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Secret Service - Warning to all!

44,024 Views | 669 Replies

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-25 20:05:54

I heard that Wade was visited by Jack Bauer!

read my blog, posta commenrt, and I'll read yours!

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Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-25 20:07:47

At 5/25/07 07:55 PM, migzs wrote:
At 5/25/07 07:39 PM, Burnzoid wrote: This thread deserves to die. Along with the president.

oh shit son


zoh my titanium jesus

Too cool for a sig.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-26 13:13:14

i agree with you wade fulp. people need to wise up or face the consequences, this is not a thing to joke around with especially that we are in a war and our great president is doing everything he can to protect us from terrorists.

http://xat.com/thetoc2_hangout promoting guitar hero world tour, save up to 20% when you pre-order here

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Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-26 13:36:20

At 5/26/07 11:57 AM, mranarchy wrote: Do you think if some really famous-old user like wwyyyzzzerddd (or however you say it) threatened the presi theyed get banned?

He wouldn't get banned, he get deleted. Doesn't matter how "famous" you are on the site it's a Federal offense and the Newgrounds Administrators don't want the Secret Service all up in their business.



Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-26 16:57:32

fuck bush someone kill him its not my problem deciding go into Iraq and starting hostililitties with Iran is a real smart plan no wonder why his current approval rating is 23% we could say he is actually one of the worst presidents ever. now he is trying evasive manuvars with the Democrats in congress. Hell i wanna talk with the Secret Service I will probbly get actual intelectual debate with for quite a while because I can barely find any on Newgrounds here on certain subjects that I like to debate about mostly history though, also I wanna ask how the Selective Service thing is supposed to work ((when you turn 18 you have to register for the Selective Service if in case the Draft for war is started you automatically go to battle)) because the thing they sent in the mail is confusing.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-26 17:00:42

I find it hard to believe that the Secret Service really has enough people to go checking Internet forums for threats to the President. I mean, NG is not the only popular BBS on the Internet. The number of threats that must be made daily to Bush.... Wow. And plus, what's to stop someone pulling out a sniper during one of Bush's speeches. It would so easy. And there's not a damn thing the Secret Service could to stop it.

With that said, I find the actions directed towards Newgrounds pedantic, if anything.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-26 17:09:32

At 5/26/07 05:00 PM, TSCom wrote: I find it hard to believe that the Secret Service really has enough people to go checking Internet forums for threats to the President. I mean, NG is not the only popular BBS on the Internet. The number of threats that must be made daily to Bush.... Wow. And plus, what's to stop someone pulling out a sniper during one of Bush's speeches. It would so easy. And there's not a damn thing the Secret Service could to stop it.

With that said, I find the actions directed towards Newgrounds pedantic, if anything.

They randomly search the web. Do searches and what not, etc. It's their job. If they fail they're in deep shit.

There's a method to their madness.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-26 17:18:58

At 5/25/07 07:50 PM, Fluffy-The-Bunny wrote: This isn't fair I have my freedom of speech I can say what I want to. I WANT TO KILL (insert name).

So is yelling fire in a crowded movie theater.

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Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-26 17:21:08

I wonder wha t it takes to be in the Secret Service.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-26 17:27:52

*reads article*


*grabs passport, starts shoveling stuff into luggage, and buys a one-way airplane ticket to some obscure island country*

wolf piss

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-26 19:37:46

At 5/23/07 11:17 PM, WadeFulp wrote: YOU CAN NO DO THIS! YOU CAN NO JOKE ABOUT THIS!


Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-26 20:28:13


The Secret Service really only wants buttsex with young boys.

Formerly penisstar, now so gay that cr0m cries in his grave. The Star Syndickate can suck my balls uwu. Sevenstar is still a pedophile, except older and creepier.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-28 18:34:51


The Secret Service really only wants buttsex with young boys.

I knew the secret service was in kahoots with micheal jackson.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-28 19:11:11

Whoa, that sucks huge balls.

Whats next? My right to say a possible future president is a total bitch?

I think the American Government needs to sort out it's priorities, like shutting down terrorist sites. This place is full of kiddies who say it to sound big "I could kill teh pres wif a 10 yr old fingernail lolz" and arent serious at all.

And if anyone writes a detailed plan how to do it, then they probably do need a visit from the SS to bitchslap some sense into them.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-28 19:15:28

Do they send the secret service to your door if someone posts a reply on newgrounds talking about anal raping someone as important as the president. Is that considered a threat or would they take it as a joke?

Jesus Christ the one True God of Love and Peace.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-28 19:17:55

god... DAMN! oh, and they check your email and every username when you enter college as part of a background check. makes me laugh at kaiser and crew and their flaming ways.

seriously, and secret service investigations are supposed to look really BAD on your resume.

oh, and i had to lock and completely wipe a thread about the president on my forum T_T

Tank_sm.gif loves you! Click it to show it show it some love, too! :D

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Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-28 19:22:02

At 5/28/07 07:17 PM, Sashuno wrote: god... DAMN! oh, and they check your email and every username when you enter college as part of a background check. makes me laugh at kaiser and crew and their flaming ways.

seriously, and secret service investigations are supposed to look really BAD on your resume.

oh, and i had to lock and completely wipe a thread about the president on my forum T_T

Well, what are these fucktards doing? Are they physically threatening the president of the united states of america or something?

Jesus Christ the one True God of Love and Peace.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-28 19:23:33

At 5/23/07 11:21 PM, The-Doctor wrote:
At 5/23/07 11:19 PM, The-Doctor wrote: but i think it would be fun to surprise them with a banana in my coat pocket :D
Oh shit sorry

Oh dear.
Sreriously though, USA rules

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-28 19:26:29

The solution, of course, is for everyone on the internet to threaten the president at the same time.

Seriously though, my tax money pays for this. That sucks the big one.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-28 19:29:25

Holy shit! Now i have 5 stars in GTA: Vice City. The safehouse and Pay 'n Spray is really close now, can't give up...

To post or not to post, that's the question.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-28 19:41:13

At 5/23/07 11:17 PM, WadeFulp wrote: YOU CAN NO DO THIS! YOU CAN NO JOKE ABOUT THIS!


Anyway, I find it a little scary that the secret service checked Newgrounds. I don't think it's bright to do threaten the president however. The secret service are very strict it seems.

And just like that....he was gone...

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Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-28 20:07:19

If I had the chance to kill bush and cheney I would probbly use it. but cheney would probbly dhoot bush first "accidently"

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-29 21:00:50

wade fulp please read this users profile http://www.newgrounds.com/gold/profile/templa te.php3?id=1742609
i think this user has grounds for account termination. read his alias and newgrounds message. this is the kind of issue you were talking about in you're thread.

http://xat.com/thetoc2_hangout promoting guitar hero world tour, save up to 20% when you pre-order here

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Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-05-29 21:02:54

I would have not been caught if it wasn't for that ass WillPostForFood.

He better pray to god i never,ever meet him.

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-06-01 20:28:23

At 5/25/07 07:50 PM, Fluffy-The-Bunny wrote: This isn't fair I have my freedom of speech I can say what I want to. I WANT TO KILL Every fucking NG BBS n00b.

Oh No he's going to do it real soon.


Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-06-01 20:57:31

Know what sux? If we threaten the prez we get SS at our door. What happens if we threaten to kill any random person of no particular importance? NUTHING!!! Why is he soo important? Cuz more than half the ppl in USA WHO TOOK THE TIME TO VOTE thought he was less-retarded then the other guy. That is all.

And no mr. Secret Services man i am not going to attempt to assassinate your precious president.


Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-06-01 21:15:11

Sorry mods but I'm not going to wade through this 22 page shitfest, anyone mind telling me if Wade resolved what would happen if a non-American threatened to kill Mr. Bush?

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-06-01 21:16:51

At 5/23/07 11:20 PM, Electric-Bla wrote: Wahahahaha!!!
Ah... *wipes tear from eye*
God bless America.

no...not any more

Secret Service - Warning to all!

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-06-01 21:19:55

I think a good gift for the President would be a chocolate revolver. and since he is so busy, you'd probably have to run up to him real quick and give it to him.

Why not just use Tor and gateway through an HTTP based anonymous proxy?

Response to Secret Service - Warning to all! 2007-06-03 21:29:23

geez i dont even live in the usa so if i was to make a threat they cant do jack shit to me Lol am i'm i going to make one thro of curse not i may hate the guy but whats the dam point of making threats in the first place and no its not right to question people like that god if i was threatened you think the cops give a rats yes no all they would say is "Thats nice carry on with your day" but whatever don;t make threats towards bush, jus tmake threats towards other people thats what i just learnt

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