Newgrounds Background Image Theme



Voice Actor is ready to help

Voice Actor is looking for some work. I am native Russian speaker, but I know English almost perfectly. I have one year of experience.

Voice Demo Reel



Free VA work

Howdy I am looking for male voice roles for games, movies, whatever ya wanna throw at me. Im looking for free, paid, any kind of role, just trying to gain experience and make a name. shoot me a message with a description of the character and the expression you want of the line.

Cant wait to help out, peace!


Open for any Voice Acting roles!

Hello, name's James, or Jae. I'm a Voice Actor who's looking to collaborate on any and all voice jobs!

I'm very well suited to playing loud screamy roles, or emotional powerful roles. If you're at all interested, be sure to contact me here on Newgrounds, albeit it might be somewhat unreliabe. I can also be reached on Twitter DMs, and Discord. Thanks!

Discord: _jae_

Twitter: JaeVA

Here's some stuff I've made for myself!


DeepVoice for SFW / NSFW

Howdy everyone.

I've got a deep voice. I've roleplayed a lot of voices and really just want to help create content for the world to enjoy :)


Hire-able. Or something.

I'm just a video editor, VR enthusiast, musician, and a DJ.

As for other applicable skills, I do various voices, so I'm sort of open to a lot of different work!

I edit all my own stuff on YouTube, be it long or short videos, and I tend to livestream a ton as well, if that's any reference to go off of in terms of content creation.


I'm a voice actor looking for Paid Work!

My name is Billy Paniagua! I'm currently looking for any paid voice work.

My demo Reel: Demo

My email: BillyApaniagua@gmail.com

Disclaimer* any auditions are recorded at home in an untreated noise environment. Any final roles are recorded in the best quality at a professionally treated noise environment.


Open for commission

I could draw a picture for you.




-anime characters

-cartoon characters




-weird fetish stuff

-over complicated

I will also voice act


-male characters

-female characters (although I don’t have a good feminine voice)

-different accents

-voice acting for animations


-voice acting for games


-Anything NSFW


Message for more info


Voice Act.

Hi I’m Dragonpancake and I wanna voice act for only SFW stuff only.

I still have a passion for voice acting and it's about to be summer soon so I wanna explore a bit and see where it leads.


Voice Actor, willing to do short projects for free!

Hello Newgrounds!

My name is King, and I'm an aspiring voice actor, willing to help out other aspiring artists with their small projects!

I'll do up to 100 words, for free, though that number can be a bit flexible.

After that, I'll do $1/additional line!

My voice range tends to be along the mid-low area, and I can do some different American accents. I'm 100% willing to do sillier projects, and love projects I'm able to have a bit of fun with

If you're interested, let me know and I can send you some voice samples!

Also, be sure to check out my YouTube and Casting Call Club!


voice acting please

hello i am clothshack

i have been on newgrounds for about 4 years but i lost all my previous account passwords lmao

i will voice act anyone and anything (and by anyone and anything i mean male and SFW)

yeah hit me up for whatever



Free Voice Actor

I can work on anything related to voice acting, No charge, I just want to do it also my voice is weird and I can scream into a mic.