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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 21:21:02

At 1/13/05 09:17 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote: It just began, you n00b

Awww thats cute, you wanna cookie? I'd be more than happy to hamper its progress if you want.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 21:23:45

At 1/13/05 09:21 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
Awww thats cute, you wanna cookie? I'd be more than happy to hamper its progress if you want.

No, I'd rather not have a damned soul such as yourself post in my club.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 21:31:36

At 1/13/05 09:07 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote:
At 1/13/05 09:03 PM, -Stigmata- wrote:
Cussing wont send me to Hell bitch. I'm not a Christian that worries about small things like that. Even Jesus cussed.
You're gonna lick the asshole of Satan for all eternity now!

cussing wont send you to hell n00b. cussing is just a word that developed from other people that saw it as "bad" or something like that.

hell, half of them arent even a cuss word if you think about it.

bitch, ass, jackass, hell, damn, none of them are cussing.

ah, i see you are in a flamewar with a guy that is totally pwning your ass so i dont have to waste my time talking here.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 21:34:54

At 1/13/05 02:34 AM, LordRobbo wrote: Each to his own I guess


At 1/13/05 07:50 AM, Enoll wrote: Beacuse it makes me so hot to see you all worked u about your religion on the internet.
i'm maturbating over it right now.

I'm glad I could be of some use to you then. Make sure to keep the keyboard clean.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 21:38:30

At 1/13/05 09:31 PM, Grade-A wrote:
ah, i see you are in a flamewar with a guy that is totally pwning your ass so i dont have to waste my time talking here.

You better leave, because I just TOTALLY ruined your n00b self with my leet religous skills, stfu kthxbai n00b

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 21:48:00

At 1/13/05 09:38 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote: WARNING: anything that blam zombie says doesnt make any sense. Ignore at ALL costs. Even if it means jerking off to your computer. See below for quote.
"You better leave, because I just TOTALLY ruined your n00b self with my leet religous skills, stfu kthxbai n00b"

do you know what you just said didnt make any bit of sense? you calling me a n00b = a nono because my sign-up date: 7/20/04, and yours: 12 23 04. also, let me rephrase that message. see above.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 21:50:28

At 1/13/05 09:48 PM, Grade-A wrote:
At 1/13/05 09:38 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote:
do you know what you just said didnt make any bit of sense? you calling me a n00b = a nono because my sign-up date: 7/20/04, and yours: 12 23 04. also, let me rephrase that message. see above.

What doesn't make sense? I just completely freaking owned you, adn you forgot about it already! What a n00b!

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 21:52:03

At 1/13/05 09:38 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote: You better leave,

Grade-A is welcome to stay. He sounds like a smart user

because I just TOTALLY ruined your n00b

1. You didnt come close to owning me
2. Where do you get off calling me a n00b?

self with my leet religous skills,

1337 is stupid

stfu kthxbai n00b

It looks like its time I teach you that its only polite to respond in kind

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 21:53:39

At 1/13/05 04:46 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: No problem, I am replying here in order to lesser confuse myself and keep the conversation in this thread.

I was hoping you'd do that.

I kind of fall into both of those descriptions in one way or another; however, I never did claim that I was not agnostic, I just claimed myself ‘faithless’, for now.

That's fine. I've only started coming back to God more recently in my life, and I'm not going to lie, it's not any easier now than it was before. It's probably harder now. It feels good though, and I have somewhere to go when I really need it.

I do not doubt that he was crucified or anything, it is just certain miracles I find hard to fully grasp.

Most people find it hard... Most of us haven't witnessed an obvious miracle, which makes it hard to relate. Of course to believe in an onmipotent God means you have to beleive in the possibility of miracles, you can't really believe in one without the other.

I am Canadian, but I went to public school most my life. So my doubts would not be affected by my recent switch to a Roman Catholic board. I am not sure where my doubts come from; I think it just me being stubborn.

We all have our doubts about everything in life, because we just can't really prove anything. I mean, sceintifically the big bang is just as silly a theory as any supernatural event (or a Supreme Being creating us), so even a rational athiest has his doubts about his own beliefs. My reasons for belief in God have less to do with what makes the most sense and more to do with what feels right.

At 1/13/05 05:00 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:
At 1/12/05 10:45 PM, CapnJack wrote: Miracles may be hard to beleive, but there were some amazing ones that happened last century, so don't be too skeptical.
There was?

The biggest since Jesus time happened in 1917 in front of 70,000 people in Fatima Portugal. I'll give you some background history, from the limited bit I know. The Virgin Mary appeared to three kids a few times, and no one believed them, but she told them there would be a huge miracle that would happen on a certain date (October 13, 1917 I believe). It was something to do with the sun, and it was dubbed the Miracle of the Sun... a lot of important things happened because of that and some Catholics consider this one of the most important miracles, I gave you a lame, brief and probably inaccurate description but you can do some research by yourself if you want.

Jesus is coming on Judgement Day.
I, honestly, do not believe in Judgement Day.

I'm still trying to decide the details of my belief. I hope He comes though.

I hope my heart is not hard.

The fact that you want to learn and make sure what the truth is shows that you have an open mind and heart to whatever is true. I personally believe that if you seek the truth and it's not given to you, then it's not your fault what happens next. Then again, what the heck do I know?

Alot of your answers were perfectly explained, though a couple i felt were not just. Though, that is my own personal opinion.

Could you please tell me which ones? I often make mistakes but I'd love to correct them or see where I went wrong.

Well, like a explained before, i am a firm believer in being true to yourself. If my struggle lasts forever, i feel that God will not condemn me for it, but embrace me.

I have no arguments with that, I only have arguments with the narrow-minded atheistic beleifs. Agnostic people admit that they don't and probably can't know, while atheists try to put all their faith in science even when science just doesn't have the answers.

Although i say i do not fully beleive in certain teachings, i do believe a sin is a sin and i truly try to not sin and i truly regret the sins i do create.

At least we agree, but let me give you something interesting to consider. The sins that we commit negatively influence our life and happiness. I've never seen people obtain happiness by living in sin, not long-lasting and fulfilling happiness anyway. And sin does have noticeable effects on us. For example, 50 years ago when people were more cautious about premarital sex, there were barely 5 known STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) and they weren't common. Presently, In the United States, there are over 50 known STDs and 1/4 of Americans have one! that's like 80,000 million people in just one country.

I beleive that the things outlined by Jesus and the Prophets are only there to make our lives better, and not just because "God said so."

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 21:55:16

At 1/13/05 09:52 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
Grade-A is welcome to stay. He sounds like a smart user

He's one of your alts, you n00b. Everyone knows that.

1. You didnt come close to owning me

I was talking toGrade-A, not you! WAIT, GRADE-A IS ONE OF YOUR ALTS, MYBAD!

2. Where do you get off calling me a n00b?


1337 is stupid

Just because you aren't leet doesn't mean it's stupid

It looks like its time I teach you that its only polite to respond in kind

Learn how to finish a sentence you n00b!

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 21:59:01

At 1/13/05 09:55 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote: He's one of your alts, you n00b. Everyone knows that.

No, dumbass. -Stigmata- is my alt account

1337 is stupid
Just because you aren't leet doesn't mean it's stupid

No, leets stupid. Period.

It looks like its time I teach you that its only polite to respond in kind
Learn how to finish a sentence you n00b!

That was a whole sentance you fucking retard

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:00:49

At 1/13/05 09:55 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote:
At 1/13/05 09:52 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
Grade-A is welcome to stay. He sounds like a smart user
He's one of your alts, you n00b. Everyone knows that.

you moron, i am not an alt. who would spend 5 months gathering EXP for an alt?

1. You didnt come close to owning me
I was talking toGrade-A, not you! WAIT, GRADE-A IS ONE OF YOUR ALTS, MYBAD!

again, i HAVE no alt. And i am not an alt.

2. Where do you get off calling me a n00b?

again, moron.

1337 is stupid
Just because you aren't leet doesn't mean it's stupid

It looks like its time I teach you that its only polite to respond in kind
Learn how to finish a sentence you n00b!

i know you are talking about yourself. also if i was an alt would i have as many posts as i do now? no. so shut up n00b.

-DivineCrusader- > you

by a longshot.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:01:40

At 1/13/05 09:59 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
No, dumbass. -Stigmata- is my alt account

Keep it up and God will smite you!

No, leets stupid. Period.

leet means elite you dumb n00b

It looks like its time I teach you that its only polite to respond in kind
Learn how to finish a sentence you n00b!
That was a whole sentance you fucking retard

Then you're a pretty retarded n00b!

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:04:26

At 1/13/05 10:01 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote: Keep it up and God will smite you!

Wow, your about as smart as the color blue. Why, pray tell, is God going to smite me for having an alt account?

No, leets stupid. Period.
leet means elite you dumb n00b

Yeah, its also made up internet speak that nerds use so they can talk about anime porn without having to worry about thier mommies seeing what they are writting.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:09:41

At 1/13/05 10:01 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote:
At 1/13/05 09:59 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
No, dumbass. -Stigmata- is my alt account
Keep it up and God will smite you!

what a n00bish response just because there were other smarter things to say. i think this is just a n00b resopnse because you couldnt come up with a come back to his super pwning post.

No, leets stupid. Period.
leet means elite you dumb n00b

It looks like its time I teach you that its only polite to respond in kind
Learn how to finish a sentence you n00b!
That was a whole sentance you fucking retard
Then you're a pretty retarded n00b!

no, you are retarded. that is a full, complete sentence. the only thinbg that is missing is the period. but even without, you can still read it.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:11:17

At 1/13/05 10:09 PM, Grade-A wrote:
what a n00bish response just because there were other smarter things to say. i think this is just a n00b resopnse because you couldnt come up with a come back to his super pwning post.

Haha, I totally owned you, you dumb n00b!

no, you are retarded. that is a full, complete sentence. the only thinbg that is missing is the period. but even without, you can still read it.

OMG! WHAT A n00b! God doesn't like n00bs who lie!

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:13:23

At 1/13/05 10:09 PM, Grade-A wrote: what a n00bish response just because there were other smarter things to say. i think this is just a n00b resopnse because you couldnt come up with a come back to his super pwning post.

That one really took me off guard. Why do you thin that Blam bitch sadi that having an alt will casue God to smite me?

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:16:35

At 1/13/05 10:11 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote: Haha, I totally owned you, you dumb n00b!

in what way, shape or form did you own me in?........nothing eh? all i see is a retarded troll trolling threads and a stupid ass posting little insults that is almost impossible to not come up with a comeback with.

OMG! WHAT A n00b! God doesn't like n00bs who lie!

if he doesnt like n00bs who lie then hurry up and get out of this topic before he sees you or else he wont be happy.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:21:37

At 1/13/05 06:25 PM, Tal-con wrote: I don't want to sound rude, but yes you would be too bold, sorry.

You don't sound rude, I'm just a nosy little prick :-)

At 1/13/05 08:39 PM, Angel_Ramiel wrote: It's been awhile since I've been here. How's everything going so far?

As you can see, things seem to be going relatively well.

As for my random quotes of the bible, this shall be one of them...

Do that more often if you can, it's what makes you a unique part of the NG Church.

At 1/13/05 08:41 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote: Jesus was Jewish, not Christian, you n00bs.

Great observation! CHRISTianity is the belief in Jesus CHRIST as Messiah and is essentially a modifcation of Judaism, because of the Son of God.

At 1/13/05 09:03 PM, -Stigmata- wrote:
At 1/13/05 08:57 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote: What a Christian! You're going straight to hell now!
Cussing wont send me to Hell bitch. I'm not a Christian that worries about small things like that. Even Jesus cussed.

I don't think Jesus actually swore, because you usually have to swear at something... He just pointed out the stupidity and hypocrisy of many high priests. He did call people fools though, so it's not insulting people that's sinful, just trying to provoke them, and that's usually the point of cussing.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:23:20

At 1/13/05 10:21 PM, CapnJack wrote: I don't think Jesus actually swore, because you usually have to swear at something... He just pointed out the stupidity and hypocrisy of many high priests. He did call people fools though, so it's not insulting people that's sinful, just trying to provoke them, and that's usually the point of cussing.

Well also remember that cussing has changed over the years. Back then calling someone a fool could be the worst word they had.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:23:59

At 1/13/05 10:13 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
That one really took me off guard. Why do you thin that Blam bitch sadi that having an alt will casue God to smite me?

I said that foul language would make god smite you, you dumb n00b.

I don't know why you said that you're gay and that god lets homosexuals into heaven, when the bible says taht gos hates gay people. That's right, and you know it, you're just making stuff up which isn't in the bible, which is another reason god would kill you.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:27:37

At 1/13/05 09:52 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 1/13/05 09:38 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote: because I just TOTALLY ruined your n00b
1. You didnt come close to owning me

You can't make him feel stupid because he's already reached a level of stupidity far beyond your grasp. Maybe if you ignore it, it will go away!

2. Where do you get off calling me a n00b?

He gets off in his room, when in the NG Church, like Enoll, duh!

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:36:42

At 1/13/05 10:23 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote: I said that foul language would make god smite you, you dumb n00b.

I was hoping you had seen what you were doing was retarded after Gooch tried to help you. But apparently not.

I don't know why you said that you're gay and that god lets homosexuals into heaven, when the bible says taht gos hates gay people. That's right, and you know it, you're just making stuff up which isn't in the bible, which is another reason god would kill you.

1. When did I say I was gay
2. God dosent hate homosexuals, He hates homosexuality
3. When did I make up stuff and said it was from the Bible?

Response to NG Church 2005-01-13 22:50:26

At 1/13/05 09:03 PM, -Stigmata- wrote:
At 1/13/05 08:57 PM, Blam_Zombie wrote: What a Christian! You're going straight to hell now!
Cussing wont send me to Hell bitch. I'm not a Christian that worries about small things like that. Even Jesus cussed.

Yeah, haven't you seen http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=199270?

Response to NG Church 2005-01-14 15:48:03

At 1/13/05 10:50 PM, LordRobbo wrote: Yeah, haven't you seen http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=199270?

Error - invalid "id" parameter.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-14 16:11:00

At 1/14/05 03:48 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 1/13/05 10:50 PM, LordRobbo wrote: Yeah, haven't you seen http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view.php?id=199270?
Error - invalid "id" parameter.

Just erase the '?'.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-14 16:13:46

At 1/13/05 08:13 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: I talk to God every night. I literality close my eyes and talk out loud to Him. There is nothing childish about it.

I meant my little 'agreement' is kind of childish sounding.

And also, Thanks DC for the long description relative to my question to the anti-christ. I havnt read it all yet, but i marked the page and will be reading it later tonight when i have a little bit more time.

At 1/13/05 09:53 PM, CapnJack wrote: I was hoping you'd do that.


That's fine. I've only started coming back to God more recently in my life, and I'm not going to lie, it's not any easier now than it was before. It's probably harder now. It feels good though, ...

I am glad to see that it feels good for you, if being faithful feels good, then it is probably right for you.

Most people find it hard... Most of us haven't witnessed an obvious miracle, which makes it hard to relate. Of course to believe in an onmipotent God means you have to beleive in the possibility of miracles, you can't really believe in one without the other.

Ya, it is hard. MAybe one day, somethign that is said or seen will help open my eyes.

My reasons for belief in God have less to do with what makes the most sense and more to do with what feels right.

And that i very much respect.

The biggest since Jesus time happened in 1917 in front of 70,000 people in Fatima Portugal. I'll give you some background history, from the limited bit I know. The Virgin Mary appeared to three kids a few times, and no one ...

I will try and search for some info, i am interested now.

The fact that you want to learn and make sure what the truth is shows that you have an open mind and heart to whatever is true.

I appreciate those words.

I personally believe that if you seek the truth and it's not given to you, then it's not your fault what happens next. Then again, what the heck do I know?

Alot more then me obviously, but that is why i am here. To learn.

I have no arguments with that, I only have arguments with the narrow-minded atheistic beleifs...

Well, i know, i am not athiest. : )

At least we agree, but let me give you something interesting to consider...

I fully agree with you on that point. Sin, obviously, has a negative effect on everyone. That is why i try my best to not sin.

I beleive that the things outlined by Jesus and the Prophets are only there to make our lives better, and not just because "God said so."

That is a really good way at looking at.

I thank you for your reply, alot of what you said over the past couple posts have been very enlightning. I have learnt alot in only a couple days.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-14 17:53:58

At 1/14/05 05:41 PM, Tal-con wrote:
At 1/13/05 09:03 PM, -Stigmata- wrote: Even Jesus cussed.
No he didn't

Yes He did.

Can i see a link?


Response to NG Church 2005-01-14 19:22:09

At 1/14/05 04:13 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:

You, sir, are kind and I am touched. We mostly get criticism for our beliefs on the BBS, so its nice to know that some people who don't necessarily believe in Christ are so respectful. Not that I don't understand why some people hate Christians... I've met Christians that blew my mind with their narrow-mindedness. Anyway, I'm beginning to ramble so it's time to stop.

At 1/14/05 05:41 PM, Tal-con wrote:

(<--This is NOT an acknowledgment of Buddha, i despise that religion, it's just sowing my point)

You despise Buddhism? Why? It's got some great life-techniques...

At 1/13/05 08:55 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: We have also had a chruch sponsered flash.
Can i see a link?

inevitability made it :-)

Response to NG Church 2005-01-14 19:30:22

At 1/14/05 07:22 PM, CapnJack wrote:
At 1/14/05 04:13 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:
You, sir, are kind and I am touched. We mostly get criticism for our beliefs on the BBS, so its nice to know that some people who don't necessarily believe in Christ are so respectful. Not that I don't understand why some people hate Christians... I've met Christians that blew my mind with their narrow-mindedness. Anyway, I'm beginning to ramble so it's time to stop.

I appreciate your kind words.
And i know what you mean... i have met christians you say one thing and do another. Hypocrits basically, kind of like the local prist i mentioned before.
However, christians like you, i have met, who are the oppisite and in some ways can be seen as model christians for other teens, like msyelf.
I just try and be myself... if i don't feel i am a christian or don't belive in christianity, then i am not going to let that narrow my views. I try and be open minded, and since i grew up in a catholic household... i am trying my best to find my place in christianity.
Now i too am rambling, so will stop. ^_^