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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-12 02:12:31

well im back, i sorta took a vacation off of newgrounds for a few days, and i wouldn't say we have arguements, i would rather call them disscussions, because thats what they are.

as for this whole god power thing, i agree with guitardude God is THE power, there is nothing more powerful because He is the most powerful,thats like adding infinity + 1, you can't because infinity is and infinite amount, like God is and infinite amount of power, He can't make something bigger because His power is stronger than anything he creates.

so it's good to back, and to see fresh posts

You're so pretty, like a tree, or a high-class prostitute.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-12 03:24:35

At 7/12/05 02:12 AM, oc_fuzzy wrote: well im back, i sorta took a vacation off of newgrounds for a few days,

I don't blame you. I need a break to sometimes

as for this whole god power thing, i agree with guitardude God is THE power, there is nothing more powerful because He is the most powerful,thats like adding infinity + 1, you can't because infinity is and infinite amount, like God is and infinite amount of power, He can't make something bigger because His power is stronger than anything he creates.

It's good to see somone who understands. For a moment it seemed like nobody understood.

so it's good to back, and to see fresh posts

sure, be sure to post now and then.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-12 04:16:04

Thanks Guitardude for reminding me, i almost forgot about this thread, i've been busy with many things, *but still go to church* but i still need to continue to come here to restrengthen my relationship with God...

A Girl in A Room Halloween Collaboration II -Join Now!-

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-14 16:24:51

At 6/29/05 04:37 PM, DivineJoic wrote:

but doesn't the bible teach to love your fello man...and what about jezus I mean, the man is a queer, I mean, he's being chased by 12 men...and cristianity is pure racesisme, I mean, where there any black apostels?now huh?And isn't our new pope a nazi?I tell you, it's the third reich all over again.

Actually you are mixing up your words and clearly don't know what you are talking about. God loves everyone. God loves gays and homosexuals. He loves the PERSON WHO is a homosexual he hates the abomination which IS Homosexuality.

Animator for hire. Check out the stuff I have on the portal and the forums. If you like something, send me a message.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-14 22:08:19

wow what a religish fag.fuck heaven fuck hell

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-15 20:13:45


I need a bible quote stating how people must be punished for their sins, no matter what.

Does anyone know of one?

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-16 21:31:57

At 7/15/05 08:13 PM, Shadow_Xll wrote: Hi.

I need a bible quote stating how people must be punished for their sins, no matter what.

Does anyone know of one?

It has stuff relating to it.

Jesus said if you love me. you MUST follow ALL of my commands. And wages of sin is death.

This means, if you aren't following all of Jesus's commands then that means you are doing some type of sin one way or the other. And the Wages of sin is death.

Animator for hire. Check out the stuff I have on the portal and the forums. If you like something, send me a message.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-16 23:00:25

For all that dont believe me just try to look at it from my point of view... All i'm saying is that if there is a God (casue i dont believe there is a god) he wouldn't ever make a being more powerfull than himself, but i just wonder how couldnt he make one? I do think its possible but I dont think god ever would...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-17 02:26:19

can i join??

Twinlocks: Chapter One is up. check my blog.


Response to NG Church 2005-07-17 02:28:09

At 7/15/05 08:13 PM, Shadow_Xll wrote: Hi.

I need a bible quote stating how people must be punished for their sins, no matter what.

Does anyone know of one?

"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god" - romans somewhere....

Twinlocks: Chapter One is up. check my blog.


Response to NG Church 2005-07-17 02:29:21

At 7/17/05 02:28 AM, demonsoldier1 wrote:
At 7/15/05 08:13 PM, Shadow_Xll wrote: Hi.

I need a bible quote stating how people must be punished for their sins, no matter what.

Does anyone know of one?
"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god" - romans somewhere....

wait i missunderstood


Twinlocks: Chapter One is up. check my blog.


Response to NG Church 2005-07-17 02:34:21

At 7/16/05 09:31 PM, Xcyper33 wrote:
At 7/15/05 08:13 PM, Shadow_Xll wrote: I need a bible quote stating how people must be punished for their sins, no matter what. Does anyone know of one?
Jesus said if you love me. you MUST follow ALL of my commands. And wages of sin is death.

Ummm... I don't intend for this to be taken in a religious way. I'm just here for the drugs.

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Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-17 05:04:29

Well I'm back from being banned. I see a little has hapenned here.

At 7/15/05 08:13 PM, Shadow_Xll wrote: Hi.

I need a bible quote stating how people must be punished for their sins, no matter what.

Does anyone know of one?

May I ask what you need it for?

At 7/17/05 02:34 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Ummm... I don't intend for this to be taken in a religious way. I'm just here for the drugs.

enjoy whatever you can find in this club.

At 7/17/05 03:53 AM, Loco-Evil-Dabdoub wrote: NewGrounds is not a place for you people. NG is for people who loves:
(list of stupid things)

Who's to say this place isnt for us people? You? The fact that I belive and worship God means I cant visit Newgrounds? I admit there is alot of bad things on this site but It's not like I have to be a part of all of it just because I go to this site. A newgrounder has to Love everypart of what you said this site has? does that mean Because I'm American I have to love every single thing that America contains? I think not. I like part of Newgrounds, But I also hate some of the bullcrap on here.

If you are so religious join a real church

I DO go to a real church, The NG church is just a name for this club. This club is for all those that happen to Belive and love God's ways to come to and talk about it. Not in anyway is this a replacement for a real church.

I consider myself a good christian as I born with that religion (you can also considered me an agnostic, because I don´t beleive Jesus is god), but I don´t follow that blasphemous book "the bible"

So are you telling me that you call yourself christian. But don't even folow his commandments? Calling the Bible blasphemous, along with all the other nonsense you spoke, is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard a so called "Beliver of God" say.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-17 09:13:45

At 7/17/05 02:34 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Ummm... I don't intend for this to be taken in a religious way. I'm just here for the drugs.

HAHAHAHAHA... That really made my day...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-17 10:09:19

At 7/17/05 03:53 AM, Loco-Evil-Dabdoub wrote:
If you are so religious join a real church. I consider myself a good christian as I born with that religion

Just because you been to church doesn't consider you a good christian. Their drug dealers who go to church.

(you can also considered me an agnostic, because I don´t beleive Jesus is god

If you don't beleive this then how do you consider yourself a christian? a "good" one at that?

), but I don´t follow that blasphemous book "the bible" (it´s full of lies, that have been changing-updating since the beggining when a bunch of money-power seaking leaches called "apostles" got the idea to make an empire to kick the ass of romans and brainwash simple minds).

I'm sure you didn't know this but historians actually found the dead sea scrolls tjat dated back in the biblical times. The scrolls are actually identical to the bible of today. That rules this statement wrong. Sure they might have changed some things. But not enough to render the bible a lie.

If you beleive the genesis is a clever and original myth, the read the "Enuma Elish" which is more ancient than the first, then compare.

It doesn't matter what you say. in the end, god is still god. You shouldn't care how hee created the earth you should care about doing his works and growing in faith. I beleive god created the earth exactly how genesis was discribed.

Of course I could give more examples, but I´m tired and I don´t want to teach you, you must learn by your own means: you all need to awake ("all" is for those who beleive without questioning).

We don't want your teaching considering the fact that you don't even beleive in the faith and you consider yourself a "good" christian.

Animator for hire. Check out the stuff I have on the portal and the forums. If you like something, send me a message.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-19 12:11:01

Hey dudes, I'm not religeous myself but I just have a few questions, because I belive there is something, if only a spirit in all of us. I just want you to know that at many times this may sound like i'm taking the complete piss. I'm not, i have nothing agaisnst people having their own views.
1) What do you guys think on the whole gay marridge thing? Should it be allowed?
2) What do people look like in heaven (I mean has anyone like Saint Peter or Jesus ever hinted) and what do you think they look like.
3) Is this a Catholic church or the one which we call Church of England over here (I don't know what americans call it)?
4) What do you think about other religeons and will belivers of other religeons go to hell?
Just wondered.

Response to NG Church 2005-07-20 00:58:16

1. No. It specifically says in the book we base our religious beliefs on, that its wrong. Some of you might say (and have said) "but everyone should be treated equal" or "but God loves everyone"..well thats true..and that has nothing to do with what I said :)

2. lol. do you really think we know that?

3. This is a non-denominational church..which means its not only one kind. in other words, no its not.

4. I actually dont know. We could be right, we could be wrong. We just go buy what we believe.

Response to NG Church 2005-07-20 15:18:29

At 7/20/05 12:58 AM, Draciel56 wrote: 1. No. It specifically says in the book we base our religious beliefs on, that its wrong. Some of you might say (and have said) "but everyone should be treated equal" or "but God loves everyone"..well thats true..and that has nothing to do with what I said :)

ok, i guess everyone has different opinions

2. lol. do you really think we know that?

he he, ok i guess it was kind of a hard question

3. This is a non-denominational church..which means its not only one kind. in other words, no its not.

Cool! Good for you

4. I actually dont know. We could be right, we could be wrong. We just go buy what we believe.

Once again i have been shown that the religeous people on NG are kind and see both sides of the argument. Thanks loads guys!

Response to NG Church 2005-07-21 01:55:44

hey clusterfuck if you event think that any one of these people in this chat it not gonna burn in hell ure sadly mistaken god has verry high standerds. your not going to heaven. and im a ss member so dont tell me where im going i know good and well.

NG Church

Response to NG Church 2005-07-21 02:07:46

At 7/21/05 01:55 AM, DirtyHistory wrote: hey clusterfuck if you event think that any one of these people in this chat it not gonna burn in hell ure sadly mistaken god has verry high standerds. your not going to heaven. and im a ss member so dont tell me where im going i know good and well.

you're lucky God dosn't judge on grammer and spelling. But I do. So if you're goinga post in this thread, check your grammer and spelling, get your post count up, maybe get some exp. points and then you may open your mouth.

But enough about that. I know God has high standerds but that dosn't mean I should give up and not even try. If all I do in my life is worship God and work for him then I think I could die more confident and happy then if I didn't try at all. None of us here ever stated that we were sure we will go to heaven. But the fact that we actually belive in him and love him puts us ahead of thousands of other people out there. (not that I'm trying to make myself seem better than anyone.)

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-21 08:19:38

Ok sorry to go back to the question but i think i may have an answer people might understand more than my last one...

Could god create a being just as powerful as himself? Maybe just a tiny bit less powerful... Ok so i'm standing in your shoes right now... God cannot create a being more powerful than him... Neither can humans... But wouldnt it be possible to create a being just as powerful or almost as powerful (im pretty sure thats a yes)? I forgot how i worded this but basically wouldnt it be possible for that being overtime to become more powerful? That being could gain knowledge and at least become as powerful... I know this is pretty crappy wording so i'm gonna think it over while im working and figure out a better way to say that (maybe you can understand where i'm coming from)...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-07-21 17:49:17

At 7/21/05 08:19 AM, Religiously_Rude wrote: Ok sorry to go back to the question but i think i may have an answer people might understand more than my last one...

Damn man we already answered your question. Check this page and the one before because I'm too lazy to explain it again.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-21 20:30:59

hello i though if i could join. i am a roman catholic that goes to a catholic school, who knows alot about my relgion, islam, judaism, pagan relgions and cults like scientology. so is it okay for me to join.

Between the idea And the reality

Between the motion And the act, Falls the Shadow

An argument in Logic

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-21 23:46:00

At 7/21/05 05:49 PM, Guitardude91304 wrote: Damn man we already answered your question. Check this page and the one before because I'm too lazy to explain it again.

I know you did but i'm frusterated because i truely believe if there was a god it would be possible... I'm going to try one more explination the best one i have...

I think god has already created something more powerful than himself... Humans... Think about it, we basically have no rules and "he" gave us free will... He cant control everything we do... He cant like "tell" us or "make" us do his bidding, do good or bad... Does that make sense?

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-07-22 02:24:40

Thought you guys might want to know that they just scientifically proved prayer to have no effect, kthxbai

Response to NG Church 2005-07-22 03:16:16

At 7/22/05 02:24 AM, Blam_Master wrote: Thought you guys might want to know that they just scientifically proved prayer to have no effect, kthxbai

Ack! Does that mean there's no Heaven or Hell too?

I knew it. * sniff * We're just one step away from a worm feast.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-22 09:15:27

so can i join this club

Response to NG Church 2005-07-22 12:48:05

At 7/22/05 03:16 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Ack! Does that mean there's no Heaven or Hell too?

How could there be a hell? I mean doesnt god forgive everyone? I mean saying that he sent the devil (well at the time an angel) to hell completely goes against what is said about god in the bible and how he forgives everyone...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-07-22 19:45:47

At 7/21/05 08:30 PM, fenrus1989 wrote: so is it okay for me to join?

Sure thing man.

At 7/22/05 09:15 AM, Dj_MoNeY wrote: so can i join this club

As long as you talk about thing's reating to God (in a good way) and act mature in this club you can.

At 7/21/05 11:46 PM, Religiously_Rude wrote: I think god has already created something more powerful than himself... Humans... Think about it, we basically have no rules and "he" gave us free will... He cant control everything we do... He cant like "tell" us or "make" us do his bidding, do good or bad...
Does that make sense?


Some people just don't get it. Free will is a gift. He very well can control us if he wanted to but If he contoled every one of our actions than We would basically be a bunch of robots that honerd God Only because we had to. But the way God set it up, He can see who truly does love and worship him from his or her own choice.

You can't be serious beliving we are more powerful than God. He created us and he can damn well destroy us in a blink of an eye.

At 7/22/05 12:48 PM, Religiously_Rude wrote: How could there be a hell? I mean doesnt god forgive everyone? I mean saying that he sent the devil (well at the time an angel) to hell completely goes against what is said about god in the bible and how he forgives everyone..

NOT ONCE does the bible say that it forgives everyone. God forgives those that truly regret the sin they have done. And of course you have to follow his commandments.II mean, eriously though do you really expect God to forgive Serial kilers, rapists, and child molesters that don't have any remorse?

think logicly before you come up with these theorys again.

[Wii Together] [Teh Space]

Alb [4210-3652-1542] <<-Brawl Code. PM me

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Response to NG Church 2005-07-22 20:09:07

all of you people know the seven deadly sins right. lust, gluttony, wrath, avarcice, pride, envy, and sloth. why is it nowadays that it is so common to see these when these are the worst sins that can be done for man. it is common nowadays to see men and women have affairs and lust after one another. gluttony speaks for itself. obesity has gone up. wrath, look at all the violence, hate and murder going around. don't get me started on avarcice. our whole economy is based on it. pride, the root of all sins. envy, everyone envies what they cannot have instead of being satisfied wiht what they got. sloth, who have to see the people to know how lazy we are.

sorry for this whole thing but i just watched se7en and it brought up good points.

Between the idea And the reality

Between the motion And the act, Falls the Shadow

An argument in Logic

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