love these, saddened by the fact the website is gone
Part 2 of "20001BC: A Space Oddity"!
love these, saddened by the fact the website is gone
Meta-ness through the roof!
Well this episode of Stone Trek was certainly a departure from the rest!
Waking up in a void, Kirkstone meets other versions of himself, telling him he's really an actor called William Shatner and that he has a great career ahead of him regardless of his abilities. Seeing the various Shatner/Kirkstones in the guise of Shanter's different Kirk outfits from the movies and TJ Hooker gear was pretty funny, as was the slamming of his singing "abilities",
Kirkstone wakes in the Captains chair onboard the ship just before New Years (in space which still has a giant countdown!) questioning his very existence. It's a big departure in tone for the series, and shows that the Flintstones themes (apart from the animation style and canned laughter obviously) have fallen by the wayside for the most part. Of course, they couldn't have the episode ending on a sombre brooding moment like this, so Kirkstone avows his resolution to nail some alien tail (but of course!) and then the ship promptly explodes!
The Redshirt death here was totally out of the blue and pretty hilarious. He walks right into the open liftshaft from the bridge and falls to his doom. Too bad so sad! XD
Stick around after the credits for more of that HAL monotone laughter tht I loved so much in Part 1!
Stone Trek kicks ass.
a thing at the end
if u watch the end credits u see hal go muhahahahahaha again
that was gret i liked how you made fun of bill shatners carrer make more!!!