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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2004-11-21 22:21:01

some where. can god really forgive me even after i puplicly depicted him as evil?

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-21 22:21:39

At 11/21/04 10:17 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: it was a while ago it was blammed off ng

Well if your truly sorry about it all you have to do is ask God to forgive you, and He will. You can do that with ever problem, except for the unforgiveable sin. But would it make you feel better if I gave you some kind of pennince?

Response to NG Church 2004-11-21 22:23:45


The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-21 22:23:50

At 11/21/04 10:21 PM, DivineCrusader wrote: Well if your truly sorry about it all you have to do is ask God to forgive you, and He will. You can do that with ever problem, except for the unforgiveable sin. But would it make you feel better if I gave you some kind of pennince?

and what are unforgiveble sins?If I may ask...

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2004-11-21 22:25:28

At 11/21/04 10:21 PM, DivineCrusader wrote: You can do that with ever problem, except for the unforgiveable sin.

and that unforgiveable sin would be... scuicide??

Response to NG Church 2004-11-21 22:25:43

At 11/21/04 10:23 PM, Joic wrote: and what are unforgiveble sins?If I may ask...

Of course. If you look on the previous page I did a sermon on it. Its the last two posts on the previous page and the first one on htis page.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-21 22:28:39

At 11/21/04 10:25 PM, -YO- wrote:
At 11/21/04 10:21 PM, DivineCrusader wrote: You can do that with ever problem, except for the unforgiveable sin.
and that unforgiveable sin would be... scuicide??

well actualy suicide is a sin that would get you to hell if you sucseed if you don't you can still ask for forgivness...

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2004-11-21 22:29:02

its scuicide, its the most selfish thing a person could do, to take your own life for an easy way out, without thinkin of the ppl who care for u and who would miss u.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-21 22:30:28

At 11/21/04 10:28 PM, Joic wrote: well actualy suicide is a sin that would get you to hell if you sucseed if you don't you can still ask for forgivness...

ahh ok. ill check up on what the real one is.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-21 22:32:42

At 11/21/04 10:25 PM, -YO- wrote: and that unforgiveable sin would be... scuicide??

You know, I'm not sure what God would do to someone who killed themself. I assume they will go to Hell. I'll ask some people on a purly Christian BBS for some advise.

its the most selfish thing a person could do, to take your own life for an easy way out, without thinkin of the ppl who care for u and who would miss u.

i totally agree with you on that

Response to NG Church 2004-11-21 22:33:00

At 11/21/04 10:29 PM, -YO- wrote: its scuicide, its the most selfish thing a person could do, to take your own life for an easy way out, without thinkin of the ppl who care for u and who would miss u.

suicide is harder then you think...actually it's the hardest way to take your life...if someone treathens you and says he'll comit suicide if you don't do this or that just tell him not to do it in your house cause he'll piss his pants.

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 01:18:05

Before I begin, I'd just like to apologize for not really being here, I've had a rough week. Anyway, I've replied to something almost every member here has said, so...

read the following, whoever you are

I don't want my replies to be posted in vain... lol. Thanks :-).

At 11/21/04 02:14 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: wat aboute tatus and piercings?

It depends, there are many aspects to look at. First of all, why do you want a Tattoo? To look cool? Are you undermining or insulting God's work? His creation isn't good enough for you? I'll address that in my sermon...

If you're doing it to profess your faith in the Lord, or to illustrate your love for something, or even to give yourself a certain signature, then I think it's probably acceptable.

At 11/21/04 05:41 PM, Paladin_X wrote: However, if you are not truly sorry for commiting those sins you most likely will go to Hell, or at least the evil part of you will.

What is this you are talking about? A supernatural separation of the soul? Sometimes I feel like I'm two people in one, but are you trying to tell me that part of someone - part of their spirit - can go to hell, while another part goes to Heaven? An incomplete angel? Explain please.

At 11/21/04 09:28 PM, DivineCrusader wrote: IV. AN UNFORGIVABLE SIN

Yeah, I agree, rejecting Jesus cannot be forgiven by God. Geting to Heaven without Jesus is like trying to swim to Europe from North America.

At 11/21/04 10:23 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: pennince?

To Christians, penance is often a prayer ritual to the Lord (such as 5 Hail Marys and 5 Our Fathers) to thank the Lord for forgiving you, and usually to make people feel like they tried to earn their forgiveness. I know that to Catholics it includes feeling sorry for their sins, confessing them to a priest, and accepting the punishment (penance) that the priest gives you, rather being punished in hell.

At 11/21/04 10:32 PM, DivineCrusader wrote: You know, I'm not sure what God would do to someone who killed themself. I assume they will go to Hell. I'll ask some people on a purly Christian BBS for some advise.

I believe that someone who committed suicide cannot be forgiven by God, because suicide is a rejection of the Lord... it's saying "I'm in a mess and I don't trust that You can get me out of this one".

There is an awesome movie, starring Robin Williams, called What Dreams May Come, that has a very interesting theory about suicide. Ever heard of the philosophy "I think, therefore I am."? This movie illustrated that when someone is commits suicide, they do think they do not exist because they ended their own life. If someone believes they do not exist, in a sense, they do not. So, the people who committed suicide were in one of the worst kinds of hell -- they did not know they existed. It's a cool theory and it made sense when I watched the movie.

At 11/21/04 10:33 PM, Joic wrote: suicide is harder then you think...actually it's the hardest way to take your life...

It may be difficult, but that does not change the fact that it is cowardly (an easy way out and selfish (there will be people who miss you).

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 01:20:33

Well. I guess it's a good idea for the Chrisitans on NG. I'm personally athiest but I'm not gonna bash you for it. I might even tune in every now and then.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 03:00:27

hey guys thought i'd check in... how ya'll doing? well anyways i guess i'll continue being a member whenever i find time have any questions and stuff ask me or DC c ya! ^^

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 03:24:38

Finally, my sermon is here! This sermon will attempt to explain the answer to the following question…

What do Hitler, the Pharisees, every racist or discriminative human being, “Patriotic Americans” (the Americans that believe their support and love must be confined to the United States) and that self-pitying friend of yours who is considering suicide, have in common?

PRIDE: The Seven Deadly Sins, Issue # 2.

What is pride?

One definition of pride is: a sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect. Now someone might think: HOW CAN RESPECTING MYSELF BY A SIN??? This is not the pride that is implied.

Pride is the rejection of God by believing yourself to be more important than others, or the desire to be more important to others. Jesus said to love everyone before yourself, but in being proud, you are only loving yourself and sometimes even hating others. Pride is actually considered the worst of all the deadly sins and it is very subtle in its execution; most of the time, you do not know you are being proud.

Why is this deadly?

In reality, is any one of us greater than another? There are people who are more skilled, but are we not all born the same way? Do we not all die the same way? Black or white, male or female, rich or poor, our worth is equal in the eyes of God. He created us in His image, yet none of us are nearly as powerful as Him, our power over everything is essentially equal to each other and lesser than God’s. Therefore, to put yourself above others is an insult to the Lord and a lie to yourself. This will surely create a barrier between you and God and risk your chances at eternal life. Its deadliness should be quite obvious at this point. Pride is dangerous particularly for this reason: you can be consumed in pride, yet deathly unaware.

How can I be unaware that I am proud?

Pride comes in many forms, so people often do not know they are being proud. Essentially, pride is putting too much importance on yourself. Pride was the first sin committed, when Lucifer (Satan) was banished to hell, because he wanted the power of the God.

What are these other forms of pride?

Taken from the booklet: “The Fatima Crusader, Issue 77, page 18”: “Understanding our forms of pride is extremely important for it helps map out the struggle that we should all be engaged in for the rest of our lives, the battle that is necessary for each of us to wage if we are going to serve God and save our souls”

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 03:26:04

The following information was obtained from the same issue of The Fatima Crusader. However, I have paraphrased and summarized it. There will be a mini-section for each of the forms of pride, with an explanation of the traits of those who are consumed by it. Do not be dismayed if you fall into one of these categories, pride is thought to be the root of all sin.

Some of the Many Forms of Pride

Pride of Self-centeredness:

We often brag and wish to be the center of attention. We are touchy – jokes or minor insults easily offend us. Often we seek to be praised or admired by others.

Pride of Independence:

We believe that our opinion and will is above all others. We refuse the advice or assistance of others, we resent the ideas of others that go against our own and we are often disobedient to those who have our best interest in their hearts.

Pride of Intellect:

We suffer from delusions to our own defects and choices. We attribute the good qualities of our mind to ourselves, rather than to God. We may defy faith in God, demonstrating that we think many before us were wrong and we know better.

Pride of Confidence:

We seek positions of honour by any means; however worthy others may be. Excessive confidence makes us overestimate our abilities or deny the abilities of others.

Pride of Vanity:

We imagine ourselves to be perfect and think our acts are always virtuous. We find a multitude of reasons to justify our faults or mistakes whenever do acknowledge them.

Pride of Naturalism:

We allow ourselves to act however we feel like acting: practicing no restraints on our behaviour or language, no respect or obedience. We act through our impulses, keeping the path to many sins open.

Pride of Cynicism:

We speak sarcastically and are cynical or judgemental, searching for the faults others. We are sometimes shocked by the faults of others, ignore our own, and we may ridicule those whom we have misjudged.

Pride of Prosperity:

Our pride may be centered in our wealth or success, our beauty or strength. We may even be proud that we have good morals or have done good works, meaning our reward will not come from God since we are searching for it here on earth. The pride of prosperity or supremacy may read to racism or discrimination – we may find ourselves better than others. (That reminds me of a sermon you did, DC, with the parable about the tax collector who asked for forgiveness while the proud Pharisee was busy loving and praising himself)

This pride is deceiving, because we often think that to pity ourselves, or even to hate ourselves, is not pride. Pride disguises itself in this form – we would be content with who we are if we loved God. When we have self-pity, we constantly feel sorry for ourselves and exaggerate our problems.

Pharisaic Pride:

We are boastful and criticize others. We are over-talkative – not giving the others the chance to speak. We often lie or contradict ourselves, being hypocritical like the Pharisees, We fulfil our duties without spirit and may find others inferior to us.

How can I combat pride?

The only remedy for pride is humility. We must follow the example Jesus gave us and pray that we may live a life that God wants us to

Philippians 2

8 And being found in appearance as a man,
- he humbled himself
- and became obedient to death--
- even death on a cross!
9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
- and gave him the name that is above every name,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
- in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
- to the glory of God the Father.

Sorry for the abrupt ending but I’m tired. I hope you found this sermon useful in some way.

God bless.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 09:07:06

which christian religion should i follow?

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 16:18:43

At 11/22/04 01:20 AM, Quebb wrote: Well. I guess it's a good idea for the Chrisitans on NG. I'm personally athiest but I'm not gonna bash you for it. I might even tune in every now and then.

Feel free to, we love nothing more than converting athiests. :)

hey guys thought i'd check in... how ya'll doing? well anyways i guess i'll continue being a member whenever i find time have any questions and stuff ask me or DC c ya! ^^

Glad to hear it, welcome back Decoy


A great sermon. I look foward to hearing next weeks. The seven deadly sins are a great topic

which christian religion should i follow?

Thats really up to you man. Just look at a couple and see which one you agree with the most.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 17:43:35

At 11/22/04 09:07 AM, corupthamster1 wrote: which christian religion should i follow?

you could be non denominational and just follow the basic new testament laws

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 18:03:06

i think i will kinda look around and make dicision

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 18:42:47

At 11/22/04 06:03 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: i think i will kinda look around and make dicision

This is just personal, but I'll tell you my favorite kind of church. I'm an Orthodox Episcopalian.

Orthodox- Very formal. Our church is formal indeed. And I, for one, wouldnt have it any other way.

We have huge stained glass windows, and one of those choirs that sing the hauntingly beautiful chants. Everyone wears their best clothes and the minister have white robes. I have always felt that a church should be formal.

Episcopalian- Closest Protistant group to Catholicism. The only differences are: We dont confess to a preist, we confess stright to God, we dont put a much importance on the Holy Virgen, we dont feel that you need a preist to interpet God for you, we dont do patron saint (though if we did I would pick St. Micheal). I think those are the only differences, but I may be wrong.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 18:51:39

ya i was forced to go to a baptist school and they have so many ruuullllesss alot of stupid ones like we cannot listen to music unless it is actually christian music and im a metal fan so my variety wasnt very wide. and we cant dance with the opposite sex until were married. i mean i just think peeple should have freedom and still be a christian so i like formal things.

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 22:17:24

At 11/22/04 06:51 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: like we cannot listen to music unless it is actually christian music

That is a pretty stupid rule

and im a metal fan so my variety wasnt very wide.

I bet

and we cant dance with the opposite sex until were married.

Thats beyond retarded

i mean i just think peeple should have freedom and still be a christian so i like formal things.

Formal means: Characterized by strict or meticulous observation of forms; Stiffly ceremonious

I think you have formal and informal mixed up. Informal means laxed rules.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 22:50:31

ya i had it mixed up but i think peeple should unno look nice and everything but unno some rules that i was forced to follow was just completely pointless.

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 22:54:54

At 11/22/04 04:18 PM, DivineCrusader wrote:
A great sermon. I look foward to hearing next weeks. The seven deadly sins are a great topic

Yeah, it's a great topic, but not an easy one... because I'm gonna have to start making it more interesting or else it will get really redundant. Many of the deadly sins are closely connected. For example, lust is a desire for physical pleasure and things (usually sexual), greed is a desire for material things, gluttony is a desire for food (Well basically...) and the rest are not that easy to find information on, especially when I start them past midnight :-S. In other words, if the quality begins to lack, tell me.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-22 22:57:58

At 11/22/04 01:18 AM, CapnJack wrote:
At 11/21/04 10:33 PM, Joic wrote: suicide is harder then you think...actually it's the hardest way to take your life...
It may be difficult, but that does not change the fact that it is cowardly (an easy way out and selfish (there will be people who miss you).

yes for some people, what if he/she is a junk or if he/she was raped...would it be cowarldly then?Do you think they care there parent or whoever will miss them?NO!If someone been trough some fucked up shit like mayor drug adiction or rape and they are so beaten up by it that they want to die...well then I don't think it's cowardly.

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2004-11-23 02:55:50

At 11/22/04 10:57 PM, Joic wrote: Do you think they care there parent or whoever will miss them?NO!

This does not change the fact that it is selfish. If you don't care about other people, that makes you even more selfish.

If someone been trough some fucked up shit like mayor drug adiction or rape and they are so beaten up by it that they want to die...well then I don't think it's cowardly.

Oh no? So then what is cowardly? Going through rehab and working hard to overcome the difficulties you've faced in your life? Striving to become as best as you can even though you had horrible things happen to you? If anything, that's what I call bravery and strength! Generally speaking, someone will commit suicide because they are too weak to face the challenges in their life. We are each given what we can handle, and there are those who have been through worse. Did Jesus give up and let himself die when He was carrying the cross, even after being brutally beaten and made fun of? I'm sure almost everyone here has seen the Passion of the Christ, and that's the perfect example of how we should strive to be. Slow to anger, and willing to carry our own crosses, no matter how heavy they may be.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-23 09:19:46

At 11/22/04 10:50 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: ya i had it mixed up but i think peeple should unno look nice and everything but unno some rules that i was forced to follow was just completely pointless.

I dont htink that a pweson who forced into a religion will have any desire to follow it. The same goes for people who has too many stupid rules. Forced religion stinks in the nose of God

Remember, you dont need anyones permission to change what kind of Christain you are. My advise would be to look for a church you like. Then once you have found it go talk to the minister. Ask him about the church, you'll be able to tell if its the one for you.

Response to NG Church 2004-11-23 09:24:28

ok think for a minete youve been raped you have a major drug adiction you cant afford a house you havnt eaten in 5 days wouldnt you rather die then let yourself die painfully. i know that if i was in that situation i wouldnt think twice aboute blowing my brains out.

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2004-11-23 09:37:18

ok i will do that.

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature