I'm Egg-static!!! (and so very sorry,,,,)
Well, I've already watched the chicken entry a while ago, so it seems only right that I get around to doing this one. I guess between the two, the chicken really did come first for me! Ahahahaha... I kill myself sometimes...
Delitescent's Entry
Well this was pretty good. I liked the whole idea behind the conveyer belt and the egg testing. Funny how the egg went through all that abuse and torment, and finally got smashed as it fell into the egg basket. The music for this was exempelary, it really worked well with the clockwork theme, and you managed to match up the animation to it in quite a good way.
Berzerker8x's Entry
Well that was fairly depressing wasn't it? To be fair it was funny too, but it was nice to see such a different take on the whole life of an egg thing, playing him as a general everyday downtrodden schmo! the main problem with this entry was the sound for the egg, he always sounded pretty muffled and crackly, and there was a couple of times where you couldn't make out what he saying at all.
AfroNinja's Entry
This was decent. There was nothing that great about it. Again I liked the conveyer belt opening at the start, and the look of worry on the eggs face as it narrowly avoided all those perils waas good. Overall though, this wasn't a particularly stong entry, and the graphics could have been much improved, they looked very basic and simplistic.
McBean's Entry
Well this all sweet and nice for a while there, and I was really enjoying the nice calm subdued style of it, with the hand coming in to paint the egg every time the curtain went down in the clothes shop. Then it came to the end and he's suddenly a Jesus egg? the whole tone just seemed to shift there, and I didn't much like it. Slightly redeemed by the Pepsi advert.
p00pm00se's Entry
Very weak entry I think, the weakest of this Time Trial by far. The animation was simple enough, and everything looked OK, but it was just so boring and ended just like that. No kind of drama (apart from the kickass O Fortuna music!) to be found, just an egg bouncing around a fairly benign factory.
Well this was for the most part a strong Time Trial entry, and the idea of having two different entries, one for chicken, one for egg, was inspired and worked!