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Reviews for "The Newgrounds Voice Acting Collaboration 2020"

hella fun!!

VoicesByCorey responds:

Super super fun! Thank you for listening and showing your support! :)

Good job guys!

"That's exactly how a dumb, stupid, nerdy, oafish, pathetic loser would sound like." [10:36]

Woah, didn't see that coming [23:00]

Power R... I mean, Thunder Riders! [56:27]

Had a lot of trouble keeping a straight face during the Italian funeral. [1:09:00] :P

Elmo (and friends)! Cookie Monster is my favorite letter. [1:20:56]

Wait, this is a yearly thing? Awesome! (sorry for all the edits, I had Newgrounds open twice and it ate some of it)

Spadezer responds:

I love that you love cookie monster!

VoicesByCorey responds:

Thank you so much for listening and showing your support! Iā€™m glad you got a kick out In the Booth! The ending always gets me too šŸ˜Š The Italian Sob is hard to keep a straight face! It sounds like it would be serious, but the puns just eliminate the seriousness altogether! XD

show me a list of thoes voices

VoicesByCorey responds:

We have the majority of voices actor credited so far on the page. A few still need to accept their invites. We also have a credits doc linked at the bottom of the description! :)