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Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL)

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Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-06-28 15:43:36

At 6/24/08 08:22 PM, 36Holla wrote:
At 6/24/08 04:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote: CRAZY?


(that could be either Homer Simpson doing his best Jack Nicholson... or else... Al Pacino doing his best Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman, BTW #;-}>)

It's worth the trip. How many times do you get to buy drugs from a real live dragon in your life? Not very many I'd wager.

I'd rather buy me drugs from a human that's far easier, both in terms of money and time expenses to get to. #;-}>

That means you have to hide in the cardboard box 3 times longer now. Better bring a book.

Well, everyone's all old 'n' slow in teh MGS4 now, right? So... longer box-waiting times sounds fairly accurate. #;-}>

wagers on Bonus... not because I think he'll win, but just so if he DOES win, I don't have to explain why I didn't wager on him, whereas Earfetish wouldn't care either way:::
I'm telling ya, you two need to get back together sometime. I can tell you miss him.

We're both pretending to be straight with our girls right now, there's no way we could make it work. :::tears up:::

I was gonna say something like "but it's called Drunken Dragon, so... where's the dragon part?" and then I realised there were no dragons in Double Dragon, either.

For me it was every Final Fantasy game not having a naked Jessica Alba. Just c'mon guys!

hahahahahahahahaha... horph!

Well...clown college would be the next logical choice of course.


:::flashes back to Police Academy... where training to become a cop really WAS compared to going to clown college, basically:::

Did he corner any at EXTREME SPEEDS, or was that mostly straightline driving?
Wasn't too bad on the corners, but on the straight aways, some people were being really slow about getting over to the side, and when you're coming up on a car at that speed and they still haven't gotten over yet, it kinda made me worry for a few seconds.

Well, I more meant the speeds you quoted... did he take corners at those speeds. I'm guessing not, then. #;-}>

Yeah, ambulance, fire truck, and cop car drivings IS TEH FUNS, I'm sure. If we've learned nothing else from the Grand Theft Auto III/VC/SA games... I'm pretty sure we've learned that. #;-}>

To show you, I took a crappy picture of the picture on my camera phone because I don't have a thing to transfer phone pictures to my computer.




At 6/25/08 03:40 PM, NEVR wrote: DAAAAAMN. That looks like a bit of a nasty bump... it's amazing that people can sometimes be in such crazy accidents and walk out with not much of an injury, but still, need to wear a seatbelt, like you said. I don't even think twice about putting mine on - it's always the first thing I do when I get behind the wheel.

Ehhhh... I don't always do it right when I get behind the wheel, but always before I leave the parking garage/parking lot/apartment complex. #;-}>

At 6/25/08 08:26 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/20/08 07:38 PM, 36Holla wrote: Hmm, maybe I should take Gfox's award away. The other candidates didn't have personal advertising campaigns for them :p
Oh shit! :O


At 6/22/08 05:17 AM, gfoxcook wrote: OH BOY.
I hope Albi enjoys cider as well as I do.


You're such a stickler for MIDNIGHT EXACTITUDE.
Yes, because it works nicely.

So says YOU. And you're a big stinky poo-poo head!

hahahaha. Bahamut let a YouTube trapping distract him from doing proper pre-list preparations.
Along with Wiki-traps, GameFAQs-traps, Tomb Raider Level Editor-traps and now possibly Spore-traps. :P

Getting trapped by GameFAQs is kinda silly.

WTF is a Spore-trap?

I'd say YouTube's way more of a danger to all your listmakery duties this summer than cider is. #;-}>
You know, you're probably right.

Yes, so... more cider + less YouTube when you're trying to make a list update that day or the next day, right?

I've had so much hyper stuff and I don't seem to have gone hyper. Damn, my body must have a high tolerance for this sort of stuff.

That's all I'm trying to convince you of, man. #;-}>

I just don't care.

Fair enough. Just didn't know what your LOLOL "meant" exactly at first.

OK, it's next to me now, so a picture is mandatory.


Basically, he said the Regulars list was pointless.

Sounds vaguely familiar, but... eh. Jeez, I get so tired of people saying anything is pointless. EVERYTHING IS POINTLESS, YOU BIG DUNDERHEADS. WE DO WHAT MAKES US HAPPY. THAT'S WHAT HOBBIES ARE, YOU FOOLIOS. They're not* (typically) for saving the world, they're just pastimes we like to waste our time (and sometimes money) on.

(* - note: not for saving the world unless you're Bono or Bill Gates)

Zidane was there...Zidane Tribal.


666 Beastly Lane, Dragonville, Albania 7D7D7
Thank you! Now I'll pay him a visit and talk about Universe Domination.

OH SHIT... what have I done. ;_;

It was good! :)

Good, then.

At 6/24/08 04:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Dude, you don't know? Bahamuts the richest crack dealer in town. (See my Dave Chappelle related quote for reference)
Oh, okay. I don't live anywhere near Liverpool, though.
I'm not in Liverpool, though.

The Wirral is near it. I was saying that since I don't live anywhere near Liverpool (your nearest big city), that you weren't exactly a convenient, close-by drug dealer, which is what most people look for in drug dealers (well, along with reliability and non-narcness).

I was gonna say something like "but it's called Drunken Dragon, so... where's the dragon part?" and then I realised there were no dragons in Double Dragon, either.
Well...There's less likely on myself getting it now. :P

hahahah. Yeah, false advertising, eh?

At 6/24/08 08:22 PM, 36Holla wrote: For me it was every Final Fantasy game not having a naked Jessica Alba. Just c'mon guys!
Did iscrulz force you to write that?

Is that iscrulz's main reason for not liking FF games or something? #;-}>

GTA doesn't exactly have naked celebs in it either... well, I don't know about 4, but every GTA before it, at least.

...Here's my huge ass Simpsons mug.

What colour is the background of that bad mofo? Can't tell for sure due to glare, but it looks sorta lavenderish.

At 6/26/08 11:22 AM, NEVR wrote: Ah, OK. It sounded like it wasn't that bad as you said "he only had to have a few stitches". Still, I know a user (Joshiwa) who was in a pretty bad crash lately, and he walked away from it. I don't think he smashed his head against the windshield though, so not quite the same I suppose.

Joshiwa was in an auto crash recently? Did he make a thread on General about it or something? Plz to link me? ;_;

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-06-28 15:48:08

At 6/28/08 03:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Joshiwa was in an auto crash recently? Did he make a thread on General about it or something? Plz to link me? ;_;

I don't think he made a thread about it... he made a news post though, and told me about it over AIM. That news post is dated April 19th, so it wasn't recently recently, but wasn't that long ago either.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-06-29 00:25:17

At 6/28/08 03:48 PM, NEVR wrote:
At 6/28/08 03:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Joshiwa was in an auto crash recently? Did he make a thread on General about it or something? Plz to link me? ;_;
I don't think he made a thread about it... he made a news post though, and told me about it over AIM. That news post is dated April 19th, so it wasn't recently recently, but wasn't that long ago either.

Oh, nvm then... I saw him posting just on 6/25 earlier today, too, so I was like "well... at least he's okay now." #;-}> I guess recently is a relative term, eh?

Of course, I already knew that. We all do... but sometimes it still doesn't hurt to be reminded of relative things. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-06-29 23:53:32

At 6/29/08 12:25 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Oh, nvm then... I saw him posting just on 6/25 earlier today, too, so I was like "well... at least he's okay now." #;-}> I guess recently is a relative term, eh?

Indeed, indeed. Still, I thought it was appropriate to bring up in light of the recent (lol) car crash talk. Still, it's nearly 5am here, so as much as I'd love to go into the nature of relative terms in relation to time spans, I'll leave it for another time when I'm not shattered ;P

Looking forward to the update that will be coming soon. It'll be interesting to see who gets voted in...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 10:56:58

I will post the following in this order (hopefully nothing's gone awfully wrong this time):

Past Updates (w/ month)
Potentials List (w/ votes)
Out Votes (w/ totals)
Retired Regulars (w/ month)
Ascended Regulars (w/ month)
Regulars List (w/ updates)

Past Updates (sorted by date):


This is a complete list of the past updates to the Regulars list, including mini-updates.

Potentials List (sorted by votes ascending):

1 -- 7384-9809
1 -- Little-Rena
1 -- Shanus
2 -- aldlv
2 -- jew193
2 -- YoungAndWise
3 -- BR
3 -- CaptainBob
3 -- Metal-Therapy
3 -- TheNossinator
4 -- Corky52
4 -- Hybrid-Of-Souls

Due to the must have at least 6 votes to become regular rule, neither of the users with most votes are in this update. Apologies to Corky52 and Hybrid-Of-Souls for this inconvenience, but I wish both of you luck on the next update.

Exclusion Votes (sorted by votes ascending):


Retired Regulars (sorted by month retired):

Dec 2004 -- delteated
Feb 2005 -- BaronVonBadGuy
Mar 2005 -- Shpouiten
Mar 2005 -- PureLionheart (by request)
Apr 2005 -- j00bie
Aug 2005 -- ScottTowels (by request)
Aug 2005 -- Denvish (by request)
Sep 2005 -- Eldarion
Sep 2005 -- Rooty-The-Pie
Nov 2005 -- YoinK
Dec 2005 -- M-A-R-C-U-S
Dec 2005 -- carmelhadinosaur
Jan 2006 -- ramagi (by request)
Jan 2006 -- _Guardian_ (by request)
Feb 2006 -- Kisuke
Feb 2006 -- Slightly-Crazy-Dude (by request)
Feb 2006 -- MystWilliams
Feb 2006 -- DaRk
Mar 2006 -- Nike-Dunk
Mar 2006 -- deckheadtottie (by request)
May 2006 -- Nomader (by request)
Jun 2006 -- Gooch
Jun 2006 -- Lidov
Aug 2006 -- DonDoli
May 2008 -- Frostbreath
Jun 2008 -- X-Naut
Jun 2008 -- Major-Punk

This is a list of users who have been retired from the Regulars list, all of them were active at some point or another and were either voted off (the default method) or saved others the trouble by taking themselves off. They can be added back on if voted back on, and for those who were removed by request they can simply reverse their request.

Ascended Regulars (sorted by month ascended):

Nov 2004 -- RedCircle
Apr 2005 -- ShittyKitty
Apr 2005 -- Alkador
Jul 2005 -- Mazza
Jul 2005 -- Tommy
Feb 2006 -- BonusStage
Feb 2006 -- Afro_Stud
Feb 2006 -- Xiivi
May 2007 -- Bahamut
May 2007 -- absent
Apr 2008 -- life
Apr 2008 -- BlueHippo
Apr 2008 -- NEVR

These are all users who have been voted onto the Members List from the Regulars List and were removed because of it.

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 10:58:24

Regulars Update:

Welcome all to the...

July 2008 Update
The Wi/Ht Regulars Update

#_ | EXP | B/Ps_ | Posts | Revs | Total_ | Diff | Username & Rise/Drop
01 | 23069 | 112214 | _2632 | _202 | 138117 | 1761 | Wylo
02 | 18410 | _51540 | 12026 | 1584 | _83560 | _349 | iscrulz
03 | 12205 | _44993 | __381 | __37 | _57616 | 1708 | shunshuu
04 | 11280 | _27937 | 15976 | __54 | _55247 | _693 | Kirk-Cocaine
05 | 12070 | _36648 | _2809 | _583 | _52110 | 1516 | Auz
06 | 11430 | _27366 | _6997 | _479 | _46272 | _334 | LittleWashu
07 | 10920 | _19540 | _2078 | 1012 | _33550 | 1688 | Haggard
08 | _6170 | __6392 | _7622 | __92 | _20276 | _894 | 36Holla
09 | _9000 | __4542 | _5711 | _101 | _19354 | _457 | kidray76
10 | _4720 | _10701 | _1785 | _299 | _17505 | 1859 | Sir-Nuts
11 | _2930 | _11658 | __411 | __35 | _15034 | _971 | Perceptor

#_ | EXP | B/Ps_ | Posts | Revs | Total | Diff | Category
0T | 122204 | 353531 | 58428 | 4478 | 523607 | 12230 | Total
0A | _11109 | _32139 | _5312 | _407 | _48967 | _1112 | Average
0H | _23069 | 112214 | 15976 | 1584 | 138117 | _1859 | Highest
0L | __2930 | __4542 | __381 | __35 | _15034 | __334 | Lowest

EXP | B/P | Posts | Revs_ | Change | Username
_9.67 | _47.20 | _1.83 | _0.00 | _58.70 | Wylo
_9.67 | __1.60 | _0.37 | _0.00 | _11.63 | iscrulz
10.00 | _45.77 | _1.17 | _0.00 | _56.93 | shunshuu
_5.33 | __5.97 | 11.80 | _0.00 | _23.10 | Kirk-Cocaine
10.33 | _35.47 | _4.63 | _0.10 | _50.53 | Auz
_9.67 | __1.17 | _0.27 | _0.03 | _11.13 | LittleWashu
10.00 | _34.23 | 10.27 | _1.77 | _56.27 | Haggard
_8.00 | __3.10 | 18.63 | _0.07 | _29.80 | 36Holla
_9.67 | __0.03 | _5.53 | _0.00 | _15.23 | kidray76
_9.67 | _41.47 | 10.77 | _0.07 | _61.97 | Sir-Nuts
_9.00 | _21.10 | _2.23 | _0.03 | _32.37 | Perceptor

These are all based off of a 30 day period. This shows the amount of points you gained per day in each category applicable.


Congrats to 36Holla on passing 20,000 total points.
Congrats to Haggard on reaching 1,000 total reviews.

At 6/28/08 03:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/25/08 08:26 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/20/08 07:38 PM, 36Holla wrote: Hmm, maybe I should take Gfox's award away. The other candidates didn't have personal advertising campaigns for them :p
Oh shit! :O

I really ought to shut up at times.

I hope Albi enjoys cider as well as I do.

Good, this'll be a great visit.

Along with Wiki-traps, GameFAQs-traps, Tomb Raider Level Editor-traps and now possibly Spore-traps. :P
Getting trapped by GameFAQs is kinda silly.

Yes, but it sometimes happens.

WTF is a Spore-trap?


You know, you're probably right.
Yes, so... more cider + less YouTube when you're trying to make a list update that day or the next day, right?

I only have up to two ciders each Friday and Saturday night.

OK, it's next to me now, so a picture is mandatory.

A big mug kicks ass.

Zidane was there...Zidane Tribal.

For drinking coke? What's wrong with that?

666 Beastly Lane, Dragonville, Albania 7D7D7
Thank you! Now I'll pay him a visit and talk about Universe Domination.
OH SHIT... what have I done. ;_;

Hehehehehehehehe! >:)

I'm not in Liverpool, though.
The Wirral is near it. I was saying that since I don't live anywhere near Liverpool (your nearest big city), that you weren't exactly a convenient, close-by drug dealer, which is what most people look for in drug dealers (well, along with reliability and non-narcness).

Ah, alright.

Well...There's less likely on myself getting it now. :P
hahahah. Yeah, false advertising, eh?

Exactly! >:(

Did iscrulz force you to write that?
Is that iscrulz's main reason for not liking FF games or something? #;-}>

No, but 36 DID say something negative about FF. So it must be part of iscrulz's plans.

GTA doesn't exactly have naked celebs in it either... well, I don't know about 4, but every GTA before it, at least.

No naked celebs, but Hot Coffee...

...Here's my huge ass Simpsons mug.
What colour is the background of that bad mofo? Can't tell for sure due to glare, but it looks sorta lavenderish.

That's the crappy webcam settings. It was only normal light in the background.


Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 11:07:41

At 7/1/08 10:56 AM, Bahamut wrote: Due to the must have at least 6 votes to become regular rule, neither of the users with most votes are in this update. Apologies to Corky52 and Hybrid-Of-Souls for this inconvenience, but I wish both of you luck on the next update.

Discussing this with you last night, but I didn't want to ask who was getting the votes... you probably wouldn't have told me anyway ;P

Still, Like I said to you a while ago, it's not necessary to have a new regular EVERY month. There's times where people just can't agree, or there isn't one or two solid candidates who really deserve to be voted in. The people who received votes this month should take this opportunity to think about what they can do to improve their chances for next month - and that doesn't necessarily mean posting as much as possible in these forums.

Probably one of the best things you can do for yourselves is to talk to current regulars and members and ask what they think you need to be doing, considering that we're the ones who are judging you for the regulars and members lists respectively.

Exclusion Votes (sorted by votes ascending):

Nobody in, nobody out.

Jun 2008 -- Major-Punk

Hmm... next time you're on AIM, I'll have a chat with you about what to do with the Major-Punk situation... it seems a bit unceremonious to simply cast him aside considering the circumstances.

Ascended Regulars (sorted by month ascended):

Apr 2008 -- life
Apr 2008 -- BlueHippo
Apr 2008 -- NEVR

These are all users who have been voted onto the Members List from the Regulars List and were removed because of it.

Has it really been 4 months that we've been off this list for? ;_;

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 11:21:27

Potentials List (sorted by votes ascending):

1 -- 7384-9809
1 -- Little-Rena
1 -- Shanus
2 -- aldlv
2 -- jew193
2 -- YoungAndWise
3 -- BR
3 -- CaptainBob
3 -- Metal-Therapy
3 -- TheNossinator
4 -- Corky52
4 -- Hybrid-Of-Souls

Haha, i did not even get 1 vote. Im not really mad just surprised in a way. Eh i'll just have to try harder this next month.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 11:22:07

Sorry I coudln't vote for this month, next month and a half super duper busy and very little time to sit down and go through candidates. Hopefully for next I'll report something.

Also, damn, I should start making more reviews and b/p lol, my stats are looking small.

NG Review Moderator // Pm me for Review Abuse

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 11:25:06

At 7/1/08 10:56 AM, Bahamut wrote:

Thanks for another great update Bahamut!

Potentials List (sorted by votes ascending):

1 -- 7384-9809
1 -- Little-Rena
1 -- Shanus
2 -- aldlv
2 -- jew193
2 -- YoungAndWise
3 -- BR
3 -- CaptainBob
3 -- Metal-Therapy
3 -- TheNossinator
4 -- Corky52
4 -- Hybrid-Of-Souls

Due to the must have at least 6 votes to become regular rule, neither of the users with most votes are in this update. Apologies to Corky52 and Hybrid-Of-Souls for this inconvenience, but I wish both of you luck on the next update.

Heh, that´s pretty funny. I believe this is the first time I´ve ever seen an update of this list with no new members on it.

Exclusion Votes (sorted by votes ascending):


Seems like we got rid of all the inactive regulars now.

At 7/1/08 10:58 AM, Bahamut wrote: Regulars Update:

Welcome all to the...

July 2008 Update
The Wi/Ht Regulars Update

#_ | EXP | B/Ps_ | Posts | Revs | Total_ | Diff | Username & Rise/Drop
04 | 11280 | _27937 | 15976 | __54 | _55247 | _693 | Kirk-Cocaine
05 | 12070 | _36648 | _2809 | _583 | _52110 | 1516 | Auz

That´s a pretty decent change. I might overtake Kirk-Cocaine somewhere this year if I keep going like this.

EXP | B/P | Posts | Revs_ | Change | Username
10.33 | _35.47 | _4.63 | _0.10 | _50.53 | Auz

Good, everything seems to be correct now. I made a pretty good amount of posts this month, much more than I usually do. Hopefully I´ll soon reach my ´08-goal of 3,000 posts. My B/P average seems pretty good also, considering I was on a holiday the first week and have been busy working last week. Reviews a day is still a bit low, but I might start working on that somewhere this month.


Congrats to 36Holla on passing 20,000 total points.
Congrats to Haggard on reaching 1,000 total reviews.

Yes, congrats to them.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 12:32:39

At 7/1/08 10:56 AM, Bahamut wrote: Potentials List (sorted by votes ascending):

1 -- 7384-9809
1 -- Little-Rena
1 -- Shanus
2 -- aldlv
2 -- jew193
2 -- YoungAndWise
3 -- BR
3 -- CaptainBob
3 -- Metal-Therapy
3 -- TheNossinator
4 -- Corky52
4 -- Hybrid-Of-Souls

Well, that's the result for us having no potentials list. ^^
But I think I already found one potential that will recieve 3 points from me on the next vote. :)

Welcome all to the...

July 2008 Update
The Wi/Ht Regulars Update

Thanks for the update!

#_ | EXP | B/Ps_ | Posts | Revs | Total_ | Diff | Username & Rise/Drop
06 | 11430 | _27366 | _6997 | _479 | _46272 | _334 | LittleWashu
07 | 10920 | _19540 | _2078 | 1012 | _33550 | 1688 | Haggard
08 | _6170 | __6392 | _7622 | __92 | _20276 | _894 | 36Holla

Very nice gain for me, but it looks like I will stay at spot number 7 for a VERY long time...

EXP | B/P | Posts | Revs_ | Change | Username
10.00 | _34.23 | 10.27 | _1.77 | _56.27 | Haggard
These are all based off of a 30 day period. This shows the amount of points you gained per day in each category applicable.

Looks good this time, only the post average is too high. According to NG Log I made about 5 posts a day, so there seems to be a "times 2" there in the formula that doesn't belong there. ;)
All other averages are right, I think.

Congrats to 36Holla on passing 20,000 total points.


Congrats to Haggard on reaching 1,000 total reviews.

Thanks! :)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 14:07:00

At 7/1/08 10:56 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Due to the must have at least 6 votes to become regular rule, neither of the users with most votes are in this update. Apologies to Corky52 and Hybrid-Of-Souls for this inconvenience, but I wish both of you luck on the next update.

Too bad. I was hoping to be able to congratulate somebody when this was updated, but it doesn't look I'm going to be able too. Thank you for the votes guys.

If I could I would give all my votes up to Hybrid-Of-Souls for this voting. It's not that I don't want to become a regular, it's just that some other people are very deserving of the title.

Good luck to everyone next month.

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 15:16:12

At 7/1/08 10:56 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Potentials List (sorted by votes ascending):

1 -- 7384-9809
1 -- Little-Rena
1 -- Shanus
2 -- aldlv
2 -- jew193
2 -- YoungAndWise
3 -- BR
3 -- CaptainBob
3 -- Metal-Therapy
3 -- TheNossinator
4 -- Corky52
4 -- Hybrid-Of-Souls

How funny... so much contradiction here! We don't have the same opinion, I guess.

Due to the must have at least 6 votes to become regular rule, neither of the users with most votes are in this update. Apologies to Corky52 and Hybrid-Of-Souls for this inconvenience, but I wish both of you luck on the next update.

Now everyone keep F5ing the page page until a new question comes out so you can be the first one to answer it! =P

At 7/1/08 10:58 AM, Bahamut wrote: Welcome all to the...

July 2008 Update
The Wi/Ht Regulars Update

Thanks for updating us, Bahamut!

#_ | EXP | B/Ps_ | Posts | Revs | Total_ | Diff | Username & Rise/Drop
10 | _4720 | _10701 | _1785 | _299 | _17505 | 1859 | Sir-Nuts

Not bad ;)

But I do need to review more things.

EXP | B/P | Posts | Revs_ | Change | Username
_9.67 | _41.47 | 10.77 | _0.07 | _61.97 | Sir-Nuts

41 B/P a day, I honestly thought it would be lower due to the past few days, where I got around... 20!

And yeah, 0.07 review a day...


Congrats to 36Holla on passing 20,000 total points.

Congratulations! I'm close to that, about 2,000 ..."things" away from it.

Congrats to Haggard on reaching 1,000 total reviews.

Grrr, reviews are chasing me!

Still, congrats.

At 7/1/08 11:07 AM, NEVR wrote:
.....Still, like I said to you a while ago, it's not necessary to have a new regular EVERY month. There's times where people just can't agree, or there isn't one or two solid candidates who really deserve to be voted in. The people who received votes this month should take this opportunity to think about what they can do to improve their chances for next month - and that doesn't necessarily mean posting as much as possible in these forums.

You're right, but I didn't think about that possibility. Although I realised something: there are many who want to be on this list, and that will (or at least should) create some sort of competition, meaning that there'll be more and more posts.

And the "double-answers" should become more common. =P

Exclusion Votes (sorted by votes ascending):
Nobody in, nobody out.

How quiet here, huh?

Has it really been 4 months that we've been off this list for? ;_;

And the funny thing is: you were elected here in the revival update, and a few days later you became a member.


At 7/1/08 11:21 AM, idiot-buster wrote: Haha, i did not even get 1 vote. Im not really mad just surprised in a way. Eh i'll just have to try harder this next month.

Still haven't convinced us. Better luck next time, mate!

At 7/1/08 11:22 AM, kidray76 wrote: Sorry I coudln't vote for this month, next month and a half super duper busy and very little time to sit down and go through candidates. Hopefully for next I'll report something.

I almost forgot to vote, because I read Bahamut's PM... and left it there! I remembered it, though.

Also, damn, I should start making more reviews and b/p lol, my stats are looking small.

Stat-whoring FTW! =)

At 7/1/08 12:32 PM, Haggard wrote: Well, that's the result for us having no potentials list. ^^

Yeah, I couldn't agree more. =)

Blame Lanzarote!

But I think I already found one potential that will recieve 3 points from me on the next vote. :)

I guess I know who you're talking about. I'm not decided yet, though.

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 15:28:27

At 7/1/08 11:21 AM, idiot-buster wrote: Haha, i did not even get 1 vote. Im not really mad just surprised in a way. Eh i'll just have to try harder this next month.

There's a lot more to being elected as a regular than just posting in here a lot, dude. I know that gfox has taken you under his wing, so to speak, but evidently you still have a fair way to go. I don't mind helping you out as well, but even with two Wi/Ht members helping you, there's still no guarantee that you'll be voted onto this list anytime soon.

At 7/1/08 03:16 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: And the funny thing is: you were elected here in the revival update, and a few days later you became a member.

I think it was actually about 2 or 3 months that I was on the regulars list before I went up to the memberlist, because I definitely voted in the elections 3 times, and by the 3rd time, life, BlueHippo, and myself had become members already, but were allowed to vote one last time nontheless.


Aww shucks...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 18:40:11

At 7/1/08 10:56 AM, Bahamut wrote: Potentials List (sorted by votes ascending):

1 -- 7384-9809
1 -- Little-Rena
1 -- Shanus
2 -- aldlv
2 -- jew193
2 -- YoungAndWise
3 -- BR
3 -- CaptainBob
3 -- Metal-Therapy
3 -- TheNossinator
4 -- Corky52
4 -- Hybrid-Of-Souls

Due to the must have at least 6 votes to become regular rule, neither of the users with most votes are in this update. Apologies to Corky52 and Hybrid-Of-Souls for this inconvenience, but I wish both of you luck on the next update.

In my opinion, this is the best situation that could have happened given the circumstances. Nobody stood out as particularly deserving for a Reg spot this month, and without a potentials list to help guide us, I can understand why nobody got a noticeable number of votes to put them ahead of the rest.

Maybe this month someone will step up and improve their Wi/Ht posting qualities to help us see why they should be voted in, but again I really didn't see anyone from that list who stood out from the crowd last month.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 19:43:17

At 7/1/08 03:28 PM, NEVR wrote: There's a lot more to being elected as a regular than just posting in here a lot, dude. I know that gfox has taken you under his wing, so to speak, but evidently you still have a fair way to go. I don't mind helping you out as well, but even with two Wi/Ht members helping you, there's still no guarantee that you'll be voted onto this list anytime soon.

And another thing: gfox is trying to help you, but... I think you don't really get him. Here, for example, he pointed out your grammar mistakes. And you answered him with MORE grammar mistakes, and I don't think you did that on purpose. My advice would be:


Now seriously, pay more attention to what you're typing. It's kinda annoying...

At 7/1/08 03:16 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: And the funny thing is: you were elected here in the revival update, and a few days later you became a member.
I think it was actually about 2 or 3 months that I was on the regulars list before I went up to the memberlist, because I definitely voted in the elections 3 times, and by the 3rd time, life, BlueHippo, and myself had become members already, but were allowed to vote one last time nontheless.



You became a regular on March...
...and became a member on the half of April!

So... 1 1/2 monhts!

Aww shucks...

You are legend, and you know it, Will Smith!

At 7/1/08 06:40 PM, 36Holla wrote: In my opinion, this is the best situation that could have happened given the circumstances. Nobody stood out as particularly deserving for a Reg spot this month, and without a potentials list to help guide us, I can understand why nobody got a noticeable number of votes to put them ahead of the rest.

I noticed that not everyone (despite kidray) voted. Bahamut, could you tell us who didn't vote this month or is it against the protocol of the Wi/Ht Regulars list? =P

Maybe this month someone will step up and improve their Wi/Ht posting qualities to help us see why they should be voted in, but again I really didn't see anyone from that list who stood out from the crowd last month.

Well, who knows. They will always have the motivation, some more, some less. And yeah, I also think no one was above average this month to enter the list, although I voted on the three options I had.

Well, let's see what happens next month...

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 19:54:04

At 7/1/08 07:43 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote: RESEARCH TIME!


You became a regular on March...
...and became a member on the half of April!

Interesting. I must only have voted twice then... for some reason I thought it was 3 times. Too much going on in life I guess, I'm losing my mind.

So... 1 1/2 monhts!

Dunno why I thought it was 2-3 then.

You are legend, and you know it, Will Smith!

I didn't like that film - it was too short, and he had to kill his German Shepherd, whilst my German Shepherd was lying at my feet. :/

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-01 20:36:20

At 7/1/08 07:43 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/1/08 06:40 PM, 36Holla wrote: In my opinion, this is the best situation that could have happened given the circumstances. Nobody stood out as particularly deserving for a Reg spot this month, and without a potentials list to help guide us, I can understand why nobody got a noticeable number of votes to put them ahead of the rest.
I noticed that not everyone (despite kidray) voted. Bahamut, could you tell us who didn't vote this month or is it against the protocol of the Wi/Ht Regulars list? =P

I should've said in my first post that I didn't vote this month. With no candidate list and nobody sticking out clearly as deserving, I thought it was the most appropriate thing to do.

Maybe this month someone will step up and improve their Wi/Ht posting qualities to help us see why they should be voted in, but again I really didn't see anyone from that list who stood out from the crowd last month.
Well, who knows. They will always have the motivation, some more, some less. And yeah, I also think no one was above average this month to enter the list, although I voted on the three options I had.

Democracy power activate! Form of weighted votes!

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-02 11:20:53

In my case, I must confess that I was voting based upon the people who didn't manage to get in the month that shunshuu and I were elected. I figured that if they were worthy of being noted in that update, then it wouldn't be a bad idea to base my choice thereupon. Naturally, I had to do some research into their various activities, but, it did still prove to be an asset for me.

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-03 23:20:45

At 7/1/08 10:56 AM, Bahamut wrote: Potentials List (sorted by votes ascending):

1 -- 7384-9809
1 -- Little-Rena
1 -- Shanus
2 -- aldlv
2 -- jew193
2 -- YoungAndWise
3 -- BR
3 -- CaptainBob
3 -- Metal-Therapy
3 -- TheNossinator
4 -- Corky52
4 -- Hybrid-Of-Souls

INTERESTING. I hope that means they both get to JOIN IN TEH FUNS.

It's funny that 3 people (or 2 people or 1 person, however the "weighted votes" work, right?) voted for Captain Bob when he likely would ask to be retired immediately upon being voted in.

Due to the must have at least 6 votes to become regular rule, neither of the users with most votes are in this update. Apologies to Corky52 and Hybrid-Of-Souls for this inconvenience, but I wish both of you luck on the next update.

OH SNAP. I guess I should pay closer attention. #;-}>


HEY WAIT. I heard those two are the SAME GUY, man. That means they really got EIGHT votes, and so you can put them on the list, right? HEY RIGHT? #;-}>

At 7/1/08 10:58 AM, Bahamut wrote: #_ | EXP | B/Ps_ | Posts | Revs | Total_ | Diff | Username & Rise/Drop
01 | 23069 | 112214 | _2632 | _202 | 138117 | 1761 | Wylo
02 | 18410 | _51540 | 12026 | 1584 | _83560 | _349 | iscrulz
03 | 12205 | _44993 | __381 | __37 | _57616 | 1708 | shunshuu
04 | 11280 | _27937 | 15976 | __54 | _55247 | _693 | Kirk-Cocaine
05 | 12070 | _36648 | _2809 | _583 | _52110 | 1516 | Auz
06 | 11430 | _27366 | _6997 | _479 | _46272 | _334 | LittleWashu
07 | 10920 | _19540 | _2078 | 1012 | _33550 | 1688 | Haggard
08 | _6170 | __6392 | _7622 | __92 | _20276 | _894 | 36Holla
09 | _9000 | __4542 | _5711 | _101 | _19354 | _457 | kidray76
10 | _4720 | _10701 | _1785 | _299 | _17505 | 1859 | Sir-Nuts
11 | _2930 | _11658 | __411 | __35 | _15034 | _971 | Perceptor

Whoa. Wylo and shunshuu and Haggard all very close to each other (within 100 of each other in terms of gain for the month)... yet it turns out they're only fighting for the silver medal, because Sir-Nuts blew 'em away for gold (which I didn't notice at first, too. Impressive!

And then Auz rounding out a VERY active top 5 with a bit of a drop-off afterwards.

At 6/28/08 03:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/25/08 08:26 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/20/08 07:38 PM, 36Holla wrote: Hmm, maybe I should take Gfox's award away. The other candidates didn't have personal advertising campaigns for them :p
Oh shit! :O
I really ought to shut up at times.

Huh? ... Why, whaddaya mean? O_o

Good, this'll be a great visit.


WTF is a Spore-trap?


Yes, so... more cider + less YouTube when you're trying to make a list update that day or the next day, right?
I only have up to two ciders each Friday and Saturday night.

Like I said, more cider = fine. You seem to do updates just fine on cider. It's the youtube/wiki/gamefaqs/spore traps that screw 'em up. #;-}>

Zidane was there...Zidane Tribal.
For drinking coke? What's wrong with that?

The way you phrased that he "was there" made it sound like he was there... at the scene of the crime. #;-}>

And hell, I dunno. Guilty of being a Zidane, and thus guilty of being a douche like that other Zidane or something (GUILT BY ASSOCIATION FTW!).

Or hell, maybe guilty of drinking PEPSI out of a coke container. (GASP)

Hehehehehehehehe! >:)


The Wirral is near it. I was saying that since I don't live anywhere near Liverpool (your nearest big city), that you weren't exactly a convenient, close-by drug dealer, which is what most people look for in drug dealers (well, along with reliability and non-narcness).
Ah, alright.

Maybe it's different over there in the UK, man, but in America if you're from a small area or town or burb near a huge city, you tend to say "I'm from [insert big city you're not actually from, but just nearby here]" to people from the other side of America so you don't CONFUSE THE FUCK OUT OF THEM.

Maybe since the UK has so many different towns and cities so densely packed into such a small series of islands (small, relatively speaking to North America, I mean), maybe you guys are way more "exact" with your answers to "where you from?" type questions. #;-}>

Or maybe Brits iz just more specific and exact than lazy Yanks with their CRAZY GENERALITIES.

Did iscrulz force you to write that?
Is that iscrulz's main reason for not liking FF games or something? #;-}>
No, but 36 DID say something negative about FF. So it must be part of iscrulz's plans.

Coop just said something negative about FF, too. That he outgrew it when he turned 20 or some shit like that. ;_;

As an FF player since before I was age 10, I AM PROOF POSITIVE that FF longevity is not the exception... it is the RULE, motherfuckers!

GTA doesn't exactly have naked celebs in it either... well, I don't know about 4, but every GTA before it, at least.
No naked celebs, but Hot Coffee...

You know, in the non-modded/haxxed version of the game, when one of your girlfriends asks "you" (i.e. CJ) in for "coffee," the camera stays outside the house and there's just the sound of SEXY FUN TIMES... but no actual sex depicted or any contorl over what happens.

And even WITH the Hot Coffee mod/hack enabled as Rockstar left it in the game code, the girls still aren't naked, they're wearing clothes. People actually had to hack into the code and MAKE TEH CHANGES and insert new skins/textures to make the girls naked.

Which is something anyone who wanted to do so badly.... could do to any game, such as FF, even. #;-}>

What colour is the background of that bad mofo? Can't tell for sure due to glare, but it looks sorta lavenderish.
That's the crappy webcam settings. It was only normal light in the background.

So WTF is the colour of the mug, then?

You no answer my question. I wasn't asking about the light, I was asking about the background colour of yer mug. It looks lavendery, but I assume it must be white or slightly offwhite.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-03 23:23:53

At 7/1/08 02:07 PM, Corky52 wrote: Too bad. I was hoping to be able to congratulate somebody when this was updated, but it doesn't look I'm going to be able too. Thank you for the votes guys.

If I could I would give all my votes up to Hybrid-Of-Souls for this voting. It's not that I don't want to become a regular, it's just that some other people are very deserving of the title.

(psst... let's try my "you guys are the same person" thing first and see if that works on him... kay?)

But that was quite noble of you/you don't care too much about being a regular. Either way.... classy. #;-}>

At 7/1/08 07:43 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
At 7/1/08 03:28 PM, NEVR wrote: There's a lot more to being elected as a regular than just posting in here a lot, dude. I know that gfox has taken you under his wing, so to speak, but evidently you still have a fair way to go. I don't mind helping you out as well, but even with two Wi/Ht members helping you, there's still no guarantee that you'll be voted onto this list anytime soon.

Also, I never said I was grooming him for entry onto the RCVL, I just want his clearly-gonna-be-all-over-the-place posts to be better for all of our reading enjoyments.

And another thing: gfox is trying to help you, but... I think you don't really get him. Here, for example, he pointed out your grammar mistakes. And you answered him with MORE grammar mistakes, and I don't think you did that on purpose. My advice would be:


Well, after I initially corrected him, we went back and forth a few times in that thread, and while I didn't try to correct everything he did wrong grammatically or usage-wise (that would be a 24/7 job, I tells ya), we did discuss such issues further. And after my grammar 101 lesson, he said he knew that stuff, and he wasn't stupid.

So... I did what I could. #;-}>

Now seriously, pay more attention to what you're typing. It's kinda annoying...

:::nods::: PAYING TEH ATTENTION is teh good.

I think it was actually about 2 or 3 months that I was on the regulars list before I went up to the memberlist, because I definitely voted in the elections 3 times, and by the 3rd time, life, BlueHippo, and myself had become members already, but were allowed to vote one last time nontheless.


You became a regular on March...
...and became a member on the half of April!

So... 1 1/2 monhts!

Oh wait, are you saying NEVR was a regular for 6 weeks, basically? At first I thought you were saying that NEVR had been a member (and thus off the regulars' list) for about 6 weeks, and I was gonna go... uh... halfway through April to now = 2.5 months, not 1.5 months. #;-}>

Also... NEVR originally said something like "has it really been 4 months since I became a Wi/Ht? member?!?!" or something, which of course isn't true... it's more like... again, 2.5 months. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-03 23:33:23

At 7/3/08 11:23 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 7/1/08 02:07 PM, Corky52 wrote: Too bad. I was hoping to be able to congratulate somebody when this was updated, but it doesn't look I'm going to be able too. Thank you for the votes guys.

If I could I would give all my votes up to Hybrid-Of-Souls for this voting. It's not that I don't want to become a regular, it's just that some other people are very deserving of the title.
(psst... let's try my "you guys are the same person" thing first and see if that works on him... kay?)

Of course we are the same person. I just don't know what account I use as an alt anymore so I just post with both.

But that was quite noble of you/you don't care too much about being a regular. Either way.... classy. #;-}>

I really do want to become a regular, but if it can't be me then I hate to see somebody else not get it. It's not going to hurt me if I don't get voted in anytime soon because you guys to have voting every month. I'm going to help people no matter if I'm a regular or not.

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-04 02:40:09

At 7/3/08 11:33 PM, Corky52 wrote:
At 7/3/08 11:23 PM, gfoxcook wrote: (psst... let's try my "you guys are the same person" thing first and see if that works on him... kay?)
Of course we are the same person. I just don't know what account I use as an alt anymore so I just post with both.

You forgot which one's the main?! Well, I'd assume the one with the earlier signup date.

But anyway... convenient excuse. Good job. #;-}>

But that was quite noble of you/you don't care too much about being a regular. Either way.... classy. #;-}>
I really do want to become a regular, but if it can't be me then I hate to see somebody else not get it. It's not going to hurt me if I don't get voted in anytime soon because you guys to have voting every month. I'm going to help people no matter if I'm a regular or not.

Unless Bahamut imposes a 1 new entry per month limit if too many people are getting voted in every month all of a sudden.

But judging from the way you guyz couldn't get anyone to 6 this time around, that doesn't look to be a problem anytime soon. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-04 09:00:45

At 6/28/08 03:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/24/08 08:22 PM, 36Holla wrote:
At 6/24/08 04:06 AM, gfoxcook wrote: CRAZY?

(that could be either Homer Simpson doing his best Jack Nicholson... or else... Al Pacino doing his best Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman, BTW #;-}>)

Actually I was trying to be like Dave who is this crazy bum who lives in the alley down the street. He's my inspiration and muse.

That means you have to hide in the cardboard box 3 times longer now. Better bring a book.
Well, everyone's all old 'n' slow in teh MGS4 now, right? So... longer box-waiting times sounds fairly accurate. #;-}>

Actually in MGS4 they give you a barrel that you can hide in and you can even get on its side and roll through enemies to knock them out. And if you roll too much, you get sick and throw up afterwards. Sure the box is still in the game but still...barrel is so much cooler.

wagers on Bonus... not because I think he'll win, but just so if he DOES win, I don't have to explain why I didn't wager on him, whereas Earfetish wouldn't care either way:::
I'm telling ya, you two need to get back together sometime. I can tell you miss him.
We're both pretending to be straight with our girls right now, there's no way we could make it work. :::tears up:::

Forbidden love is always the most heartbreaking to see. In this case, it's two guys who haven' met each other except on the internet so the cry factor is multiplied by 3-4 times.

Well...clown college would be the next logical choice of course.

flashes back to Police Academy... where training to become a cop really WAS compared to going to clown college, basically:::

Nah, I was just saying that after this internship at the police station, I'm going to fall back on my true goal of becoming a circus entertainer who still succeeds in creeping out more people than they entertain.

Did he corner any at EXTREME SPEEDS, or was that mostly straightline driving?
Wasn't too bad on the corners, but on the straight aways, some people were being really slow about getting over to the side, and when you're coming up on a car at that speed and they still haven't gotten over yet, it kinda made me worry for a few seconds.
Well, I more meant the speeds you quoted... did he take corners at those speeds. I'm guessing not, then. #;-}>

Nope. Otherwise we would have been in a flaming wreck in some rich persons flower bed. Of course the person who owns the house would probably call their attorney to see the chances that they could sue the police for messing up their flowers over an ambulance to help us. It's just how people are in that neighborhood.

Yeah, ambulance, fire truck, and cop car drivings IS TEH FUNS, I'm sure. If we've learned nothing else from the Grand Theft Auto III/VC/SA games... I'm pretty sure we've learned that. #;-}>

Video games are very helpful for gaining the skills needed to do police work. They asked me if I had ever shot a gun in real life, and I said no. I then mentioned that I played a lot of first person shooter video games though so maybe that would help me. They just laughed about that, ruffled my hair and said 'oh silly intern, you're so naive' >=(

To show you, I took a crappy picture of the picture on my camera phone because I don't have a thing to transfer phone pictures to my computer.



You ask for the impossible sir! You should build a time machine and go back to stop him from driving so fast. And then you could go back and stop Osama bin Laden from being born.

At 7/1/08 10:58 AM, Bahamut wrote: Congrats to 36Holla on passing 20,000 total points.


Congrats to Haggard on reaching 1,000 total reviews.


At 6/28/08 03:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 6/25/08 08:26 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 6/20/08 07:38 PM, 36Holla wrote: Hmm, maybe I should take Gfox's award away. The other candidates didn't have personal advertising campaigns for them :p
Oh shit! :O
I really ought to shut up at times.

Nah man it's all fun and games and games and fun.

Did iscrulz force you to write that?
Is that iscrulz's main reason for not liking FF games or something? #;-}>
No, but 36 DID say something negative about FF. So it must be part of iscrulz's plans.

I wasn't intending to mean anything bad about the FF franchise. It's a great series of games, but I was just noting that even with the word 'fantasy' in the title, there is no naked Jessica Alba. Otherwise I still like the games.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-04 10:42:15

At 7/3/08 11:23 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Also... NEVR originally said something like "has it really been 4 months since I became a Wi/Ht? member?!?!" or something, which of course isn't true... it's more like... again, 2.5 months. #;-}>

I was going on what it said on the updates, which says that life, BH and I ascended in April (which I took to mean the first), which would have made it 3 and a half months, as I knew we ascended halfway between updates. I couldn't be bothered to check, I was just going on what I saw there, really.

More than likely, I was too tired to bother with any form of fact-checking, as I am now. As seems to have been proven though, none was necessary, as it's been done for me ;P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-05 23:55:04

t 7/4/08 09:00 AM, 36Holla wrote:

Actually I was trying to be like Dave who is this crazy bum who lives in the alley down the street. He's my inspiration and muse.

Sounds like a groovy ol' dude.

Actually in MGS4 they give you a barrel that you can hide in and you can even get on its side and roll through enemies to knock them out. And if you roll too much, you get sick and throw up afterwards. Sure the box is still in the game but still...barrel is so much cooler.

Yay. Barrel >>>> box, indeed.

We're both pretending to be straight with our girls right now, there's no way we could make it work. :::tears up:::
Forbidden love is always the most heartbreaking to see. In this case, it's two guys who haven' met each other except on the internet so the cry factor is multiplied by 3-4 times.

Eh. I've met like 30+ people from online offline... it's no big diff.

Nah, I was just saying that after this internship at the police station, I'm going to fall back on my true goal of becoming a circus entertainer who still succeeds in creeping out more people than they entertain.

Oh, good.

That's putting your potential to some... uh... real use. YEAH!


Nope. Otherwise we would have been in a flaming wreck in some rich persons flower bed. Of course the person who owns the house would probably call their attorney to see the chances that they could sue the police for messing up their flowers over an ambulance to help us. It's just how people are in that neighborhood.

But think of the funs. ;_;

Video games are very helpful for gaining the skills needed to do police work. They asked me if I had ever shot a gun in real life, and I said no. I then mentioned that I played a lot of first person shooter video games though so maybe that would help me. They just laughed about that, ruffled my hair and said 'oh silly intern, you're so naive' >=(


You ask for the impossible sir! You should build a time machine and go back to stop him from driving so fast. And then you could go back and stop Osama bin Laden from being born.

It doesn't matter. History will fix itself and prevent the change from taking place. Another event will take its place with the same result. If Osama wasn't born, then someone just as bad woulda been, etc. etc.

If I learned nothing else from watching Lost's explanation of time travel... it was that.

I wasn't intending to mean anything bad about the FF franchise. It's a great series of games, but I was just noting that even with the word 'fantasy' in the title, there is no naked Jessica Alba. Otherwise I still like the games.

Oh. I coulda sworn there was actually some dig at the games. It was just that they didn't have teh naked Alba. Gotcha now.

At 7/4/08 10:42 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 7/3/08 11:23 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Also... NEVR originally said something like "has it really been 4 months since I became a Wi/Ht? member?!?!" or something, which of course isn't true... it's more like... again, 2.5 months. #;-}>
I was going on what it said on the updates, which says that life, BH and I ascended in April (which I took to mean the first), which would have made it 3 and a half months, as I knew we ascended halfway between updates. I couldn't be bothered to check, I was just going on what I saw there, really.

Ah, gotcha.

More than likely, I was too tired to bother with any form of fact-checking, as I am now. As seems to have been proven though, none was necessary, as it's been done for me ;P

Yeah, screw getting the facts right.

If the major news networks can't do it, WHY TEH FUCK SHOULD WE, eh? #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

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Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-07 09:38:38

Oh btw guys, todays a special day. Click the link to find out why :D

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/9338 88

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

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Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-07 10:15:44

At 7/5/08 11:55 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Yeah, screw getting the facts right.

If the major news networks can't do it, WHY TEH FUCK SHOULD WE, eh? #;-}>

Well it's not like these facts are of international importance ;P

At 7/7/08 09:38 AM, 36Holla wrote: Oh btw guys, todays a special day. Click the link to find out why :D

Just posted in there :)

I won't ruin the surprise for anybody else who may or may not stumble across this link and feel the urge to click it...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-07 22:33:34

At 7/7/08 10:15 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 7/7/08 09:38 AM, 36Holla wrote: Oh btw guys, todays a special day. Click the link to find out why :D
Just posted in there :)

I won't ruin the surprise for anybody else who may or may not stumble across this link and feel the urge to click it...

Thanks man, much appreciated. Now comes the time of the night where I down a great amount of drinks that used to be illegal for me to purchase. I'll be gone for a few hours, but on the off chance that I return, god help you all.

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht Regulars List (RCVL) 2008-07-10 23:33:12

At 7/7/08 10:15 AM, NEVR wrote:
At 7/5/08 11:55 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Yeah, screw getting the facts right.

If the major news networks can't do it, WHY TEH FUCK SHOULD WE, eh? #;-}>
Well it's not like these facts are of international importance ;P

That doesn't mean we should stoop to their level!

At 7/7/08 09:38 AM, 36Holla wrote: Oh btw guys, todays a special day. Click the link to find out why :D

Happy belated 21st b-day, oh 36y one.

Just posted in there :)

I won't ruin the surprise for anybody else who may or may not stumble across this link and feel the urge to click it...


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature