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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 14:09:21

At 2/15/05 10:09 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 2/15/05 09:53 PM, dsmking wrote: I believe what the baptist believe

The baptist believe what i believe.
Stuff like that annoys me. If you dont know what you believe, than dont claim to be part of a group that has specific beliefs. He needs to learn.

DIVINE!!!!sup mate? well anywaysI was bored and thought to myself, what the hell is divine upto these days?And it's been a while since I been here mate...kinda miss the place y'know...

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 14:35:58

You guys mind if i join. Im in charge of the martial arts club so thats not leaving my sig. or the ff club cause i love that club. IF you really need the link in the sig ill get rid of something though

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

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Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 18:21:04

At 2/16/05 12:47 PM, Quisty wrote: Could I join this club? What do I have to do to get into this club?

All you have to do is ask. Which means, yes, you may join.

DIVINE!!!!sup mate? well anywaysI was bored and thought to myself, what the hell is divine upto these days?And it's been a while since I been here mate...kinda miss the place y'know...

I'm great Divine. how are you? I just be chillin' on NG and RG latly. I'm glad you came by again. Congrats on the Mafia opening again.

You guys mind if i join. Im in charge of the martial arts club so thats not leaving my sig. or the ff club cause i love that club. IF you really need the link in the sig ill get rid of something though

You're welcome to join. And dont worry about the sig thing, its not a requirment.

Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 18:27:23

At 2/16/05 06:22 PM, Quisty wrote: YAY! Hey this means I am actually going to church for once...^^;;; Don't kill me for saying that, lol.

OH...BOY interesting, ill just keep my mouth shut....



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 18:29:59

i belive that god is one god. According to the bible the tridad. The Father, Son, Holy Ghost. And branching off into other sub-culture's of the same reliogon is kind of odd. Such as methodist, cathlioc, baptist, so on and so on. Non-dominational dosen't have that problem what do you guys think of this?

In order to become a Leader... U must first serve as a follower

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Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 18:30:56

At 2/16/05 06:29 PM, Quisty wrote: Why is it that you join every club that I am in, or at least spam in each one? 0.o

Read my post more clearly next time i never joined or asked to...

He is such a stalker sometimes -.-

Ok, so here is my question to everyone. I need help with my faith. I am kinda of getting it back, but I need guidence. I need to know more about God. Inlighten me plz ^_^

OH BOY .... No Comment...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 18:34:02

At 2/16/05 06:32 PM, Quisty wrote:
At 2/16/05 06:30 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Read my post more clearly next time i never joined or asked to...
Lol, and like I said in mine. You join, or SPAM. This is such spam, lol.

Why are you even here? lol

WTF forget it then, bye then...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 18:35:05

Ok, so here is my question to everyone. I need help with my faith. I am kinda of getting it back, but I need guidence. I need to know more about God. Inlighten me plz ^_^

Ok here's what you should do. Since you are gaining your faith back. You half to belive in god. And you should read the bible more. And yes, i know it gets boring reading it sometimes. But little by little even a chapter a night helps gain your faith and closer to god. Find other christans as well

In order to become a Leader... U must first serve as a follower

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Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 18:36:08

At 2/16/05 06:29 PM, WildCatzTy wrote: Non-dominational dosen't have that problem what do you guys think of this?

This thread is non-dominational, however I dont have any real issue with there being different branches. They all work twards the same goal.

OH BOY .... No Comment...

Common dude, if there is no comment, then there is no comment. I dont want there to be flaming or spam bro.

Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 18:38:51

At 2/16/05 06:36 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Common dude, if there is no comment, then there is no comment. I dont want there to be flaming or spam bro.

Calm down dude, im on my way out so dont worry about it...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 18:38:54

o sorry man hey divine can i join. And if yes will you let me, put Ng Church by my name???

In order to become a Leader... U must first serve as a follower

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Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 18:43:17

At 2/16/05 06:38 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Calm down dude, im on my way out so dont worry about it...


Its no big man, I just dont want there to be angry in the internet House of God.

Response to NG Church 2005-02-16 18:44:47

At 2/16/05 06:38 PM, WildCatzTy wrote: o sorry man hey divine can i join. And if yes will you let me, put Ng Church by my name???

Of course, anyone who wants to join is welcome. ANd sure, if you want to go ahead and put it in your sig. The more publicity the better.

Response to NG Church 2005-02-18 12:18:28

If you guys don't mind I have a question for you. If I insult you in any wya by asking this apologies in advance ive kind of been wondering it for a while so Im curious as to what the answers of believers is going be.


How accurate is the Bible?

the bible is meant to be the words of God to teach us mortals lessons so that we can live good lives but the bible was written by a human being so surely it is riddled with inacurracies as no mere mortal could take everysingle lesson that god wanted to teach us and write it down without interpreting it wrongly...............I guess what im tryingto say here is how cna you be sure everything in the bible is actually the word of God and not the word of some priest from way back that decided he didnt like what god was saying so he twisted it into soemthing he found acceptable.

Response to NG Church 2005-02-18 19:51:03

At 2/18/05 12:18 PM, Manic_streetpreacher wrote: How accurate is the Bible?

the bible is meant to be the words of God to teach us mortals lessons so that we can live good lives but the bible was written by a human being so surely it is riddled with inacurracies as no mere mortal could take everysingle lesson that god wanted to teach us and write it down without interpreting it wrongly...............I guess what im tryingto say here is how cna you be sure everything in the bible is actually the word of God and not the word of some priest from way back that decided he didnt like what god was saying so he twisted it into soemthing he found acceptable.

The bible was God influenced. God gave certain people the influence to right what happened and stuff...and u just have to have faith..

Response to NG Church 2005-02-18 21:26:31

At 2/18/05 12:18 PM, Manic_streetpreacher wrote: stuff

Well think of it this way. Would you want to be a man when you died who put the wrong words in the bible. I think not. But not like we have to worry about that anymore with what it says in the book of revalations about adding or removing books. Poor mormons ignored that one

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

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Response to NG Church 2005-02-18 23:37:44

Hiya all,

I'm sorry I haven't been able to post in here for a while. I was resolving a few difficulties at my congregation. I'm back in the Seminary so it consumes time. I just wanted to let you know that I am alive!. I was wondering if you did organize the club into preachers and such, or schedual or something?

Anyway, I hope every single one of you is fine. Keeping your spiritual disciplines up-to-date (praying, worshipping). Remember, we are to be testimony. Our life has to reflect the love of our father, not just our words. It's our whole life, behavior and everything we are.


Response to NG Church 2005-02-19 09:33:18

Hey all, im just coming here from time to time now!!

Ive really got involved with my church which is grate, and im trying to leave the computer aside and its addicting and getting in the way of me + God. well, im still on it, but im taking brackes and all...

we just had a concert for the youth at our church - it was great!! 150+ people from around my town came along, usually thers only like 30+ in the youth so we were spreading the word of god across the youth :D

heh, anyway, I'll leave you and love you, as newgrounds is just to tempting now-a-days, but ive still got this thread!! :D

also, Divine, I read the 'Lake of fire' article in your sig, and it was REALLY good. heh :D

god bless. :D

Response to NG Church 2005-02-19 11:22:46

At 2/16/05 06:21 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: I'm great Divine. how are you? I just be chillin' on NG and RG latly. I'm glad you came by again. Congrats on the Mafia opening again.

I'm cool and yeah, the mafia is open again though I still find it sort of lame that I'm not in the counsil yet while I am on of the oldest members.

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2005-02-19 16:04:46

At 2/18/05 09:26 PM, dsmking wrote: Well think of it this way. Would you want to be a man when you died who put the wrong words in the bible. I think not. But not like we have to worry about that anymore with what it says in the book of revalations about adding or removing books. Poor mormons ignored that one

I wouldn't want to be known to be the person that changed the bible but think of it like this. If you were an editor of a newspaper that was strongly behind Bush in the elections and one of your reporters wrote an article thta had a few paragraphs that could damage Bush's reputation wouldn't you feel the need to get rid of those parts or re write them so the point they made was one you agreed with?

And can you explain that mormom rwefernce please cause that went straight over my head.

Response to NG Church 2005-02-19 16:35:16

At 2/19/05 11:22 AM, DivineJoic wrote: I still find it sort of lame that I'm not in the counsil yet while I am on of the oldest members.

Thats crap dude, tell Ghost or whatever he is now, that you deserve to be on it. He owes you that.

How accurate is the Bible?

I will agree with you that somethings in the Bible have been changed. Stuff has probably bee altered or added or taken out, but I truly think, that it all is still the same message that God intended. If something had been changed to the point that the message was different, then God wouldnt allow it.

Response to NG Church 2005-02-19 17:29:21

At 2/19/05 04:35 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: I will agree with you that somethings in the Bible have been changed. Stuff has probably bee altered or added or taken out, but I truly think, that it all is still the same message that God intended. If something had been changed to the point that the message was different, then God wouldnt allow it.

I suppose that makes sense. How exactly do you know the message is the same. Different people interpret the bible in different ways so how do you know which interpretation is actually gods will?

and on another subject completly. Do you people think that the ideas behind the da vinci code( That jesus was married to mary magdalene(sp?) and had a kid with her) is true or is it in your opinion some form of heresy?

Response to NG Church 2005-02-19 17:42:02

At 2/19/05 05:29 PM, Manic_streetpreacher wrote: I suppose that makes sense. How exactly do you know the message is the same.

I dont, not 100%. But take the Ten Commandments for example. If someone tried to turn teh "Thy Shalt Not Kill" to "Every Saturday is Ice Cream Day" God wouldnt let that happen.

Different people interpret the bible in different ways so how do you know which interpretation is actually gods will?

You just have to go on your Faith. You'll be judged accordingly.

and on another subject completly. Do you people think that the ideas behind the da vinci code( That jesus was married to mary magdalene(sp?) and had a kid with her) is true or is it in your opinion some form of heresy?

I thought it was a good book, but I read it for fun. I have never thought of it as fact. The Bible is much more truthful than Dan Browns book.

Response to NG Church 2005-02-19 18:01:44

At 2/19/05 05:42 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: I dont, not 100%. But take the Ten Commandments for example. If someone tried to turn teh "Thy Shalt Not Kill" to "Every Saturday is Ice Cream Day" God wouldnt let that happen.

lol. I wish having every staurday as Ice cream day was a commandment :P

You just have to go on your Faith. You'll be judged accordingly.

I suppsoe that's my problem with religion. Everything seems to revolve around blind faith in somethign which Im not sure even exists.

btw I hope im not interfering with anythign or annoying anyone with my questions if I am just give me the nod and I'll go.

Response to NG Church 2005-02-19 18:35:32

At 2/19/05 06:01 PM, Manic_streetpreacher wrote: You just have to go on your Faith. You'll be judged accordingly.

I suppsoe that's my problem with religion. Everything seems to revolve around blind faith in somethign which Im not sure even exists.

Its hard, I know. I have many many questions about my religion. But I have more Faith than I do questions.

btw I hope im not interfering with anythign or annoying anyone with my questions if I am just give me the nod and I'll go.

Naw dude, I like it when people ask questions.

Response to NG Church 2005-02-19 18:37:52

At 2/19/05 06:35 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Its hard, I know. I have many many questions about my religion. But I have more Faith than I do questions.

Ive always thought that most religious people were absolutley convinced about everythign to do with their religion. i'm some what surprised to learn that you question aspects of it.

Naw dude, I like it when people ask questions.

ha ha :P damn its a pity Ive run out at the moment. Be assured if I think up spome more I'll be back though :P

Response to NG Church 2005-02-19 18:43:41

At 2/19/05 06:37 PM, Manic_streetpreacher wrote: Ive always thought that most religious people were absolutley convinced about everythign to do with their religion. i'm some what surprised to learn that you question aspects of it.

I wish I had 100% Faith, but yes, I still have questions.

ha ha :P damn its a pity Ive run out at the moment. Be assured if I think up spome more I'll be back though :P

Welcome anytime

Response to NG Church 2005-02-19 18:48:14

At 2/19/05 06:43 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: I wish I had 100% Faith, but yes, I still have questions.

You've peaked my curiousity. what sort of questions do you have, if you dont mind me asking.

Response to NG Church 2005-02-22 10:31:15

At 2/19/05 04:35 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 2/19/05 11:22 AM, DivineJoic wrote: I still find it sort of lame that I'm not in the counsil yet while I am on of the oldest members.
Thats crap dude, tell Ghost or whatever he is now, that you deserve to be on it. He owes you that.

Damn right he does, and if he doesn't want me on it Il tell him to go fuck himself, Ive seen almost evryone come and go and Ive stayed...I fucking deserve it.

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2005-02-22 18:52:13

At 2/22/05 10:31 AM, DivineJoic wrote:
At 2/19/05 04:35 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 2/19/05 11:22 AM, DivineJoic wrote: I still find it sort of lame that I'm not in the counsil yet while I am on of the oldest members.
Thats crap dude, tell Ghost or whatever he is now, that you deserve to be on it. He owes you that.
Damn right he does, and if he doesn't want me on it Il tell him to go fuck himself, Ive seen almost evryone come and go and Ive stayed...I fucking deserve it.

"AHHHHH the avian flu has been caughted by peoples. Shurley this is a sign for Joic to rule over the mafia before it is too late!!!!"

Shurley: "No.. No it's not you crazy biotch."