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Cinema Club

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-08 15:05:54

At 3/7/10 06:43 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: That movie is great. I love Terry Gilliam. Now you should check out la Jetee, the short movie on which 12 Monkeys was based. You can probably still see it on Youtube.

Cheers, i had no idea about that, i'll watch it now.

At 3/8/10 09:11 AM, Auz wrote: Anyway I don't know if The Hurt Locker was that good. I heard someone who wasn't very impressed by it. Also I would have liked to see Inglourious Basterds win the one for best writing and Coraline the one for best animated feature, but that's just my opinion.

Someone told me the hurt locker was good, but i have no idea, i haven't even seen a trailer for it.
And i heard good things about Up too, and i was kind of let down when i watched it. It was a good film, the animation was flawless, but i preffered Wall-E.

Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-08 15:57:08

At 3/8/10 09:11 AM, Auz wrote: Christopher Waltz won best supporting actor

Always the winner. He was absolutely fantastic.

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-08 16:38:52

At 3/8/10 03:05 PM, Life-Stream wrote: Someone told me the hurt locker was good, but i have no idea, i haven't even seen a trailer for it.

Me neither. I checked around a bit and I must say that I see a lot of negative comments on the film, and the fact that it won so many awards. On Rotten Tomatoes it scores quite high, but there are a few topics on NG where a lot of people disagree with its winnings. On imdb more than 1/3rd of the commenters rate it a 5 or lower, and it's ranked a lot lower than many other nominated movies from 2009.

Also I read that many Iraq veterans claim that the movie is not very realistic with its portrayal about the Iraq war. Some even say that is just typical Hollywood entertainment and nothing more.

So that made me wonder... could it be that it just took a controversial theme that would certainly score under the academy award voters? I mean they are Americans after all and I'm sure they love to see (patriotic) films about their own army fighting terrorists. Not saying that that's probably the only reason it won, but it might have played a huge role.

And i heard good things about Up too, and i was kind of let down when i watched it. It was a good film, the animation was flawless, but i preffered Wall-E.

I think Wall-E is 2008 :p Therefore it was not nominated for this year. Not sure if it won last year though, but I agree with you. I also liked Wall-E more than Up, but Coraline was even better in my opinion.

At 3/8/10 03:57 PM, DannyIsOnFire wrote:
At 3/8/10 09:11 AM, Auz wrote: Christopher Waltz won best supporting actor
Always the winner. He was absolutely fantastic.

I think almost everybody agrees on his win.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-08 18:06:23

Chris Waltz probably deserved the award. He was a great evil bastard in Inglorious Basterds. I haven't seen Crazy Heart, but Jeff Bridges has been doing a lot of great work for so long, I guess it's about time he won best actor. That kind of thinking isn't good to have when you're judging one performance alone, though. And I think the academy might do that sometimes, judge the actor based on everything else they've done until then and how overdue they are, then snubbing someone else who may have deserved it more that year.

At 3/8/10 09:11 AM, Auz wrote: Also it's kinda funny that Sandra Bullock won a Razzie for worst actress and an Oscar for best actress in the same year. I believe that has not happened often yet.

haha yeah I was thinking about that this morning.

Anyway I don't know if The Hurt Locker was that good. I heard someone who wasn't very impressed by it.

I thought it was very good, but my favorite movie of the year was still District 9.

Also I would have liked to see Inglourious Basterds win the one for best writing and Coraline the one for best animated feature, but that's just my opinion.

I liked Coraline, but I thought Up was better. great movie.

At 3/8/10 03:05 PM, Life-Stream wrote: Cheers, i had no idea about that, i'll watch it now.

That movie made me go fuuuuuuuuuuuck at the end. Then again, I was high.

At 3/8/10 04:38 PM, Auz wrote: Me neither. I checked around a bit and I must say that I see a lot of negative comments on the film, and the fact that it won so many awards. On Rotten Tomatoes it scores quite high, but there are a few topics on NG where a lot of people disagree with its winnings. On imdb more than 1/3rd of the commenters rate it a 5 or lower, and it's ranked a lot lower than many other nominated movies from 2009.

probably not enough shooting and killing for 'em.

Some even say that is just typical Hollywood entertainment and nothing more.

Well, I didn't think "hollywood" when I saw that movie.

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one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-08 18:08:15

I've heard the Hurt Locker is great.
In fact I've not seen a single negative thing until this thread.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-09 01:18:51

At 3/8/10 10:29 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote: Regarding The Hurt Locker's lack of accuracy, it was a low budget and independent film.

What a society we live in where we can call an $11 million movie 'low budget'.

Aigis - Putting the 'ai' back in 'Aigis'.

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-09 09:13:22

At 3/8/10 06:06 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:
At 3/8/10 04:38 PM, Auz wrote: On imdb more than 1/3rd of the commenters rate it a 5 or lower, and it's ranked a lot lower than many other nominated movies from 2009.
probably not enough shooting and killing for 'em.

Well the general complaint pretty much everyone comes up with is actually the unrealistic story the movie tells about the Iraq war. Not only about military strategies, but also about the people of Iraq. The movie doesn't have much of a point that way, so they say. And people seem to be really bashing it now, since negative reviews get marked helpful while positive ones are getting marked unhelpful.

Anyway, as for my stance on the accuracy thing: Well I don't know what type of movie this is actually. I haven't seen it yet myself like I said. If it's obviously only meant for entertainment purposes then I wouldn't care much for the inaccuracies. However, if this is primarily meant to be an informative, documentary type of film or one that heavily tries to get a political opinion across to its viewers, then I can imagine I wouldn't like it much either if it's actually total bullshit they throw at me.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-11 14:57:19

Gentlemen, I'd heard over the past few months that George A. Romero's latest zombie film wasn't that impressive. I checked to see when it was going to be released in cinemas..but isn't.

Straight the DVD.

It seems Romero really has lost his touch - although saying that, Diary of the Dead was a pile of shit too.

Baby Britain.

Xbox Live Gamertag: JackFrustration - PSN: JackSawyer

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-11 15:00:35

At 3/11/10 02:57 PM, Jack wrote:
Straight the DVD.

Fuck my typos.

Also, I watched An Education last night. It was fantastic.

Alfred Molina iz da shit, dawgz.


Baby Britain.

Xbox Live Gamertag: JackFrustration - PSN: JackSawyer

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-12 04:31:38

At 3/12/10 02:29 AM, Mendou wrote: I'll have to watch the first one, but so far I don't get why BDS has such a cult following.

Hard to explain I think. I guess you could say that the movie had style, but on the other hand it really tries too hard and overdoes it sometimes. I can imagine though that some people would love it. I just think you shouldn't take BDS too seriously. See it as an action-comedy rather than an action movie.

Anyway once you have seen it yourself you'd probably understand why it's got such a cult status.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-12 18:02:39

Hmm, watched Repo! The Genetic Opera last night and I'm not quite sure what to think. I guess I'm not that into opera, I like songs, but I don't want the whole damn show in song. Plus the music itself was really Gothic and that isn't my taste. Besides that the story was pretty cool, they had some cool comic book panels to explain characters' back stories. With the exception of one person (surprisingly it wasn't Paris Hilton) in the cast all the actors sung well. There was cool lighting, make up and costume design. Unfortunately everything didn't come together nicely until the final scene, which was the only part of the film I really enjoyed. If you are in to dystopian movies and opera, you should check it out. If you don't like said categories, I'd advise you to steer clear. 4/10

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-14 07:31:49

Borat and Planet Terror were on TV yesterday.

Not my kind of humor I guess. Way too many sex jokes for my liking and I always find it a bit awkward to watch when they poke fun out of people who are just trying to be nice. All in all it was just entertaining enough to not make me change the channel.


I don't think I'll want to watch Bruno either by the way, because I doubt it's any better than Borat.

Planet Terror
This movie again proved to me that I am just not a fan of the horror genre in general. I thought Robert Rodriguez might have been able to make an exception for me, but ... not really. I gotta say that I did like the ridiculously, over the top violence in the action scenes though. And I thought the final scenes were very entertaining, even though they violated the laws of physics in an uncountable amount of ways :p

So overall it was not bad. Seems to me like a movie that most people would either find pure awesomeness or mere garbage.


[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-14 17:20:39

I just watched Casino with Robert De Niro.

Well I got nothing to complain on this. It's really, really good. A very entertaining movie from beginning to end.


[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-15 15:59:54

At 3/14/10 06:47 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote:
I never saw it as the filmmakers making fun of others, but rather the stupidity of Borat and his guide. There's just a couple of moments where that's not the case, like those frat guys Borat meets. I think the movie's really funny and clever.

I don't know. Like I said it was really not my kind of humor. A few scenes were mildly funny, but most of the times I was just like: meh... =/

I liked his Ali G character way more.

When I was working in a theatre, I always loved to occasionally peak in auditoriums of it playing, so I could laugh with the audience, especially at the naked fight scene.

That was probably one of the better scenes of the movie, although it was really awkward to watch. I also liked the final scene where he tried to kidnap Pamela Anderson. I'm still wondering if that was 100% real. I was amazed at how far he could chase her before he was thrown on the ground by the security.

Planet Terror
Um, how can you say this movie proves why you're not a fan of horror when it's a parody of horror and grindhouse films? Other way more serious horror films I see are not like this. I had loads of fun watching this film the first time and again. Well, at least you liked it.

Heh now that you mention it, it did feel kinda different from the usual horror movies I have seen. I guess it was just a parody then. Nevertheless though, I liked it more for the over the top violence than the horror elements.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-15 20:22:05

At 3/14/10 07:31 AM, Auz wrote: I don't think I'll want to watch Bruno either by the way, because I doubt it's any better than Borat.

Yeah, don't. Even if you liked Borat it'd be worth avoiding. It's just the same, but worse.

Shame as Bruno was actually the funniest character in the TV series.

Films I've watched recently:
The Lives of Others - A really good German film about the Stasi monitoring a bunch of artists.

Trees Lounge - Steve Buscemi's film that I didn't think was that good. Average, in that it was kinda funny but it was mainly boring and didn't go anywhere.

Gladiatress - A really terrible British comedy. It was absolutely shite but actually had quite a lot of laughs in. I'm probably sympathetic to it because I like Sally Philips from Green Wing and Doon Mackichan from Brass Eye/Day Today.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-15 20:30:20

Only semi-film related, but Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks' new miniseries, The Pacific, started yesterday. It's a companion series to Band of Brothers, and if the first episode is anything to go by, should be just as good.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-16 15:01:34

At 3/15/10 08:30 PM, TheMaster wrote: Only semi-film related, but Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks' new miniseries, The Pacific, started yesterday. It's a companion series to Band of Brothers, and if the first episode is anything to go by, should be just as good.

Sounds interesting. I remember me and my friends held a Band of Brothers marathon one night. Watched all ten episodes till it was 10 o'clock in the morning. It was awesome.

Anyway I'll keep an eye on this series as well then. I'm guessing the DVD set is going to be very expensive though, and by the time it airs in Holland it'll be 2015 already =/

At 3/15/10 09:43 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote:
At 3/15/10 03:59 PM, Auz wrote: That was probably one of the better scenes of the movie, although it was really awkward to watch.
Why? Were you watching it with your parents?

Nah my girlfriend was sitting next to me actually. I don't know, but seeing naked, hairy men wrestling, getting into sex positions while doing so, is not really something I normally enjoy watching you know ;)

I also liked the final scene where he tried to kidnap Pamela Anderson. I'm still wondering if that was 100% real. I was amazed at how far he could chase her before he was thrown on the ground by the security.
It was fake.

Yeah that's what I thought. Seems like a lot more stuff was fake as well, if I read it correctly.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-16 23:12:24

I saw Ponyo. It was great,though, at the beginning, I couldn't help but notice the mother's complete lack of "HOLY FUCKING SHIT THAT FUCKING FISH FUCKING HAS A FUCKING HUMAN FUCKING FACE". Also, when they're being chased by a big fuckin' ass wave full of giant fish made of water, she didn't seem alarmed much. Then the boy's like "I see Ponyo!" and she stops the car immediately, steps out, and is all "huh? where?".

like, what?

Also, I saw Role Models, which was alright.

At 3/14/10 07:31 AM, Auz wrote: Borat
Not my kind of humor I guess.

I thought Borat was pretty funny.

Planet Terror
This movie again proved to me that I am just not a fan of the horror genre in general.

But it's a comedy....slash action.

At 3/14/10 05:20 PM, Auz wrote: I just watched Casino with Robert De Niro.

Well I got nothing to complain on this. It's really, really good. A very entertaining movie from beginning to end.


good movie, but Sharon Stone did too good of a job of being an annoying bitch. I wanted to reach into the screen and choke her.


I showed it to my friend, and when it was close to the end, he finally said "dude, change it". But then I told him that Sharon Stone and Joe Pesci die, and he was like "never mind. I want to see that."

At 3/15/10 08:22 PM, Nev wrote: The Lives of Others

very good movie

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-18 00:37:58

I decided to give Watchmen another chance seeing how its on Sky now and its been a while since I read the graphic novel.
The first time was a pirate copy and terrible visual quality so I figured it'd at least be improved in one way in HD on tha big living room TV.

It's better than I originally thought, it that I'm not as disappointed this time, but I still think its fairly rubbish. Jon just still isn't right. You can't have an apathetic superhuman who says his lines with so much drama and sadness. And Veidt still looks wrong, his jaw isn't full enough and he looks weak.
Synder's style doesn't work for me in this either. In 300 the whole stop-slow-stab thing was sweet, in this its just dull. And if you have to shout 'HEY LOOK I MADE 300 YEY FOR ME!' in the first few minutes then you're a cock.

I suppose its one of the better superhero movies but its no way near as good as either the comic or the Spiderman and X-Men films.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-18 05:20:20

At 3/18/10 12:37 AM, Nev wrote: watchmen related stuff

I have to agree with everything you just said.

Things wrong with Watchmen.

1. First off, Zack Snyder was the wrong choice. I really wish Paul Greengrass or Darren Aronofsky would of directed it.

2. Some horrible acting - honestly, the woman that played Sally Jupiter was terrible. Also, that guy wearing the fake Nixon nose was such a distraction. Even the acting of minor characters was shitty. Although, I thought Patrick Wilson and Jackie Earle Haley were good.

But yeah, shitty acting.


3. Retarded sex scene that lasted about 2 minutes.

4. Unnecessary slow motion.

5. Stuff never explained - Rorschach's mask, etc.

Baby Britain.

Xbox Live Gamertag: JackFrustration - PSN: JackSawyer

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-18 10:53:24

At 3/16/10 10:36 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote: I also beg to differ with Bruno. I saw it back in July and wrote this:

Meh I heard it was still a step down from Borat, so... if I didn't even like Borat all that much... Also I talked about it with a friend yesterday who has watched Bruno for a bit and he said he totally didn't like it.

So I'm just not interested. But maybe I'll give it a watch someday if it happens to be on TV and I got nothing better to do.

At 3/16/10 11:12 PM, Sense-Offender wrote:
At 3/14/10 07:31 AM, Auz wrote: Planet Terror
This movie again proved to me that I am just not a fan of the horror genre in general.
But it's a comedy....slash action.

Yeah yeah, I know I must've misinterpreted it. At least I still kinda liked it and didn't hate it for that reason ;)

At 3/14/10 05:20 PM, Auz wrote: I just watched Casino with Robert De Niro.
good movie, but Sharon Stone did too good of a job of being an annoying bitch. I wanted to reach into the screen and choke her.

Totally agreed with that. My gf and I both hated that materialistic bitch she played as well. We were hoping Robert De Niro would just kill her (in a very brutal way).

At 3/18/10 12:37 AM, Nev wrote: I suppose its one of the better superhero movies but its no way near as good as either the comic or the Spiderman and X-Men films.

Seriously? I heard it was a really, really good adaption from the graphic novel actually. In the sense that almost everything was left in there.

Also, I personally consider it to be way better than Spiderman. I think the Spiderman series has been pretty mediocre thus far compared to other superhero movies/series.

So am I the only one here who actually liked Watchmen?

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-18 13:26:56

I liked Watchmen, but I never read the comic. I think I'd give it like 3.5 stars out of 5. Apparently, I'm missin' out on some giant squid.

And that movie has the worst version of Hallelujah I've ever heard.

Also, Spiderman 3 was balls, but I thought the first one was really good and the second was pretty cool.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-18 15:09:45

I haven't bought any movies in a while and since I loved Spirited Away so much, I have decided to order Howls Moving Castle. I remember someone here recommended it to me once and according to imdb it's almost as good as Spirited Away. So I got high expectations from it.

At 3/18/10 01:26 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: I liked Watchmen, but I never read the comic. I think I'd give it like 3.5 stars out of 5. Apparently, I'm missin' out on some giant squid.

Heh, yeah I've heard about the giant space squid as well. To be honest, the ending of the movie was much better than the ending of the comic sounded to me :p

And that movie has the worst version of Hallelujah I've ever heard.

Which one?

Also, Spiderman 3 was balls, but I thought the first one was really good and the second was pretty cool.

Yeah Spiderman 3 was just terrible. The first and second one were alright in my opinion, but there are much better superhero movies out there.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-18 15:33:54


I'll be watching Zombieland and Survival of the Dead.

Zombieland is supposed to be good - I'm looking forward to the hawtness which is Emma Stone.

Survival of the Dead is supossed to be shit - what happened Romero?

Baby Britain.

Xbox Live Gamertag: JackFrustration - PSN: JackSawyer

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-18 16:27:48

At 3/18/10 03:33 PM, Jack wrote: ROAR, ZOMBIE WEEKEND!

I'll be watching Zombieland and Survival of the Dead.

Zombieland is awesome.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-18 16:37:55

At 3/18/10 03:09 PM, Auz wrote: I haven't bought any movies in a while and since I loved Spirited Away so much, I have decided to order Howls Moving Castle.

That one's good, but probably the weakest of Miyazaki's movies. You should also see Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa, Castle in the Sky, Porco Rosso, and Ponyo...and My Neighbor Totoro and Pom Poko and Castle of Cagliostro

Which one?

during the sex scene.

Yeah Spiderman 3 was just terrible. The first and second one were alright in my opinion, but there are much better superhero movies out there.

I guess my favorite comic book movies are the Dark Knight, Iron Man, Blade, and Hellboy 2. My memory of the first Hellboy is a little foggy. I have it, though, so I should watch it again soon.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-18 17:11:09

Auz and Sensey, go read the graphic novel then :P.

And derp, I totally forgot about Dark Knight (and Batman Begins too) and Hellboy 2 in my good comic films.
I was really bored during the first Hellboy so I didn't finish it, but the second was cool, I too need to give it another way.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-18 19:37:41

At 3/18/10 04:37 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: Pom Poko

That's totally not a Miyazaki movie.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-19 18:05:56

At 3/19/10 12:15 AM, EclecticEnnui wrote: There's a three and a half hour cut of Watchmen called the Ultimate Cut. It has the animated short Tales of the Black Freighter intertwined with the Director's Cut. I wasn't the biggest fan of the theatrical version, but I'd love to see this cut, if only I knew where to rent it.

I've been looking for it myself. Tales of the Black Freighter, really enhances the story, or it did in the graphic novel anyway. I was disappointed with the director's cut mostly. Many of the scenes weren't even in the novel, and some actually contradict it, so they shouldn't have been filmed in the first place. The death of Hollis Mason is awesome scene though, and it is a damn shame it was cut from the theatrical cut, it is really moving.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to Cinema Club 2010-03-21 06:41:34

At 3/20/10 11:35 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote: I saw Law Abiding Citizen.

I loved how he managed to set up missile-launchers inside a prison car park without raising any alarm.

But yeah, I enjoyed Law Abiding Citizen for the sheer stupidity of it all.


I watched Friday the 13th (2009) - which certainly wasn't good but it was enjoyable enough. Honestly though, at times it was played as straight-to-dvd American Pie film - suck ass humour involving weed and boobs.

Baby Britain.

Xbox Live Gamertag: JackFrustration - PSN: JackSawyer

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