the misogynistic man who has no respect for women, has a mother complex, and believes that life entirely revolves around sex and men.

I could wrap this all up nicely by saying:

Go read some Jung.

Although, you tried so hard with that, so i'll humor you. You can't generalize the whole human race. It is illogical to the point of idiocy to make such rash assumptions. Everyone is different, in their own miniscule or major ways. That is everyone, not just between men and women. But, you see, just as we can be different, we can share a common ground as well. I've found similiarites between myself and other men on countless occasions. You can't keep saying that we're from different planets, there is a level of understanding and familiarity that if you would just take a moment to really analyze it (as you seem to love to do) you could see it.

You've had some faulty relationships in your past, that doesn't mean you have to adopt a shallow and narrow minded philosphy to try and justify it, categorizing the whole human race in the process. You'll have your thoughtless people (both men and women) who are only interested in sex, that pursuit of momentary pleasure and ecstasy, appeasing their own selfish desires. Keep in mind, though, you will also have your people who are in pursuit of a meaningful relationship; who value the conversation, companionship, and comfort of the person. Who will look at them as more than an object of desire (appreciating them for who they are), and as a human being that they can really grow close to and spend the rest of their lives with no matter what the cost.

You know what love is, darling? Love is sacrifice. Thinking and looking outside of yourself, outside of that box which we all create for ourselves as a means of self preservation. When you can look at the one you're with and think of what is best for them, for their happiness, instead of how you'll be benefitted -- then you know that you have something substantial. Something that no amount of lust and sex can compare to. You have a relationship with another person, not one with yourself. Make sense?

It is possible, so stop acting jaded. You're too young for that.

I could go further into this, and keep it going for a while. I'm hungry, though. 2:30PM and no breakfast yet. So i'm gonna end it there. ;)

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 15:45:07

At 8/12/06 03:39 PM, Sarah_Rawr wrote: I could go further into this, and keep it going for a while. I'm hungry, though. 2:30PM and no breakfast yet. So i'm gonna end it there. ;)

You said what I said... Jinx!

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 15:47:44

lock lock lock lock lock lock lock! noboby's feeling sorry 4 u suck it up! ,,!,,

Science can't lie.


Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 16:01:34

hello there. i dont know if you remember me or not but a few days a go i asked you guys a question and you all gave me some supportive advice. i said i would post how Friday night would go so here it is. once again me and my mates are drinking and as always someone makes an innocent comment where one of the boys make it dirty (something about one of the girls being easy like sunday morning) which leads to the talk about " i done her like this, he likes it when i do that" so getting what little courage i have i ask them to change the subject as they know i dont have a sex life, dont like being left out the conversations and being ignored, and how i feel uncomfortable about the subject. John quickly calls me a gay for not wanting to talk about sex which he couldnt back up when i ask why it makes me gay. 1-0 to me. most said that they didn't realise that i felt unconfortable about talking about sex so they said that they would try to ease up on the sex talk and include me in there conversations a bit more. the night went on and we all had a good laugh and got drunk enough to hit the dance floor.

as you may or may not see depending if you read this everything went well and i have you lot to thank. thank you one and all.

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 16:12:43

At 8/12/06 04:01 PM, ever-vigilant wrote: as you may or may not see depending if you read this everything went well and i have you lot to thank. thank you one and all.

I didn't offer advice, but I read your post when you posted it. Anyway congratulations on speaking up and sorting it out :).

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 17:31:08

how do you guys stand making such long posts..I have to use my willpower to read all of the long ones..

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 17:39:52

At 8/12/06 05:31 PM, Obi-Kun wrote: how do you guys stand making such long posts..I have to use my willpower to read all of the long ones..

We have a lot of stuff on our mind regarding the topics? And we know the secret of repeating arguments yet making them look different :).

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 17:45:43

yeah...seems I have yet to get used to that=)

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 17:54:18

At 8/12/06 05:39 PM, -Nev- wrote:
At 8/12/06 05:31 PM, Obi-Kun wrote: how do you guys stand making such long posts..I have to use my willpower to read all of the long ones..
We have a lot of stuff on our mind regarding the topics? And we know the secret of repeating arguments yet making them look different :).

Hey now. I never repeat anything I say.

I never repeat anything I say.

Anyway, longer more thought-out posts are better than a bunch of brief and useless ones. There is valuable advice and information to be had in here, as well as interesting perspectives and opinions, all with an edge of humor to it, and I want it to stay that way.

Remember kids, here at the Virgin Club, we're tackling real issues, interviewing real people, and bringing awareness to your very home! *Points at camera* Get involved!

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 17:56:17

At 8/12/06 05:54 PM, Sarah_Rawr wrote:
Remember kids, here at the Virgin Club, we're tackling real issues, interviewing real people, and bringing awareness to your very home! *Points at camera* Get involved!

This is CNN.

But yeah, we just like talking. It's fun engaging in intellectual conversations with each other. Also, it's part Star Wars. Star Wars! How could you not be in a club like this?!?!

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic /777777

http://metaldart.webs.com/ My freewebs website. Check it out dog.

My old NG profile ID: 1321019

BBS Signature

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 17:56:26

Remember kids, here at the Virgin Club, we're tackling real issues, interviewing real people, and bringing awareness to your very home! *Points at camera* Get involved!


I actually thought quite a bit for coming up with a correct answer =)

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 18:03:18

This club seems like a really good idea. After reading all the discussions I'd quite like to join. If you asked me to explain why I am a virgin, the answer's simple.. I want it to be special, and I need to fully trust the person I'm with. And for me trust is a hard thing to place in people. I'm 16, and in my opinion there is plenty of time left and losing my virginity because of the pressures of friends, media and the general thought that 'everyone else is doing it' is pointless.

Response to Virgin Club 2006-08-12 18:07:04

At 8/12/06 06:03 PM, Carvel wrote: This club seems like a really good idea.

Fancy seeing you in here.
As you know we have the Star Wars theme ranking system. So if you choose you may pick either a Droid or a Creature.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

BBS Signature