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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2005-01-18 03:47:06

first of all church cant tell u how to respect or act like or love god nobody can. a humans relationship with god is his and only his. god gave us the freedom of ideas and gave us the choice to live our lives they way we want. and how u said that stuff can make u closer to him, im so close to him not even an atom seperates him from me.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-18 03:49:35

there cannot be light without darkness and vice versa even the most nobelist men fall to greed and decepton at any time. and i doesnt matter if u havent seen it our not. it always there

Response to NG Church 2005-01-18 20:50:17

fact is in my belief in god i dont care about sins, heaven or hell becuase they get in the way. life is like a large hallway, god gives u the key to go threw those doors u have to open them hes there for advice and courage, i hate it when i and other people say "Thank god" becuase god for one i think doesnt do anything for us, and he shouldnt have to its our problems we can solve

Response to NG Church 2005-01-18 21:33:58

At 1/18/05 08:50 PM, genome1 wrote: fact is in my belief in god i dont care about sins, heaven or hell becuase they get in the way.

I dont agree with that. If you say that you disregard sin, then you are ignoring alot of God's Word

life is like a large hallway, god gives u the key to go threw those doors u have to open them hes there for advice and courage,

Thats a good metiophor.

i hate it when i and other people say "Thank god" becuase god for one i think doesnt do anything for us, and he shouldnt have to its our problems we can solve

I also disagree with that. I think that he dosent help with the trival matters or matters that you will be fine on your own ("Please God let me get an 'A' on this math test). But He is there helping you through the bad times ("Lord give me the will to go on. I miss my mom so much, I wish she didnt die")

Response to NG Church 2005-01-18 23:04:18

At 1/18/05 03:47 AM, genome1 wrote: first of all church cant tell u how to respect or act like or love god nobody can.

No one can tell you how to act, but you are arrogant if you do not accept that there are many people much wiser than you and it won't hinder your path to God if you use your own reasoning AND keep their advice in mind.

a humans relationship with god is his and only his.

Obviously, but not every relationship is a good relationship and there are always ways to make them better.

god gave us the freedom of ideas and gave us the choice to live our lives they way we want.

And if we screw ourselves over, so be it, but it seems that He only wants those who come back to Him, as in the parable of the prodigal son. He gave us free will, but also gave us laws to abide by as parents do.

and how u said that stuff can make u closer to him, im so close to him not even an atom seperates him from me.

Ah, but does a sin?? So close to Him in what way? Can you hear Him, or know what He wants from you? Do you love Him and do as you know He wants you to do? Or do you merely think you understand Him and pray to Him here and there, but otherwise live your own life.. and still think you have the ultimate understanding of the Lord?

Maybe you do, I cannot know, but then if you truly did it seems like it would be right to share your divine knowledge.

At 1/18/05 03:49 AM, genome1 wrote: there cannot be light without darkness and vice versa even the most nobelist men fall to greed and decepton at any time.

I do not consider a noble man "noble under normal or certain circumstances". To be nobel, to be righteous, is to be that way under any circumstance. Therefore, if that man changes with luxury, he is not what he appears to be. I agree that there cannot be light without darkness, and there even is some sort of balance between to two, however...

Light does not create darkness. Darkness is merely the absence of Light.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 01:53:59

At 1/18/05 09:33 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
I also disagree with that. I think that he dosent help with the trival matters or matters that you will be fine on your own ("Please God let me get an 'A' on this math test). But He is there helping you through the bad times ("Lord give me the will to go on. I miss my mom so much, I wish she didnt die")

i believe that he does help u with "trivial matters" hes gonna help u with whatever u ask for as long as its according to Gods word and without God, we cant do anything, i thought that was pretty basic. How can we be fine on our own? If there was no God, we wouldnt be here, I wouldnt be typing to u or breathing. If God thought we were fine on our own, I could have broken my leg in 5 spots or had a concusion. i could be dead! to me its very foolish to say we dont need God cus thats basically what you just said.

And if you dont beleive He helps you with tests and stuff, then how did we pass? Who did help us? God always makes ways to help us even if we ask it or not or we might not even notice. just know that.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 02:08:29

At 1/18/05 03:47 AM, genome1 wrote: first of all church cant tell u how to respect or act like or love god nobody can. a humans relationship with god is his and only his.

Ur right and the church DOESNT tell you how to act, it teaches what the bible.......the GOD INSPIRED bible, Gods word says. And who said we cant express our own relationships with other people? what kind of church do u go to man? o_O

god gave us the freedom of ideas and gave us the choice to live our lives they way we want.

once again....who is telling us how to live? the church follows the bible which follows God himself. We are free to live our lives the way we want. look at homeless people, there sure not living how people tell them to live now are they? nobody said "go live on the streets like the stupid people you are" at birth did they?

and how u said that stuff can make u closer to him, im so close to him not even an atom seperates him from me.

well obviously not if you dont even understand how the church works.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 02:10:39

sry for the double.......uh......triple...post but the quotes didnt really work on that last one :\ jus so u guys know

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 03:08:51

At 1/19/05 01:53 AM, Draciel56 wrote:
At 1/18/05 09:33 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: I also disagree with that. I think that he dosent help with the trival matters
i believe that he does help u with "trivial matters" hes gonna help u with whatever u ask for as long as its according to Gods word and without God, we cant do anything, i thought that was pretty basic. How can we be fine on our own? ..... to me its very foolish to say we dont need God cus thats basically what you just said.

You're taking it too far and putting words into DCs mouth. That's not what he said at all. It's true that without God we wouldn't be able to do anything, but we do not need God to do what He already gave us the ability to do. He created us, and we are free to live any way we want. You're acting as if He does everything for us, and in that case it would mean we do not have free will. DivineCrusader didn't say we don't need God, of course we need Him! We cannot be saved without Him! However, he merely said that we do not need God for the things that we are capable of doing. God isn't going to do your test for you and make you pass. It's up to you to study and pass, but He can definitely help you find the time and will to study if you pray to Him, or give you the right circumstances or play a hand in what you do so that it will effect your future according to His will.

At 1/19/05 02:08 AM, Draciel56 wrote:
At 1/18/05 03:47 AM, genome1 wrote: first of all church cant tell u how to respect or act like or love god nobody can. a humans relationship with god is his and only his.
And who said we cant express our own relationships with other people?

That's not what genome said at all. He was merely saying that our relationship with God is private. Please read more carefully.

look at homeless people, there sure not living how people tell them to live now are they? nobody said "go live on the streets like the stupid people you are" at birth did they?

What? That was an absolutely foolish and disgusting thing to say, but since you are ignorant about the situation of homeless people and jumping to random and unfair conclusions, I'll try to be calm and explain to you why what you said is just purely wrong.

Use a tiny bit of logic. Would anybody ever choose to live on the streets, a life of dirt, filth, drugs and pain? Of course not! They don't get into this situation because it's a choice, it's not a choice to be homeless, it's an unfortunate event, or a series of them (I know, new movie)! They may have made some mistakes, but who doesn't? Many homeless people are teenagers, no older than you, who may have made the choice of falling into the wrong crowd or trying a drug, and the more drugs they tried that didn't effect them negatively, the more other ones started becoming appealing until they fell into an endless cycle of trouble. Many teens fall into a downward slope because of drugs or parental problems, and without understanding parents these poor teens often become homeless and have to live there life searching for any form of food or shelter they can find!

You don't live in that situation so who are you to judge them?!. Then there are the retarded people who were abondoned by their families to live on the streets, and the immigrants who never got a chance to live a normal life. It's as much their fault as it is someone's fault to get hit by lightening or a tsunami. Wrong place, wrong time, and not enough support or foresight. People make mistakes but that does not make them or stupid! Judging them just shows your stupidity, and sorry if I'm harsh. Did you know that if you were truly living by God, you would be at least trying to help these people in some way or form, not judging them because they're poor.

I'm not even going to mention the pregnant girls, children from broken homes, people who were outsourced, people with lousy education or some who grew up in bad neighbourhoods, or how the government could easily stop all homelessness and have equality for all if people weren't such lazy, greedy, whiny little bitches. I feel no guilt in saying that, for it is true. And I will admit that there are some people who are at fault for being homeless, but do we still turn a cold shoulder to them, as Christians?????

If I felt it was worth it or had the energy I could have said much more about homeless people and backed it up with evidence. You obviously know nothing about the situation of homeless people so I have one peice of advice for you. Never assume again, and do not judge others. It's not your job.

Sorry for that long rant, but you crossed one of my very thin lines. I can't stand when people pick on the disadvantaged or make assumptions about people who may or may not have made bigger mistakes in their lives than most people do.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 03:16:15

ok. u like TOTALLY got me wrong. i wasnt judging anybody at all u almost even proved my own point. i was saying that nobody chooses to live how they are and no one tells them how to live.

dude u like.......really missunderstood me.

when i said "like the stupid people you are" i was stating how other people might see them as. so u pretty much just proved my point that i was making to genome.

and how am I the one judging when u urself are calling me ignorant? plz read what i said again and try to understand. i might not have time to reply cus i gotta go to bed...

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 03:17:52

At 1/19/05 01:53 AM, Draciel56 wrote: look at homeless people, there sure not living how people tell them to live now are they? nobody said "go live on the streets like the stupid people you are" at birth did they?

Ugh, I read that again and it bothers me more every single time I read it... I mean come on!

Do you think that if just because people "tell them not to live on the streets" they can miraculously conjure a house and money out of thin air and get hired and pain enough to support themselves? You know how hard it is for the average homeless person to get hired.

I have a serious question, really serious... Do you put any thought at all into your posts? Really...

*Okay.. breathe...Post It..Close Window..Come back tomorrow*

God bless you and all the homeless people who want normal lives.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 03:19:43

At 1/19/05 03:16 AM, Draciel56 wrote: dude u like.......really missunderstood me.

Sorry... short fuse. I didn't even notice this post.

and how am I the one judging when u urself are calling me ignorant? plz read what i said again and try to understand. i might not have time to reply cus i gotta go to bed...

Calling someone ignorant about a certain situation isn't judging them. I thought you were picking on homeless people, that's ignorant about homeless people. It's just not cool. Sorry if you're offended, I needed to let that steam out.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 03:27:24

lol. no problem at all. and u kinda said what i would say if someone like [what u described] said that. i dont like it when others judge people either. glad u understood me.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 03:30:32

oh i didnt see the first post u made :P. and sry its really late here....and....i'm too lazy to think all the way about my posts and i agree that its hard to .....oh...crap i g2g. t2ug2mrw or something..

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 16:38:17

sorry dont have much to say.. as should no one else becuase... FINALS ARE HERE!!! YES THEY ARE STUDY STUDY STUDY!

was scanning throught he clubs and such im memebers of and noticed capnjacks sig... awesome! it looks sweet!

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 19:45:23

At 1/19/05 04:38 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: was scanning throught he clubs and such im memebers of and noticed capnjacks sig... awesome! it looks sweet!

Thanks, but I personally think DC's is one of the nicest I've seen.

I just realized the NG Church isn't very organized and we could probably be a much better club, but I don't even know why I'm mentioning this when most people have exams and stuff coming up. I'm just trying to fill up space----

Response to NG Church 2005-01-19 23:12:55

i agree! this is pretty unorganized, most of the posts are just people trying to make trouble and us responding (with heck of huge posts) back. we should.....well i dunno about a schedule...but i dunno....it could be better

Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 10:11:11

At 1/19/05 11:12 PM, Draciel56 wrote: i agree! this is pretty unorganized, most of the posts are just people trying to make trouble and us responding (with heck of huge posts) back. we should.....well i dunno about a schedule...but i dunno....it could be better

That's a pretty good idea. It could be daily or weekly. Or who knows how. We should see what DC thinks about it.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 15:22:36

I would like to point something out...when I do I will never post here again and will not bother christians (in this thread) anymore.

During the twentieth century, white, God-fearing, predominately christian Europe produced Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini.

Thank you and good night.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 15:38:36

At 1/20/05 03:22 PM, happytreefriend89 wrote: I would like to point something out...when I do I will never post here again

Your loss, in my opinion.

During the twentieth century, white, God-fearing, predominately christian Europe produced Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini.

These men were not Christians. Hitler was actually half-Jewish if I remember the facts correctly. Your point has absolutely nothing at all to do with Christianity, especially since I don't even think these men walked around proclaiming God. If you said Bush, on the other hand, and the attrocities from America, which is predominately Christian, then you'd have some merit in my eyes. However, people will kill and do bad things with or without religion. People will do less bad things if they are Christian influenced. I can assure you this:

Anyone who tries to be a good Christian and lives by Christian morals will be a more righteous, loving and peaceful person. I am solely speaking about those who are practicing Christians, because as soon as you use violence to get your point accross (or do anything that Christianity teaches you not to do) you are not acting in a Christian manner. Therefore, you cannot use any examples of people who did bad things, because they did not act as Christianity teaches.

Thank you and good night.

You're welcome and good afternoon.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 15:39:06

At 1/19/05 07:45 PM, CapnJack wrote:
Thanks, but I personally think DC's is one of the nicest I've seen.

DC's sigs are always the coolest, it goes without saying!

Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 15:53:03

At 1/20/05 03:38 PM, CapnJack wrote: If you said Bush, on the other hand, and the attrocities from America, which is predominately Christian, then you'd have some merit in my eyes.

I didn't mention Bush because. I hate him... I hate to even mention him. how one person could infuriate me so much.......I don't even know how he lives through his day. he's making american a theocracy by using his religion in his decisions. damn I'm pissed off now...I'm going to go watch some nice and violent television.
(I broke my vow to never post here again, but I felt that I had to.)

Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 22:07:43

At 1/19/05 07:45 PM, CapnJack wrote: Thanks, but I personally think DC's is one of the nicest I've seen.
DC's sigs are always the best

I do really like this one. -Zero in the ISM made it for me. But, I have really only had two sigs since I changed my name to DivineCrusader. The Crusader one was made by QuikFox (which are always good)

As for the organization, I agree, we arnt very. If you have any ideas post them or IM me and we'll talk. I am drawing a blank, but I'd like to hear what you guys think.

During the twentieth century, white, God-fearing, predominately christian Europe produced Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini.

Lenin & Stalin- Athesists, all Cummunism leaders supported it because the peoples first loyality was to their country (not to menation that Russia isnt in Europe)

Hitler- Jewish

Mussolini- Actually I'm not sure what he was (religion)

There will always be leaders that abuse God in order to get followers and supporters. Every religion has done it. The trick is to find out which ones they are (its really not that hard).

Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 22:16:30

At 1/20/05 10:07 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 1/19/05 07:45 PM, CapnJack wrote: Thanks, but I personally think DC's is one of the nicest I've seen.
DC's sigs are always the best
I do really like this one. -Zero in the ISM made it for me.

Always wanted to clear this up. Zero- is an alt account I accidentally post sigs with sometimes. But I am glad you like it.

I was also wondering whether you have to join the church, or do we just post?

Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 22:23:59

At 1/20/05 10:16 PM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: Always wanted to clear this up. Zero- is an alt account I accidentally post sigs with sometimes. But I am glad you like it.

One of the best I've ever had.

I was also wondering whether you have to join the church, or do we just post?

Just post, at first it was joining. But its turned into friends talking about God, debating (friendly) different approaches to finding God and the Bible, Teaching people who come in to ask questions, and repeling idiots who only want to bash God but have no questions.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 22:33:45

At 1/20/05 10:23 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Just post, at first it was joining. But its turned into friends talking about God, debating (friendly) different approaches to finding God and the Bible, Teaching people who come in to ask questions, and repeling idiots who only want to bash God but have no questions.

Well, in that case, count me in.

So what are we having a "friendly" debate about at the moment apart from a more structured club?

Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 22:38:52

At 1/20/05 10:33 PM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: Well, in that case, count me in.

Glad to have you

So what are we having a "friendly" debate about at the moment apart from a more structured club?

One dude a little way up talked about how some of the worst people in history were Christians (but he didnt get his facts very stright)

Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 22:58:27

At 1/20/05 10:38 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 1/20/05 10:33 PM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: Well, in that case, count me in.
Glad to have you

So what are we having a "friendly" debate about at the moment apart from a more structured club?
One dude a little way up talked about how some of the worst people in history were Christians (but he didnt get his facts very stright)

1. LOL... I saw that. It's funny arguing with people who have no idea what they're on about.

2. Anyways, I'm happy to offer any advice I can in regards to the running or structure of the club. I know Insignia's a little different, but the principle's the same.

3. I'd be happy to personally make a sig for any other member of the church, given some guidelines and a little bit of time.

4. Just for some history... I was born into a Church Of England family, brought up in a Baptist church, went to a Roman Catholic Highschool, and an Anglican college. So I've had a bit of experience with a number of the christian religions.


5. Just because someone does something in "The Name Of God", it does not mean they're a christian. This is a very common misunderstanding. I even have reservations about George Bush's "crusades" whilst using the name of God to justify his actions, but because that's always a touchy subject, I'll leave it.


Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 22:59:47

This will seem out of place. But I want to post here first to see if any of the members want to help.

I need voices for my next movie. If you are interested please contact me through AIM or email. Thank you.


Response to NG Church 2005-01-20 23:42:19

At 1/20/05 10:58 PM, DrunkenPenguin wrote: 2. Anyways, I'm happy to offer any advice I can in regards to the running or structure of the club. I know Insignia's a little different, but the principle's the same.

Me, you, DC and anyone else who wishes to add some order to this club should talk in one big AIM chat. <<let's do that Saturday or something>>

So I've had a bit of experience with a number of the christian religions.

I like you already. I'm Roman Catholic but I'm really interested in learning about other Christian churches.

5. Just because someone does something in "The Name Of God", it does not mean they're a christian. This is a very common misunderstanding. I even have reservations about George Bush's "crusades" whilst using the name of God to justify his actions, but because that's always a touchy subject, I'll leave it.

I agree and if you're against him all the better in my mind.

At 1/20/05 10:59 PM, inevitability wrote: I need voices for my next movie. If you are interested please contact me through AIM or email. Thank you.

Help the man, especially if you're experienced with this stuff. inevitability is a great flash artist :-).

Hey, I have a lot of faith in the NG Church. I think it's really coming together, especially with the different skills that the people who post here have. We're actually thinking about plans now... and you have a Cap'n, what club is complete without the token Cap'n??? I'm just talking to amuse myself, goodnight all.

(Ooops, I forgot to mention the most important aspect of this club: We have God. :-) Silly me)