Death is one of the most crippling experiences ever, and the worst part about it is it just lingers forever, and you never really forget. I'm really sorry you had to go through that. Being only 18 I should still be young and ignorant but I don't really get to enjoy that anymore I guess. I lost all my grandparents in the past 4 years and an uncle, my father recently got a risky cancer diagnosis that isn't looking hopeful, and my 2 dogs were put down in the past year as well. Loss is a necessity, and I guess you gotta focus on the fact that they were there, and be grateful you got to experience their company. A dog might only be around for a portion of your life, but to them, you're literally their entire life, and you're all that matters to them.
I can literally hear the pain in your voice recalling these memories. Just try to smile, man. Remember the good moments, and the happiness you shared with them, don't dwell on their absence.
I'm a year late to this all, and I don't even know if you check older comments, but just know you're a pretty rad dude, that doesn't deserve to be down. You are currently one of, if not my only main inspirations to push for drawing and trying to pursue my hopes through hopelessness. You're to me what Bryan O'Malley was to you.. kinda.
Sounds cheesy and cliche but who gives a fuck, it's true. Keep reciting your life, keep putting out. You are what gives me hope right now through my ending senior year through all this common core b.s. during a gloomy ass pandemic. Seeing you push to strive and work for yourself and your fans is dope. You're just a fucking dope dude, man guy. Yea. Fuck yea.