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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2005-01-14 22:49:10

christianity hypocrisy is a vary large problem even with so called religiose leaders it is a problem like with the phareceese wernt they hypocrits in bible time?

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-15 03:37:53

At 1/14/05 10:49 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: christianity hypocrisy is a vary large problem even with so called religiose leaders

Many religious people are hypocrites, they say one thing and do another. This is not something that is a unique trait of Christianity. To be fair, many people are hypocrits in general. Sometimes it's not that easy to spot hypocrisy, so I could be a hypocrit myself and not realize until someone tells me.

it is a problem like with the phareceese wernt they hypocrits in bible time?

Which is exactly why Jesus rebuked them and told them that they shouldn't be living their lives the way they were living them. Pharisees were Jewish anyway, I guess. and the major difference between Christianity and Judiasm is Jesus's teachings. We accept Jesus as the Messiah and His teachings mean a lot to us. His teachings are what seperate us from every religion out there.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-15 04:07:16

This reminds me of a sermon that my hardcore christian grandma was watching. He was going off on things like " Dont let money consume you, it is a tool, and if you get too much you will start prying for less things. and you will become disconnected from the Lord above". I think that is total Bull. I believe that you should get as much money as you can and buy nice things with it. If you buy more things, then you pray for less petty things like material posesions. We all know God doesnt want to hear you complain about your paycheck, the bills, and how you dont have that couch you want. That way you can start to pray for real things such as the safety and wellfare of your family and friends. Things like helping others find him. Things like helping you so you can help the world. Well, i have put in my two cents. I feel better now. who wants to e-coffee?

Response to NG Church 2005-01-15 06:28:46

There this link should http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/199270

That should show that Jesus did swear and end that argument

Response to NG Church 2005-01-15 18:00:23

At 1/15/05 04:07 AM, DDRManiak wrote: " Dont let money consume you, it is a tool, and if you get too much you will start prying for less things. and you will become disconnected from the Lord above".

I don't know if I agree with that reasoning, but I do agree that you shouldn't let money consume you. You can only worship one God, and if you're striving for money in your life then you're not striving for God, so now you're essentially a slave to something else. You shouldn't be living for material things, because things like money, clothes, accesseries will never truly make you happy. They give you small "highs" or bursts of happiness that quickly fade. Besides, many people who allow money to consume them become full of greed and cold to the wants and needs of the world and the Lord. There reason not to let money consume you is the reason you shouldn't let anything consume you: You'll be enslaved to something that will never truly make you happy.

I think that is total Bull. I believe that you should get as much money as you can and buy nice things with it.

I feel we need to support ourselves and our families, and there are a lot of things that we must buy to have a stable life. But there are many less fortunate then us, so I think we should buy the things we need or will benefit us, and try to help as many other people in this world that we can. If we didn't live in such a material world it would be easier to be more extreme about this issue, but if I were I would sort of be a hypocrit.

If you buy more things, then you pray for less petty things like material posesions.

All possessions which can be bought with money are material.

We all know God doesnt want to hear you complain about your paycheck, the bills, and how you dont have that couch you want.

God won't listen to those things because they are irrelavent. He's not a wishing well and life isn't about having everything you want. I'm not too sure what life is about, maybe it's about trying to be the most righteous person you can and live in a matter that is acceptable to God so that you may inheret eternal life.

That way you can start to pray for real things such as the safety and wellfare of your family and friends. Things like helping others find him. Things like helping you so you can help the world.

I would pray for those things before material possessions...

Well, i have put in my two cents. I feel better now. who wants to e-coffee?

I'm out of e-money.

At 1/15/05 06:28 AM, LordRobbo wrote: That should show that Jesus did swear and end that argument

Haha, not funny. He's as much Jesus as Mother Teresa is Hitler.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-15 18:04:12

At 1/15/05 06:28 AM, LordRobbo wrote: That should show that Jesus did swear and end that argument

Thats not cool dude. Thats not even close to what Jesus was like

Response to NG Church 2005-01-16 03:56:55

I'm confused about many things in christianity even though i am a christian, I would like to share my views because they have been troubling me ok here goes

1. I believe that people from other religions do not go to hell for just worshipping other gods even though the bible would say they do, I just don't believe god would punish alot of the word for just believing in something that they believe is true that would be like us if another religion was right is going to their "unhappy place" or whatever it is.

2. (strange one). I also believe that if god believed in ultimate forgivness then he would forgive sinners for there sins and thus there being no need for a hell, but i think there should be at least a place to be if you had sinned and do deserve punishment like a purgatory but different maybe worse maybe better, or maybe just different i don't know.I also think this is wrong because god forgives only if the person wants to be forgiven.(This one is kinda shakey)

sry to waste your time and dont get pissed at me plz

Response to NG Church 2005-01-16 16:18:14

At 1/16/05 03:56 AM, JeniusOT wrote: I'm confused about many things in christianity even though i am a christian, I would like to share my views because they have been troubling me ok here goes

I'll try to help you the best I can.

1. I believe that people from other religions do not go to hell for just worshipping other gods even though the bible would say they do, I just don't believe god would punish alot of the word for just believing in something that they believe is true that would be like us if another religion was right is going to their "unhappy place" or whatever it is.

Worshipping other Gods is a sin against our God, for He is a "jealous" God. We cannot worship idols, or anything but Him. If someone is ignorant to the idea of our Lord and He has never come into contact with Christianity, then I believe living a righteous life is good enough. The words in the Bible are God's words, and He says that there can be no other God before Him. If someone doesn't no any better, then it is up to God to decide what is fair for that person, and since I am not God I cannot tell you what is "fair" or not, but you can be sure that everyone will be judged according to their deeds. Unless you believe in Jesus Christ and live your life according to His word, you will have to pay all your debts in full.

2. (strange one). I also believe that if god believed in ultimate forgivness then he would forgive sinners for there sins and thus there being no need for a hell, but i think there should be at least a place to be if you had sinned and do deserve punishment like a purgatory but different maybe worse maybe better, or maybe just different i don't know.I also think this is wrong because god forgives only if the person wants to be forgiven.(This one is kinda shakey)

You might as well create your own religion, because being a Christian against the Bible is not a place you want to be. God will punish us or reward us according to our deeds, and you can be sure it will be fair. We need to beleive in His word, because if you knowingly reject Him then there will be trouble. If you do not have Jesus, it is much harder to get to the kingdom of Heaven, or at least that is the information I have gathered.

sry to waste your time and dont get pissed at me plz

You're not wasting our time, feel free to ask any questions concerning Christianity. No one has the right to be angry about your questions, and I'm sorry if my answer wasn't good enough for you, I don't have time to give you Bible versus and explain the reasoning behind all these things, but if you don't believe me, study the Bible more thoroughly and I promise you will see the truth. Maybe you can ask your priest for help :-)

If my answers weren't sufficient, hopefully someone else will give you more helpful answers. If not, just AIM or e-mail me and I can get you to a place that will..

Response to NG Church 2005-01-16 16:44:58

At 1/15/05 06:28 AM, LordRobbo wrote: There this link should http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/199270

That should show that Jesus did swear and end that argument

yo thats a crappy cheep flash that is offending towards most christians do not rely ure bible facts on it

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-16 17:26:48

I am Jewish. For a while now, i have wanted to convert to christianity. It took alot of courage, but I finally told my mother this.

She is a very observant jew, a Rabbi, so naturally she was devastated. I feel very disowned and I just feel very bad. What should I do, NG church?

Response to NG Church 2005-01-16 17:29:37

At 1/16/05 05:26 PM, PacoW wrote: I am Jewish. For a while now, i have wanted to convert to christianity. It took alot of courage, but I finally told my mother this.

She is a very observant jew, a Rabbi, so naturally she was devastated. I feel very disowned and I just feel very bad. What should I do, NG church?

go with what you feel and tell youre mother it is youre lifechoice i am sure she will in time understand.

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-16 18:18:58

At 1/16/05 05:26 PM, PacoW wrote: I am Jewish. For a while now, i have wanted to convert to christianity. It took alot of courage, but I finally told my mother this.

Good for you man, that took alot of courage

She is a very observant jew, a Rabbi, so naturally she was devastated. I feel very disowned and I just feel very bad. What should I do, NG church?

There are many things in life that your parent(s) can decide for you. However, what religion is not one of them. That is something only you can decide for yourself. Tell her that, you feel that the Christian faith is the right path and that you want to be part of that group.

It'll be hard, and both sides will be angry and fight over this. But it is your choice. Personally I applaude you for taking this step, and again, personally I think that you have taken the righ path.

If worst comes to worst, dont tell them. Go to a Christain Chruch and talk tothe Father/Preacher there. They will be very understanding of you situation, I promise you. They will help you figure out what to do.

Please keep us posted.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-16 18:27:30

At 1/16/05 03:56 AM, JeniusOT wrote:

2. (strange one). I also believe that if god believed in ultimate forgivness then he would forgive sinners for there sins and thus there being no need for a hell, but i think there should be at least a place to be if you had sinned and do deserve punishment like a purgatory but different maybe worse maybe better, or maybe just different i don't know.I also think this is wrong because god forgives only if the person wants to be forgiven.(This one is kinda shakey)

I you saying there should be an inbetween heaven and hell, which , if you have sinned, you stay until you are equal? Like a jail sentence before heaven? I may have misunderstood, but if I didnt' that's pretty clever. Oh and god forgives all sins but only if you repent

Response to NG Church 2005-01-16 18:44:37

I plan to keep you guys posted, but I get the feeling this is going o be a very slow process. My mother got divorced recently, so, well, you can guess how she feels. I feel really bad about her. But I really have to continue.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-16 19:04:14

At 1/16/05 06:44 PM, PacoW wrote: I plan to keep you guys posted, but I get the feeling this is going o be a very slow process. My mother got divorced recently, so, well, you can guess how she feels. I feel really bad about her. But I really have to continue.

I definitly understand how she will feel, just remember that sometimes you have to do things for you. Dont let her sway you.

God is with you

Response to NG Church 2005-01-16 19:19:12

At 1/16/05 05:26 PM, PacoW wrote: I am Jewish. For a while now, i have wanted to convert to christianity. It took alot of courage, but I finally told my mother this.

Wow, I applaud you for your courage! Yesterday, I merely told my mother that I might not want to be a Catholic anymore, because I feel there may be more truth to other Christian denominations and she was very hurt and somewhat angry. I can only imagine how much more difficult it was for you, you took such a big step.

She is a very observant jew, a Rabbi, so naturally she was devastated. I feel very disowned and I just feel very bad. What should I do, NG church?

You must remain true to yourself and true to the Lord. My aunt was Jewish, until she met my uncle, and now she's a devout Christian... It's a pretty big step. By the way, I was unaware that there were female Rabbis....

We'll be here to support you, especially if you have any questions that we can help you with. I very much respect that you are following what you believe, and I'll pray that you won't be discouraged by the discord in your family.

At 1/16/05 06:44 PM, PacoW wrote: I plan to keep you guys posted, but I get the feeling this is going o be a very slow process.

A slow process is usually best for these situations anyway... But I hope you do keep us posted!

My mother got divorced recently, so, well, you can guess how she feels. I feel really bad about her. But I really have to continue.

That is definitely difficult, but I think what is important right now is that your remain true to your spiritual beliefs, while at the same time be there to support your mother...

If you plan on visiting a church, make sure you find one that feels right and makes sense... there are some places where you can just feel God is present...

I have something for you to think about... not believing in Christ means that you do not have saviour for your sins, and you have to repay them all to the Lord. If you accept that Christ is your saviour, then salvation becomes a much easier thing to obtain. You have nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain by converting, so I hope that is some sort of consolation...Anyway, I don't want to put you to sleep, so... may God bless you =)

Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 02:35:51

At 1/16/05 06:27 PM, LordRobbo wrote:
I you saying there should be an inbetween heaven and hell, which , if you have sinned, you stay until you are equal? Like a jail sentence before heaven? I may have misunderstood, but if I didnt' that's pretty clever. Oh and god forgives all sins but only if you repent

I think you understood it pretty well

Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 02:48:10

At 1/16/05 04:18 PM, CapnJack wrote:
I'll try to help you the best I can.

Worshipping other Gods is a sin against our God, for He is a "jealous" God. We cannot worship idols, or anything but Him. If someone is ignorant to the idea of our Lord and He has never come into contact with Christianity, then I believe living a righteous life is good enough. The words in the Bible are God's words, and He says that there can be no other God before Him. If someone doesn't no any better, then it is up to God to decide what is fair for that person, and since I am not God I cannot tell you what is "fair" or not, but you can be sure that everyone will be judged according to their deeds. Unless you believe in Jesus Christ and live your life according to His word, you will have to pay all your debts in full.

But everyone has come in contact with christianity at some point but think about it from their view Everyone around them is a certain religion and here comes someone preaching christianity and no one believes him because they believe in their own religion, what should you do listen to everyone around you and your parents or some random person. I know what you're probably thinking "listen to both sides" (or something, idk) but if you did listen to christianity you would most likely stick with your own religion because all the religions are as well thought out as ours and there are no flaws in any of the religions if you are looking from them at a nuetral standpoint. Plus you where raised on this religion and so will probably stick with it.

You might as well create your own religion, because being a Christian against the Bible is not a place you want to be. God will punish us or reward us according to our deeds, and you can be sure it will be fair. We need to beleive in His word, because if you knowingly reject Him then there will be trouble. If you do not have Jesus, it is much harder to get to the kingdom of Heaven, or at least that is the information I have gathered.

I dont mean to create my own religion and anyways it would be staying with christianity just a different denomination, even though it will never get that far. I am still wondering why is hell eternal though?

Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 12:54:33

i didnt realize this was still operational! expect to see me around! i have two accounts, i might post with either. if you're a mod, or clever, its easy to figure out. if not, ask me in IM and ill tell you.

also, i dont know about others, but i was not raised going to any church, and was taught only sparse beliefs as a child, some from Islam, and some from christianity. : D

im happy to have found this thread, and if anyone is interested, (if you already havent) check out my thread in the general section Christ's Word


Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 14:34:36

im not against christians, but im not a christian myself. im just saying this for your own good. you should try to go to other forums, cuz i dont think the newgrounds BBS is a really christian-friendly forum. you will be flamed alot, and ive been in clubs that have been flamed down. that really sucked. well, as long as you dont complain about those anti-jesus movies, there wont be alot of flaming.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 15:59:11

Sorry, just wanted to tell everyone that im backed, i was banned :)

Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 17:29:11

At 1/17/05 02:34 PM, _Nevyn_ wrote: im not against christians, but im not a christian myself. im just saying this for your own good. you should try to go to other forums, cuz i dont think the newgrounds BBS is a really christian-friendly forum. you will be flamed alot, and ive been in clubs that have been flamed down. that really sucked. well, as long as you dont complain about those anti-jesus movies, there wont be alot of flaming.

You are a bit late... This thread was created three month's ago. We are NG users and we like it here.

As to getting flamed... I don't think anyone in a sane state of mind would care about being insulted over the web. At least, no one mature enough. We have seen some flaming around here. And as in everything, some of us decide to ignore it. And others fight back... -coughs-stigmata-coughs- :-P

And you should read the posts. Who knows, maybe we already complain about those movies¿? Maybe we didn't. There is only one way to find out.


Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 17:30:48

At 1/17/05 03:59 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: Sorry, just wanted to tell everyone that im backed, i was banned :)

Welcome back! What didn't you got banned for¿?

Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 19:32:53

At 1/17/05 02:48 AM, JeniusOT wrote: what should you do listen to everyone around you and your parents or some random person.

You listen to the Truth.

because all the religions are as well thought out as ours and there are no flaws in any of the religions if you are looking from them at a nuetral standpoint.

That's just not true. Hindus can create there own gods and goddesses, Buddhism is based off that religion, Judiasm is Christiniaty without Jesus and Mohammedism (Muslims) is loosely connected with Christianity, but they think Jesus is a prophet, not the Son of God and they care more about what Mohammed said.... and I could really explain why all of these things are major problems but I'd rather not. The institutions of Christianity has its flaws, but the ancient writings are nothing I would dare deny.

Plus you where raised on this religion and so will probably stick with it.

Only if you're narrow-minded.

I dont mean to create my own religion and anyways it would be staying with christianity just a different denomination

I'm beginning to lean towards the non-denominational Christian ideas, but I like my church...

. I am still wondering why is hell eternal though?

In the Bible there is only Heaven and Hell, even though Catholics believe in purgatory, but I'm Catholic and I don't think I believe in purgatory. If you can't make it to Heaven, obviously you must stay in Hell. A person's heart must be righteous to enter Heaven, and I don't know what that really means, but a loving God will judge each person fairly, so don't worry about where everyone is going, just do the best you can. Trust in God's will... it would be arrogant to think you have a better idea than your supernatural creator.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 19:37:57

At 1/17/05 05:30 PM, inevitability wrote:
At 1/17/05 03:59 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: Sorry, just wanted to tell everyone that im backed, i was banned :)
Welcome back! What didn't you got banned for¿?

uhhhhhh first time 7 days accusing ozcar of stealing a bike... 3 days for making a club called "sugar club" that was a stupid ban... yeah im bitchin... uhhhh and i forget the other 3 day ban.... something actually i deserved!

Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 19:58:52

At 1/17/05 12:54 PM, Jallel wrote: i didnt realize this was still operational!

It's alive and kicking! Err..praying.

if you're a mod, or clever, its easy to figure out. if not, ask me in IM and ill tell you.

I'm neither but why are you trying to hide your identity?

some from Islam, and some from christianity. : D

Now I'm interested.. do you know a lot about both?

im happy to have found this thread, and if anyone is interested,

I'm happy you're here because after reading your thread you seem like a great addition to the NG Church! :-)

Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 20:26:12

At 1/17/05 07:37 PM, Jamie_McGuire wrote: uhhhhhh first time 7 days accusing ozcar of stealing a bike... 3 days for making a club called "sugar club" that was a stupid ban... yeah im bitchin...

Welcome back but if you keep complaining you could get banned again.

At 1/17/05 07:58 PM, CapnJack wrote: It's alive and kicking! Err..praying.

I apologize, that was really lame. School kills my humour.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-17 22:45:03

At 1/17/05 07:58 PM, CapnJack wrote:
At 1/17/05 12:54 PM, Jallel wrote: i didnt realize this was still operational!
It's alive and kicking! Err..praying.

if you're a mod, or clever, its easy to figure out. if not, ask me in IM and ill tell you.

ah whatever, im jello_i, i already messed up and accidentally posted in my own thread. i changed account because i didnt want to endorse anything but whatever, i guess its ok

I'm neither but why are you trying to hide your identity?

some from Islam, and some from christianity. : D
Now I'm interested.. do you know a lot about both?

yup. : )

im happy to have found this thread, and if anyone is interested,
I'm happy you're here because after reading your thread you seem like a great addition to the NG Church! :-)

Response to NG Church 2005-01-18 00:44:38

i dont really care for talking about god with strangers cuz the only thing they bring up is the retarded catholic way which is to be so fear ful of god that u have to pray everyday, confess "sins" ( which is just a stupid idea), and many other stuff.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-18 02:03:33

At 1/18/05 12:44 AM, genome1 wrote: i dont really care for talking about god with strangers cuz the only thing they bring up is the retarded catholic way which is to be so fear ful of god that u have to pray everyday, confess "sins" ( which is just a stupid idea), and many other stuff.

Firstly, that is not true about the NG Church in any way. I believe most people here follow a certain denomination but this thread itself is non-denominational and is open to everyone who wants to learn more about God, talk about God or ask questions about God. No one knows all the answers but we can learn A LOT more together, and this club isn't have bad considering how unorganized we are :-P.

<3 NG Church :-)

Secondly, the Catholic way is not "retarded" and "fear of God" was written in the Old Testament, and I think in some instances in the New one, to explain that we need to respect our Creator. Fair enough? You don't have to pray to God everyday, but it will indeed bring you closer to Him! It's something important... it's like calling an important friend. You can't drift away from Him. When you said "confess 'sins' ", I personally think that you only need to confess your sins to the Lord and make sure that others forgive you. And yes, a sin is a sin, it's not something to be taken lightly and we will have to pay for our sins, but Jesus Christ died on the cross so that those of us who believed in Him would be forgiven.

Lastly, I quickly checked your profile and read this:

out of death and darkness comes light and righteousness, but from that comes greed, corruption, decite, bigatry,and rasicm.

Out of death and darkness, but only with hope and faith, it is definitely possble for light and righteousness to arise. However, never in my entire life have I heard of righteousness leading to greed, corruption, etc... Unless there was already evil, arrogance and ignorance there in the first place.

I hope you paid attention to my second paragraph in particular, if you even come back to read this at all